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Trading and trade-related tasks. The ability to get better prices for items you sell, and lower prices for items you buy.— In-game description

Barter is a skill in Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics.


The Barter skill is primarily used in the buying and selling of items, such as trading with a merchant or scavenger. In general, purchase prices will be lowered and selling price will be higher. It is the primary factor in price determination, and is also offset by the Barter skill of the non-player character in question. The skill is also used in certain dialogue options with non-player characters, where certain responses require Barter checks.

Initial level[]


Fallout 2[]

Fallout Tactics[]


Fallout and Fallout 2[]

The barter skill only affects the prices that merchant sell their wares for. The player character's items always sell for the item's base value.

Fallout 2[]

The highest barter skill of the party is used. If the player hasn't invested any skill points into barter, a companion's barter skill value will almost certainly be used instead of the player's.[1][2]

Fallout Tactics[]

Barter also determines how much items will be sold for.

Ways to increase[]


Fallout and Fallout 2[]

  • Gifted trait: -10% to Barter skill
  • Good Natured trait: +15% to Barter skill
  • Tagging Barter skill (at character creation or with Tag! perk): +20% Barter skill
  • Temporarily or permanently increasing Charisma
  • Difficulty Level: +20/+0/-10% to non-weapon skills for easy/normal/hard difficulty

Fallout 2[]


  1. "...The game identifies the party member with the highest barter skill and uses that as the barter skill figure. The barter skill for Sulik, (the 1st NPC you'll recruit), is 50. It's also 50 for Myron, Vic and the Modoc NPCs have barter skills of 40 or lower, but Cassidy is 80! Thus if Sulik is with you your barter skill will be at least 50, even if your real barter skill is -6. If your real barter skill is-6 you'll have to add 57 points into barter skill before you'll see a tiny change..."
    Archived thread
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 http://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/fallout-and-fallout-2-barter-formula.217810/