This page contains transcripts of the Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition, Tour of The Pitt section.
The Pitt: D.C. Locations[]
Northward, in the mountainous regions away from the remains of civilization, are two often-overlooked locations that offer the brave explorer access to The Pitt. The first of these is a Radio Tower emitting a signal from Wernher, where you first begin your exploration into this new territory. Farther west is a small Slaver camp built around a Train Tunnel that leads to a long series of roads and tunnels that terminate at The Pitt. This is the territory of Ramsey, one of Eulogy Jones's trusted men.
Ramsey has been building this staging ground for ferrying slaves to and from The Pitt for a few weeks, and he's pleased with the progress he and his albino brethren have achieved. Although not violent, the Slavers will attack if provoked or if you attempt to unlock or enter the Slave Pen, which is surrounded by scattered shacks. Adjacent to the camp is the Train Tunnel. Once you are properly attired, you can trek to The Pitt. When you complete this quest, you are free to move to and from The Pitt from this location.
The Pitt: Pitt Locations[]
Welcome to The Pitt, a grim and industrial hell-hole. It emits the constant belch of construction, thanks to the enforced labor and giant smelting facilities. Manufacturing steel and other important ores for bartering is at the center of this city's commerce, although all other aspects of society have crumbled like the skeletal tenement blocks that are home to two types of inhabitants: The Pitt Raiders and their underling slaves. Those driven mad by the viral infections that plague this city retreat into darker corners, readying their talons to strike the lone or unwary. Enjoy your stay!
Primary Locations[]
The main trainyard for The Pitt has long since fallen into disrepair, and the main rail bridge into the city has fallen into the highly toxic river. In addition, the tunnel is blocked, preventing further journey on rails. A small scouting party of Pitt Raiders guards this yard, ready to report back to the main gate if any enemies are spotted or is slaves try to escape. This is moderately well guarded and is the last stop between the Wasteland and The Pitt.
Despite ruling The Pitt with an iron fist, there are still pockets of resistance throughout the city, not least of which is an old Slave Trading Post near the Wabash Bridge, which is now under the control of Wild Men. The bridge is dangerous trap-filled pathway with Vicious Dogs and a sniper, but it's better to face these than dive into the river below, as radioactive death is instantaneous. On the north side of the bridge, slaves periodically attempt to flee and are blown apart by the many scattered mine traps. Down the street is the main gate to Downtown, guarded by the ever-offensive Mex and his lackeys.
Slave Trading Post[]
This is the remains of a building once used as a staging ground for ferrying slaves into the city and holding slaves who have attempted escaping to freedom. This is now home to a group of mad Wild Men, driven crazy by "the sickness." When the Wild Men are nullified make a sweep for the following items:
- Rad-X
- First Aid Box
Wabash Bridge[]
Historical documents reveal this bridge was demolished sometime in the 20th century but was rebuilt later in the 21st century. It offers the only access to and from the city of The Pitt. Once a mighty thoroughfare, this is simply a debris-filled, trap-laden obstacle course.
Home to the majority of the slaves working in the nearby Mill, Pitt Downtown is a gruesome, grimy, and desperate place, where Pitt Raiders rule and slaves are treated worse than dogs. From the main courtyard, with a hole and a furnace, there's an alley leading northeast toward a Market Square, where the majority of the Slaves plot rebellion. Above the ground, and accessed only after victories in the Arena, are the upper scaffold pathways and bridges. These are home to Pitt Raiders, who can keep constant vigil on their property down below.
Jackson's Restroom Toilets[]
The seedy Pitt Raider Jackson usually hangs out here, when he's not shanghaiing victims for Steel Ingot–gathering operations.
Doctor Borman's Office[]
This used to be a general practitioner's business. You can access the terminal here to read about symptoms of long-dead patients.
Bingo's Apartment[]
The old alcoholic Bingo sometimes can be spotted here, in this "open-plan" apartment overlooking the main Downtown excavation.
Vertigo Bar and Grill[]
Harris runs this establishment, which offers a large amount of Beer and Buffout, as well as Harris's stash inside the locked fridge, accessed if you procure the Key from him.
Once the main Steel-producing center of The Pitt, recent and increased activity by Wild Men and Trogs have rendered this a no-go area. Slaves unlucky enough to be ordered to work in this gloomy location are soon savaged to death by the inhuman humanoids that prowl this grimy area. The Steelyard is dangerous in other ways, too, as there are a variety of ledges, planks, walkways and pipes to plummet off. However, it is here you must forage for as many Steel Ingots as you wish to find. You need a minimum of ten from here, the Supply Plant, or the Abandoned Area.
Uptown is primarily of a Pitt Raider paradise, with defenses and lighting constantly checked to ensure no Trog incursions occur. Part of the crumbling tenement blocks hold a number of wandering Raiders, all loyal to Ashur. Much like Downtown, you are able to access the ground and upper levels via a series of scaffold and catwalks. North of the open-plan tenements is an Abandoned Apartment. To the east is the main Courtyard and the entrance to the Power Plant and Haven Interior.
Southern Courtyard[]
Under the suspended catwalks and ramps is a central courtyard, where toxic and radioactive barrels are dumped. There's little to forage for here, except radiation poisoning.
Dominating this expansive courtyard plaza is a giant effigy, flanked by two gouts of intermittent fire. A twisted monument to the sickness, this has the added benefit of keeping Trogs away, as they are light-sensitive. However, Ashur knows from past massacres that the lights must be kept on to avoid a Trog influx. The effigy stands at the foot of Ashur's base. It is a skyscraper known as Haven, due to the safety and experimentation into curing the sickness that takes place inside.
Grotesque Effigy[]
A carved monument to one man's power. This marks the entrance to Haven.
Secondary Locations[]
A compact hovel where Midea rests when she isn't organizing and attempting to survive the Pitt Raiders' persecution of the slaves. The Raiders are all to aware of this agitator, but killing an old woman isn't part of Ashur's plan. Instead, Midea is tolerated. If you side with Midea and Wernher, Freeform Quest: Toys for Tots is available at this location, once the main qust ends.
B: THE MILL (LAT 11/LONG 06)[]
Raw materials are melted down and poured into giant smelting presses by a relentless force of indentured slaves, while the upper walkways are patrolled by Pitt Raiders. The Mill is a hive of activity at all times, and it is a hub that allows access to and from Downtown and into the Abandoned Area toward the Steelyard. There's even access to Uptown, assuming you've freed yourself from slave bonds. You can return here to change your unwanted ammunition into ordnance you need.
Due to Trogs overrunning this area, it has bee abandoned. A hastily erected mesh fence has been constructed to keep Trogs out. However, when you return from searching through the Steelyard, expect the Trogs to have broken through the fence. However, you can enter the hole the Trogs created which gives you access to the large and empty chamber. Take the last of you Ingots here.
Many a brave slave has been slain while attempting to become "free"; indeed, there is a current roster of champions chosen from the very ranks of the Pitt Raiders' indentured servants. The Arena is a small, enclosed death trap where you must engage in three fights, each more dangerous than the last. Radioactive barrels are dropped into the fray, after which you must engage Scab Slave Fighters, Grudd and John Bear, and finally Gruber. Pillage their items after defeating them. Survive three fights, and your body becomes more resistant to Radiation, and you receive the Pitt Fighter Perk.
An abandoned Supply Plant is a foraging ground for Trogs, who hunt both Pit Raiders and Wild Men inside the tracks and winding passages contained inside this derelict structure. Beware of traps laid by the wary, long since succumbed to hunger or savaging, and bring your best lockpicking skills to open the storage door to secure more clusters of Ingots.
Smoker's Apartment[]
Near a long-dead emphysema victim is a door that is locked if you approach from the corridor side. In the apartment are scattered items and following:
- Carton of Cigarettes (6) * First Aid Box (2)
Chinese Sympathizer's Apartment[]
There's usually Trog resistance here. Grab the Bonnet and Baseball Cap if you wish. Watch for the hole in the bathroom floor; drop through it to exit the building.
During your reconnoiter of this second-floor apartment, be sure to find a Ham Radio on a table and switch it on. There's some (very) faint Morse Codedmessages. Perhaps this, when translated, reveals something entertaining?
G: HAVEN (LAT 17/LONG 03)[]
A towering skyscraper known as Haven is the setting for the most unexpected medical breakthrough in centuries, involving Ashur's own baby daughter named Marie. Although some people disapprove, testing Marie is vital to the survival of those living in The Pitt, as Ashur's daughter is in perfect health, and no one knows why. Ashur's inner sanctum is accessed via an elevator bank upstairs from the lobby. You are wise to at least hear Ashur out before starting a fight in here. He may have a proposition for you....
Located in the southwestern upper area of the Steelyard and guarded by slaves, Wernher's Hideout is completely inaccessible until you've met with Ashur and you're deciding who to side with. The Hideout contains a single room with a crib ready to receive Marie. You can kill or side with Wernher; either allows you to search or take his Power Plant Key, finally allowing you access to secondary location TP.U.1.
See also[]
- Tour of The Capital Wasteland
- Tour of Operation: Anchorage
- Tour of Broken Steel
- Tour of Point Lookout
- Tour of Mothership Zeta