The Vault 88 terminal entries are entries found on terminals within Vault 88 in the Fallout 4 add-on Vault-Tec Workshop.
Security terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Lift security lockdown[]
*Lockdown lifted* Security doors opened.
Security Logs[]
October 23, 2077[]
October 22, 2077[]
Barstow's coming tomorrow. Another dog and pony show. Entrance is finally properly done. So if she brings VIPs, as long as they stick to that section, it'll feel like a real Vault.
Turns out the construction boys aren't so bad. Been having a friendly poker game. From the way things are going, they're going to be here a good long while yet. Got invited to some Halloween party. God knows we could use a little excitement around here.
August 29, 2077[]
Finally got a real security system. I know the entrance is window dressing, but if Barstow keeps bringing the top brass around it's my ass if something goes wrong.
The construction crew keeps griping about the new security measures. They can complain all they like.
Terminal (self-build)[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Choose experimental parameters:
Additional power production[]
R&D Lead Notes[]
By administering electric shocks when the subject's rotations per minute dips below acceptable levels, the amount of power generated can be increased.
Voltage decreased by 50% after several failed experiments (see "Autopsy 130-K" and "130-L").
Note: keep a fire extinguisher nearby just in case.
Accept parameters[]
>Power Cycle Experiment[]
Experimental control module: PRIMED
Choose other parameters[]
Sustained usage incentives[]
R&D Lead Notes[]
Over the many trials, we found that some test subjects would present physical resistance to Power Cycle testing. Using coercive or psychological force to maintain the Power Cycle could prove problematic in Vaults with minimal security personnel. By discreetly injecting small dosages of Buffout, not only will the test subject pedal longer and faster - but potentially they'll associate the narcotic effects with the activity.
Only tested this once in the lab. After 43 hours of continuous pedaling the test subject experienced a cardiac arrest. Recommend lowering the dosage for the full trial.
Accept parameters[]
>Power Cycle Experiment[]
Experimental control module: PRIMED
Choose other parameters[]
Environmental enchancer[]
R&D Lead Notes[]
Doctor Riley's team took a very different direrction in their trials, despite objections. They posited that if the Power Cycle 1000 was associated with natural positive feedback that productivity would be enhanced.
Using strong aromatic essential oils (e.g. lavender and sweet orange) the Power Cycle prototype elicited a strong initial impression. A sub-audible soundtrack of gentle waves lapping on a beach were added. The power production of this experiment was a dismal failure.
NOTE: I don't think Ted is working out, Doctor Braun.
Accept parameters[]
>Power Cycle Experiment[]
Experimental control module: PRIMED
Choose other parameters[]
Notes from Dr. Braun[]
The Power Cycle 1000 is already successful. Wasteful exercise turned into clean power. But I task your R&D team to reach even further. How can we further refine this product? Are there opportunities to further other goals of Vault-Tec?
Terminal (self-build)[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Choose experimental parameters:
Appetite Suppressant[]
Lock in APPETITE SUPPRESSANT parameters?
R&D Lead Notes[]
We've achieved remarkable progress in synthesizing a lipstatin derivative. True, the side effects are more pronounced - but the efficiency is remarkable. Test subjects over the trial period lost 10% BMI. There has been an unfortunate loss of productivity among the subjects (one complete loss from a fatality, and two who refuse to get out of bed). But the others are consuming a quarter or less of a standard ration.
Assuming the kinks can be worked out, it could mean tremendously less resources to feed a full Vault.
Accept parameters[]
>Soda Fountain Experiment[]
Experimental control module: PRIMED
Parameter selected: APPETITE SUPPRESSANT
Choose other parameters[]
Mood Enhancer[]
Lock in MOOD ENHANCER parameters?
R&D Lead Notes[]
Hallucigen provided uswith a small sample of the final product, and it is quite exciting. They've made an extremely psychoactive compound that's soluble in water. It creates short term euphoria and in some cases mild hallucinations.
Surprisingly, subjects suffered no withdrawal symptoms (though a substantial predilection to depression after the "crash"). In a first for our team, absolutely no fatalities. The worst side effect is Subject 13 who has been staring at his hand for 13 hours straight. Fascinating.
Note: We're trying to do something about the color. And the taste.
Accept parameters[]
>Soda Fountain Experiment[]
Experimental control module: PRIMED
Parameter selected: MOOD ENHANCER
Choose other parameters[]
Generic Caffeination[]
Lock in GENERIC CAFFEINATION parameters?
R&D Lead Notes[]
I'm just about to give up on Ted. If you parse out his team's elaborate presentation the active ingredient of Supplement Zed is just... caffeine. Plain, ordinary caffeine.
Unsurprisingly, the test subjects suffered no deleterious effects. Ted's team spend an inordinate amount of time balancing flavor and carbonation. They actually did focus testing against Nuka Cola to "enhance" its appeal!
I must admit, it's refreshing. God, I hate Ted.
Accept parameters[]
>Soda Fountain Experiment[]
Experimental control module: PRIMED
Parameter selected: GENERIC CAFFEINATION
Choose other parameters[]
Notes from Dr. Braun[]
After the initial stockpile of food and drink are depleted, Vault residents will become accustomed to anything new we give them. This gives us the intriguing possibility of adding chemical supplements to their diet with them being none the wiser. After much focus testing, we've settled on the Soda Fountain.
The only limit here is our chemical ingenuity. Make Vault-Tec proud.
Terminal (self-build)[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Choose experimental parameters:
Subliminal messages[]
Lock in SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES parameters?
R&D Lead Notes[]
R&D has designed a series of microflash images which, when played repeatedly and in a loop, have a statistically significant positive effect on the test subjects' view of the Vault, Vault-Tec, and the Overseer specifically. We never quite perfected an eye drop formula that was both effective and didn't cause long-lasting eye trauma, but we're still working on that.
Note: The lab had further advantages of electroshocks and physical restraints. So your mileage may vary in the field trials.
Accept parameters[]
>Phoropter Experiment[]
Experimental control module: PRIMED
Parameter selected: SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES
Choose other parameters[]
Vault Monitoring[]
Lock in VAULT MONITORING parameters?
R&D Lead Notes[]
This one Team Walrus (don't ask) is very proud of, Doctor Braun. A small MRI specifically designed to fit in the phoropter when fed enough power and imaging can process the visual information response from stimuli. In layman's terms, it can read a test subject's mind and show an actual picture of what they're thinking about.
That's the promise, at least, but the images are very grainy and indisctinct. Starting from teh standard Rorschach test with hundreds of "volunteers" our computers could reliably indentify these images with 71% accuracy. It's still early days, but the promise of getting involuntary glimpses into a population's mind could be a game changer for Vault management.
We then developed far more useful word associations that could assist any Overseer. By default the following are programmed in: Traitor, Inefficiency, Gossip, Complaint, and Kitten (that was our test case - hitting bugs removing it from the line up).
Accept parameters[]
>Phoropter Experiment[]
Experimental control module: PRIMED
Parameter selected: VAULT MONITORING
Choose other parameters[]
Improved Eye Care[]
Lock in IMPROVED EYE CARE parameters?
R&D Lead Notes[]
Simple synopsis of this experiment: Ted.
His team made a better tool for optometrists everywhere. That's it. Nothing else.
Please, please process my request to reassign his whole team. Somewhere far away. And cold.
Accept parameters[]
>Phoropter Experiment[]
Experimental control module: PRIMED
Parameter selected: IMPROVED EYE CARE
Choose other parameters[]
Notes from Dr. Braun[]
The challenge I put before you is to find a way to turn a simple eye exam into something that furthers Vault-Tec's ambitions. The phoropter is an excellent delivery mechanism because it's infrequent enough and arcane enough that if anything slightly irregular occurs, no one would know.
I expect great things from each of the teams.
Terminal (self-build)[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Choose experimental parameters:
Indentured Servitude[]
Lock in INDENTURED SERVITUDE parameters?
Accept parameters[]
>Slot Machine Experiment[]
Experimental control module: PRIMED
Parameter selected: INDENTURED SERVITUDE
Choose other parameters[]
Customer Profiling[]
Lock in CUSTOMER PROFILING parameters?
Accept parameters[]
>Slot Machine Experiment[]
Experimental control module: PRIMED
Parameter selected: CUSTOMER PROFILING
Choose other parameters[]
Lost Revenue[]
Lock in LOST REVENUE parameters?
Accept parameters[]
>Slot Machine Experiment[]
Experimental control module: PRIMED
Parameter selected: LOST REVENUE
Choose other parameters[]
Notes from Overseer Barstow[]
Gambling is alluring by its very nature. Casinos throughout the country have spent millions to further refine its appeal. An in depth analysis of the techniques involved in Commonwealth Psychology Today gave me the inspiration to use gambling as a positive motivational force in the vault.
The big unanswered question is what's the best way to use this device. Options:
a) The device could manipulate probability to first entice a subject then later drain them of all financial resources. This would ensure the maximum amount of revenue for the vault. This is the "Indentured Servitude" parameter.
b) The machine itself could be a standard game of chance. But the machine is capable of identifying behavior and allowing the Overseer to track those with degenerate behavior. "Customer Profiling".
c) If there's time for a control, the probability could be adjusted to maximize the returns. I.e. gamblers will win more often than not. Undoubtedly this would prove popular (and expensive). But the "Lost Revenue" parameter should only be chosen for A/B testing.
Vault 88 Overseer's desk (self-build)[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Clearance: Overseer's Eyes Only
Prime Directive[]
Vault 88 is designed to test a variety of prototype devices with the aim of rolling them out through the rest of the Vaults. Once Vault 88 is fully operational, we expect to roll out new devices every fiscal quarter. The initial prototypes are admittedly rough, so do the best you can with them.
Unlike other Vaults, we'll send test subjects before any disaster scenario. Best estimate is early 2078 you'll have your first batch. Use each batch as long as feasible, but we are prepared to replace personnel if there are complications.
Quick iteration time is a must.
If the Vault goes on lock down, the urgency of the time table diminishes. So you'll have to keep the test subjects docile and in-line. We have every faith you're up for the task, Doctor Barstow.
Power Cycle 1000 Analysis[]
Power levels sub-optimal. Power production also "spikey". At one point test subject got up to answer the "call of nature" - resulting in a 5m27s gap of no power. Unacceptable.
Evaluation: Failure.
Soda Fountain Analysis[]
The chemical added is a flavor enhancer. There are no additional benefits. At all.
Evaluation: Dismal failure.
Phoropter Analysis[]
This device showed so much potential. Instead, it performed its overt function (admittedly better than a standard phoropter).
Evaluation: Failure.
Slot Machine Analysis[]
The control was never meant to be tested by itself. Of course the test subject was exuberant. Who wouldn't be on a machine that's programmed to reward the subjects an overwhelming percentage of the time? The longer this version of the slot machine is active, the more net resources the Vault loses.
Evaluation: Total failure. DO NOT BUILD!
Vault-Tec Population Management System (self-build)[]
Property of Vault-Tec
Clearance: Overseer Eyes Only
How would you like to manage your population today, Overseer?
Find jobs for the unemployed[]
Would you like to re-assign your personnel?
Assign to farming[]
How many people do you want to unassign from their current job?
How many people do you want to assign to the new job?
One / Two / Three / Four / Five / All[]
Assign to scavenging[]
One / Two / Three / Four / Five / All[]
Assign to defense[]
Assign to armor store[]
Assign to tend bar[]
Assign to clothing store[]
Assign to doctor store[]
Assign to junk store[]
Assign to weapon store[]
Remove from current job[]
No jobs available[]
Vocational overview[]
What class of personnel do you want to manage, Overseer?
Assign to ...[]
Assign to ...[]
Junker Dealers[]
Arms Dealers[]
Access VIP tracker[]
Which VIPs do you want to track, Overseer?