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The Fall of Nuka-Town USA was the result of an organized raid on Nuka-World in 2286.


After the Great War, Nuka-World laid mostly abandoned with only a handful of survivors seeking refuge in whatever park zones they could. As time went on, more wastelanders naturally flocked to the derelict park and eventually fortified the center of the park's nexus, forming the Nuka-Town market. The market became a regional trading hub, but this also attracted the attention of raiders in turn.

In 2286, Porter Gage contacted the bosses of three raider gangs: the Disciples, the Operators and The Pack. His request came from his own boss, Colter, who offered each gang a slice of Nuka-World if they aided him in the attack.[1] The raider gangs were entirely successful in the raid, killing some of the traders and enslaving those that they didn't kill.[2]

Some traders were able to fall back into other Nuka-World parks, like Dry Rock Gulch[3] and the Galactic Zone.[4][5] The raiders did not follow them into their fortifications, nor did they need to. The dangers of the other parks, like bloodworms and defense robots, quickly dispatched the traders before they could organize a counter attack.


The Fall of Nuka-Town USA is mentioned only in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.


  1. ↑ Nisha's holotape, Entry 3
  2. ↑ Appearance of the Nuka-Town market
  3. ↑ Terry's note
  4. ↑ Emerson's holotape
  5. ↑ The Sole Survivor: "What poor bastards are you talking about?"
    Chip Morse: "Back when the Raiders took over, some of us - the traders who were here before, I mean - got away. Last I heard, those folks were holed up in Dry Rock Gulch. They're probably struggling, if they're alive at all. Do you think you'll follow through on Colter's plan? Get the juice flowing again?"
    (Chip Morse's dialogue)