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Fallout Wiki

Safe room security tape is a holotape in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.


The tape can be found at the Harbor Grand Hotel, in the safe room terminal.



Franny: Hey! Hands where I can see them! Now, where is the key?

Captain Arnold Wabash: Franny, put the gun down. What exactly do you think you're going to accomplish?

Franny: My job. You're going to give me that key and I'm going to get paid.

Captain Arnold Wabash: Paid? The world's over. Are you really-- AH! Ah! Ah!

Franny: Scream all you want, Arnie. Everyone's been evacuated. It's just you and me. Now, focus. Where is the key?

Captain Arnold Wabash: Rot in hell... AH!

Franny: We can do this all day, Arnie.

Captain Arnold Wabash: Fine. The hell's it matter? It's on the boat. Fringe Cove Docks. Combination's forty-four, six, seventy-five, twelve.

Franny: Now was that so hard?

Franny: So long, Captain. Now, where the hell's the release for this do--

Captain Arnold Wabash: Sorry, Franny. You're stuck... with me.

Related quests[]


This item cannot be dropped from the inventory, even if one has completed Cleansing the Land. If the player wishes to remove this note from their character's inventory, on PC this can be done via the console command player.removeitem xx032C52. After using this command to remove the tape, one can use the console command player.additem xx032C52 to get a version of the tape that can be dropped from the player's inventory.

