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Fallout Wiki

The Smith Mesa prospector camp is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas.


Situated to the south of the Cottonwood overlook and northeast of Blue Paradise Vacation Rentals, the camp consists of a makeshift bunker in a small outdoors cave. A prospector's dog lives here, though there is no evidence of the prospector that owns him. In the surrounding area, there are a few fire geckos and numerous lakelurks to the east.

Notable loot[]


The location can be used as player housing since items stored in containers do not disappear. There is also a bedroll, which is useful when playing on Hardcore mode.


The Smith Mesa prospector camp appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

The in-game Smith Mesa prospector camp is in the same geographical location as the real-world Smith Mesa Road in Clark County, Nevada.

