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Fallout Wiki

The Blue Ridge branding iron is a unique one-handed melee weapon in Fallout 76, introduced in the Once in a Blue Moon update.


The Blue Ridge branding iron is a unique version of the Shishkebab with preset legendary effects, and a custom paint:

Additionally, the "Blue Ridge Branding Iron" skin mod (00691D4E) provides these extra effects

  • Additional Unique-specific effect - 24 fire damage over 3 seconds.
  • Additional Unique-specific effect - attack animation changed to a combat knife stab, making the branding iron attack as fast as a combat knife.
  • Additional Unique-specific effect - weapon attack noise set to Quiet compared to Normal for a Shishkebab

Like other named items from the Once in a Blue Moon update, the player can re-roll the main three effects while the damage over time will remain innate to the weapon.



This weapon can only be obtained from the event Safe and Sound.

