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Two-Sun is a post-War settlement located in the former American state of Arizona and a mentioned-only location in Fallout: New Vegas.


Founded in the remains of the pre-War city of Tucson, Arizona, Raul Tejada claims to have lived there for 75 years after moving from a Petró-Chico refinery on his journey away from Mexico City. In that time, he witnessed firsthand the lawlessness that plagued Arizona decades after the nuclear apocalypse, with raider tribes harassing the town, freely killing innocent people including Claudia, a girl Raul was fond of that reminded him of his late sister Rafaela.[1]

Sometime after 2248, the pacification of Arizona's tribes under Caesar's Legion extended to Two-Sun as the town also fell under their rule.[2] The proximity of the University of Arizona allowed the Legion to loot it and repurpose most of the pre-War football gear into their signature armor.[Non-game 1]


  • During Old School Ghoul, when talking about living in Two-Sun, though Raul pronounces it as "too-sawn" per its Old-World name "Tucson", the subtitles for his dialogue incorrectly spell "Tuscon." This typo is repeated at least five times.


Two-Sun is mentioned only in Fallout: New Vegas. It was only going to be mentioned in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.[Non-canon 1]

Behind the scenes[]

Two-Sun is based on the real-world city of Tucson, Arizona.


  1. The Courier: "So what did you do?"
    Raul Tejada: "I left Mexico City behind. I made my way out to the Gulf Coast, eventually, I found an old Petro-Chico refinery nobody had claimed. I stayed there for a little while, and I thought a lot about my life. I thought about the guns I'd lived by and what they'd gotten me. I decided my guns hadn't gotten me anything, and it was time to give it up. I took off that old vaquero outfit and put on a Petro-Chico jumpsuit. The name tag said "Miguel," so I started using the name myself. Eventually, I made it to Arizona... but that's another story, boss."
    The Courier: "Why aren't you still there, then?"
    Raul Tejada: "Getting there, boss. I'd been in Tuscon - the locals can call it Two-Sun all they want, but it's Tuscon, dammit - about 75 years when she showed up. Prettiest thing you ever saw, boss. Maybe it was just a trick of my senile brain, but I swear she looked just like my Rafaela. Her name was Claudia. She ended up taking work at one of the brothels in town. I never went to her, of course - how could I? But I looked after her in my own way."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "What happened with her?"
    Raul Tejada: "This was a long time ago. Before Caesar's Legion pacified Arizona and brought the raider tribes to heel. A tribe came into Tuscon one day - more a gang, really. Dirty Dave and his six brothers. They were looking for bullets, and I sold some to them. I figured if I did that, they'd leave town before they tore it up too much."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)


  1. Fallout: New Vegas 10th Anniversary Charity Stream (reference starts at 5:05:37)
    Joshua Sawyer: "'Where did the Legion find all the football equipment?' From the University of Arizona. I don't know if that's actually explicitly stated anywhere, but yes, they got it from... uh... they got it from the University of Arizona."

