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The Weston water treatment plant terminal entries are entries found on various terminals in and around the Weston water treatment plant in Fallout 4.

Facilities terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located in an office niche, overlooking the supply room.


Welcome to Weston WaterLINC
Facilities Office - Mr. Theodore Marks

Memo: Weston Media Event[]


To: All Employees
Re: Weston WELLness Media Event, 10/26

As a reminder, members of the local and national media will be touring the facility on Tuesday, 10/26, as part of the Weston WELLness press initiative. Employees are expected to be polite, courteous, and discreet at all times. All questions, especially those pertaining to the recent cholera outbreak, are to be directed to the nearest Weston Public Relations Officer.

Cartons of Weston Water will be distributed. Encourage the press to Taste Perfection(TM).

Expect double shifts on Wednesday to make up for lost productivity. --Saul

Facilities Log[]


Please select a log file to view:




Finished waterproofing upgrades to the turret defense system. Initial tests seem promising-- the new sensors should shut them down if the place gets flooded out again. I'll just be grateful if they don't short out every other week.




Well, they work. Emmis was cleaning the sedimentation tank and forgot to close the intake valve again. Big gusher. Turret 4 snapped shut before it took any damage, then popped back out as soon as they got the valve closed. Good as new. Too bad about Emmis, though.




Routine maintenance on the flood control pumps. Not that they needed it. Central may have skimped on everything else, but those things will last forever.




Saul's throwing some kind of press junket on Tuesday. Whole staff will be working overtime Monday to tidy up. Told them I needed the day to reprogram the turret system so it didn't shoot the guests. Ten minutes on that, and I can spend the rest of the day doing something more productive. Red Menace?

> Turret Control[]


Accessing Turret Functions...

Standardized Turret Control Firmware v8.13
ADMIN: Turret Defense System

Please exercise caution around turret. Users should always assume that turrets are loaded and capable of live-fire.

Please choose an option:






Shutting Down

About your Defense System[]


Loading Terms of Usage...

Turret operation should be limited to trained professionals only.

Consumer commands are limited to activation/deactivation of the turret(s) hardlined to this terminal. For all other operations, please refer to a licensed technician.

Any tampering will void warranty and indemnify the manufacturer against potential injury and/or death caused by users or passers-by.

System Diagnostics[]


System Diagnostics: 10 Turrets Linked
Node | Condition | Status | Distance
0% Offline,ERROR, 13.36m
0% Offline,ERROR, 10.17m
0% Offline,ERROR, 23.17m
0% Offline,ERROR, 64.35m
0% Offline,ERROR, 72.44m
0% Offline,ERROR, 71.71m
0% Offline,ERROR, 72.62m

Flood control station[]

Note: This blue console terminal is located downstairs from the upper office area, overlooking the main pump control room. The pump control switch is nearby.


Welcome to Weston WaterLINC
Flood Control Station #1

System Diagnostics[]


Main Power: OFF
Secondary Power Supplies: 27%
Security System: ACTIVE

Main Pump: **ERR17** - 3% Capacity
Flood Control Pumps Active: 4/4
Flood Control Pump #1: ACTIVE
Flood Control Pump #2: ACTIVE
Flood Control Pump #3: ACTIVE
Flood Control Pump #4: ACTIVE

Operating Instructions[]


Mark-VI Industrial Flood Control System
Operating Instructions

This facility has been equipped with [4] Mark-VI Emergency Flood Control Pumps. This fully-automated water removal solution should keep your facility secure and dry for decades to come.

In the unlikely event of a major flooding incident, a Mark-VI pump that has been fully submerged in water may stall. To restart the pump, use the automated software on this terminal, or locate the Pump Control Switch near the pump and flip the breaker. This will activate a secondary motor, which should clear the jam and return the pump to normal operation.

Front office terminal[]

Note: This terminal is located at the receptionist's desk just after entering through the front door.


Welcome to Weston WaterLINC
Front Office

Memo: Weston Media Event[]


To: All Employees
Re: Weston WELLness Media Event, 10/26

As a reminder, members of the local and national media will be touring the facility on Tuesday, 10/26, as part of the Weston WELLness press initiative. Employees are expected to be polite, courteous, and discreet at all times. All questions, especially those pertaining to the recent cholera outbreak, are to be directed to the nearest Weston Public Relations Officer.

Cartons of Weston Water will be distributed. Encourage the press to Taste Perfection(TM).

Expect double shifts on Wednesday to make up for lost productivity. --Saul

Office Supply Order[]

Note: Accessing this entry will mark Warwick homestead on the map, if it has not yet been discovered.


Office Supply Order
Week of 10/17

1 Box
Weston WELLness Stationary

3 Cartons (60)
Weston Embossed SouvenierIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Pens

2 Boxes
Business Cards (Mr. Arenson, Mr. Marks)

50 Gallons
Nut Island Drinking Water

1 Crate (400)
Weston Water Cartons, Empty

Disengage Lock[]


Accessing Safe Functions...

...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Disable..

Engage Lock[]


Accessing Safe Functions...

...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Enable...

> Spotlight Control[]


Standardized Spotlight Control BIOS

Please choose an option:

Activate Light(s)[]


Spotlight(s) activated...

Deactivate Light(s):[]


Spotlight(s) shutting down...

System Diagnostics[]


System Diagostics: 1 Spotlights Linked
Node | Condition | Status | Distance
Spotlight Online/Offline,No Intruder Detected, 25.22m

Grounds terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the plant's roof. It has a Novice lock.


Welcome to Weston WaterLINC
Grounds Office

Memo: Weston Media Event[]


To: All Employees
Re: Weston WELLness Media Event, 10/26

As a reminder, members of the local and national media will be touring the facility on Tuesday, 10/26, as part of the Weston WELLness press initiative. Employees are expected to be polite, courteous, and discreet at all times. All questions, especially those pertaining to the recent cholera outbreak, are to be directed to the nearest Weston Public Relations Officer.

Cartons of Weston Water will be distributed. Encourage the press to Taste Perfection(TM).

Expect double shifts on Wednesday to make up for lost productivity. --Saul

> Safe Control[]


Safe Lock Mechanism Status: LOCKED/UNLOCKED

Accessing Safe Functions...

Disengage Lock[]


...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Disable..

Accessing Safe Functions...

Engage Lock[]


...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Enable...

Accessing Safe Functions...

> Spotlight Control[]


Standardized Spotlight Control BIOS

Please choose an option:

(De)activate Light(s)[]


Spotlight(s) activated../shutting down..

System Diagnostics[]


System Diagnostics: 1 Spotlights Linked
Node | Condition | Status | Distance
Spotlight Online/Offline, No Intruder Detected, 25.22m

Manager's terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located in an office to the left after exiting the elevator to the upper level.


Welcome to Weston WaterLINC
Operations Manager - Mr. Saul Arenson

Memo: Weston Media Event[]


To: All Employees
Re: Weston WELLness Media Event, 10/26

As a reminder, members of the local and national media will be touring the facility on Tuesday, 10/26, as part of the Weston WELLness press initiative. Employees are expected to be polite, courteous, and discreet at all times. All questions, especially those pertaining to the recent cholera outbreak, are to be directed to the nearest Weston Public Relations Officer.

Cartons of Weston Water will be distributed. Encourage the press to Taste Perfection(TM).

Expect double shifts on Wednesday to make up for lost productivity.

Memo: Operating Budget[]


To: Senior Staff
Re: Operating Budget

The second quarter saw record losses in our Massachusetts Regional division. High operating costs and a difficult regulatory environment have led to some of the worst business conditions in recent years. Innovative solutions are urgently needed if we are to remain the market leader in civic and municipal utility services.

Management would like to commend the work of Mr. Saul Arenson, Weston Operations Manager, for his bold experiments in wasterwaterIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar recycling. We feel confident that the risks to public health are minimal, and the reduction in treatment costs will have a significant impact on our fiscal outlook.
