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"Robbed" is such an ugly word. It's more like I took care of a payroll problem for him. Also, I might have... umm... sort of... plowed his daughter. A little.

Bruce Isaac is a singer hiding out in Novac in 2281.


Bruce previously was a singer at the Shark Club in New Reno, who the Courier saw singing there.[1] Mr. Bishop owed him some money, so Bruce acquired the caps owed to him and also had sex with Bishop's daughter before he fled.[2] He is now hiding out at Novac from Mr. Bishop and his thugs, waiting for things to cool down a little.[3]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Talent Pool


Talent Pool: Tommy Torini is looking for a new singer. The player character can inform Bruce about a job opportunity for him at the Aces, the theater in the Tops.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Shabby gambler suit Vegas key (while traveling to the Tops)

Notable quotes[]


Bruce Isaac appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]



  1. The Courier: "Aren't you that singer from New Reno? I think I saw you play the clubs there."
    Bruce Isaac: "Oh, so you have heard of me. Yeah, that's right. I was the big draw at the Shark Club, people used to pay hundreds of caps to see me."
    (Bruce Isaac's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "Why would this Mr. Bishop be after you?"
    Bruce Isaac: "Oh, well, that's all just a big misunderstanding, see. Mr. Bishop, well, he owed me a lot of money, and, y'know, he's a busy guy, so I sort of figured I'd just...take it off his hands."
    The Courier: "You robbed a casino boss?"
    Bruce Isaac: "'Robbed' is such an ugly word. It's more like I took care of a payroll problem for him. Also, I might have... umm... sort of... plowed his daughter. A little."
    (Bruce Isaac's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "And so because of that you ran all the way to Novac?"
    Bruce Isaac: "I figured it might take him a while to understand his accounting error and cool down a little."
    (Bruce Isaac's dialogue)


  1. Joshua Sawyer Formspring posts/2011:
    "Who wrote Bruce Isaac? Nice reference there to the Fallout 2 ending with the Bishop child."
    Joshua Sawyer: "I'm pretty sure that was Travis Stout."