Thunder magic damage/one enemy
Thundaga is an attack magic spell in Final Fantasy VIII. It is the highest level Thunder-elemental spell above Thunder and Thundara, allowing it to be junctioned to absorb or deal Lightning damage in battle, or cast as a spell to deal major damage.
Thundaga is initially hard to come by, and is easiest to obtain by refining from certain items using the Guardian Force Quezacotl's ability T Mag-RF. When the party is above level 30, Thundaga replaces Thundara as a common spell drawn from many high-level enemies. The player can get this spell early by playing Triple Triad and amassing Dynamo Stones from Blitz cards that can be refined into Thundaga.
Additionally, the Guardian Force Alexander gives the High Mag-RF ability to refine five Thundara spells to one Thundaga.
Thundaga has a spell power of 35 when cast, meaning its damage is calculated as:
It is cast as a spell in the Magic command, Selphie's Slot Limit Break, or Rinoa's Angel Wing if she has it in her inventory.
Casting Thundaga in battle increases compatibility with Quezacotl by 2.4, but lowers compatibility with Leviathan by 0.8.

Making Thundaga from Dynamo Stones.
Thundaga is initially a useful spell to junction to boost Strength or HP, especially if acquired early by refining, but can be outclassed by greater spells in this regard. Its main use is to junction to Elem-Atk-J and Elem-Def-J, as it can significantly increase damage against enemies weak to Thunder, or absorb Thunder damage respectively.
Thundaga is used against the party by the following enemies: Bahamut, Behemoth, Belhelmel, Blitz, Buel, Catoblepas, Cerberus (uses it with Triple), Chimera, Creeps, Edea (1st), GIM52A, Imp, Jelleye, Lefty, Propagator, Sorceress (B), Sphinxaur, and the final boss's first form. Thundaga can be reflected, an especially good strategy against Edea.
Blitz has a special variant of Thundaga, which cannot be reflected and assigns a special flag. Blitz only uses it on itself and it causes it to become charged.