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Failures of Infinity (インフィニティのなり損ないたち, Infiniti no Narisokonaitachi?) are various headless red Evangelion bodies that appears in the Rebuild of Evangelion film series.
Quick Answers
What are the unique physical features of the Failures of Infinity in the Evangelion series?
How do the Failures of Infinity differ from regular Evangelion Units?
What is the significance of the Failures of Infinity in the Rebuild of Evangelion film series?
What does the term 'eva infinity' refer to in the context of the Evangelion series?
Why are the Failures of Infinity depicted as headless in the Evangelion series?
Their body have a thinner and longer limbs than a regular Evangelion Unit. Their guard stubs fron the elbows and knees have similar structure similar to their shoulder pylons, as if it comes from inside their bodies. Their torso is more subdivided than a regular Evangelion, having seven spine sections (Regular Units have four, while Mark Units have five). The torso is also more segmented, having six divisions (Regular Units have three, while Mark Units have four). Their arm signal placement is also a hole rather than filled with either green and yellow as seen before.
Produced as a result of Third Impact and connected to the Near Third Impact (they appear similar to Evangelion Unit-01, however at close examinarion are not similar at all), the failures of infinity, also known as "the Wanderers", are found in large numbers in various places including Tokyo-3, the ruins of NERV Command and in Central Dogma among many others.
The majority if not all lack heads, have crystalline shoulder pylons and wires sticking from their necks. Their hands are usually reaching towards the sky, and all of them are frozen in place, as if stuck in time. They line the walls of Central Dogma, right about the Second Angel Lilith's mask. Hundreds were thrown into the air during Fourth Impact. All Failures of Infinity shines red in material similar to that of a Core. Several Failures of Infinity are around in the access tunnel to Central Dogma. This shows that they do not have an internal structure, except humanoid bones that can be seen from outside, but only a uniform red color. However, Failures of Infinity are clearly not statues and are anatomically articulated. You can see this when they fly in the air during the Fourth Impact.
The Wanderers are able to coreify areas not corefied by the Near Third Impact as they walk, they can also damage Evangelion by simple contact with their bodies as well humans, like shown with Midori Kitakami example in EVANGELION 3.0: (-46h).
Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo[]
At his request, Kaworu Nagisa takes Shinji Ikari to see the post Third Impact world. After walking down a dangerous path outside of NERV headquarters, the two see the failures of infinity scattered across the landscape as Kaworu tells Shinji about the Human Instrumentality Project. These failures are all completely stationary, many of which are in odd, twisted poses with large, crystalline spikes coming off their shoulders instead of the shoulder pylons that a regular Evangelion Unit had.
Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time[]
Kensuke Aida claims that some Failures of Infinity lately have been getting up and walking. He monitors and calls them Wanderers. Later they all turn purple as the ritual continues and during the Additional Impact turns into a womanly naked human body that are able to fly.
EVANGELION 3.0: (-46h)[]
The creation process is shown, during the Near Third Impact, as the Earth gets coreified, the giants are born from the soil alongside gigantic green crosses. Other types called Wanderers are also created in areas still not coreified, in a way that is similar to how Angels and Evangelions are destroyed, the cross accompained by a halo comes from the ground and the red giant comes from the soil. The red replica of an Evangelion Unit, as it emerges from the ground loses it head and that is absorved to the ground.
Not all Wanderers lose its head as they born, some already are headless, they seem to instinctually walks towards human or Evangelions, unlike other types of living beings like birds.
When confronted against Evangelion Production Model-02α-EIV, its nature is to walk towards it, using its body to push the Evangelion, not using its arms or legs to attack.

Concept Art by Ikuto Yamashita
- It has a similar function to spread coreification as the concept art designs for Evangelion Mark.07 by Ikuto Yamashita.
- In the 3.0+1.11 booklet, they are named Evangelion Infinity (エヴァンゲリオン インフィニティ?), however it also states that it is a tentative name, it is unanalyzable, and there is no official name due to its unknown identity.
- The script refers to Tokyo-3 with the term Suspension of Activity (活動 停止, katsudou teishi?), which in a biological term could mean a state of torpor.