The neighboring homesteads terminal entries are a series of entries found on a terminal at the neighboring homesteads in the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders.
Larry's terminal[]
![FO76WL Dueling Farms (Larry's terminal)](
Water Irrigation Log
===============================|| ERROR:SYSTEM DOWN ||===============================
Day 1 : Up and running[]
I finally have the system up and running. Pipes are secure and water is flowing. Have to keep a steady schedule of water running and see what results I get. I also need to make sure I have a method of recording which formula is working best. I'm planning to use a variation on the formula in the greenhouse to gauge its impact on crop growth.
Day 3 : Small Growth[]
Note: Accessing this entry adds the test holotape to the player character's inventory.
I can't believe it. I am already seeing growth in the crops. If this keeps up, not only will they grow faster, but likely larger as well. Very good signs for the future. If the crop growth stays on the trajectory, I'm not sure how other farmers will keep up.
Day 33 : Neighbor Problem[]
I have seen substantial growth in all crops. As I have hypothesized, the resulting crops are almost double in size. The only problem is I am attracting too much attention. At first, Sandra wasn't too keen on my experiments, but now she has become a nuisance. I saw her circling the property, sometimes disappearing into the trees behind the house. She is acting very strange.
Backup Data[]
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