Plan: T-51b chest piece is a power armor plan in Fallout 76.
- Very low chance to find in level 3 locked large toolboxes, tool cases, tool chests and toolboxes in the Savage Divide, Ash Heap, Mire, and Cranberry Bog regions.
- Seasonal content:
- Has a 0.21% chance to be found using treasure maps in the Savage Divide, Ash Heap, Mire and Cranberry Bog regions.
- Has a 0.83% chance to be awarded from Distant Thunder.
- Has a low chance to be awarded from Supplying Demands, if the optional task to search for sunken valuables is completed.
- Has a low chance to be awarded from Daily Ops for players between level 30 and 49.
Not available at any in-game vendors.
The plan unlocks crafting of the T-51b power armor torso at a power armor station.