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Sleep is a status in Final Fantasy VIII. Sleep temporarily prevents the afflicted from acting. Regardless, Evasion is not reduced, so it is possible to avoid attacks while sleeping. While induced with Sleep, the effects and durations of other statuses are paused. The afflicted unit leans over with Z's floating above their head.

Some bosses and enemies, especially in the earlier portions of the game, are vulnerable to Sleep. By using this status effect with ST-ATK-J, players may exploit this weakness by casting spells on the afflicted, taking little to no damage throughout the battle.

The effect lasts approximately 13.3 seconds, and will end if a target is struck physically, whether it hits or not.


Limit Breaks Bad Breath (Blue Magic), Dark Shot (Shot)
Spell Sleep
Summon Doomtrain


Spell Rating Status Effects
Sleep 100% Sleep

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Bad Breath Inflicts Darkness, Confuse, Berserk, Poison, Sleep, Silence, Curse, Petrifying, and Slow on the entire party. Can be learned as a Blue Magic. Malboro
Gas Inflicts non-elemental magic damage and Sleep to the party. Used as a counter. Death Claw
Hypnotize Inflicts Sleep to one target. Gayla
Sleep Inflicts Sleep to one target. Belhelmel, Blood Soul, Elastoid, Forbidden, Funguar, Gerogero, Guard, Ochu, Sphinxara
Sleeping Gas Inflicts non-elemental damage and Sleep to one target. Used as a counter. Grat
Ultrasonic Wave Inflicts non-elemental magic damage and Sleep to one target. Red Bat (Lv1–19)


Support ability Ribbon
Status Invincible

One trick against Gayla's Hypnotize is to use R1 and L1 to initiate escape animation during Hypnotize to avoid being inflicted.


Spell Rating Status Effects
Esuna 20% Poison, Petrify, Petrifying, Darkness, Silence, Berserk, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Curse, Confuse
Reflect 25% Poison, Petrify, Petrifying, Darkness, Silence, Berserk, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Confuse
Holy 40% Death, Poison, Berserk, Zombie, Sleep, Curse, Confuse, Drain
Sleep 100% Sleep


Ability Treatment
Item Elixir, Megalixir, Remedy, Remedy+
Limit Full-cure
Mechanics Physical attacks
Spell Esuna


20% Abyss Worm, Armadodo, Base Leader, Base Soldier, Bite Bug, Blitz, Blood Soul, Bomb, Buel, Cactuar, Caterchipillar, Cockatrice, Creeps, Death Claw, Esthar Soldier, G-Soldier, Gesper, Grand Mantis, Grendel, Guard, Iron Giant, Jelleye, Oilboyle, Red Bat, Slapper, Snow Lion, Torama, Tri-Face, Turtapod, Wendigo, Edea (2nd), Propagator, Sorceress (A), Sorceress (B)
30% Forbidden, Grat
40% Fujin (1st), Raijin (1st/2nd)
50% T-Rexaur, Fujin, Raijin (2nd)
60% Anacondaur, Behemoth, GIM47N
65% Elite Soldier
80% Elnoyle, Ruby Dragon
99% Seifer (All but last)
Immune Adamantoise, Belhelmel, Blue Dragon, Chimera, Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Elastoid, Fastitocalon, Fastitocalon-F, Funguar, Gayla, Hexadragon, Imp, Lefty, Malboro, Mesmerize, Ochu, PuPu, Raldo, Righty, SAM08G, Tonberry, UFO?, Vysage, All bosses except Edea (2nd), Fujin, Propagator, Raijin, Seifer (All but last), Sorceress (A), and Sorceress (B)


Sleep is good against T-Rexaurs, especially in the early game; the player can get Sleeps from Grats in the Training Center. When the T-Rexaur is sleeping, the player can then use Blizzard spells and Shiva against it without it waking.

Sleep is also good against Ruby Dragon, who has high resistance to infliction. The player can use Irvine's Dark Shot to make sure it sticks, and Shot also does not awake sleepers. The player can use Demi against the sleeping Ruby Dragon to not wake it.

Sleep works against Fujin and Raijin.
