Below is a list of over 80 verified power armor locations in Fallout 76. The locations are listed by region. The regions are listed from least to most challenging.
Power armor chassis with pieces of armor can be found throughout Appalachia. A full set never spawns; there will usually be two or three of the six armor pieces. There are two types of spawn points; the first will spawn with Raider power armor, the second will spawn with T-45 (most common), T-60 (next most common), or T-51b (least common).
It is possible to take a chassis by removing higher level power armor pieces using the transfer button, then entering into the armour. This will nullify the player's backpack and standard armor Damage Resistance, although it negates all fall damage.
There are three quest-related power armors; Excavator power armor, Ultracite power armor, and X-01 power armor, as well as one Expedition-related; Union power armor. Power armor has very little scrap or sale value. The chassis cannot be sold but can be dropped (with standard non-quest armor pieces; dropping any quest power armor pieces, whether legendary or not, will destroy the chassis and all attached pieces) or scrapped for components at crafting benches (this will place attached armor pieces into the inventory). Players may abandon power armor after finding more desirable pieces and these locations have sometimes been erroneously reported on other websites as spawn points. All locations listed here have been verified by multiple sightings.
The armor pieces will all be of the same type and level. The armor pieces at the next spawn at a given location could be for the same set or for a different level (and/or a different type for T-series armors). The power armor chassis always spawns with a fusion core. Some locations also have a power armor station and/or a nearby extra fusion core. Power armor can be mixed and matched; there is no advantage to a matched set except for the carry bonus on Excavator or Union power armor.
Some spawn points are at named locations, while others are not and are listed with the nearest named location. The power armor icon on the map images shows the actual power armor location or the entrance to the building, mine, cave, or tunnel if the location is inside since the map marker does not move once a player character enters one of those areas.
In the shed with a skill 1 lock next to the three silos far south of the farmhouses, next to the road. The door can be picked or opened with the Aaronholt granary shed key.
In a green truck trailer w/skill 3 lock, beside a wooden shed east of the workshop. Opening this lock while another player claims the workshop is no longer considered a crime. This was corrected in Fallout 76 patch
The intelligence base is underneath Mama Dolce's Food Processing and the needed entrance keycard is inside the plant. The power armor is in a locked security cage at the lowest level. It can be opened with a second keycard or from a nearby terminal, skill 1 hack.
West end, behind a locked door that cannot be picked. The key is at Camden Park on the roller coaster. A fusion core can spawn in the closet just inside the entry door.
Enter the loading dock, use the door on the left and it is in the large room at a power armor station. A fusion core can spawn in a locked security cage through the door to the left of the power armor.
In the basement, in a locked security cage in the room labeled "workroom." The key to the room is found in the Security Office or the skill 2 lock can be picked. A fusion core can also spawn on the table. One route is to look for the single cooling tower on the left (south). Go in the door closest to the tower, follow signs for "Cooling Tower #3". Go through the cooling tower then follow the hallway to the door labeled "Main Plant". The Workroom is straight ahead.
In a blue truck trailer at the south end of the runway with a skill 2 lock. There can also be a plasma mine under the trailer. Opening this lock while another player claims the workshop is no longer considered a crime. This was corrected in Fallout 76 patch
In the maglocked room of Grafton Steel Underground. The room is only accessible during the Fun and Games quest if the player is nice to Ra-Ra, after which it is unobtainable.
Behind a skill 1 locked door inside the building. The room is accessible from a catwalk that overlooks the workshop. Note that if the workshop is claimed by another player, picking this lock results in a bounty. This has been reported to Bethesda.
Inside the door labeled "Loading Dock" in the main building. The armor is on the first floor with two power armor stations straight ahead upon entering. When the plant is populated by super mutants, a player character can face as many as six in the confined space of the loading dock.
To get the power armor, always go to the right (there is one small dead-end room on the right before finding the armor). The armor is in plain sight in a short side tunnel that ends at the foot of a cliff. There are two bodies on the ground.
Enter the disposal tunnel. The power armor is in a security cage in the mechanical room on the right. Just outside the security cage is a generator with a fusion core.
At a power armor station behind the barn with military tents in front of it in the north end of town on the east side of the road, outside the raider walls.
In a warehouse beside a green pickup truck east of the tower of the huge mining machine. It is due north of Abandoned mine shaft 6 and is actually closer to that location.
At a power armor station on the first floor in the west end of the large building with rail cars on the tracks running through it. There can be a large number of robots, scorched, or mole miners in this area.
Located behind a locked door halfway down the tunnel that can only be opened with the door key. It is possible to access the locked area without the key by jumping on containers and then onto the catwalk over the tracks. The map image shows the west entrance in the Ash Heap. The tunnel can also be entered from the east in the Cranberry Bog. The two routes have about the same number of scorched.
Once inside, down the stairs, take the hall to the left, down more stairs. It is in the R&D Department at a power armor station. Two power armor pieces can also spawn on the counters in the middle of the room, one is shown in the image. This is also the location for the side quest Miner Miracles which gives plans for Excavator power armor.
Enter the door labeled "Loading Dock" on the Northeast side of the main building (light blue). Take just a few steps forward and turn left into the first room. Armor is at one of the two power armor stations. Another single piece of power armor can spawn on a table in one of the tents in the south part of the power plant yard.
From the back porch of the east-most cabin, look to the southeast. You should see a pickup truck immediately beside the porch and a stump about 18 steps away. Go southeast past the stump and then past the firepit partially hidden in the grass. The armor is just a bit farther down the hill, about 16 steps from the stump.
Entrance to the sewers requires a key card found in the side quest Tracking Unknowns. There are three entrances to the sewers. Any of them can be used but the most convenient is in the building in the southeast corner of the complex. Head down the ramps and look for the power armor station. There is also a generator with a fusion core further down in the sewers, and another between buildings in the middle of the Dyer Chemical complex.
Found in the larger of the two dry areas that are accessible only by swimming. It is in a stub side tunnel standing in very shallow water. If you find the Kerwood Mine key, the armor is in that same dry area.
On the fourth floor at one of the two power armor stations. Access to the fourth floor is unlocked by completing Recruitment Blues and obtaining a military ID card.
There are at least six locations that can spawn T-series pieces around Watoga, most of them not too far from the two local merchants that sell T-type power armor mods too, making the city a very good location for hunting the armor. One is in the central square next to a defunct vertibot.
On the roof of the building east of the Watoga Civic Center. There are several access routes, one is the fire escapes on the east wall of the civic center. At the top, look for a vertibot.
At the entrance to the tunnel in the basement the building in a security cage. This location was removed with The Rusty Pick's redesign in Wastelanders.
In the treehouse that had the red dump truck used as a platform in the stairs. A fusion core could spawn on a shelf in another of the treehouses. This location was removed with the area's conversion to the Retreat in One Wasteland For All and Steel Dawn.
On a raised walkway in the large well lit room. A fusion core could spawn on a box on the same walkway; another could spawn on a table down the stairs to the right from the raider shack in the image. This location was removed with the area's conversion to Dagger's Den in One Wasteland For All and Steel Dawn.
In the northwest wing, Robotic research. This part of the building has an open plaza under it. After taking the elevator in the round red support column to the bottom floor, the power armor was at a station in one of the research bays on the right. This location was removed with changes to the RobCo Research Center in Wastelanders.