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Fallout Wiki

I have, in my possession, serums and potions for every malady and misfortune that could possibly beset a wandering traveler such as yourself.— "The Radio"

The snake oil salesman is a mercantile denizen of the wasteland in the Fallout TV series. The salesman puts forward genteel affectations, has possession of a mysterious serum which induces ghoulification, and has a long-term obsession with taking indecent liberties with chickens.


A mysterious traveling salesman with a sleazy demeanor, pale skin, and minor deformities (likely mutations), the salesman is one of the most capable merchants in the LA area. Plying his trade wherever he can find a spot, he typically targets the vulnerable, able to start hawking his wares at a moment's notice. These seem to be home-brewed drugs or chemicals of uncertain provenance, which doesn't stop the salesman from selling them as miraculous cures for growing back limbs.[1]

FOTV elixir

The mysterious elixir

There appears to be some merit to his claims, as the salesman does have at least one serum that alters a Brotherhood trooper's biology, allowing him to regenerate like a ghoul.[2]

He purports to be a scientist, although exactly what field he works in is unclear, as is whether it requires him to commit foul fowl violations: Sneaking into random wasteland coops to fuck chickens.[1]

Fallout TV series[]

The Target[]

FOTV Season1 ep1 Snake Oil Salesman 01

Rescued by Maximus

While trying out his new T-60 power armor, Maximus saves the salesman from an assailant. The salesman commends Maximus as "a gentleman and a scholar" and accuses his attacker of persecuting him for his "scientific curiosity." He flees, briefcase in hand, as his attacker laments that the salesman has repeatedly trespassed on his farm, and "keeps fucking [his] chickens."[1]

The salesman later arrives at Filly and begins hawking his wares. He sees Lucy MacLean leaving with Siggi Wilzig, who is limping along due to the very recent loss of his foot, and begins shouting at them about his miracle medicines, which would supposedly heal Wilzig's limb. The duo ignores him and leaves.[1]

The Radio[]

FOTV Season1 ep7 Snake Oil Salesman 03

Leading Thaddeus to his makeshift clinic

The salesman, while attempting to shoot himself with his pipe rifle, sees Thaddeus walking with a limp and offers his services as a doctor. After Thaddeus floats stealing his medicine, he tells Thaddeus that only he can tell the various drugs - and poisons - apart. Thaddeus relents and offers a fusion core in exchange for medicine.

The salesman agrees to the deal and gives him a "serum" that immediately regenerates his broken foot. Thaddeus inquires about the closest radio station, where the salesman informs him of the KPSS station in the Hollywood Hills past Shady Sands. Thaddeus says that the area is irradiated, but the salesman comments that Thaddeus doesn't have to worry about radiation anymore, hinting the serum made Thaddeus a ghoul. Although, Thaddeus does not realize the "side effect" until later.[2]


FOTV Season1 ep7 Snake Oil Salesman 02

Trying to shoot himself

A real piece of work. The salesman is extremely sleazy, practicing the art of hard sell to the most vulnerable and desperate. He's apparently thoroughly educated, or at least has a rich education, allowing him to speak at a level incomprehensible to most. It seems he might even be partially ghoulified, or at least mutated, which affected his mental state - and by the time Thaddeus was trying to reach the Brotherhood with the head, he was about to commit suicide.


Fallout TV series
Apparel Weapon Other items
Sleazy outfit Pipe rifle Elixir
FOTV Season1 ep7 Snake Oil Salesman 01

The snake oil salesman's makeshift pipe rifle

Fallout Shelter

Notable quotes[]

FOTV Season1 ep1 Snake Oil Salesman 02


  • "This is not the first time I've been persecuted for my scientific curiosity. Ah. Have a really bad day, sir. Toodles!"
  • "Serums to energize. Serums to invigorate. Serums to heal your feet. Serums for pain. Foot healing serums! Serums that will make you grow an entire new foot! Maybe."
  • "This elixir I have concocted heals all. And I mean everything. But I must warn you: the taste, not great."


The snake oil salesman appears in the Fallout TV series episodes "The Target", "The Radio" and in Fallout Shelter.

Behind the scenes[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Fallout TV series, Season 1, Episode 2: "The Target"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Fallout TV series, Season 1, Episode 7: "The Radio"
  3. https://www.instagram.com/p/C5zX4whNUOZ/?img_index=1 Instagram link.
Fallout TV series characters