This is the transcript of a dialogue or message file, a file which contains the dialogue of a non-player character in a given game or ingame messages related to scripts and items. |
Dialogue for Devil's Graveyard and its mission in Fallout Tactics.
//Demo 02
//begin 15th October 2000
Paladin Ziskele[]
// ==================== BRIEFING ====================
DEMO02_BRIEF = {All right, Initiates. It's show time! An assault on the raider's main base of operations has been a long time coming, and your squad is the lucky one that got the job.
\n\nThe area known as the Devil's Graveyard has been transformed by the raiders into a killing ground, making direct access to their base a nightmare. You might want to take a more indirect route, avoiding patrols where necessary, but engage the enemy when forced. Your primary objective is the elimination of the raider leader, Gargantua.
\n\nUse your squad of specialists to make your way through the area and let nothing stand in your way.
// ==================== DEBRIEFING ====================
DEMO02_DEBRIEF = {Well done! Gargantua's corpse serves as a message to all the raiders in this region: The Brotherhood will not tolerate bandits.
\n\nDo not let this victory go to your head, Initiate. The increase in Raider activity in this region can only mean that they have been forced out of their usual hunting patterns. Intelligence has reported possible sightings of Super Mutants conducting slave operations to the south, and our Elder's believe that the Deathclaw sightings to the north must be somehow involved.
\n\nYou will outfit your squad with chain guns and powered armor and join Tusk Squad . . . wait . . . oh . . . that's all in the full version, coming out soon. Uh . . . I guess your squad will go on standby until you purchase Fallout: Tactics . . .
// ==================== FAILURE ====================
title_DEMO2_FAILUREA = {Failure}
DEMO2_FAILUREA = {Your entire squad has perished. Your bones will rattle inside your armor as the insects search for carrion. The Brotherhood must prevail without you.}
// ==================== HERDER ====================
DEMO02_Herder_A_01_CO_A = {Whoa! You guys are from the Brotherhood? Well feed me a patty and slap my ass, I thought you guys were just a myth, ya know?
\n\nThese here bandits kidnapped me after they stole some village-or-other's Brahmin. I guess herding ain't to their tastes.
\n\nMe, I like the Brahmin. Most people just consider them big, dumb, smelly animals, but me, I got a special connection with them! When I look long and hard into their big brown eyes . . . well lets just say I see some of myself.
\n\nHey . . . you's not gonna hurt my Brahmin buddies are ya?}
DEMO02_Herder_A_01_FL_A = {Brahmin are kind of like a box of chocolates.}
DEMO02_Herder_A_01_FL_B = {Damn! Stepped in it again!}
DEMO02_Herder_A_01_FL_C = {Those raiders sure LOVE Brahmin!}
DEMO02_Herder_A_01_FL_D = {Look at the size of that one!}
// ==================== GARGANTUA ====================
DEMO02_Gargantua_A_01_CO_A = {That's far enough! I knew I smelled Brotherhood in the air. I've been studying up on you military types since I first heard you were sniffing around this region. But I gotta tell you, I aint impressed.
\n\nWhat were you going to do anyway? Kill little old Gargantua? I don't think you even have enough ammo to piss me off! And wait, don't tell me! You're all little Initiates, aren't you? Haha! You mean to tell me that they couldn't even rustle up some Paladins to take me on?
\n\nYou know what that is? That's disrespect! Nobody, NOBODY disrespects me! I'm gunna do things to you that a lonely tribal wouldn't do to his neighbours brahmin! But don't worry, by that time you'll already be dead. You should've just walked away. Mwaahahahahaha}
DEMO02_Gargantua_A_01_FL_A = {I haven't killed a Brotherhood dog since last week.}
DEMO02_Gargantua_A_01_FL_B = {Foolish Brotherhood. Gargantua is all-powerful!}
DEMO02_Gargantua_A_01_FL_C = {You can run, but you can't hide!}
DEMO02_Gargantua_A_01_FL_D = {I eat pieces of dung like you for breakfast!}
DEMO02_Gargantua_A_01_FL_E = {I'm going to use you like a dead Brahmin!}
DEMO02_Gargantua_A_01_FL_F = {That must've been your scout we strung up last week.}
// ==================== PSYCHO ====================
DEMO02_Psycho_A_01_CO_A = {Little bugs! You won't be slipping past me, little bugs! You skitter and scatter around us, but we can hear you in the walls, oh yes we can!
\n\nMaster Gargantua would not be pleased to see you, little bugs. He despises the little insects almost as much as I. They make him mad . . . and I can't let the insects make the master mad!
\n\nTime to splat you, buggy-wuggy-bugs!}
DEMO02_Psycho_A_01_FL_A = {Skitter-skatter!}
DEMO02_Psycho_A_01_FL_B = {Little bugs, little bugs . . .}
DEMO02_Psycho_A_01_FL_C = {Why must you lay your eggs in my brain?}
DEMO02_Psycho_A_01_FL_D = {Bugs. Bugs! BUGS! BUGS!}
DEMO02_Psycho_A_01_FL_E = {I'll smear you under my heel!}
// ==================== RAIDERS ====================
DEMO02_Raiders_A_01_FL_A = {Come on, I'll be your Huckleberry!}
DEMO02_Raiders_A_01_FL_B = {My mom attacked me once...once.}
DEMO02_Raiders_A_01_FL_C = {I've killed more people than syphilis!}
DEMO02_Raiders_A_01_FL_D = {These iguanas are making me thirsty.}
// ==================== OBJECTIVES ====================
DEMO02_BRIEF_START = {Start Position}
DEMO02_BRIEF_OBJ01 = {01. Engage the initial forces}
DEMO02_BRIEF_OBJ02 = {02. Scavenge for supplies}
DEMO02_BRIEF_OBJ03 = {03. Avoid entrenched snipers}
DEMO02_BRIEF_OBJ04 = {04. Infiltrate training grounds}
DEMO02_BRIEF_OBJ05 = {05. Engage personal bodyguard}
DEMO02_BRIEF_OBJ06 = {06. Beware of the raiders setup in defensive positions}
DEMO02_BRIEF_OBJ07 = {07. A valve here operates the side gates}
DEMO02_BRIEF_OBJ08 = {08. The main gates are opened from this switch}
DEMO02_BRIEF_OBJ09 = {09. Avoid patrols and sleeping guards}
DEMO02_BRIEF_OBJ10 = {10. Tight rooms, heavily guarded}
DEMO02_BRIEF_OBJ11 = {11. Psycho's Den}
DEMO02_BRIEF_OBJ12 = {12. Raider Leader's Quarters}
DEMO02_BRIEF_OBJ0X = {12. Eliminate the Raider Leader}
DEMO02_BRIEF_INF01 = {Lightly patrolled area}
DEMO02_BRIEF_INF02 = {Heavy Bunker - Find another way around}
DEMO02_BRIEF_INF03 = {Heavily defended snipers}