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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jack Hunter.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
28 0073BB11 0073CB52 What happened here!? What did you do!?
30 0073CB8A Sweet Sally! I like to shoot as much as the next guy, but did it have to end like this?
33 007532F3 I'm not going home until I get that interview, and I'm not getting that interview done without you.
34 007581E0 You ready to wrap this up, now?
46 0073CB16 0073CB80 Food for thought, yes... Jot that down, assistant.
47 0073CB18 0073CB86 Steady Rob. Steady! No need for suspicion, we're all friends here.
48 Remember the card games! Remember the chems!
49 0073CB19 0073CB78 Yes! Right. The brutal rise to power. Walk us through that.
56 0073CB1E 0073CB8F Ah... Yeah... Brutal psychopath, that's it...
57 0073CB27 0073CB92 Phew... You, uh, have me pegged there, Little Rob.
58 0073CB28 0073CB72 Little Rob always did have an unnaturally quick temper. I'm sure the Buffout didn't help.
59 I guess I shouldn't have expected more from a Blood Eagle, as much as I wanted to.
60 Well, it's done anyway. Time I get back on the road.
61 0073CB29 0073CB81 Stupid? Maybe so. Maybe trying to make a difference makes no difference at all in the long run.
62 Still, I can't help but try to delve into the psyche of the wasteland. It's in my blood as a journalist.
63 0073CB2D 0073CB73 Excellent... Excellent, yes. Good material there.
68 0073CB31 0073CB74 I'll say. You killed every one of my subjects, and I damn near went with them!
69 Ah, look... It is what it is. I'll make something out of what I've got. We still went farther than most.
71 0073CB38 0073CB77 Well, that concludes our interview. I think I've got plenty of material to go on.
72 Rob, you've been a magnificent host. I don't know if we'll meet again, but if we do, save some of that Buffout for me.
79 0073CB3C 0073CB79 Close call, but we're still alive, for now.
80 0073CB3F 0073CB53 You can head back to Oscar. This note will prove I'm safe, but I'm getting out of here.
81 We're both going to want to lay low for a while, after what we've been through.
82 Don't worry. Once he gets word he'll know to head to our rendezvous spot. So rest assured, I'll meet up with him eventually.
103 0073CB41 0073CB4A Alright... I understand now. But I can't leave without my story. I came here to interview Little Rob and that's what I intend to do.
104 Since you killed off half my article, I think it's only fair you come with me.
105 Besides, I'll need the help considering how many chems I just took in the latrine.
106 Do that, and I'll give you a note proving I'm alive and kicking.
107 0073CB42 0073CB4F Oscar? Of course... But I sent him my holotape! He should know better, but it figures. Probably whacked out on Psycho, that one.
108 0073CB44 0073CB4C You what!?
109 0073CB46 0073CB4D You psychopath! All my interviewees are dead! Now what am I gonna do...
110 Who put you up to this? Are you with the Family? I paid that debt... Is it Buttercup? He's out to ruin me, isn't he?
111 0073CB47 0073CB4B Rescue me? I didn't need rescuing! I had everything under control!
112 0073CB49 0073CB50 Alright, let's get back to our poker game. I've got a full house coming my way, I can feel it.
113 Uh... what the...? What in the Sam Hill is going on?
117 0075324A 007532CA And you... You were as good an assistant as I could've hoped for.
118 0075324B 007532D9 Good work. I'm not above a little groveling if it will save my skin.
119 0075324C 007532B8 Not to worry... I'm sure my readers won't mind missing the answer to that one.
120 0075325D 007532C6 Don't try and wriggle your way out of this one!
121 0075325E 007532EE Well, that isn't exactly what I was getting at...
126 00753268 007532C5 Whoa now! I didn't mean anything by that!
147 00753286 007532D5 If 'a mistake' is what you call wholesale slaughter, then I should damn well say you did!
148 00753288 0075330B Very funny, but you won't sneak that lie past me. I'm a master liar. But you...
149 0075328A 007532DB So it isn't him, then? Phew! That's a relief. But who is it?
150 0075328C 007532BA Believe me, you don't want to know.
151 0075328E 007532E0 Pulling my leg, eh? Think you're funny? Well let me tell you, it wouldn't be so funny if your life was on the line!
152 00753290 007532E3 That's right. Glad you see it that way, too.
153 00753292 007532C3 You have the right attitude for this job, you know that?
154 00753294 007532E9 Give it time.
155 00753296 007532C9 Wouldn't you want to be high out of your mind before confronting a megalomaniacal mass murdering cult leader?
156 No, of course not. You do that all the time, don't you? Well, for us regular folk we need a little chemical courage for such things.
157 That, and it gets me in the mindset. Rob and I will have a lot more common ground when we're both high as a kite on a windy day.
158 00753298 007532F1 Aw, grow a little backbone. Is talking to a man that much harder than shooting him in the face?
159 00753299 007532D1 Now these chems I took... They're pretty strong. I may need you to do some talking for me. In fact, I think you should expect to.
160 And Little Rob -- warmonger that he is -- has a hot temper. He's liable to fly off the handle at the slightest insult.
161 So be careful what you say, or you'll have to do to him what you did to his minions, here. And then I'll have no story.
162 But we'll cross that bridge if we come to it. It's time to get going.
163 0075329A 00753300 No one to worry about, Rob, this is just my, uh... assistant. Late to the party as usual.
165 0075329C 0075330D That's right. Friends. Now let's get through this interview before I'm halfway to the moon.
166 First question is... er, assistant, remind me what the first question was, again? Chems are setting in sooner than expected
167 0075329E 007532DD That's it! I have always wondered what's so 'little' about Little Rob.
168 007532A0 007532BC Don't judge me so harshly! It must be the alcohol mixing with the other compounds. I forgot to factor that in.
169 Possibly because it was already at work in my system.
173 007532A2 007532C2 Good, good... Doing well... Next question! Er... what was that again, assistant?
174 007532A3 007532E8 Phew... Next question, right... Now what was that again, assistant?
176 007532A6 007532F0 It was like no Buffout I've ever taken, I'll give you that.
177 007532A7 007532D0 Uh, hey now, no slaughtering necessary!
181 007532B3 007532BD Now the final question... The big kahuna.
182 Assistant, no! This one I'll handle myself. I have to. The currents of fate have thrust it upon me and me alone, no matter my cognitive state.
183 Little Rob -- when you peer into the cosmic mirror and your soul stares back, blackened by the violence of its existence...
184 It asks, "What was the point of it all?" How do you respond?
187 0075341F 00753432 So the reaper's finally caught me...?
188 00753420 0075343B Another story down the drain... The death of Little Rob means no story for Jack
194 00753422 0075344C Yeowch!
195 0075344D *hiss* That burns a lot worse than tequila!
196 0075344E Ach!
197 0075344F Woof!
206 00753423 0075346E Take that, you bastard!
207 0075346F You dirty animal!
208 00753470 I'm pretty sure I hit one of you... There's only one target, but he's seeing double due to chems and alcohol
209 00753471 There's a lot more where that came from!
215 00753424 00753440 Calm down, goddammit! Speaking specifically to Little Rob initiating combat
225 00753425 00753482 Wait! Is this a hallucination?
226 00753483 I've never been one to back down from a story, and I'm not starting today.
227 00753484 What in high heaven happened here!? The player has just killed his interview subjects (raiders)
228 00753485 I was winning that poker game, too...
229 00753486 Life is full of surprises. A room full of murdered raiders is just one of them.
241 00753426 0075345F Not so close! I'm very particular about my personal space.
242 00753460 We've got a job to do. Or at least I do. You're helping. The "job" is interviewing Blood Eagle raiders
243 00753461 I'm not the one we're interviewing here!
244 00753462 We'll get through this... Once the chems wear off.
245 00753463 Let's try not to make him too angry. My health is already at risk. His health is already at risk because he's high on chems
249 00753429 00753455 The soft underbelly of Little Rob revealed! Yes, that's exactly what I was looking for. Good work.
253 0075342F 0075348D Copping out on the grand finale? Real celebrity move...
254 But in the interest of keeping my arms in their sockets, I'll allow it. Fine, then.
255 00758156 00758159 Well fine, but I'm not going back until I've got my interview. And that could be a while... The chems are taking hold.
257 007581CE 007581E2 Yes, yes, that's right. You can finally go back to your killing spree. All the talking over.
258 007581D1 007581DD You know, despite everything, I have to admit that I won't forget our chance encounter today.
259 A journey into a den of darkness... a chance encounter with a murderous psychopath -- no, two! It'll make a hell of an article.
260 Keep an eye on the newsstands, and farewell.
261 007581D2 007581DE Somewhere far away from here. And you'd damn well better believe I'm not going to tell you. Not after what you put me through.
262 007581D3 007581DF Luck has never been too kind to me, but I'll take your well wishes just the same.
263 007581D4 007581E1 What? Oh, uh, don't worry about that. Stay vague and we'll all be cool...
264 007581D9 007581DB I would... if you hadn't murdered all my interviewees.
265 Do this for me and you and Oscar can go home happy.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006DC8E9
Nukashine: What a trip!
006DC8F0 I've taken every drug in the Wasteland. Daddy-O, Mentats, Day Tripper, they each have their ups and downs, but Nukashine took me on a ride.
2 I didn't expect it, not from a swig of Appalachian hooch. I grew up on that stuff... Kentucky will do that to you.
3 It was almost like a betrayal. The first sip had the same familiar burn, then it kicked you in the head like a two ton Brahmin, and it was all downhill from there.
4 Colors that I didn't know existed flashed before my eyes. The trees around me morphed into ravenous ghouls.
5 Beset on all sides, I reached for my gun and pulled a tato from the holster. Useless thing! I shouted.
6 By then the ghouls had me, there was little I could do. I took off my shoe and beat them with it, to no avail.
7 I decided to succumb. Just devour me, I thought. What's the use in struggling at this point?
8 Maybe some lucky cannibal will happen upon my scraps and get a free meal. At least that would give my death some meaning.
9 I let my mind wander as my body ceased to be. A cool breeze on the Florida coast. The splashing of the Mississippi.
10 The green hills of Appalachia, a violent storm in the distance. I drifted from one to the next as my flesh broke into a thousand tiny pieces of ghoul fodder.
11 Suddenly, sunlight. I sat up. I was whole, on the temporal plane. Far too pleasant a place to be hell...
12 Appalachia, the green hills from my vision. The crisis was over. I was still alive, with an empty jug of Nukashine by my side.
13 006DC8EA
The Decadent Metal Dome
006DC8ED It's a long hike to the Metal Dome. Jagged paths up the cliffs above Monongah are the only feasible way for pilgrims to reach this shrine to violence.
14 You have to be a certain kind of lunatic to make the journey. One wrong move and you're dashed upon the rocks below, fodder for rabid wolves and mutant lizards.
15 Not to mention that your future hosts - the engineers of death that call themselves the Rust Eagles - are less than welcoming to outsiders.
16 Luckily, I am anything but sane. I climbed the mountain to witness with my own two eyes the bloody spectacle these brutal raiders were only too eager to display.
17 I knew what I was walking into - or thought I knew - but still I was unprepared for what I was about to witness, and for the feelings it stirred inside me.
18 The first thing to reach you is the sound of it. From half a mile away the shriek of steel cutting steel reassures you that you haven't come all this way for nothing.
19 But what really sticks with you is the stench. The rot of decaying corpses, the smell of searing flesh, and the stink of oil that pervades every inch of the place.
20 Fumes that drive the Rusties into an ecstatic frenzy whenever one of their bots extinguishes a human life.
21 You settle in to witness the action in the arena, and the worst part is you can't look away.
22 You get so sucked in that you forget all about the last shred of humanity you used to have.
23 You tell yourself you want the gladiators to win as the carnage unfolds below. It's the only way to justify your sheer captivation.
24 Yet you acknowledge that it grips you like you never thought possible.
25 No matter what else you've seen in this godforsaken world, there's simply nothing like the thrill of it.
26 006DC8EB
A Night at the Neapolitan, part 2
006DC8EF One hit is all it took to realize we'd made a terrible mistake. Even for degenerates as celebrated as ourselves, this was too much.
27 The trip wasn't bad, it was glorious - horrifyingly so. We knew, instantly, that this was what money could buy. And we knew we'd never have it again.
28 We witnessed firsthand the life that was being kept from us, and as much as we wanted to reach out and take it...
29 ...we couldn't do anything more than slump in our chairs and watch as it drifted away.
30 The consequences would be more than spiritual. Every inch of our bodies yearned for more after that first hit.
31 Addictol won't be enough to cure this hunger. Maybe nothing will.
32 006DC8EC
A Night at the Neapolitan, part 1
006DC8EE It takes a lot of chems to get thrown out of the Neapolitan, but we were riding the line.
33 My confidant and I made the trip to cover the Showmen's Games, a world renowned exercise in high stakes barbarism. Few in the entertainment world could match.
34 Instead, we spent most of our time getting hopped up on Daddy-O and chugging bourbon in the casino bar.
35 It seemed the logical course of action. The Games were notoriously deadly, even for bystanders.
36 Liquid courage and a head full of hallucinogens were the obvious defense.
37 What we didn't count on was the Devil's Blood. We had never heard of the stuff, and for good reason - it's an AC specialty.
38 We weren't supposed to have it. It wasn't meant for us, but for the real high rollers.
39 The people who, even in a world ravaged by pestilence and war, still managed to come out on top. But we found a way.
40 The exclusivity made it all the sweeter. Not because we aspired to that lifestyle - quite the opposite.
41 We wanted to soil the royal concoction inside our mangy, flea-ridden hides.
42 0073BB12
A lead at last
0073BB14 Dr. G... I hope this message finds you well. I'm closing in on my target, a big man called Little Rob. Dr. G is code for Oscar Gonzalez
43 They say he lives somewhere in the mountains. In some kind of hideout.
44 You might wonder who 'they' are... I'm talking about people in the know. Squatters, prospectors, gold diggers. They say they've had run ins with the target.
45 I met them in a shack in the hills, up near a golf course that's seen better days. But I wasn't there for the greens...
46 We met up and made merry. Don't judge me! You're a merrymaker yourself, you know. They said they could take me to Rob.
47 I decided to follow. Dangerous, I know, but you have to take some risks if you're gonna get the big score. That's just how it is in this business.
48 I'll see you on the other side. Hunter out.