The straight jacket is an outfit in Fallout 76.
The straight jacket is a dirty white mental asylum straight jacket worn over a gray shirt with faded blue pants and brown shoes. When worn, the three straps on the back of the jacket will appear to be fastened.
- Can be found throughout Fort Defiance.
- One can be found at Gorge Junkyard, inside the Picklock 3 locked trailer.
- Two can be found on the back of a truck at the Freak Show.
- Two can be found at Eastern Regional Penitentiary:
- Located in the laundry room of the solitary confinement block.
- Located in the infirmary room, on a gurney near the "intake" security door.
- One can be found in the unlocked cell at Monongah police station, in the cell on the lower level.
- One can be found in a closet at the Garrahan Estate, near Vivian's bedroom.
- The clean variant may be sold by the traveling vendor bot Responder or the scavenger trader.