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Weapons that can be configured as either rifles or pistols, depending on the grip/stock modification.

Name Level Damage Damage per second Damage per Action Point Fire Rate Range Accuracy Critical Hit factor Action Point cost Ammunition Ammo capacity Weight Value Value to weight ratio Form ID
FO76 Enclave plasma gun
Enclave plasma gun
15 Physical damage 14
Energy damage 14
33 120 144 2.0 25 Plasma cartridge 30 3.3 75 22.72 00100AE9
25 Physical damage 16
Energy damage 16
35 Physical damage 19
Energy damage 19
45 Physical damage 22
Energy damage 22
FO76 Laser gun
Laser gun
5 Energy damage 21 84 1.05 40 120 72 2.0 20 Fusion cell 30 3 60 20 0009983B
15 Energy damage 26 104 1.3
25 Energy damage 31 124 1.55
35 Energy damage 36 144 1.8
45 Energy damage 44 176 2.2
Fo76nw Acceptable Overkill
Acceptable Overkill Fallout 76 removed content
45 Energy damage 28 112 1.12 40 210 111 2.0 25 Fusion cell 30 3 60 20 0042B0CF
FO76 Plasma gun
Plasma gun
15 Physical damage 14
Energy damage 14
33 120 144 2.0 25 Plasma cartridge 30 3.3 75 22.72 00100AE9
25 Physical damage 16
Energy damage 16
35 Physical damage 19
Energy damage 19
45 Physical damage 22
Energy damage 22
Slug Buster Quest
45 Physical damage 29
Energy damage 29
33 230 172 2.0 25 Plasma cartridge 15 2.7 640 237.04 005A366E
FO76 Pipe bolt-action
Pipe bolt-action
1 Physical damage 40 12 2 3 96 63 2.0 20 .308 round 6 3 35 11.66 0014831A
5 Physical damage 45 13.5 2.25
10 Physical damage 50 15 2.5
20 Physical damage 55 16.5 2.75
30 Physical damage 60 18 3
40 Physical damage 65 19.5 3.25
50 Physical damage 70 21 3.5
FO76 Pipe gun
Pipe gun
1 Physical damage 12 72 0.57 60 84 55 2.0 21 .38 round 12 4 20 5 00024F55
5 Physical damage 13 78 0.62
10 Physical damage 15 90 0.71
20 Physical damage 18 108 0.85
30 Physical damage 21 126 1
40 Physical damage 23 138 1.09
50 Physical damage 26 156 1.24
FO76 Pipe revolver
Pipe revolver
1 Physical damage 27 13.5 1.08 5 84 62 2.0 25 .45 round 6 3 24 8 0014831B
5 Physical damage 31 15.5 1.24
10 Physical damage 36 18 1.44
20 Physical damage 40 20 1.6
30 Physical damage 45 22.5 1.8
40 Physical damage 50 25 2
50 Physical damage 55 27.5 2.2
FO76 Ultracite laser gun
Ultracite laser gun
30 Energy damage 28 140 1.12 50 120 72 2.0 25 Fusion cell 25 3 150 50 00186171
40 Energy damage 31 155 1.24
50 Energy damage 34 170 1.36


Name Level Damage Damage per second Fire rate Range Accuracy Critical hit Damage Action point cost Damage per Action Point Ammunition used Magazine capacity Weight Value Value:Weight ratio Form ID
44 pistol
.44 pistol
5 Physical damage 40 24 6 84 65 2.0 35 Physical damage 1.14 .44 round 6 4 40 10 000CE97D
15 Physical damage 45 27 6 84 65 2.0 35 Physical damage 1.28 .44 round 6 4 40 10
25 Physical damage 50 30 6 84 65 2.0 35 Physical damage 1.43 .44 round 6 4 40 10
35 Physical damage 55 33 6 84 65 2.0 35 Physical damage 1.57 .44 round 6 4 40 10
45 Physical damage 60 36 6 84 65 2.0 35 Physical damage 1.71 .44 round 6 4 40 10
FO76L&L weapon medmalpractice
Medical Malpractice Fallout 76 removed content
45 Physical damage 81 56.7 7 84 37 2.0 35 Physical damage 2.31 .44 round 6 4 40 10 00403022
FO76 weapon somersetspecial
Somerset Special Quest
5 Physical damage 40 24 6 84 65 2.0 35 Physical damage 1.14 .44 round 6 4 40 10 000CE97D
15 Physical damage 45 27 6 84 65 2.0 35 Physical damage 1.28 .44 round 6 4 40 10
25 Physical damage 50 30 6 84 65 2.0 35 Physical damage 1.43 .44 round 6 4 40 10
35 Physical damage 55 33 6 84 65 2.0 35 Physical damage 1.57 .44 round 6 4 40 10
45 Physical damage 60 36 6 84 65 2.0 35 Physical damage 1.71 .44 round 6 4 40 10
Fo76 Medical Malpractice
Voice of Set Quest
25 Physical damage 60 36 6 84 68 2.0 20 Physical damage 3 .44 round 6 4 125 31.25 0039C6C9
35 Physical damage 66 39.6 6 84 68 2.0 20 Physical damage 3.3 .44 round 6 4 125 31.25
45 Physical damage 72 43.2 6 84 68 2.0 20 Physical damage 3.6 .44 round 6 4 125 31.25
FO76 10mmPistol
10mm pistol
5 Physical damage 15 64.5 43 120 63 2.0 28 Physical damage 0.54 10mm round 12 3 40 13.33 00004822
15 Physical damage 18 77.4 43 120 63 2.0 28 Physical damage 0.64 10mm round 12 3 40 13.33
25 Physical damage 21 90.3 43 120 63 2.0 28 Physical damage 0.75 10mm round 12 3 40 13.33
35 Physical damage 24 103.2 43 120 63 2.0 28 Physical damage 0.86 10mm round 12 3 40 13.33
45 Physical damage 28 120.4 43 120 63 2.0 28 Physical damage 1 10mm round 12 3 40 13.33
FO76 Anti-Scorched Training Pistol
Anti-Scorched training pistol Quest
5 Physical damage 12 90 75 108 66 2.0 20 Physical damage 0.6 10mm round 12 3 45 15 004F496F
15 Physical damage 12 90 75 108 66 2.0 20 Physical damage 0.6 10mm round 12 3 45 15
5 Physical damage 12 90 75 108 66 2.0 20 Physical damage 0.6 10mm round 12 3 45 15
Alien blaster pistol
Alien blaster
20 Energy damage 20 200 100 120 75 2.0 20 1 Alien blaster round 42 2 90 45 000FF995
30 Energy damage 25 250 100 120 75 2.0 20 1.25 Alien blaster round 42 2 90 45
40 Energy damage 29 290 100 120 75 2.0 20 1.45 Alien blaster round 42 2 90 45
50 Energy damage 32 320 100 120 75 2.0 20 1.6 Alien blaster round 42 2 90 45
The VATS Unknown
The V.A.T.S. Unknown Quest
50 Energy damage 32 320 100 204 73 2.0 20 1.6 Alien blaster round 42 2.25 556 247.11 005A21A2
Black powder blunderbuss
10 115 23 2 12 66 2.0 28 4.10 .50 ball 1 3 90 30 00003AAD
20 130 26 2 12 66 2.0 28 4.64 .50 ball 1 3 90 30
30 145 29 2 12 66 2.0 28 5.17 .50 ball 1 3 90 30
40 160 32 2 12 66 2.0 28 5.71 .50 ball 1 3 90 30
50 175 35 2 12 66 2.0 28 6.25 .50 ball 1 3 90 30
Black Powder Gun
Black powder pistol
10 115 23 2 204 66 2.0 28 4.10 .50 ball 1 3 90 30 00003AAC
20 130 26 2 204 66 2.0 28 4.64 .50 ball 1 3 90 30
30 145 29 2 204 66 2.0 28 5.18 .50 ball 1 3 90 30
40 160 32 2 204 66 2.0 28 5.71 .50 ball 1 3 90 30
50 175 35 2 204 66 2.0 28 6.25 .50 ball 1 3 90 30
FO76 Chimera Pistol Standard
Crusader pistol Quest Daily Ops
30 Physical damage 28 120.4 43 120 63 2.0 20 Physical damage 1.40 10mm round 12 3 40 13.33 000CE97D
35 Physical damage 29 124.7 43 120 63 2.0 20 Physical damage 1.45 10mm round 12 3 40 13.33
45 Physical damage 33 141.9 43 120 63 2.0 20 1.65 10mm round 12 3 40 13.33
50 Physical damage 35 150.5 43 120 63 2.0 20 1.75 10mm round 12 3 40 13.33
FO76 Flare gun
Flare gun
1 Physical damage 5 1.5 3 147 75 2.0 40 0.125 Flare 1 2 50 25 001025AC
Gamma gun (Fallout 76)
Gamma gun
15 Physical damage 77
Radiation damage 50
67 120 71 2.0 30 2.566
Gamma round 8 6 81 13.5 000DDB7C
25 Physical damage 91
Radiation damage 50
67 120 71 2.0 30 3.033
Gamma round 8 6 81 13.5
35 Physical damage 105
Radiation damage 50
67 120 71 2.0 30 3.5
Gamma round 8 6 81 13.5
45 Physical damage 121
Radiation damage 50
67 120 71 2.0 30 4.033
Gamma round 8 6 81 13.5
F76WL Gauss pistol
Gauss pistol Gold Bullion
15 62 415.4 67 120 58 2.0 35 1.77 2mm EC 18 4 85 21.25 0054A165
20 70 469 67 120 58 2.0 35 3 2mm EC 18 4 85 21.25
25 76 524.4 67 120 58 2.0 35 2.17 2mm EC 18 4 85 21.25
30 85 569.5 67 120 58 2.0 35 2.43 2mm EC 18 4 85 21.25
35 92 616.4 67 120 58 2.0 35 2.63 2mm EC 18 4 85 21.25
40 100 670 67 120 58 2.0 35 2.86 2mm EC 18 4 85 21.25
45 108 723.6 67 120 58 2.0 35 3.09 2mm EC 18 4 85 21.25
50 115 770.5 67 120 58 2.0 35 3.29 2mm EC 18 4 85 21.25
FO76 Salvaged assaultron head
Salvaged Assaultron head
25 Energy damage 30 36 12 94 65 2.0 30 ? Fusion cell 12 8 115 14.375 0010FAA7
35 Energy damage 40 48 12 94 65 2.0 30 ? Fusion cell 12 8 115 14.375
45 Energy damage 50 60 12 94 65 ? 30 ? Fusion cell 12 8 115 14.375
FO76 Atomic Shop - Imposter assaultron head
Imposter Assaultron head Atom
25 Energy damage 30 36 12 94 65 2.0 30 ? Fusion cell 12 8 115 14.375 00424B66
35 Energy damage 40 48 12 94 65 2.0 30 ? Fusion cell 12 8 115 14.375
45 Energy damage 50 60 12 94 65 ? 30 ? Fusion cell 12 8 115 14.375
FO76 Salvaged assaultron head
Polly's Assaultron head Quest
25 Energy damage 30 36 12 94 65 2.0 30 ? Fusion cell 12 8 115 14.375 0041A39C
35 Energy damage 40 48 12 94 65 2.0 30 ? Fusion cell 12 8 115 14.375
45 Energy damage 50 60 12 94 65 ? 30 ? Fusion cell 12 8 115 14.375
FO76 Single action revolver
Single action revolver
10 42 25.2 6 204 65 2.0 35 1.2 .44 round 6 4 85 21.25 001C7A69
20 48 28.8 6 204 65 2.0 35 1.37 .44 round 6 4 85 21.25
30 52 31.2 6 204 65 2.0 35 1.49 .44 round 6 4 85 21.25
40 58 34.8 6 204 65 2.0 35 1.66 .44 round 6 4 85 21.25
50 62 37.2 6 204 65 2.0 35 1.77 .44 round 6 4 85 21.25
Western revolver
20 50 30 6 120 68 2.0 35 1.43 .44 round 6 4 120 30 00113D6A
30 55 33 6 120 68 2.0 35 1.57 .44 round 6 4 120 30
40 60 36 6 120 68 2.0 35 1.71 .44 round 6 4 120 30
50 65 39 6 120 68 2.0 35 1.86 .44 round 6 4 120 30


Name Level Damage per shot Damage per second Fire rate Range Accuracy Critical hit Damage Action point cost Damage per Action Point Ammunition used Magazine capacity Weight Value Value to weight ratio Form ID
FO76 10mmSMG
10mm submachine gun
10 17 154.7 91 84 50 2.0 28 0.61 10mm round 30 3 57 19 0010DB0F
20 19 172.9 91 84 50 2.0 28 0.68 10mm round 30 3 57 19
30 23 209.3 91 84 50 2.0 28 0.82 10mm round 30 3 57 19
40 28 254.8 91 84 50 2.0 28 1 10mm round 30 3 57 19
50 34 309.4 91 84 50 2.0 28 1.21 10mm round 30 3 57 19
Perfect Storm
Old Guard's 10mm SMG Quest
10 14 127.4 91 120 60 2.0 28 0.5 10mm round 30 4.5 96 21.3 0010DB0F
20 19 172.9 91 120 60 2.0 28 0.68 10mm round 30 4.5 96 21.3
30 23 209.3 91 120 60 2.0 28 0.82 10mm round 30 4.5 96 21.3
40 28 254.8 91 120 60 2.0 28 1 10mm round 30 4.5 96 21.3
50 34 309.4 91 120 60 2.0 28 1.21 10mm round 30 4.5 96 21.3
Perfect Storm
Perfect Storm Quest
10 14 127.4 91 120 60 2.0 28 0.5 10mm round 30 4.5 96 21.3 0010DB0F
20 19 172.9 91 120 60 2.0 28 0.68 10mm round 30 4.5 96 21.3
30 23 209.3 91 120 60 2.0 28 0.82 10mm round 30 4.5 96 21.3
40 28 254.8 91 120 60 2.0 28 1 10mm round 30 4.5 96 21.3
50 34 309.4 91 120 60 2.0 28 1.21 10mm round 30 4.5 96 21.3
FO76 Assault rifle
Assault rifle
30 25 100 40 120 71 2.0 32 0.78 5.56 round 20 11.2 110 9.82 0000463F
40 29 116 40 120 71 2.0 32 0.9 5.56 round 20 11.2 110 9.82
50 33 132 40 120 71 2.0 32 1.03 5.56 round 20 11.2 110 9.82
Fo76nw Whistle in the Dark
Whistle in the Dark Fallout 76 removed content
50 33 132 40 120 71 2.0 32 1.03 5.56 round 20 8 105 13.125 0042B0D2
FO76 Whistle In The Dark Ops
Whistle in the Dark Daily Ops
50 33 132 40 120 71 2.0 32 1.03 5.56 round 20 8 105 13.125 005E51E6
F76 Sten
The Black Knight Cut content
1 40 ? ? ? ? 2.0 28 1.43 .308 round 5 6 40 6.6 004FD64B
5 45 ? ? ? ? 2.0 28 1.61 .308 round 5 6 40 6.6
10 50 ? ? ? ? 2.0 28 1.79 .308 round 5 6 40 6.6
20 55 ? ? ? ? 2.0 28 1.96 .308 round 5 6 40 6.6
30 60 ? ? ? ? 2.0 28 2.14 .308 round 5 6 40 6.6
40 65 ? ? ? ? 2.0 28 2.32 .308 round 5 6 40 6.6
50 70 ? ? ? ? 2.0 28 2.5 .308 round 5 6 40 6.6
Black powder rifle
15 150 15 1 204 71 2.0 28 5.36 .50 ball 1 6 134 22.33 00091BB4
25 160 16 1 204 71 2.0 28 5.71 .50 ball 1 6 134 22.33
35 170 17 1 204 71 2.0 28 6.07 .50 ball 1 6 134 22.33
45 180 18 1 204 71 2.0 28 6.43 .50 ball 1 6 134 22.33
FO76 Combat rifle
Combat rifle
20 28 92.4 33 120 68 2.0 25 1.12 .45 round 20 9.8 137 13.98 000DF42E
30 32 105.6 33 120 68 2.0 25 1.28 .45 round 20 9.8 137 13.98
40 36 118.8 33 120 68 2.0 25 1.44 .45 round 20 9.8 137 13.98
50 40 132 33 120 68 2.0 25 1.6 .45 round 20 9.8 137 13.98
FO76WA The Fixer
The Fixer Quest Encryptid
20 33 108.9 33 90 79 2.0 25 1.32 .45 round 20 13.75 416 30.25 0046D2A1
30 38 125.4 33 90 79 2.0 25 1.52 .45 round 20 13.75 416 30.25
40 43 141.9 33 90 79 2.0 25 1.72 .45 round 20 13.75 416 30.25
50 48 158.4 33 90 79 2.0 25 1.92 .45 round 20 13.75 416 30.25
Fo76 The Dragon
The Dragon
35 200 20 1 419 71 2.0 28 7.14 .50 ball 1 7.8 151 19.4 00046946
45 217 21.7 1 419 71 2.0 28 7.75 .50 ball 1 7.8 151 19.4
FO76 Gauss rifle
Gauss rifle
35 125 837.5 67 204 60 2.0 30 4.16 2mm EC 5 10.4 227 21.82 000D1EB0
45 140 938 67 204 60 2.0 30 4.66 2mm EC 5 10.4 227 21.82
FO76 Presidential Gauss Rifle
Presidential Gauss rifle Cut content
40 ? ? 67 204 60 2.0 30 ? 2mm EC 110 10.4 227 21.82 00313982
45 ? ? 67 204 60 2.0 30 ? 2mm EC 5 8 350 43.75
50 170 1139 67 204 60 2.0 30 5.66 2mm EC 5 8 350 43.75
FO4NW Handmade rifle
Handmade rifle
15 30 120 40 120 71 2.0 32 0.94 5.56 round 20 11.2 95 8.48 00113854
25 35 140 40 120 71 2.0 32 1.09 5.56 round 20 11.2 95 8.48
35 40 160 40 120 71 2.0 32 1.25 5.56 round 20 11.2 95 8.48
45 45 180 40 120 71 2.0 32 1.41 5.56 round 20 11.2 95 8.48
FO76 Hunting rifle
Hunting rifle
1 40 12 3 132 65 2.0 28 1.43 .308 round 5 6.6 36 5.45 0004F46A
5 45 13.5 3 132 65 2.0 28 1.61 .308 round 5 6.6 36 5.45
10 50 15 3 132 65 2.0 28 1.79 .308 round 5 6.6 36 5.45
20 55 16.5 3 132 65 2.0 28 1.96 .308 round 5 6.6 36 5.45
30 60 18 3 132 65 2.0 28 2.14 .308 round 5 6.6 36 5.45
40 65 19.5 3 132 65 2.0 28 2.32 .308 round 5 6.6 36 5.45
50 70 21 3 132 65 2.0 28 2.5 .308 round 5 6.6 36 5.45
Fo76 weapons Brotherhood recon rifle
Brotherhood recon rifle Quest
1 50 15 3 186 81 2.0 28 1.79 .308 round 6 16.8 149 8.87 0004F46A
5 56 16.8 3 186 81 2.0 28 2 .308 round 6 16.8 149 8.87
10 62 18.6 3 186 81 2.0 28 2.21 .308 round 6 16.8 149 8.87
20 68 20.4 3 186 81 2.0 28 2.43 .308 round 6 16.8 149 8.87
30 75 22.5 3 186 81 2.0 28 2.68 .308 round 6 16.8 149 8.87
40 81 24.3 3 186 81 2.0 28 2.89 .308 round 6 16.8 149 8.87
50 87 26.1 3 186 81 2.0 28 3.11 .308 round 6 16.8 149 8.87
FO4FH Lever action rifle
Lever action rifle
25 65 32.5 5 123 68 2.0 26 2.5 .45 round 5 6.6 120 18.18 00110E32
35 70 35 5 123 68 2.0 26 2.69 .45 round 5 6.6 120 18.18
45 75 37.5 5 123 68 2.0 26 2.88 .45 round 5 6.6 120 18.18
FO76 Sole Survivor
Sole Survivor Fallout 76 removed content
45 75 37.5 5 177 110 2.0 26 2.88 .45 round 5 15.9 470 29.56 00403023
FO76 Radium rifle
Radium rifle
40 Physical damage 33
Radiation damage 13
40 120 65 80 25 1.32
.45 round 20 9.8 168 17.14 00110D41
50 Physical damage 37
Radiation damage 15
40 120 65 2.0 25 1.48
.45 round 20 9.8 168 17.14
FO76 Railway rifle
Railway rifle
30 75 75 10 120 64 2.0 20 3.75 Railway spike 10 12.6 95 7.54 000FE268
40 85 85 10 120 64 2.0 20 4.25 Railway spike 10 12.6 95 7.54
50 95 95 10 120 64 2.0 20 4.75 Railway spike 10 12.6 95 7.54
FO76 Submachine gun
Submachine gun
15 17 127.5 75 72 54 2.0 35 0.49 .45 round 50 12.95 154 11.89 0015B043
25 20 150 75 72 54 2.0 35 0.57 .45 round 50 12.95 154 11.89
35 23 172.5 75 72 54 2.0 35 0.657 .45 round 50 12.95 154 11.89
45 27 202.5 75 72 54 2.0 35 0.77 .45 round 50 12.95 154 11.89
FO76 Syringer
1 Physical damage 0.5 1.5 0.14 3 84 73 2.0 35 Syringe 1 5.2 73 13.04 0014D09E
Rose's syringer Quest
1 Physical damage 0.5 1.5 0.14 3 84 73 2.0 35 Syringe 1 5.2 73 Non-tradeable 003E1331
Vox syringer Quest
1 Physical damage 0.5 1.5 0.14 3 204 80 2.0 35 Syringe 1 2.2 97 Non-tradeable 0050CA2C
FO76 Tesla rifle
Tesla rifle
40 Energy damage 66 132 20 228 72 2.0 30 ? Fusion cell 15 8 180 18 0010F0EC
50 Energy damage 78 156 20 228 72 2.0 30 ? Fusion cell 15 8 180 18
FO76WA Night Light
Night Light Fallout 76 removed content
50 Energy damage 40 456 114 204 75 2.0 30 ? Fusion cell 15 8 180 22.5 0042B0CD


All shotguns fire 8 projectiles. Each pellet does 1/8th of the damage listed in the pipboy.

Name Level Damage per shot Damage per second Damage per Action Point Fire rate Range Accuracy Critical hit Damage Action point cost Ammunition used Magazine capacity Weight Value Value:Weight ratio Form ID
FO76 combat shotgun
Combat shotgun
20 Physical damage 60 120 1.71 20 36 16 2.0 35 Shell 8 9.8 131 13.37 0014831C
30 Physical damage 70 140 2
40 Physical damage 80 160 2.28
50 Physical damage 90 180 2.57
FO76 Double-barrel shotgun
Double-barrel shotgun
15 Physical damage 80 288 2.66 36 36 14 2.0 30 Shell 2 8.4 105 12.5 00092217
25 Physical damage 90 324 3
35 Physical damage 100 360 3.33
45 Physical damage 115 414 3.83
FO76 Double-barrel shotgun
Salt of the Earth Fallout 76 removed content
45 Physical damage 115 590 3.83 44 36 14 2.0 30 Shell 2 9.8 219 22.34 0042B0D3
F76WL Gauss shotgun
Gauss shotgun Gold Bullion
25 Physical damage 80 536 2.28 67 84 26 2.0 35 2mm EC 8 7 125 12.85 0055C150
30 Physical damage 85 569.5 2.43
35 Physical damage 90 603 2.57
40 Physical damage 95 636.5 2.71
45 Physical damage 100 670 2.85
50 Physical damage 105 703.5 3
FO76 Pump-action shotgun
Pump action shotgun
5 Physical damage 55 27.5 1.57 5 36 24 2.0 35 Shell 8 7.7 45 5.84 0012DBB3
15 Physical damage 65 32.5 1.86
25 Physical damage 75 37.5 2.14
35 Physical damage 85 42.5 2.43
45 Physical damage 95 47.5 2.71
Civil Unrest
Civil Unrest Quest
5 Physical damage 55 27.5 1.57 5 36 24 2.0 35 Shell 8 7.7 45 5.84 0012DBB3
15 Physical damage 65 32.5 1.85
25 Physical damage 75 37.5 2.14
35 Physical damage 85 42.5 2.43
45 Physical damage 95 47.5 2.71


All bows are silenced and benefit from Mister Sandman.

Name Level Damage per shot Damage per second Damage per Action Point Fire rate Range Accuracy Critical hit Damage Action point cost Ammunition used Magazine capacity Weight Value Value:Weight ratio Form ID
FO76 Bow
1 Physical damage 40 400 1.43 100 204 53 2.0 28 Arrow 1 3.0 44 14.66 0055C152
5 Physical damage 45 450 1.61
10 Physical damage 50 500 1.79
15 Physical damage 55 550 1.96
20 Physical damage 60 600 2.14
25 Physical damage 65 650 2.32
30 Physical damage 70 700 2.5
35 Physical damage 75 750 2.68
40 Physical damage 80 800 2.86
45 Physical damage 85 850 3.04
50 Physical damage 90 900 3.21
Compound Bow
Compound bow
1 Physical damage 50 500 2.5 100 204 53 2.0 20 Arrow 1 3.0 44 14.66 00013CE9
5 Physical damage 55 550 2.75
10 Physical damage 60 600 3
15 Physical damage 65 650 3.25
20 Physical damage 70 700 3.5
25 Physical damage 75 750 3.75
30 Physical damage 80 800 4
35 Physical damage 85 850 4.25
40 Physical damage 90 900 4.5
45 Physical damage 95 950 4.75
50 Physical damage 100 1000 5
FO76 Crossbow
15 Physical damage 55 22 1.96 4 186 70 2.0 28 Crossbow bolt 1 7.2 73 10.14 00055463
25 Physical damage 60 24 2.14
35 Physical damage 65 26 2.32
45 Physical damage 70 28 2.5

Heavy guns[]

Heavy guns
Name Level Damage per shot Damage per second Damage per Action Point Fire rate Range Accuracy Critical hit Damage Action point cost Ammunition used Magazine capacity Weight Value Value:Weight ratio Form ID
50Cal Machine Gun
50 cal
machine gun
25 Physical damage 29 263.9 0.83 91 204 47 2.0 35 .50 round 250 18 170 9.44 0003A0D4
35 Physical damage 36 327.6 1.03
45 Physical damage 43 391.3 1.23
FO76 50 cal machine gun heavy barrel
Final Word Quest
45 Physical damage 48 547.2 1.6 114 204 47 2.0 30 .50 round 250 18 175 9.72 005A21E4
FO76 50 cal machine gun heavy barrel
The Action Hero Fallout 76 removed content
45 Physical damage 49 558.6 1.63 114 204 19 2.0 30 .50 round 250 18 175 9.72 00403025
Cryolator (Fallout 4)
25 Cryo damage 24 218.4 1.2 91 120 70 2.0 20 Cryo cell 25 10 145 14.5 00171B2B
35 Cryo damage 30 273 1.5
45 Cryo damage 36 327.6 1.8
FO76 Flamer
30 Fire damage 29 263.9 0.97 91 264 60 2.0 30 Fuel 100 15 150 10 000E5881
40 Fire damage 32 291.2 1.07
50 Fire damage 36 327.6 1.2
Fo76 Pyrolyzer
Pyrolyzer Quest
30 Fire damage 29 263.9 0.97 91 264 60 2.0 30 Fuel 100 15 150 10 000E5881
40 Fire damage 32 291.2 1.07
50 Fire damage 36 327.6 1.2
Fo76 Gatling gun
Gatling gun
20 Physical damage 43 86 1.43 20 120 55 2.0 30 5mm round 250 19.8 156 7.88 00011BF6
30 Physical damage 57 114 1.9
40 Physical damage 72 144 2.4
50 Physical damage 86 172 2.87
FO76 Resolute Veteran
Resolute Veteran Fallout 76 removed content
50 Physical damage 86 172 2.87 20 204 52 2.0 30 5mm round 250 21.6 250 11.57 0042B0CC
Gatling laser (Fallout 4)
Gatling laser
25 Energy damage 18 327.6 0.6 182 204 56 2.0 30 Fusion core 500 18 200 11.11 000E27BC
35 Energy damage 21 382.2 0.7
45 Energy damage 25 455 0.83
F76 Plasma gatling left
Gatling plasma
30 Energy damage 43 527.8 1.43 91 204 41 2.0 30 Plasma core 250 18 243 13.5 0001EC47
40 Energy damage 50 455 1.66
50 Energy damage 58 527.8 1.93
F76WL Gauss minigun
Gauss minigun Gold Bullion
45 Physical damage 48 436.8 1.6 91 204 57 2.0 30 2mm EC 500 18 150 8.3 0055C151
50 Physical damage 58 527.8 1.93
FO76 Harpoon gun
Harpoon gun
30 Physical damage 125 25 3.13 2 120 66 2.0 40 Harpoon 1 17.6 107 6.08 001109CF
40 Physical damage 150 30 3.75
50 Physical damage 175 35 4.38
FO76 Harpoon gun
Kingfisher Fallout 76 removed content
50 Physical damage 175 35 4.38 2 120 83 2.0 40 Harpoon 1 16 120 7.5 0042B0D0
machine gun
30 Physical damage 29 461.1 0.91 159 174 74 2.0 32 .308 round 75 16 382 23.88 0007CAB1
40 Physical damage 34 540.6 1.06
50 Physical damage 42 667.8 1.31
Fallout4 Minigun
35 Physical damage 20 364 0.66 182 204 47 2.0 30 5mm round 500 18 146 8.11 0001F669
45 Physical damage 24 436.8 0.8
F76WL Plasma Caster left
Plasma caster Gold Bullion
45 Physical damage 68
Energy damage 68
20 120 23 2.0 30 Plasma cartridge 20 18 225 12.5 0055C166
50 Physical damage 76
Energy damage 76
FO76 Ultracite Gatling Laser
Ultracite Gatling laser
35 Energy damage 25 455 0.83 182 206 70 2.0 30 Fusion core 500 18 300 16.7 002EF66E
45 Energy damage 28 509.6 0.93

Explosive launchers[]

Heavy weapons that are marked as explosives. They are affected by both Bear Arms and Ordnance Express, but they are not affected by Heavy Gunner.

Explosive launchers
Name Level Damage Damage per second Damage per Action Point Fire rate Range Accuracy Critical hit Damage Action point cost Ammunition used Magazine capacity Weight Value Value:Weight ratio Form ID
Auto grenade launcher
40 Physical damage 110 1100 ? 100 120 55 2.0 28 40mm grenade 12 19.8 200 10.1 00182634
50 Physical damage 120 1200 ?
FO76 Broadsider
25 Physical damage 100 30 2.5 3 204 65 2.0 40 Cannonball 1 16 136 8.5 000FD11B
35 Physical damage 120 36 3
45 Physical damage 140 42 3.5
FO76 Fat Man
Fat Man
25 Physical damage 721 144.2 ? 2 117 64 2.0 60 Mini nuke 1 20 243 12.15 000BD56F
35 Physical damage 821 164.2 ?
45 Physical damage 921 184.2 ?
FO76 Fat Man
Daisycutter Quest
25 Physical damage 150 30 ? 2 117 64 2.0 60 Mini nuke 1 6 316 ? 000BD56F
45 Physical damage 173 ? ?
FO76 Fat Man
The Guarantee Fallout 76 removed content
? Physical damage ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.0 60 Mini nuke ? ? ? ? 00403024
FO76 BOS Launcher Alt
Hellstorm missile launcher Daily Ops
40 Physical damage 110 1540 2.44 14 204 70 2.0 45 Missile 4 13.0 100 7.69 0005E7EE
45 Physical damage 115 1610 2.56
50 Physical damage 120 1680 2.67
Fo76 M79 grenade launcher
M79 grenade launcher
15 Physical damage 90 27 ? 3 120 27 2.0 30 40mm grenade 1 7.8 32 4.1 0008F0EF
25 Physical damage 100 30 ?
35 Physical damage 110 33 ?
45 Physical damage 120 36 ?
Fo76 M79 grenade launcher
Crushing Blow Fallout 76 removed content
45 Physical damage 120 36 ? 3 120 27 2.0 30 40mm grenade 1 7.8 32 4.1 00403021
FO76 Missile launcher
Missile launcher
20 Physical damage 221 44.2 ? 2 204 69 2.0 45 Missile 1 20 97 4.85 0003F6F8
30 Physical damage 261 52.2 ?
40 Physical damage 301 60.2 ?
50 Physical damage 321 64.2 ?
FO76 Bunker Buster
Bunker Buster Quest
20 Physical damage 149 30 ? 2 204 69 2.0 45 Missile 1 43 ? ? 0003F6F8
30 Physical damage ? ? ?
40 Physical damage 180 36 ?
50 Physical damage 192 38 ?
FO76NWOT Thirst ZapperThirst Zapper 1 0 ? 0 100 36 66 2.0 20 Squirt of water Infinite 2.0 10 1:5 001128F2
5 ?
10 ?
20 ?
30 ?
40 ?
50 ?



+5% Physical damage per Strength

Name Level Damage per attack Damage per second Damage per Action Point Swing speed Critical hit Damage Action point cost Weight Value Value to weight ratio Form ID
Automatron assaultron blade
Assaultron blade
25 28 25.2 0.8 Medium 2.0 35 3 70 23.33 0010F3F2
35 33 29.7 0.94
45 40 36 1.14
Automatron assaultron blade
The Gutter Fallout 76 removed content
25 28 25.2 0.8 Medium 2.0 35 3 70 23.33 003F5E94
35 33 29.7 0.94
45 40 36 1.14
FO76 The Gutter Ops
The Gutter
Daily Ops
25 28 25.2 0.8 Medium 2.0 35 3 70 23.33 005E6F9E
35 33 29.7 0.94
45 40 36 1.14
FO76 Bone club
Bone club
15 21 18.9 0.7 Medium 2.0 30 3 15 5 003643DA
25 31 27.9 1.033
35 41 36.9 1.366
45 51 45.9 1.7
Fallout4 Security Baton
5 15 13.5 0.5 Medium 2.0 30 2 15 7.5 0008C14D
15 25 27.77 0.833
25 30 27 1
35 35 31.5 1.166
45 40 36 1.33
FO76NW Disorderly Conduct
Disorderly Conduct Fallout 76 removed content
45 40 36 1.33 Medium 2.0 30 2 15 7.5 0042B0CB
Fo76 Bowie knife
Bowie knife
5 10 13 0.5 Fast 2.0 20 1 35 35 000311DE
15 15 19.5 0.75
25 20 26 1
35 25 32.5 1.25
45 30 39 1.5
F76WL cattleprod
Cattleprod Gold Bullion
5 18 ? ? Medium 2.0 30 2 15 7.5 0055C153
10 22 ? ?
15 30 ? ?
20 33 ? ?
25 36 ? ?
30 39 ? ?
35 42 ? ?
40 45 ? ?
45 48 ? ?
50 54 ? ?
Chinese officer sword (FO4)
Chinese officer sword
5 16 14.4 0.46 Medium 2.0 35 3 50 16.66 00147BE4
15 21 18.9 0.6
25 26 23.4 ?
35 31 ? ?
45 36 ? ?
Chinese officer sword (FO4)
Ancient blade Cut content
? ? ? ? Medium 2.0 ? ? ? ? 002C3EC7
? ? ? ?
Chinese officer sword (FO4)
Blade of Bastet Fallout 76 quests
5 16 14.4 0.46 Medium 2.0 35 3 50 16.66 00147BE4
15 21 18.9 0.6
25 26 23.4 ?
35 31 ? ?
45 36 ? ?
Chinese officer sword (FO4)
Grant's saber Fallout 76 quests
1 11 9.9 ? Medium 2.0 ? 3 49 16.3 00357FBD
? ? ? ?
FO76 Meteoritic sword
Meteoritic sword Fallout 76 quests
? ? ? ? Medium 2.0 ? ? ? ? 00111AB6
? ? ? ?
Fallout4 Combat knife
Combat knife
1 17 18.7 ? Fast 2.0 ? 1 20 20 000913CA
? ? ? ?
Atx skin weapon alienprobe l
The Invader
1 17 18.7 ? Fast 2.0 ? 1 20 20 00559C99
? ? ? ?
Commie Whacker
Commie Whacker
? 7 6.3 ? Medium 2.0 ? 2 10 ? 0011475B
? ? ? ?
Commie Whacker
Camden Whacker
? 7 6.3 ? Medium 2.0 ? 2 10 ? 002BA1D9
? ? ? ?
FO76 Cultist blade
Cultist blade
20 29 26.1 ? Medium 2.0 ? 3 18 ? 0005A937
? ? ? ?
FO76 Cultist blade
Nailer Fallout 76 quests
? ? ? ? Medium 2.0 ? ? ? ? 00342521
? ? ? ?
Cultist dagger
? ? ? ? Fast 2.0 ? ? ? ? 0008E015
? ? ? ?
Fo76 Drill
20 14 ? ? Very Fast 2.0 ? 2 57 28.5 00081DD5
? ? ? ?
Guitar Sword F76
Guitar sword
15 45 40.5 ? Medium 2.0 ? 3 45 15 0000DC56
? ? ? ?
FO76 Hatcho hatchet 2
1 23 20.7 ? Medium 2.0 ? 12 3 4 0010D808
? ? ? ?
Fo4 lead pipe
Lead pipe
40 71 63.9 ? Medium 2.0 ? 3 ? ? 000FC9C3
? ? ? ?
FO76 Machete
1 23 20.7 ? Medium 2.0 ? 2 20 10 00033FE0
? ? ? ?
Fo76 paddle ball
Paddle ball
5 1 ? 0.1 - 2.0 10 2 50 25 00033FE0
Fallout4 Pipe wrench
Pipe wrench
? 25 22.5 ? Medium 2.0 ? 2 18 9 000D83BF
? ? ? ?
Fo76nw Mechanic's Best Friend
Mechanic's Best Friend Fallout 76 removed content
50 ? ? ? Medium 2.0 ? 2 30 ? 0042B0D1
FO76 Plasma Sword
Plasma cutter Daily Ops
? ? ? ? Medium ? ? ? ? ? 005E8876
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
Revolutionary sword
Revolutionary sword
10 37 33.3 ? Medium 2.0 ? 3 41 ? 00143AB5
? ? ? ?
Revolutionary sword
Commander's Charge Fallout 76 removed content
? ? ? ? Medium 2.0 ? 3 ? ? 0042B0D4
Ripper (Fallout 4)
40 3 ? ? Very Fast 2.0 ? 6 105 17.5 000FA2F6
? ? ? ?
Fallout4 Rolling pin
Rolling pin
? ? ? ? Medium 2.0 ? ? ? ? 00142FAB
? ? ? ?
F76WA Sheepsquatch club
Sheepsquatch club Fallout 76 quests
? ? ? ? Medium 2.0 ? ? ? ? 00455839
? ? ? ?
Shishkebab (Fallout 4)
35 28 + 22Energy damage 25.2 + 19.8Energy damage ? Medium 2.0 ? 3 97 ? 000FA2FB
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? Medium 2.0 ? ? ? ? 000B3293
? ? ? ?
Ski sword
Ski sword
15 50 45 ? Medium 2.0 ? 3 15 ? 000360CF
? ? ? ?
Ski sword
Black Diamond Fallout 76 quests
15 80 72 ? Medium 2.0 ? ? ? ? 000360CF
? ? ? ?
Fo4 switchblade
10 15 16.5 ? Fast 2.0 ? 1 12 ? 000FDC81
? ? ? ?
The Quick Fix Fallout 76 removed content
? ? ? ? Fast 2.0 ? 3 ? ? 00403026
Fallout4 Tire Iron
Tire iron
? ? ? ? Medium 2.0 ? ? ? ? 00185D25
? ? ? ?
Walking cane
Walking cane
1 25 22.5 ? Medium 2.0 ? 2 8 4 000FDC7D
? ? ? ?


+5% Physical damage per Strength

Name Level Damage per attack Damage per second Damage per Action Point Swing speed Critical hit Damage Action point cost Weight Value Value to weight ratio Form ID
F76WL Autoaxe
Auto axe Gold Bullion
30 10 ? ? Very fast
Flamer fuel
2.0 30 12 125 10.42 00590287
35 14 ? ?
40 18 ? ?
45 22 ? ?
50 26 ? ?
FO76 Baseball bat
Baseball bat
1 28 16.8 ? Slow 2.0 35 3 12 0.25 0008E736
5 35 21 ?
15 40 24 ?
25 45 27 ?
35 50 30 ?
45 55 33 ?
FO76 Board
1 25 15 ? Slow 2.0 33 10 3 3.33 0005C250
5 30 18 ?
15 35 21 ?
25 40 24 ?
35 45 27 ?
45 50 30 ?
FO76 Bone hammer
Bone hammer
15 50 12 ? Slow 2.0 40 12 45 3.75 003643D9
25 60 36 ?
35 70 42 ?
45 80 48 ?
20 10 22 ? Very fast 2.0 4 12.0 125 10.42 0004DF01
25 12 26.4 ?
30 12 26.4 ?
35 14 30.8 ?
40 14 30.8 ?
45 16 35.2 ?
50 16 35.2 ?
Fire axe
Fire axe
5 35 21 ? Slow 2.0 30 3 15 5 0012B793
15 45 27 ?
25 55 33 ?
35 65 39 ?
45 72 43.2 ?
Grognaks axe
Grognak's axe
30 65 39 ? Slow 2.0 20 10 100 10 00183FCD
40 75 45 ?
50 85 51 ?
Mr. Handy buzz blade
Mr. Handy buzz blade
15 2 ? ? Very Fast 2.0 40 10 50 5 0010EC97
25 4 ? ?
35 6 ? ?
45 8 ?
F76 Multipurpose Axe
Multi-purpose axe
1 26 15.6 ? Slow 2.0 40 4 40 10 002A0405
5 32 19.2 ?
15 42 25.2 ?
25 52 31.2 ?
35 62 37.2 ?
45 69 41.4 ?
5 32 19.2 ? Slow 2.0 40 2.5 40 16 00002840
15 41 24.6 ?
25 48 28.8 ?
35 55 33 ?
45 60 36 ?
FO76 Pitchfork
1 22 19.8 ? Medium 2.0 40 2 15 7.5 0003A1D1
5 27 24.3 ?
15 32 28.8 ?
25 37 33.3 ?
35 42 37.8 ?
45 47 42.3 ?
Pole hook
Pole hook
10 43 25.8 ? Slow 2.0 40 7 45 6.42 00110771
20 50 30 ?
30 57 34.2 ?
40 65 39 ?
50 71 42.6 ?
Fallout4 Pool cue
Pool cue
1 21 12.6 ? Slow 2.0 30 1 10 10 000FA3E8
5 26 15.6 ?
15 31 18.6 ?
25 36 21.6 ?
35 41 24.6 ?
45 46 27.6 ?
Fallout 76 Protest Sign 3 Against Automation
Protest sign (All Variants)
1 10 6 ? Slow 2.0 33 3 1 0.33 002D481E (Dad Needs Jobs)
002D4837 (Jobs)
002D4857 (Against Automation)
002D4864 (Want to Work)
002D4865 (People First)
002D4866 (Jobs or Blood)
002D4867 (Give Jobs Back)
002D4960 (Block the Bot)
002D4A7F (Men not machines)
002D4AA0 (Ain't a Commie)
F76WA Sheepsquatch staff
Sheepsquatch staff Fallout 76 quests
10 35 21 ? Slow 2.0 40 12 40 3.33 00455847
20 45 27 ?
30 55 33 ?
40 65 39 ?
50 75 45 ?
FO76WA Shepherd's crook
Shepherd's crook Fallout 76 quests
10 10 6 ? Slow 2.0 40 7 45 6.42 0045582B
20 20 12 ?
30 30 18 ?
40 40 24 ?
50 50 30 ?
FO76 Shovel
1 15 9 ? Slow 2.0 40 6 40 6.67 004E2E20
5 20 12 ?
15 25 15 ?
25 30 18 ?
35 35 21 ?
45 40 24 ?
Fo4 sledgehammer
10 43 25.8 ? Slow 2.0 ? 12 ? ? 000E7AB9
20 50 30 ?
30 57 34.2 ?
40 65 39
50 71 42.6 ?
FO76 Spear
15 43 38.7 ? Medium 2.0 40 2 40 80 002D473A
25 48 43.2 ?
35 53 47.7 ?
45 58 52.2 ?
Super sledge (Fallout 4)
Super sledge
30 65 39 ? Slow 2.0 45 20 70 3.5 000FF964
40 75 45 ?
50 85 51 ?
All Rise
All Rise Fallout 76 quests
50 160 96 3.55 Slow 2.0 45 20 70 3.5 000FF964
FO76NW Tenderizer
The Tenderizer Fallout 76 quests
50 75 45 ? Slow 2.0 45 20 70 3.5 00553295
War drum
15 48 28.8 ? Slow 2.0 45 20 115 5.75 0000DC57
25 58 34.8 ?
35 68 40.8 ?
45 78 46.8 ?
FO76OW War Glaive
War glaive Daily Ops
30 62 37.2 1.55 Slow 2.0 40 9 40 4.44 005D79C7
40 72 43.2 1.8
50 82 49.2 2.05


+10% Physical damage per Strength

Name Level Damage per attack Damage per second Damage per Action Point Swing speed Critical hit Damage Action point cost Weight Value Value to weight ratio Form ID
Fo76wa bear arm
Bear Arm Fallout 76 quests
20 35 30.6 ? Medium 2.0 40 10 75 7.5 003F06E2
30 40 36 ?
40 45 40.5 ?
50 50 45 ?
Fallout4 boxing glove
Boxing glove
5 13 11.7 ? Medium 2.0 25 1 15 15 0016498F
15 18 16.2
25 23 20.7 ?
35 28 25.2 ?
45 34 30.6 ?
Death tambo
Death tambo
15 30 27 ? Medium 2.0 25 0.5 60 120 0000DC55
25 35 31.5 ?
35 40 36 ?
45 45 40.5 ?
Deathclaw gauntlet (Fallout 4)
Deathclaw gauntlet
30 45 40.5 ? Medium 2.0 40 10 85 8.5 000D8576
40 50 45 ?
50 55 49.5 ?
FO76WA Unstoppable Monster
Unstoppable Monster Fallout 76 removed content
50 55 49.5 ? Medium 2.0 40 10 85 8.5 0042B0CE
F76WL Industrial hand
Gauntlet Gold Bullion
40 45 40.5 ? Medium 2.0 40 6 130 21.66 0055C156
50 50 45 ?
Fallout4 Knuckles
1 8 7.2 ? Medium 2.0 25 0.5 10 50 0005524B
5 10 9 ?
10 15 13.5 ?
20 20 18 ?
30 25 22.5 ?
40 30 27 ?
50 35 31.5 ?
Meat hook
Meat hook
5 14 12.6 ? Medium 2.0 30 2 20 10 00111562
15 19 17.1 ?
25 24 21.6 ?
35 29 26.1 ?
45 34 30.6 ?
FO76 Mole Miner Gauntlet
Mole miner gauntlet
20 30 27 ? Medium 2.0 40 10 75 7.5 00012E73
30 35 31.5 ?
40 40 36 ?
50 45 40.5 ?
Power fist (Fallout 4)
Power fist
30 48 43.2 ? Medium 2.0 35 4 100 25 0011B336
40 53 47.7 ?
50 58 52.2 ?



All thrown grenades deal Physical damage 1 damage on a direct hit, separate from their main explosion damage.

Name Damage Area of Effect Weight Value Value to weight ratio Form ID
VirtyandArtillery Smoke Grenade

Artillery smoke grenade
- 0.5 0 0 0012E2CA
Baseball grenade

Baseball grenade
Physical damage 175 1.0 20 20 00107BD6
FO76WA Bug grenade

Bug grenade Stings and Things
Poison damage 25 (DOT) 0.5 25 50 003FBBA1
FO76 Cryogenic grenade

Cryogenic grenade
Cryo damage 100 0.5 25 50 000FF21D
FO76 Dross

Dross Dross Toss
Physical damage 5 0.5 50 100 0031FAEA
Dynamite (Wastelanders)

Dynamite Mortimer (Wastelanders)
Physical damage 175 0.5 15 30 0055C159
Dynamite bundle

Dynamite bundle Mortimer (Wastelanders)
Physical damage 225 0.5 15 30 0055C15A
FO76 explosive bait
Explosive bait Flavors of Mayhem
Physical damage 200 1.0 10 10 00450366
Flare (Wastelanders)

Flare Samuel (Fallout 76)
- 0.5 15 30 0055C157
Floater flamer grenade

Floater flamer grenade Mortimer (Wastelanders)
Physical damage 124
Fire damage 50 (4s)
0.5 25 50 00592EA7
Floater freezer grenade

Floater freezer grenade Mortimer (Wastelanders)
Cryo damage 99 0.5 25 50 00592EAB
Floater gnasher grenade

Floater gnasher grenade Mortimer (Wastelanders)
Physical damage 79
Poison damage 40 (8s)
0.5 25 50 00592EA9
Fragmentation grenade (Fallout 4)

Fragmentation grenade
Physical damage 150 0.5 15 30 000EEBED
FO76 Fragmentation grenade MIRV

Fragmentation grenade MIRV
Physical damage 100 1.0 50 50 00113849
HalluciGen gas grenade

HalluciGen gas grenade Into the Mystery
- 1.0 25 25 000E98E5
FO76 Nuka grenade

Lightweight mini nuke Cut content
Radiation damage 450 ? ? ? 005CF0A0
Fo4 Molotov cocktail

Molotov cocktail
Physical damage 50
Fire damage 8
0.5 20 40 0010C3C6
FO76 Nuka grenade

Nuka grenade
Physical damage 250
Radiation damage 125
0.5 35 70 000E5750
FO76 Nuka quantum grenade

Nuka Quantum grenade
Physical damage 300 0.5 50 100 00113D0F
FO76 Orbital scan beacon

Orbital scan beacon One of Us
- 1.0 50 50 00052213
FO76 Orbital strike beacon

Orbital strike beacon One of Us
- 1.0 50 50 000073F8
Plasma grenade (Fallout 4)

Plasma grenade
Physical damage 200
Energy damage 200
0.5 30 60 0010A33D
FO76 Pulse grenade

Pulse grenade
Physical damage 175
Energy damage 175
0.5 20 40 000FF21F
Pumpkin grenade

Pumpkin grenade Trick or Treat?
Physical damage 80
Radiation damage 40
Physical damage 20 (DOT)
0.5 20 40 00045884
FO76LR trail fireworks

Trail fireworks The Legendary Run (season) Atomic Shop/Utility
- 0.1 0 0 005566D6
FO76 Turbo-Fert Fertilizer

Turbo-Fert fertilizer Samuel (Fallout 76)
- 1.0 20 20 00592F7A
Vertibot signal grenade

Vertibot signal grenade Claim Workshop
- 1.0 0 0 0004DFE3


All thrown mines deal Physical damage 1 damage on a direct hit, separate from their main explosion damage.

Name Damage Area of Effect Weight Value Value to weight ratio Form ID
Fo4 plasma mine
Blast mine
Physical damage 225
Fire damage 10
? 0.5 40 80 003B2626
Bottlecap mine (Fallout 4)
Bottlecap mine Cut content
Physical damage 200 ? 0.5 40 80 0010771F
Fallout4 Cryo mine
Cryo mine
Cryo damage 175 ? 0.5 30 60 0010C669
Fallout4 Fragmentation mine
Fragmentation mine
Physical damage 150 ? 0.5 20 40 000E56C2
Nuke mine
Nuke mine
Physical damage 250
Radiation damage 125
? 0.5 40 80 0010A340
Fo4 plasma mine
Plasma mine
Physical damage 200
Energy damage 200
? 0.5 35 70 0010A342
FO76 Pulse mine
Pulse mine
Physical damage 175
Energy damage 175
? 0.5 25 50 0010A344
FO76 Red firework mine
Red fireworks mine Fallout 76 limited-time content
Physical damage 0 ? 0.1 0 0 005566DE

Throwing knives[]

All throwing knives are modified by legendary damage bonuses provided by the equipped weapon.

Throwing knives
Name Damage Range Weight Value Value to weight ratio Form ID
FO76NW Meat cleaver
Meat cleaver Fallout 76 limited-time content
Physical damage 60 0.25 15 60 005532B4
FO76WA Sheepsquatch shard
Sheepsquatch shard Free Range
Physical damage 75
Poison damage ?
0.5 15 30 0045FF61
FO76 Throwing knife
Throwing knife
Physical damage 75 0.25 12 48 003879A3
FO76 Tomahawk
Physical damage 100 0.7 15 21.4 000042F2


All thrown traps deal Physical damage1 damage on a direct hit, separate from their main snare damage.

Name Damage Area of Effect Weight Value Value to weight ratio Form ID
Fo4FH bear trap
Bear trap Cut content
Physical damage 30 - 8 75 9.375 001117B4
Fo4FH bear trap
Bleeding bear trap Cut content
Physical damage 30 - 8 100 12.5 001117E2
Caltrops Cut content
Physical damage 3 - 0.5 25 50 001117B0
Multi Caltrops Cut content
Physical damage 3 - 0.5 25 50 004F9016
Poisoned Caltrops Cut content
Physical damage 5 - 0.5 40 80 001117DE



These utility weapons are used for scouting long distances. While they do not deal damage directly, they may still be used to weapon bash, and will not suffer condition degradation.

Name Level Damage Range Weight Value Value to weight ratio Form ID
FO76 Binoculars
1 Physical damage 8 117 2 5 2.5 00002045
FO76WA Pearly Peepers
Pearly Peepers Wild Appalachia
1 Physical damage 8 117 1 100 100 003F7F81


These utility weapons are used for taking pictures. While they do not deal damage directly, they may still be used to weapon bash, and will not suffer condition degradation.

Name Damage per attack Range Ammunition used Magazine capacity Weight Value Value to weight ratio Form ID
Fo76WA ProSnap camera
ProSnap Deluxe camera Wild Appalachia
Physical damage 1 117 Camera film 6 0.1 5 Non-tradeable 0046F481