This article largely borrows its content from another wiki, such as Wikipedia or EvaGeeks. Substantial cleanup and reformatting may be needed.
This article contains content from the EvaGeeks.org Wiki article Evangelion Melee Weapons. Please view that page's revision history for the list of authors.
This article contains content from the EvaGeeks.org Wiki article Evangelion Ranged Weapons. Please view that page's revision history for the list of authors.

Evangelion Unit-01 and Weapons

Unit-01 alongside standard Evangelion weaponry and equipments

A wide array of weapons are used by Evangelion units throughout the course of the different continuities they appear. Although designed to help the Evangelions in their fights against the Angels, these standard weapons have generally unpredictable results, as they are merely Evangelion-sized versions of standard human weapons (most of whom have little effect other than making the target mad).

Neon Genesis Evangelion & The End of Evangelion Melee Weapons[]

Progressive Knife[]


Unit-01 Progressive Knife

Progressive Knife (プログレッシブ・ナイフ?) is a combat knife contained inside the left shoulder pylon of an Evangelion who uses it, and is one of the Evas' basic weapons. The blade of the knife vibrates at an extremely high frequency,[1] increasing its cutting sharpness to the point that it can cut through the target at a molecular level. It is strong enough to pierce an Angel's core with little trouble. Unit-02 has two progressive knives equipped.


Unit-01 Progressive Knife Lineart

  • Unit-01's Progressive Knife is in the form of a simple Bowie knife.
  • Unit-00, in its initial form, had no pylons and possibly lacked a knife. However, it was provided with one during its reconstruction, and its knife was seen only once, for a short moment in Episode 12; Unit-00' 's Prog Knife resembles Unit-01's.

Unit-02 Progressive Knife

  • Unit-02's Progressive Knife is a more advanced version, which is in the form identical to that of a utility knife: if the current blade is damaged or broken off, a new one will extend from the handle to take its place. In the main series it seems to be automatic while in The End of Evangelion Unit-02 seems to use its thumb to push out the new blade.

No other Evangelions other than Unit-00', Unit-01, and Unit-02 are ever seen using Progressive Knives (in non-canon materials, including video games or model kits, Unit-03 and Unit-04 are seen utilizing the same Progressive Knife as Unit-01).

Sonic Glaive[]

Hideaki Anno Exhibition Video Crop 28

Sonic Glaive Concept design by Hideaki Anno.

Sonic Glaive (ソニック・グレイブ?) is a spear-like weapon used to slice Israfel in half in Episode 09. It also appears in Episode 19, but isn't used. In real life, a glaive is a spear shaft containing a knife at the end rather than a spearhead. This may mean it's based on the same engineering as a Progressive Knife, but with an extended range.

Smash Hawk[]

Smash Hawk (スマッシュホーク?) is an axe-like weapon, being able to be held with either one or two hands. Unit-02 sortied with it in Episode 16, but doesn't use it in combat against an Angel, instead using it to climb onto a sinking building. Also maybe based on the Progressive Knife engineering, utilizing sonic vibrations to strengthen the sharpness of the blade with it being of a shorter length than the "Sonic Glaive" spear, but containing a wider blade for greater damage.

Spear of Longinus[]

Lance of Longinus2
Main article: Spear of Longinus

While not a weapon per se, the Spear of Longinus is frequently used as a weapon across various Evangelion Media. The first occurrence of this is when Unit-00' uses the spear to defeat Arael, easily breaking through the angels AT-Field and removing the angel from existence upon impact.

Heavy Spear/Replica Spear of Longinus[]


Mass Production Evangelion Holding Giant Sword

Used by the Mass Production Evangelion against Evangelion Unit-02, the giant swords are actually masked replicas of the Spear of Longinus and are able to transform to from sword form to spear form as needed. While in sword form, they are extremely heavy and have the ability to cleanly dismember Evangelion in a single swing.

Neon Genesis Evangelion & The End of Evangelion Ranged Weapons[]

Pallet Rifle[]

Pallet Gun (NGE)

Unit-01 holding a Pallet Rifle

Pallet Rifle (パレットガン?), sometimes alternatively called Pallet Gun, it is the standard-issue rifle used by Evangelion units. It's nearly identical in appearance to a Steyr ACR (minus the scope).[2][3] It's a giant rapid-fire assault rifle proportionately sized to match the Evangelions, so it can wield the rifle just as a human would use a conventional assault rifle. The Pallet Gun is seen in Episodes:

  • 03: Unit-01 against Shamshel; ineffective.
  • 09: Unit-01 against Israfel (ineffective), then as part of synchronized attack.
  • 11: Unit-01 against Matarael; mortal blow.
  • 18: Unit-00 and Unit-01 both sortied with; used by neither
  • 19: Unit-02 against Zeruel, dual-wielded; ineffective.
  • 23: Unit-01 sortied with; not used.

It is unknown why this weapon is referred as a "Pallet" Gun. Bonus materials and production notes don't explain the naming either, but do refer to it directly as such.


Handgun (ハンドガン?) is a gun that resembles a Desert EagleWP Mark XIX. Used by Unit-01 against Leliel in Episode 16 but it was ineffective.

Sniper Rifle[]

Eva-00 Sniper Rifle

Evangelion Unit-00 with Sniper Rifle

Sniper Rifle (スナイパーライフル?) is a weapon that is Unit-00's weapon of choice, modeled on the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum.[4]

  • 16: Unit-00 against Leliel; doesn't contact.
  • 23: Unit-00 against Armisael; ineffective.



Unit-02 Holding Bazooka

Bazooka (バズーカ?) is a weapon seen carried by Unit-02, but not fully used by it in Episode:18.

Hand Bazooka[]


Unit-02 Dual Wielding Hand Bazooka

Hand Bazooka (ハンドバズーカ?) is a weapon used by Unit-02 against Zeruel in Episode:19, it is dual-wielded and it is seen being ineffective against the Angel.

Positron Rifle[]


Panoramic Edit of the Positron Rifle from Episode 6

Positron Rifle (ポジトロンライフル?) also known as Positron Rifle (Prototype 20 with Toroidal Accelerator) is a shoulder-mounted (the shoulder pylon of the equipped arm is extracted) gun.

The way NERV got hold of this prototype technology is due to Misato "borrowing" it from JSSDF's R&D labs, where it was known as the SDF's Automated Positron Rifle.

It can fire rounds into low Earth-orbit, though the power of the shots lowers to being ineffective from a long range. Not a very mobile weapon either since it requires an external power cable to power its function. It still uses a finite amount of ammunition, about 8 rounds.

  • 06: Seen but not used.
  • 09: Unit-02 against Israfel; limited effect or ineffective.
  • 22: Unit-02 against Arael; doesn't contact. (Design is slightly altered in this episode)

It is used by Evangelion Unit-04 in the Neon Genesis Evangelion: Battle Orchestra game.

Positron Sniper Rifle[]

Screenshot from 2022-01-15 19-50-29

Panoramic Edit of Unit-01 Using Positron Sniper Rifle

A prototype, originally requisitioned from the JSSDF's R&D labs, where it was known as the SDF's Automated Positron Rifle.

The rifle was later modified and upgraded. In addition, "SUPER-POSITRON" is written on the gun barrel.

  • Episode:22: Unit-00 against Arael; It was used against the 15th Angel Arael by Unit-00, who appeared in orbit. It was ineffective due to range and power limitations.

Neon Genesis Evangelion & The End of Evangelion Other Weapons[]

Lightscreen Weapon[]


Lightscreen used to split Israfel

A special weapon used by Evangelion Unit-01 and Evangelion Unit-02 to split Israfel during their rematch. This weapon is made of two separate poles which once deployed form some sort of light screen between them which was able to split Israfel in two. For storage, the poles were collapsed into units which vaguely resemble the stored state of Unit-02's progressive knife. Each Evangelion unit carried one unit below their wrist.

Rebuild of Evangelion Melee Weapons[]

PKN-01C Progressive Knife[]

Prog knife

Unit-01's Progressive Knife in Rebuild of Evangelion

PKN-01C Progressive Knife (プログレッシブナイフPKN-01C?) is a weapon that was introduced in Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone, used by Unit-01. Unlike its television version, this close-in melee weapon has a slightly-altered blade shape, but similar to a jackknife, the weapon can be creased and stored into the left shoulder pylon.[5]

Also appearing in Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time, each of NERV's four-limbed robots wield replica PKN-01C Progressive knives against New Unit-02α and Unit-08γ.

PKN-02.2C Evangelion Custom Close Combat Next Gen Progressive Knife (Unit 02 Special)[]


PKN-02.2C Evangelion Custom Close Combat Next Gen Progressive Knife (Unit 02 Special) (エヴァンゲリオン専用近接戦闘用次世代型プログレッシブナイフ (2号機用) PKN-02.20?) is a set of knives stored in the shoulder pylons of Evangelion Unit-02. It was introduced in Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance. It was designed by Ikuto Yamashita.

GB-012 Evangelion Custom Electrical Discharge Portable Ordinance "Thunder Spear"[]

Thunder Spear

Appears[6] in Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance. It is used by Mari in Unit-02 when she confronts the Tenth Angel. It resembles a rifle with a blade instead of a barrel. It was designed by Ikuto Yamashita.

Spear of Cassius[]

Eva-01 pierced by Cassius
Main article: Spear of Cassius

Similarly to the spear of Longinus, while not explicitly a weapon the Spear of Cassius is often shown being used as a weapon, most notably by Mark.06 to prevent near third impact and by Unit-01 against Evangelion 13.

Double-Bladed Naginata[]


Appears in Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, used by Unit-02'γ against Evangelion 13. It can separate into two swords. It slices through Evangelion 13's RS Hoppers with little effort but is unable to harm the Evangelion itself.



Used by Mark.09 in Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo. It is taller than a common Evangelion. Mark.09 uses it against Unit-02'γ and decapitates Mark.06 to release the sealed Twelfth Angel.

Curved Blade Weapon[]


Appears in Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time. Used by New Unit-02α during Operation Yamato. Originally seen in a collapsed state, the blade on this weapon is able to fold into itself in a similar way to Unit-01's progressive knife for storage.

Anti-Material Circular Saw[]


Anti-Material Circular Saw (アンチマテリアル丸ノコ?) is a weapon recovered from Euro-NERV during the Paris Assault Mission, this weapon is used by both Unit-08γ and New Unit-02α during Operation Yamato. Initially seen in a staff configuration, the weapon is later split in half to be used as as two hatchet style weapons. Appears in Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time.

Rebuild of Evangelion Ranged Weapons[]

EM-226 Evangelion Portable Revolving Multi-Barrel Machine Gun[]

Eva-01 gatling gun

Unit-01 armed with the Gatling Gun

Introduced in Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone. A massive Gatling Gun (ガトリングガン?), utilized by Unit-01 against the Fifth Angel. When fired, this weapon drops a enormous amount of shell casings that crushed several vehicles on the ground. However, it deals no visible damage to the Angel.

  • Official Designation: EM-226 Evangelion Portable Revolving Multi-Barrel Machine Gun (EM-226エヴァンゲリオン専用携帯型回転式多砲身440mm機関砲?)[7] or EM-226 440mm Gatling Gun
  • Caliber: 440mm[8]

Type MM-99 209mm AU Assault Rifle[]

Introduced in Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone. Essentially the same weapon as the Pallet Rifle, it is brought up for use against Fifth Angel but not taken. Wielded again by Unit-01 against the Ninth Angel in Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance, but not used. Finally, Unit-02 uses two of these rifles against the Tenth Angel, only successful in breaking a few of the Angel's many A.T. Field layers.

  • Official Designation: Type MM-99 Evangelion Large Caliber Rifle / AU Assault Rifle (エヴァンゲリオン専用大口径209mm小銃 AU Assault Rifle Type MM-99?) [9] or Type MM-99 209mm AU Assault Rifle
  • Caliber: 209mm[10]

2nd Experimental High Power Self-Propelled 460mm Positron Cannon[]

2nd Experimental High Power Self-Propelled 460mm Positron Cannon

2nd Experimental High Power Self-Propelled 460mm Positron Cannon (大出力型第2次試作自走460mm陽電子砲?) is a weapon introduced in Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone mounted in a treaded machinery, it is used against the Sixth Angel during Operation Yashima.[11]. This weapon uses Japan's whole electricity supply as its power source. A variant of it was installed as a part of Evangelion Mark.4444C, stated to be a ground type variant, with power supplied by multiple Mark.44Bs. In Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time.

MM-144 Evangelion Custom Super-Electromagnetic Crossbow[]

Eva-02 crossbow (Rebuild)

Super-Electromagnetic Crossbow MM-144

Introduced in Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance. Utilized by Unit-02 against the Seventh Angel.

As originally conceived, the weapon would use the Evangelions's A.T. Field to launch its projectiles. However, it was altered to electromagnetic propulsion during Evangelion 2.0's post-production.[12]

  • Official Designation: MM-144 Evangelion Custom Super-Electromagnetic Crossbow[13]
  • German Designation: Überelektromagnetische Armbrust MM-144

Sniper Rifle[]

Evangelion Unit-08 Sniper Rifle

Introduced in Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, used by Unit-08α. It is used to support Asuka in the Operation US from a long distance.

Sniper Rifle (Short Barrel)[]

Evangelion Unit-08 Sniper Rifle (Shorter Barrel)

Appears in Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, used by Unit-08β. It can either be loaded with regular or special Anti-A.T. Field ammunition, special bullets that can break through any A.T. Field but this can't harm Evangelion 13 since it lacks one entirely. Bullets don't deal any visible damage to both Mark.09 and Evangelion 13, but some shots fired against Mark.09 do display firepower that knock it down.


Evangelion Unit-08 Pistol

Appears in Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, used by Unit-08β. It is basically a Evangelion-sized handgun; despite its relatively lower firepower, it is still able to destroy Mark.09's head when arriving to retrieve Shinji.

Dual Chain Guns[]


Appears in Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time. Used by Unit-08β during the Paris Assault Mission to fight off a group of attacking Evangelion Mark.44A. After extensive use, the barrels suffered from overheating causing the guns to stop working at which point the guns were ejected from the arms.

Gatling Gun[]


Appears in Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time. Used by New Unit-02α during Operation Yamato.

Wire Whip[]


Unit-08y Using Wire Whip Weapon

Appears in Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time. Used by Unit-08γ during Operation Yamato.

Rebuild of Evangelion Other Weapons[]

Enchanted Shield of Virtue[]

Enchanted Shield of Virtue

Enchanted Shield of Virtue

Introduced in Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone, it was wielded by Evangelion Unit-00, is used to protect Unit-01 against the Sixth Angel during Operation Yashima. It would reappear later in Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time. It was used in the hulls of multiple ships as another layer of protection against Evangelion Mark.4444C. Unlike the TV Series counterpart, that was a specially converted "shield" made from the heat shield on the underside of an SSTO spacecraft. The design of this shield is more shield like, with 4 handles around the interior, a pylon near the ground and a little window that can slide in and out for maximum protection. The logo is written in two laterals and in the interior part near the pylon. It was designed by Ikuto Yamashita.[14]

Neon Genesis Evangelion: ANIMA Melee Weapons[]

Stage 3 Specification Progressive Knife[]

Stage 3 Specification Progressive Knife

Stage 3 Specification Progressive Knife (ステージ3仕様 プログレッシブナイフ?) is an updated Progressive Knife used by Suoer Evangelion. Stage 3 weapons group were planned to enable "controllable and efficient attacks". The new Progressive Knife is a weapon that generates ultra-high heat using the access of the quantum jump from the window to the higher dimensions to increase the damage.[15]

ATF Curved Sword[]

Evangelion Unit-02 Type F Illustration

ATF Curved Sword

ATF Curved Sword (ATF曲刀, ATF Kyoku Katana?) (Also known as ATF Curved Fword for Unit-02 Type F (弐号機F型用ATF曲刀?)) is a set of two swords is considered a part of the armor and does not have a separate weapon serial number. As it has curved swords installed on both arms as fixed armament, it is generally not equipped with long-range firearms such as rifles. This is based on the assumption that it will be a combination of the ultra-long-range firing of the Evangelion Unit-00 Type F and the mid-range attack using the Impact Bolt of the Evangelion Unit-01 Type F.[16]

Bizen Osafune[]

Bizen Osafune Black and White

Bizen Osafune (ビゼンオサフネ?) (Also known as SRL Bizen) is a two handed sword used by Evangelion Unit-02 Type II. It was developed from the Magorox, it is able to deploy the A.T. Field on the blade.[17] Originally it was developed as a special equipment for Unit-02 Type II, but was also later adopted as the weapon by Super Evangelion and Evangelion Unit-02 Type II Allegorica.[18]

Magorox Exterminate Sword B-Stage[]

Magorox Sword Stage B

Also know as SLR-Magorox[19]. While the first Magorox was just a metal sword, the B-Stage Magorox's blade is infused with A.T. Field, making it able to penetrate enemies' A.T. Field.

Counter Sword Stage 2[]

Developed at the same time as the Magoroku Exterminate Sword Stage 2, the Counter Sword Stage 2 is exactly what its name suggests: a enhanced version of the regular Counter Sword. It is A.T. Field-enhanced.

SRM-61A Field Penetrator A.K.A Kesara and SRM-61B Field Penetrator A.K.A Basara[]

Super Evangelion Kesara and Basara

Super Evangelion with Kesara and Basara.

SRM-61A Field Penetrator Kesara


Also known as Sword Pallet Kesara/Basara Erosion Type AF Variable Convergence Type Field Splitter (ソードパレット 袈裟羅/婆娑羅 浸食型AF可変収束式 フィールドスプリッター?).

SRM-6la Field Splitter Sword Kesara (SRM-6la フィールドスプリッター ソード 袈裟羅(ケサラ)?) is one of a pair of Field Penetrator swords. Generates a special A.T. Field that can be tuned to penetrate a target's Field. Like the Vertex wings, the sword utilizes experimental fielmente elements. The arrangement of those elements affects the sword's field pattern. The sword is stored in a pylon capable of "baking in" specific arrangements. The shape of the sword slightly differs from that of its twin, the SRM-61b Field Splitter Sword Basara (SRM-6lb フィールドスプリッター ソード 婆娑羅(バサラ)?).




Weapon utilized by Super Evangelion.

Neon Genesis Evangelion: ANIMA Ranged Weapons[]

New Type Pallet Rifle "Powered 8"[]

Pallet Rifle Powered 8

Powered 8

The old Pallet rifle was inefficient against the Angels, as its bullet movement energy was only 60 megajoules. This new Pallet Rifle, the "Powered 8", is updated with railgun-based technology to be more efficient. It was also researched to develop a long barrel type Pallet Rifle which would shoot A.T. Field to penetrate enemies' A.T. Field. It can be attached to various rail systems in different places of Evangelions like Super Evangelion or Evangelion Unit-02 Type II Allegorica.

KEG-46R Yamato Rebuild[]

KEG-46R Yamato Rebuild

Yamato Rebuild

A stand-alone cannon with high-explosive ammunition. The barrel had once belonged to the Yamato warship and recreated as a pistol in the hands of Super Evangelion. Each shell weights 1 ton and the speed of the bullet when fired is roughly twice the speed of sound.[20]

EXW-038 Guided Artillery Cannon Neyarl[]

EXW-038 Guided Artillery Cannon Neyarl

EXW-038 Cannon Neyarl (EXW-038E ナイアール砲?) is a mounted cannon in Super Evangelion shoulder pylons.


An eighty-centimeter armor-piercing cannon, a gigantic weapon wielded by Evangelion EURO-II Heurtebise during the conflict in Novaya Zemlya against the Torwarts and Angel Carriers. It weights 550 tons.


Super Evangelion Azumaterasu Full Color

Azumaterasu (大弓アズマテラス?) is a relic found near the Chronostatic Sphere, it is able to fire a powerful shot that destroyed a giant part of the Moon's detached landmass as it fall towards Earth, but shortly turns Super Evangelion to salt after it's usage. It is also called as Sacrilegus by SEELE.

Angel's Backbone[]

Angel's Backbone (天使の背骨?) is a weapon utilized by Evangelion Unit-00 Type F.

Devil's Backbone[]

Evangelion ANIMA v3 Heurtebise Devil's Backbone

Devil's Backbone

Devil's Backbone (悪魔の背骨?) is a Field Piercer Weapon utilized by Evangelion EURO-II Heurtebise. Looking like a dragon's head, plated with scales. It amputated Evangelion Unit-0.0 arm corrupted with the Q.R. Signum and consumed it.[21]Hikari had permission to fire the Devil's Backbone against the falling Yomotsu Hirasaka. It is stated by Hikari that it has a sleep mode and when activated, an ominous chill affected Rei Six. "Have you ever cursed the day you were born?" The weapon was built from an Evangelion spine and the sorrow could be felt by those near it. Upon firing at Torwart A, the output far exceeded the Angel's Backbone, it caused Torwart A's body to spasm and squirm, when an event horizon appeared in its chest, producing a micro black hole that devoured it. Hikari fired it again at Torwart B, but only managed to destroy its left arm as it was still attacked by Heurtebise and Type F. The Devil's Backbone was an EVA that had the four member amputated and cursed to only fire powerful consuming fields out of its mouth. Hikari in terror, kept firing against the giant Armaros. As it kept firing micro black holes at it, Armaros noticed it but was soon consumed by it, leaving only its feet. [22]

Hand Cannon[]

Evangelion Unit-01 Type CQB Hand Cannon

Hand Cannon

Weapon utilized by Evangelion Unit-01 Type CQB.

Other Continuities[]

Shinigami's Backbone[]

Neon Genesis Evangelion Concept Design Works 005

Illustration by Ikuto Yamashita

Shinigami's Backbone (死神の背骨, Shinigami no sebone?) also known as Spine of the Death God is a weapon featured in the book Sore o Nasumono: Neon Genesis Evangelion Concept Design Works, in the original movie plot written by Ikuto Yamashita and Kio Seiji.It is described as a Sinking-Type Equipment Universal Invasion Gun (Field Sinker). This new type of corrosive A.T. Field worked by ways of a guaranteed-to-hit heavy particle bullet, which, when used against enemies with current A.T. Field capacity, would almost always find its target with terrible speed[23] [24]

Shinigami's Backbone

The concept of this weapon was later reused in the Neon Genesis Evangelion: ANIMA novel series, in the form of Angel's Backbone and Devil's Backbone.

Magoroku Exterminate Sword[]

Evangelion Unit-01 & Magorox

Unit-01 unsheathing the Magorox

Magoroku Exterminate Sword (マゴロク・エクスターミネートソード?), sometimes it is shorten as "Magoroku-E Sword" or "Magorox" (マゴロックス?). Designed for the show by Ikuto Yamashita, but never used (it is in some production art and included with some models, though). It is a long sword for Unit-01's use. A dedicated scabbard for the Magorox can be attached to the left shoulder pylon of Unit-01 for storage. The shape of the blade resembles a katana.

Counter Sword[]

Neon Genesis Evangelion Concept Design Works 061

Counter Sword at left and Magoroku at right

Counter Sword (カウンターソード?) is a weapon designed by Ikuto Yamashita, introduced in production artworks and included with some models. It is essentially a shortened version of the Magorox designed mainly, true to its name, for defensive purpose. As for the Magorox, a dedicated scabbard for the Counter Sword can be attached to Unit-01's left shoulder pylon for storage.

Tamashii SPEC XS-01 Evangelion Unit-01 Swords

Scabbards for the Tamashii SPEC XS-01 Evangelion Unit-01 figure.

Dual Saw[]

Dual Saw artwork

Artwork of the Dual Saw by Yamashita

Dual Saw IY

Artwork of the Dual Saw by Yamashita (English)

(大型破砕兵器デュアルソー). Designed by Ikuto Yamashita for Neon Genesis Evangelion 2. Appears in the manga. It is used by Kaworu in Unit-02 against Armisael. The Dual Saw is exactly what it's title states: a chainsaw with two blades placed beside each other. According to its description, this weapon is so big that "cutting" isn't the proper term to describe its action but "shredding" would be more fitting.

Evangelion Unit-00 utilizes it in Super Robot Wars DD game.


Evangelion Unit-03 Tonfa

in Neon Genesis Evangelion: Battle Orchestra.

Tonfa (トンファー?) is a melee weapon used by Evangelion Unit-03 in the Neon Genesis Evangelion: Battle Orchestra game.


A javelin-like weapon appearing in multiple official illustrations, but no other related media.

A.W. Mastema[]


A.W. Mastema

All Range Weapon Mastema (全領域兵器マステマ?) is a weapon introduced in the Neon Genesis Evangelion 2 game and then appearing in Neon Genesis Evangelion: ANIMA, the All-range Weapon Mastema is named after a fallen angelWP said to have wrought much suffering on the human race. It can be used as a missile launcher, as a gun or as a gunblade, allowing this multi-weapon to serve well in both close-range and distance combat. It's limited to firing N² missiles, which on account of their limited power output can even be used on front lines without UN approval. As a large weapon, its surprisingly lightweight, ans the convenience of being able t carry large quantities of ordnance makes it an appealing choice.

In Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 game, it is featured as a usable weapon in Evangelion Unit-01 Type F's moveset. It was utilized as three attacks, N² missile variant being the strongest.

Progressive Dagger[]

Evangelion Unit-01 Type F Shoulder Pylon

Progressive Dagger

Progressive Dagger (プログレッシブ・ダガー?) is a melee weapon introduced in Neon Genesis Evangelions, it is an upgraded and bigger version of the Progressive Knife. It is stored inside the shoulder pylon of Evangelion Unit-01 Type F. It would also featured in Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 game.


Used by Evangelion Unit-04 during the EVANGELION THE REAL 4D 2.0, the rapidborers are melee weapons fit to the units elbows which shift down to the hands for use via rails.

XEBEC/REVOLTECH Original Weapons[]

This section is for the various weapons that came with the Evangelion figures line from XEBEC and later Revoltech in the 00's. Most of them are real weapons scaled up to fit Evangelion sizes.

Steyr AUG Rifle[]

Steyr AUG Rifle Unit-02

Neon Genesis Evangelion - EVA-02 - Revoltech - No. 005

It comes with the Neon Genesis Evangelion - EVA-02 - Revoltech - No. 005 figure by Kaiyodo released in 2005.


Unit-00 Shotgun Revoltech

Neon Genesis Evangelion - EVA-00 - Revoltech - No. 005

It comes with the Neon Genesis Evangelion - EVA-00 - Revoltech - No. 005 figure by Kaiyodo released in 2006.


EVA-03 - Revoltech - No

Neon Genesis Evangelion - EVA-03 - Revoltech - No. 009 itens

It comes with the Neon Genesis Evangelion - EVA-03 - Revoltech - No. 009 and Neon Genesis Evangelion - EVA-04 - Revoltech - No. 013 figures by Kaiyodo released in 2006.

Submachine Gun[]

EVA-03 - Revoltech - No

Neon Genesis Evangelion - EVA-03- Revoltech - No. 009

It comes with the Neon Genesis Evangelion - EVA-03 - Revoltech - No. 009 and Neon Genesis Evangelion - EVA-04 - Revoltech - No. 013 figures by Kaiyodo released in 2006.

Beretta Pistol[]

Desert Eagle[]

Combat Knife[]



Neon Genesis Evangelion: Gakuen Datenroku Weapons[]

In Neon Genesis Evangelion: Gakuen Datenroku, the EVAS are hand-held weapons. By taking in "Core Data", the user can manifest power and strength equal to Angels. It can be manifested from nothing by focusing ones's will. They can change shape based on the condition of the user.[25]

Shinji's EVA[]

Gakuen Datenroku Shinji's EVA

Shinji's EVA

Rei's EVA[]

Gakuen Datenroku Rei's EVA

Rei's EVA

Asuka's EVA[]

Gakuen Datenroku Asuka's EVA

Asuka's EVA

Kaworu's EVA[]

Gakuen Datenroku Kaworu's EVA

Kaworu's EVA

Anti EVA Weapon[]

Gakuen Datenroku Anti EVA Weapon

Anti EVA Weapon

A weapon capable of generating A.T. Field that can be used by normal humans.


Recoiless Rifle[]

METAL BUILD Recoiless Rifle

Recoiless Rifle (無反動砲?) is a weapon that was included in the release of METAL BUILD EVANGELION 00 PROTO TYPE/Unit 00', released in May 2022. It is a recoiless rifle designed by Ikuto Yamashita. It is described to be a non-recoil rifle that can be attached to the shoulder and thighs pylons of the figures.

Thunder Spear[]

METAL BUILD Thunder Spear

Thunder Spear (サンダースピア?) is a weapon that was included in the METAL BUILD EVA-02 Production Model, released in November 2019. It is a redesigned version of GB-012 Evangelion Custom Electrical Discharge Portable Ordinance "Thunder Spear".

Retractable Progressive Knife[]

METAL BUILD Unit-02 Retractable Progressive Knife

Retractable Progressive Knife (折刃式プログレッシブナイフ?) is a weapon that was included in the METAL BUILD EVA-02 Production Model, released in November 2019.

Needle Launcher[]

METAL BUILD Unit-02 Retractable Progressive Knife

Needle Launcher (ニードルランチャー?) is a weapon that was included in the METAL BUILD EVA-02 Production Model, released in November 2019. A weapon that is equipped around the shoulder pylons that can be used to launch needles. It is honeycomb-shaped unlike the original Needle Launcher that was inside the shoulder pylon.

Pallet Rifle[]

METAL BUILD Unit-01 Pallet Rifle

Pallet Rifle (パレットライフル?) is a weapon that was included in the METAL BUILD EVA-01 Test Type, released in February 2019. It is a redesigned Pallet Rifle that unlike the original design, can be altered with extra equipment, like a longer barrel, a grenade launcher, a bayonet. The weapon also have removable magazine.

Hand Gun[]

METAL BUILD Unit-01 Handgun

Hand Gun (ハンドガン?) is a weapon that was included in the METAL BUILD EVA-01 Test Type, released in February 2019. It is hand gun that can be cocked back, have a removable magazine and can also be attached to the various hardpoints.

Evangelion Battlefields Melee Weapons[]

One Handed Weapons[]

Polearm Type Weapons[]

Other Melee Weapons[]

Evangelion Battlefields Ranged Weapons[]

Pistol Type Weapons[]

Machine Gun Type Weapons[]

Rifle Type Weapons[]

Shotgun Type Weapons[]

Crossbow Type Weapons[]

Bazooka & Launcher Type Weapons[]


Shinkalion x EVANGELION Collaboration Weapons[]

Kaisatsu Trident 500 TYPE EVA[]

Kaisatsu Trident 500 TYPE EVA

Kaisatsu Trident 500 TYPE EVA (カイサツトライデント 500 TYPE EVA?) is wielded by Shinkalion 500 TYPE EVA.

Missile Shield 500 TYPE EVA[]

Missile Shield 500 TYPE EVA

Missile Shield 500 TYPE EVA (ミサイルシールド 500 TYPE EVA?) is wielded by Shinkalion 500 TYPE EVA.

Progressive Shingoto[]

Progressive Shingoto

Progressive Shingoto (プログレッシブシンゴウトウ?) is wielded by Shinkalion Z 500 TYPE EVA.

μSky Blade[]

μSky Blade (ミュースカイブレード?) is wielded by Shinkalion Z 500 μSky TYPE EVA.

μSky Progressive Signal Knife[]

ΜSky Progressive Signal Knife

μSky Progressive Signal Knife (ミュースカイプログレッシブシンゴウトウ?) is wielded by Shinkalion Z 500 μSky TYPE EVA.

μSky Shield[]

ΜSky Shield

μSky Shield (ミュースカイシールド?) is a large shield formed by the facade and a major portion of the roof of the Zailiner μSky TYPE EVA, used mainly on its combination with the Z 500 Type EVA. It is wielded by Shinkalion Z 500 μSky TYPE EVA.

Spear of Junctionus[]

Spear of Junctionus Settei

Spear of Junctionus is wielded by Shinkalion Z 500 μSky TYPE EVA.

Goddess of Victory: Nikke x EVANGELION Collaboration Weapons[]

You Can (Not) Evade[]

You Can (Not) Evade NIKKE logo

Event logo

The weapons featured in the collaboration event You Can (Not) Evade that occured from 22 August 2024 to 19 September 2024 in Korean, Japanese and Global servers.

Heavy Gatling Gun for Subdual[]
Goddess of Victory Nikke x EVANGELION collab 16 Front

Rei uses the Heavy Gatling Gun for Subdual

Rei Ayanami uses the Heavy Gatling Gun for Subdual (制圧用中型マシンガン?) in the Goddess of Victory: NikkeWP x EVANGELION collaboration.

Lightweight Assault Rifle[]
Goddess of Victory Nikke x EVANGELION collab 13 Front

Asuka uses the Lightweight Assault Rifle

Asuka Shikinami Uses the Lightweight Assault Rifle (突撃型軽量ライフル?) in the Goddess of Victory: NikkeWP x EVANGELION collaboration.

Long-range Precision Rifle[]
Goddess of Victory Nikke x EVANGELION collab 19 Front

Mari wields the Long-range Precision Rifle

Mari Makinami Illustrious uses the Long-range Precision Rifle (長距離用精密ライフル?) in the Goddess of Victory: NikkeWP x EVANGELION collaboration.

Self-defense Automatic Pistol[]
Goddess of Victory Nikke x EVANGELION collab 22 Front

Misato wields the Self-defense Automatic Pistol

Misato Katsuragi uses the Self-defense Automatic Pistol (護身用自動ピストル?) in the Goddess of Victory: NikkeWP x EVANGELION collaboration.

Second Quest[]

Second Quest NIKKE logo

Event logo

The weapons featured in the collaboration event Second Quest that occured from 20 February 2025 to 13 March 2025 in Korean, Japanese and Global servers.

Suppressive Assault Rifle[]
Goddess of Victory Nikke x EVANGELION Second collab 23

Rei wields the Suppressive Assault Rifle

Rei Ayanami (Tentative Name) uses the Suppressive Assault Rifle (制圧用アサルトライフル?) in the second Goddess of Victory: NikkeWP x EVANGELION collaboration.

Mass Annihilation Machine Gun[]
Goddess of Victory Nikke x EVANGELION Second collab 14

Asuka Shikinami Langley: WILLE wields the Mass Annihilation Machine Gun

Asuka Shikinami Langley: WILLE uses the Mass Annihilation Machine Gun (大規模殲滅戦用マシンガン?) in the second Goddess of Victory: NikkeWP x EVANGELION collaboration.

Defensive Pistol[]
Goddess of Victory Nikke x EVANGELION Second collab 32

Sakura Suzuhara wields the Defensive Pistol

Sakura Suzuhara uses the Defensive Pistol (防衛用ピストル?) in the second Goddess of Victory: NikkeWP x EVANGELION collaboration.


  1. The concept of a bladed weapon being vibrated at ultrasonic frequencies to increase its sharpness is actually fairly common in multiple science fiction genres; in particular such "vibroblades" are frequently utilized in the Star Wars universe.
  2. Steyr ACR Rifle Styer site with images of the firearm. Designed in 1987; only seven years before Evangelion was created. Apparently, the rifle uses flechette ammunition, which is basically steel darts instead of bullets.
  3. http://world.guns.ru/assault/as56-e.htm
  4. Accuracy International Website. The AW series was introduced in 1991, only four years before Evangelion was made. Since the rifles are sold as customisable kits, there are no standardised images of them on the company site; but profiles of several rifles can be seen here.
  5. Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone - Complete Records Visual Story Edition - Setting Material Edition p.252
  6. ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版破 全記録全集 設定 資料版 p.057
  7. Explanation of Evangelion
  8. Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone - Complete Records Visual Story Edition - Setting Material Edition p.253
  9. Explanation of Evangelion
  10. ':Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone - Complete Records Visual Story Edition - Setting Material Edition p.253
  11. Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone - Complete Records Visual Story Edition - Setting Material Edition p.256
  12. See Ikuto Yamashita's concept drawings in Evangelion 2.0 Complete Records Collection, along with the evolution of pertinent cuts as shown in the Rebuild of Evangelion 2.02 featurette.
  13. ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版破 全記録全集 設定 資料版 p.055
  14. Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone - Complete Records Visual Story Edition - Setting Material Edition p.260
  15. 初号機のS²機開機関完全対応化にもとづき、それまでの兵器体系の見直しが行われた。 スーパーエヴァンゲリオン初起動時に行われた戦闘で初号機は超高エネルギーを発生し エンジェルキャリヤーを破壊したが、 それにともない 腕部の損傷から周辺施設の被害まで 様々な障害が発生した。 また、その時の超高エネルギーを 再度発生させるこ��も現状では達成できず、 S機園の超大な出力を利用してブラックホールを発生。兵器として運用するには心許ないものであった。ステージ3兵器群は「制御でき効率的な攻撃」が行えるように企画されたものである。 今回、対カトル戦で使用した新型プログナイフはホーキング幅射による恒星表面以上の超高熱を発生する超兵器である。 ステージ3兵器としては、ハワードエイト・ロングバレル等の実戦化が現在進行中である。
  16. Neon Genesis Evangelion: ANIMA Visual Book p.11
  17. 弐号機Ⅱ式用の新型装備として、両手 持ちの大型刀「ビゼンオサフネ」があ る。これは「マゴロクステージ2仕 様」の運用実績に基づいて開発され た新型ATフィールド兵器である。マ ゴロク同様、刃にATフィールドを展 開、敵機のATフィールドを相殺両断 する機能を有す。刀身長はエヴァが 展開できる最長のATフィールドの長 さから逆算されていると思われる。運 用実績は良好であり、後にスーパー エヴァンゲリオンを含むエヴァンゲリ オン用の汎用装備として採用された。
  18. Neon Genesis Evangelion: ANIMA Visual Book p.15
  19. Neon Genesis Evangelion: ANIMA Volume 2, chapter 14
  20. Neon Genesis Evangelion: ANIMA Volume 2, chapter 28
  21. Neon Genesis Evangelion ANIMA, Volume 4, Chapter 30
  22. Neon Genesis Evangelion: ANIMA Volume 4, Chapter 47
  23. https://wiki.evageeks.org/Sore_o_Nasumono_(Translation)
  24. それをなすもの―「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン」コンセプトデザインワークス p.74
  25. Neon Genesis Evangelion: Gakuen Datenroku Volume 1, Mingming's Grafitti
