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The debug megapistol is a debug weapon in Fallout: New Vegas.


While identical in appearance to the 9mm pistol, the megapistol deals tremendous damage, enough to kill any enemy in the game in one shot. Much like The Disintegrator laser rifle and The Faderator Gauss rifle, it was most likely a developmental tool and never intended for use in normal gameplay.


The debug megapistol can fire a total of about 1120 standard rounds, the equivalent of 87 reloads, from full condition before breaking.


  • 9mm pistol - the standard variant.
  • Maria - a unique variant used by Benny.
  • Dead Money Dean's 9mm pistol - a unique non-playable weapon used by Dean Domino. It only differs from the standard pistol in its use of companion ammunition. There are also five other versions that have an increased linear scale of damage.


The debug megapistol is only available through the use of console commands.


  • The debug megapistol can be modded with regular 9mm pistol weapon mods and repaired using regular 9mm pistols.
  • This weapon is only usable with normal 9mm rounds, not any variants.
  • Its fire rate does not differ from a standard 9mm pistol.


SingleShotVB ReloadVB