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The Fort Independence terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals in Fort Independence in Fallout 3.

Broken terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located in a cubicle against the wall of the eastern office area, near the field reports terminal.



Broken terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located in a room in the lower levels with heavy machinery, accessed by going down the stairwell past the door terminal, and to the left.


ERROR 0x00B636C6
"No Input Device Recognized."
"Reconnect Keyboard."

Door terminal[]

Note: There are two of these wall terminals, found opposite each other in the northern section of the fort's lower levels. Specifically, they are at the checkpoint next to the door to the decontamination chamber. They have Hard-difficulty locks, but can be unlocked using the Fort Ind. terminal access password.


Fort Independence Lower Access Door Terminal

Identity Verification[]


Scanner Missing - Security Overridden

Activate Door[]

Note: Accessing this entry opens the metal door next to the terminal.


Door Activated

Begin Decontamination[]


Anti-Bacterial Spray Depleted

Field reports[]

Note: This desk terminal is located in the office area, in the eastern part of the main level. It contains the two Fort Independence field reports.


"Always remember the fires that we were forged in. Those who forget are lost."

<Data Log - Prot Casdin>[]


Field Report
Protector Casdin
0700 Surface Patrol (Fairfax)

<Transfer Audio Record>[]

Note: Accessing this entry downloads Fort Independence field report 1 to the Lone Wanderer's Pip-Boy.

<Data Log - Def Rockfowl>[]


Field Report
Defender Rockfowl
0300 SpecOps Recon Patrol

<Transfer Audio Record>[]

Note: Accessing this entry downloads Fort Independence field report 2 to the Lone Wanderer's Pip-Boy.

Log out[]

Note: Accessing this entry shuts down the terminal.


> Shutting Down.

Research terminals[]

Note: There are six of these desk terminals. They are all found in the western research lab, next to the armory, in the lower levels. Reading them will give the player character six holotapes.

Research terminal (Laser Rifle/Pistol)[]

Note: This terminal is located on the table in the southwestern corner of the research lab.


Subject -> Laser Rifle/Pistol
Researcher -> J. T. Benning


Note: Accessing this entry downloads Research Note - Laser Rifle to the Lone Wanderer's Pip-Boy.


Analysis ->
Further research regarding Laser Weaponry has not revealed much we didn't already know. Small production run of prototype weapons developed by US Military.

Critical Components[]


Critical Components ->
Power drawn from Microfusion Cell is processed through a Wave/Particle Diverter (manuf:Gen Atomics Intnl). Diverters are protected by carbon-fiber housing, preventing frequent malfunction, but when a diverter fails the weapon becomes unusable, and this part is extremely difficult to replace or repair.

Precision-cut lenses focus optic energy. Lenses are prone to damage and can grossly affect precision of the firing weapon's firing mechanism. Lenses are easily replaced with any clear glass, but require a great deal of skill to fabricate.

Field Operation[]


Field Operation ->
A fully charged cell will discharge 20 bolts from a pistol, and 12 shots from the rifle model. Recoil is negligible compared to ballistic weapons, so long range combat requires less marksmanship ability of the soldier.



Maintenance ->
The chassis are easily opened, allowing the weapon to be serviced in the field. Purified water and a clean cloth can be used to wash mirrored and glass components, slowing wear on the weapon. The weapon can also overheat after a period of intense use. This can be counteracted by submerging the barrel of the weapon in water, which helps cool heat sinks located beneath the chassis shell in that area.

Research terminal (Enclave Armor)[]

Note: This terminal is located on the central table on the eastern side of the research lab.


"Always remember the fires that we were forged in. Those who forget are lost."

Research Log - Enclave Armor[]

Note: Accessing this entry downloads Research Note - Enclave Armor to the Lone Wanderer's Pip-Boy.


=== Armor Research ===

Subject -> Enclave Armor

Researcher ->T. T. Bowser

Analysis -> After several radiation experiments, I can safely conclude that the Enclave Armor is more radiation resistant than Power Armor, although not by much. Regardless, more research and tests are needed to determine exactly what makes it more resistant.

Research terminal (Minigun)[]

Note: This terminal is located on the table on the northwestern side of the central tables in the research lab.


"Always remember the fires that we were forged in. Those who forget are lost."

Research Log - Minigun[]

Note: Accessing this entry downloads Research Note - Minigun to the Lone Wanderer's Pip-Boy.


=== Weapons Research ===

Subject -> Minigun

Researcher -> H. P. Smith

Analysis -> Why am I researching such old technology? Practice, practice, practice, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, the Minigun uses a much smaller round than most of the rifles found throughout the Wastes. However, the rate of fire of the Minigun makes up for the small, 5mm round, sending a hail of bullets toward its target. Its shearIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar size, coupled with its trademark sound, is enough to send anyone in its path running for cover. It's a great weapon for suppressing fire, letting others flank the unsuspecting enemy. A typical cartridge holds around 100 rounds.

Research terminal (Missile Launcher)[]

Note: This terminal is located on a solitary table in the northwestern corner of the research lab, apart from the rest of the terminals.


"Always remember the fires that we were forged in. Those who forget are lost."

Research Log - Missile Launcher[]

Note: Accessing this entry downloads Research Note - Missile Launcher to the Lone Wanderer's Pip-Boy.


=== Weapons Research ===

Subject -> Missile Launcher

Researcher ->J. J. BrowneIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar

Analysis -> After several attempts to modify the Missile Launcher to increase its accuracy, I conclude that it cannot be done. In fact, this is third one I've "broken" in the past month. I will pass the task on to L. J. Rogers, who seems confident enough that it can be modified and that I merely overlooked obvious miscalculations. Technically, the Missile Launcher I've recently worked on is not broken. It just does not function properly. I have since locked it up in Weapons Storage.

Research terminal (Plasma Rifle)[]

Note: This terminal is located on the central table on the western side of the research lab.


"Always remember the fires that we were forged in. Those who forget are lost."

Research Log - Plasma Rifle[]

Note: Accessing this entry downloads Research Note - Plasma Rifle to the Lone Wanderer's Pip-Boy.


=== Weapons Research ===

Subject -> Plasma Rifle

Researcher -> R. R. Rasting

Analysis -> The Plasma Rifle, like the Laser Rifle, uses a micro fusion cell as its power supply. It taps into the cell, essentially a small fusion reactor, to produce a toroid of plasma that is ejected down a superconductor barrel. A typical micro fusion cell can supply the rifle with around eight shots. Further research needs to be done to determine exactly how the plasma retains its density while traveling through the air toward its target.

Research terminal (Pulse Grenade)[]

Note: This terminal is located on the table on the southwestern side of the central tables in the research lab.


"Always remember the fires that we were forged in. Those who forget are lost."

Research Log - Pulse Grenade[]

Note: Accessing this entry downloads Research Note - Pulse Grenade to the Lone Wanderer's Pip-Boy.


=== Weapons Research ===

Subject -> Pulse Grenade

Researcher -> L. J. Rogers

Analysis -> The Pulse Grenade is the most effective weapon against robotics. Upon detonation, an intense electromagnetic pulse is emitted, severely crippling any robotics within the explosion radius. They are extremely handy against the many robots and turrets found throughout the Capital Wasteland.

Turret control system[]

Note: There are two of these terminals; one is a wall terminal just outside the exterior entrance door to the lower level section; the other is a desk terminal located in the medical room on the lower level's second floor, overlooking the laboratories.


-RobCo Trespasser Management System-

Re-configure Targeting Parameters[]


> Target Data Cleared. Exercise Caution.

<!>WARNING: No Targeting Data<!>[]


> <!>Please Exercise Caution<!>

Deactivate Turret System[]


> Powering Down...

Activate Turret System[]


> Booting...

System Information[]


RobcOS v.85
(C)2076 RobCo
| User Log:
| >> Administrator (RobCoID 2398-H)
| >> New_Admin: Outcast
| Welcome new user, Outcast
| >> New_Targeting_Param:
| >>> Outcast_userGroup


> Loading LOG file...
