Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
For other uses, see Weapons.

Weapons in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim offer a similar level of diversity as previous The Elder Scrolls titles, with both one- and two-handed versions of swords, axes, and mace/hammers, as well as one-handed daggers and bows.

One-handed weapons can be dual-wielded. This means the Dragonborn can be equipped with any combination of daggers, swords, war axes, or maces. They can also be wielded in tandem with a shield or spell in the off-hand. However, the Dragonborn cannot block while dual-wielding, requiring either a shield or a free left hand.

Two-handed weapons, in general, are heavier and slower than one-handed weapons, but also deliver more damage and have a greater reach. With the exception of bows, crossbows, and staves, weapons also be used to block attacks, though shields are more effective.

There are dozens of different types, ranging from iron at the lowest level, and Daedric weapons at the highest, each with varying degrees of weight. With the addition of The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard, dragonbone weapons, which are stronger than Daedric weapons, can be obtained, as can the crossbow.

They are essential tools for survival in Skyrim, and can be bought, looted, stolen, forged, or received as a reward. Weapons can be upgraded at a grindstone with the right materials and perks.

The following is a complete list of weapons in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and its add-ons.



Daggers are the lightest and fastest-swinging of the one-handed weapons, but deal the least damage compared to other weapons in their class. However, they also receive much higher damage bonuses from sneak attacks with the right perks.

Name DamageIcon WeightIcon Gold Upgrade Perk Item ID
Alessandra's Dagger 5 1 10 N/A None 00043E1E
Blade of Sacrifice 10 4 144 Ebony Ingot None 00079B1D
Blade of Woe 12 7 880 None required Steel 0009CCDC
Bloodthorn 8 2.5 183 Steel Ingot Steel 000A4DCE
Borvir's Dagger 8 4 18 Refined Moonstone Elven 000ECD54
Daedric Dagger 11 6 500 Ebony Ingot Daedric 000139B6
Dragon Priest Dagger 6 5 9 N/A None 0001C1FE
Dragonbone Dagger DG 12 6.5 600 Dragon Bone Dragon xx014fcb
Dwarven Dagger 7 3.5 55 Dwarven Metal Ingot Dwarven 00013996
Ebony Dagger 10 5 290 Ebony Ingot Ebony 000139AE
Elven Dagger 8 4 95 Refined Moonstone Elven 0001399E
Glass Dagger 9 4.5 165 Refined Malachite Glass 000139A6
Iron Dagger 4 2 10 Iron Ingot None 0001397E
Kahvozein's Fang 6 5 9 N/A None 000D0758
Keening 8 4 5 N/A None 0006A13C
Mehrunes' Razor 11 3 860 Ebony Ingot None 000240D2
Nettlebane 6 10 5 Ebony Ingot None 0001C492
Nordic Dagger DR 8 3.5 115 Quicksilver Ingot Advanced xx01cdae
Orcish Dagger 6 3 30 Orichalcum Ingot Orcish 0001398E
Rundi's Dagger 5 2.5 18 Steel Ingot Steel 000ECD53
Shiv 5 2 5 N/A None 000426C8
Skyforge Steel Dagger 8 2.5 25 N/A None 0009F25D
Stalhrim Dagger DR 10 4.5 395 Stalhrim Ebony xx01cdb5
Steel Dagger 5 2.5 18 Steel Ingot Steel 00013986
Valdr's Lucky Dagger 5 2.5 15 Steel Ingot Steel 000B994E


Maces are the heaviest and slowest of the one-handed weapons, but deal the most damage.

Name DamageIcon WeightIcon Gold Upgrade Perk Item ID
Daedric Mace 16 20 1750 Ebony Ingot Daedric 000139B8
Dragonbone Mace DG 17 22 2000 Dragon Bone Dragon xx014fcd
Dwarven Mace 12 16 190 Dwarven Metal Ingot Dwarven 00013998
Ebony Mace 16 19 1000 Ebony Ingot Ebony 000139B0
Elven Mace 13 17 330 Refined Moonstone Elven 000139A0
Glass Mace 14 18 575 Refined Malachite Glass 000139A8
Horksbane DR 10 14 250 Steel Ingot Steel xx026490
Iron Mace 9 13 35 Iron Ingot None 00013982
Lunar Iron Mace 9 13 99 Iron Ingot None Level 2–3: 0003B0BF
9 13 133 Level 4–5: 0003B0C0
9 13 168 Level 6+: 0003B0C1
Lunar Steel Mace 10 14 129 Iron Ingot None Level 4–5: 0003B0B6
10 14 163 Level 6–7: 0003B0B9
10 14 198 Level 8+: 0003B0BC
Mace of Molag Bal 16 18 1257 Ebony Ingot None 000233E3
Nordic Mace DR 13 16 410 Quicksilver Ingot Advanced xx01cdb0
Orcish Mace 11 15 105 Orichalcum Ingot Orcish 00013990
Prelate's Mace DG 13 7 330 Refined Moonstone Elven xx01681e
Rusty Mace 7 13 5 N/A - 00022F0F
Stalhrim Mace DR 16 18 1375 Stalhrim Ebony xx01cdb7
Steel Mace 10 14 65 Steel Ingot Steel 00013988


Swords are slightly slower than daggers, but deal more damage, though swords are faster and weaker than maces and axes.

Name DamageIcon WeightIcon Gold Upgrade Perk Item ID
Akaviri Sword DG 11 10 300 N/A - xx014555
Amren's Family Sword 7 9 25 Iron Ingot None 000647AC
Ancient Nord Sword 8 12 13 Steel Ingot Steel 0002C66F
Blades Sword 11 10 300 Steel Ingot Steel 0003AEB9
Bloodscythe DR 13 10 1859 Ebony Ingot Daedric xx018ddd
Bolar's Oathblade 11 10 1014 Quicksilver Ingot Steel 000C1989
Ceremonial Sword 8 12 5 Steel Ingot Steel 0008ADFC
Chillrend 10 11 552 Refined Malachite Glass Level 1–10: 000F8313
11 12 635 Level 11–18: 000F8314
12 13 872 Level 19–26: 000F8315
13 14 846 Level 27–35: 000F8316
14 15 1111 Level 36–45: 000F8317
15 16 1442 Level 46+: 000F8318
Daedric Sword 14 16 1250 Ebony Ingot Daedric 000139B9
Dawnbreaker 12 10 740 Ebony Ingot None 0004E4EE
Dragonbane 10 10 789 Quicksilver Ingot Steel Level 1–18: 000F1AC1
11 11 1046 Level 19–26: 000F71CD
12 12 1189 Level 27–35: 000F71CE
13 13 1860 Level 36–45: 000F71CF
14 14 2596 Level 46+: 000F71D0
Dragonbone Sword DG 15 19 1500 Dragon Bone Dragon xx014fce
Drainheart Sword 11 3 73 N/A - 000F71DD
Dwarven Sword 10 12 135 Dwarven Metal Ingot Dwarven 00013999
Ebony Sword 13 15 720 Ebony Ingot Ebony 000139B1
Eduj 11 9 300 Steel Ingot Steel 0008FFDF
Elven Sword 11 13 235 Refined Moonstone Elven 000139A1
Falmer Sword 10 18 67 Chaurus Chitin None 0002E6D1
Forsworn Sword 10 13 70 Steel Ingot Steel 000CADE9
Gauldur Blackblade 8 12 234 Steel Ingot Dwarven Level 1–11: 000AB702
8 12 465 Level 12–18: 000F5D1A
11 15 669 Level 19–26: 000F5D1B
11 15 975 Level 27–35: 000F5D1C
11 15 1286 Level 36+: 000F5D1D
Ghostblade 8 1 300 3 Ectoplasm None 00094A2B
Glass Sword 12 14 410 Refined Malachite Glass 000139A9
Grimsever 12 14 727 Refined Malachite Glass 00053379
Harkon's Sword DG 8 9 1472 Steel Ingot Steel 020067CF
Herebane's Courage 11 13 639 Refined Moonstone Elven 000F9648
Hjalti's Sword 8 12 13 N/A - 00068976
Honed Ancient Nord Sword 11 15 23 Steel Ingot Dwarven 0005BF14
Honed Falmer Sword 12 18 205 N/A - 0006F6FF
Imperial Sword 8 10 23 Steel Ingot Steel 000135B8
Iron Sword 7 9 25 Iron Ingot None 00012EB7
Lunar Iron Sword 7 9 89 Iron Ingot None Level 2–3: 0003B0C2
7 9 123 Level 4–5: 0003B0C3
7 9 158 Level 6+: 0003B0C4
Lunar Steel Sword 8 10 69 Steel Ingot Steel Level 4–5: 0003B0B7
8 10 103 Level 6–7: 0003B0BA
8 10 138 Level 8+: 0003B0BD
Miraak's Sword DR 16 3 427 Daedra Heart
Ebony Ingot
Dwarven xx039fb4
Nightingale Blade 10 11 426 Ebony Ingot None Level 1–18: 0007A917
11 12 851 Level 19–26: 000F6524
12 13 1424 Level 27–35: 000F6525
13 14 2248 Level 36–45: 000F6526
14 15 1665 Level 46+: 000F6527
Nord Hero Sword 11 9 135 Steel Ingot Steel 00068C7B
Nordic Sword DR 11 12 290 Quicksilver Ingot Advanced xx01cdb1
Orcish Sword 9 11 75 Orichalcum Ingot Orcish 00013991
Phantom Sword 1 0 0 N/A - 000771B9
Queen Freydis's Sword 8 10 45 Steel Ingot Steel 000AB85D
Red Eagle's Bane 11 15 100 Steel Ingot Dwarven 000AB703
Red Eagle's Fury 8 12 97 Steel Ingot Steel 0009FD50
Scimitar 11 10 5 Steel Ingot Steel 0007A91A
Silver Sword 8 7 100 N/A - 0010AA19
Skyforge Steel Sword 11 10 70 Steel Ingot Steel 0009F25C
Stalhrim Sword DR 13 14 985 Stalhrim Ebony xx01cdb8
Steel Sword 8 10 45 Steel Ingot Steel 000557F5
Soulrender DR 13 10 1000 Ebony Ingot Daedric xx036689
The Pale Blade 8 12 169 Steel Ingot Steel Level 1–5: 000D37CE
8 12 286 Level 6–11: 000F5D2A
11 15 452 Level 12–18: 000F5D2B
11 15 667 Level 19–26: 000F5D2C
11 15 914 Level 27+: 000F5D2D
Vilkas's Sword 11 10 70 Steel Ingot Steel 0009F25C
Windshear 11 10 40 Steel Ingot Steel 0006EA8B
Wooden Sword HF 2 3 25 Firewood None xx004d91

War Axes

War axes are slower than swords but deal more damage. They are faster than maces but deal less base damage.

Name DamageIcon WeightIcon Gold Upgrade Perk Item ID
Ancient Nord War Axe 9 14 15 Steel Ingot Steel 0002C672
Ancient Nordic Pickaxe DR 5 10 500 N/A xx0398e6
Balgruuf's War Axe 9 12 55 Steel Ingot Steel 00013983
Ceremonial Axe 9 14 5 Steel Ingot Steel 0008ABFD
Daedric War Axe 15 18 1500 Ebony Ingot Daedric 000139B3
Dawnguard Rune Axe DG 11 13 175 Steel Ingot Steel xx01668c
Dawnguard War Axe DG 11 13 55 Steel Ingot Steel xx00d098
Dragonbone War Axe DG 16 21 1700 Dragon Bone Dragon 02014FCF
Dwarven War Axe 11 14 165 Dwarven Metal Ingot Dwarven 00013993
Ebony War Axe 15 17 865 Ebony Ingot Ebony 000139AB
Elven War Axe 12 15 280 Refined Moonstone Elven 0001399B
Falmer War Axe 11 21 82 Chaurus Chitin N/A 000302CD
Forsworn Axe 11 15 90 Steel Ingot Steel 000CC829
Ghorbash's Ancestral Axe 8 11 30 Iron Ingot N/A 0006A8FD
Glass War Axe 14 16 490 Refined Malachite Glass 000139A3
Hoarfrost DR 5 10 946 N/A xx0179c9
Honed Draugr War Axe 11 16 27 Steel Ingot Dwarven 0005BF15
Honed Falmer War Axe 13 21 245 N/A 0006F700
Illusory War Axe 1 14 15 N/A 000E7A31
Iron War Axe 8 11 30 Iron Ingot N/A 00013790
Lunar Iron War Axe 8 11 94 Iron Ingot N/A Level 2–3: 0003B0C5
8 11 128 Level 4–5: 0003B0C6
8 11 163 Level 6+: 0003B0C7
Lunar Steel War Axe 9 12 119 Steel Ingot Steel Level 2–3: 0003B0B8
9 12 153 Level 4–5: 0003B0BB
9 12 188 Level 6+: 0003B0BE
Nord Hero War Axe 12 11 165 Steel Ingot Steel 00068C63
Nordic War Axe DR 12 14 350 Quicksilver Ingot Advanced xx01cdb2
Notched Pickaxe 5 10 303 Iron Ingot N/A 001019D4
Okin 12 11 320 Steel Ingot Steel 0008FFDE
Orcish War Axe 10 13 90 Orichalcum Ingot Orcish 0001398B
Pickaxe 5 10 5 N/A 000E3C16
Poacher's Axe 5 10 32 Steel Ingot N/A 000AE086
Skyforge Steel War Axe 12 12 80 Steel Ingot Steel 0009F260
Stalhrim War Axe DR 15 16 1180 Stalhrim Ebony xx01cdb9
Steel War Axe 9 12 55 Steel Ingot Steel 00013983
Ulfric's War Axe 9 12 55 Steel Ingot Steel 00013983
Woodcutter's Axe 5 10 5 N/A 0002F2F4


Weapons that don't fit into any of the above categories.

Name DamageIcon WeightIcon Gold ItemID
Fork 1 0.5 5 0001F25B
Knife 2 0.5 1 0001F25A



Battleaxes are slower than greatswords, but deal more damage. They are faster than warhammers but deal less damage.

Name DamageIcon WeightIcon Gold Upgrade Perk Item ID
Ancient Nord Battle Axe 18 22 28 Steel Ingot Steel 0001CB64
Daedric Battleaxe 25 27 2750 Ebony Ingot Daedric 000139B4
Dragonbone Battleaxe DG 26 30 3000 Dragon Bone Dragon 02014FC3
Drainblood Battleaxe 21 5 266 N/A - 000F82FA
Dwarven Battleaxe 20 23 300 Dwarven Metal Ingot Dwarven 00013994
Ebony Battleaxe 23 26 1585 Ebony Ingot Ebony 000139AC
Elven Battleaxe 21 24 520 Refined Moonstone Elven 0001399C
Glass Battleaxe 22 25 900 Refined Malachite Glass 000139A4
Headsman's Axe 17 11 15 N/A - 000BE25E
Honed Ancient Nord Battle Axe 21 25 50 Steel Ingot Dwarven 0005BF12
Iron Battleaxe 16 20 55 Iron Ingot None 00013980
Nord Hero Battle Axe 21 20 300 Steel Ingot Steel 00068C79
Nordic Battleaxe DR 21 23 650 Quicksilver Ingot Advanced xx01cdad
Orcish Battleaxe 19 25 165 Orichalcum Ingot Orcish 0001398C
Skyforge Steel Battleaxe 21 21 150 Steel Ingot Steel 0009F25F
Stalhrim Battleaxe DR 24 25 2150 Stalhrim Ebony xx01cdb8
Steel Battleaxe of Fiery Souls 18 21 320 Steel Ingot Steel 00040002
Steel Battleaxe 18 21 100 Steel Ingot Steel 00013984
Rueful Axe 22 10 1183 Ebony Ingot None 0001C4E6
The Woodsman's Friend 17 20 28 N/A - 00022265
Tsun's Battleaxe 27 36 1000 N/A - 0005BF18
Wuuthrad 25 25 2000 N/A - 000956B5


Greatswords are the fastest of the two-handed weapons, but deal the least damage.

Name DamageIcon WeightIcon Gold Upgrade Perk Item ID
Ancient Nord Greatsword 17 18 35 Steel Ingot Steel 000236A5
Balgruuf's Greatsword 17 17 200 Steel Ingot Steel 000946FC
Bloodskal Blade DR 21 16 500 Silver Ingot - xx01a578
Daedric Greatsword 24 23 2500 Ebony Ingot Daedric 000139B7
Dragonbone Greatsword DG 25 27 2725 Dragon Bone Dragon 02014FCC
Dwarven Greatsword 19 19 270 Dwarven Metal Ingot Dwarven 00013997
Ebony Greatsword 22 22 1440 Ebony Ingot Ebony 000139AF
Ebony Blade 11 10 2000 N/A - 000EA29C
Elven Greatsword 20 20 470 Refined Moonstone Elven 0001399F
Glass Greatsword 21 22 820 Refined Malachite Glass 000139A7
Honed Ancient Nord Greatsword 20 21 63 Steel Ingot Dwarven 0005BF13
Iron Greatsword 15 16 50 Iron Ingot None 0001359D
Nord Hero Greatsword 20 16 250 Steel Ingot Steel 000A3115
Nordic Greatsword DR 20 19 585 Quicksilver Ingot Advanced xx01cdaf
Orcish Greatsword 18 18 75 Orichalcum Ingot Orcish 0001398F
Silver Greatsword 17 12 160 N/A - 0010C6FB
Skyforge Steel Greatsword 20 17 140 Steel Ingot Steel 0009F25E
Stalhrim Greatsword DR 23 21 1970 Stalhrim Ebony xx01cdb6
Steel Greatsword 17 17 90 Steel Ingot Steel 00013987
Stormfang DR 17 17 1175 Steel Ingot Steel xx026b0b


Warhammers are the slowest of the two-handed weapons, but deal the most base damage.

Name DamageIcon WeightIcon Gold Upgrade Perk Item ID
Aegisbane 18 24 180 Iron Ingot None 000D2AFE
Champion's Cudgel DR 24 27 1767 N/A - xx01a578
Daedric Warhammer 27 31 4000 Ebony Ingot Daedric 000139BA
Dawnguard Warhammer DG 22 26 110 Steel Ingot Steel 000139BA
Dawnguard Rune Hammer DG 22 26 500 Steel Ingot Steel 000139BA
Dragonbone Warhammer DG 28 33 4275 Dragon Bone Dragon xx014fd0
Dwarven Warhammer 22 27 325 Dwarven Metal Ingot Dwarven 0001399A
Ebony Warhammer 25 30 1725 Ebony Ingot Ebony 000139B2
Elven Warhammer 23 28 565 Refined Moonstone Elven 000139A2
Glass Warhammer 24 29 985 Refined Malachite Glass 000139AA
Iron Warhammer 18 24 60 Iron Ingot None 00013981
Nordic Warhammer DR 23 27 700 Quicksilver Ingot Advanced xx01cdb3
Orcish Warhammer 21 26 180 Orichalcum Ingot Orcish 00013992
Shagrol's Warhammer 21 26 200 Orichalcum Ingot Orcish 000223FB
Stalhrim Warhammer DR 26 29 2850 Stalhrim Ebony xx01cdba
Steel Warhammer 20 25 110 Steel Ingot Steel 0001398A
The Longhammer 21 18 90 Orichalcum Ingot Orcish 000AE085
Trollsbane 20 25 121 Steel Ingot Steel 0006AF63
Volendrung 25 26 1843 Ebony Ingot None 0002ACD2



Name DamageIcon WeightIcon Gold Speed DPS (Damage per second) Upgrade Perk Item ID
Ancient Nord Bow 8 12 45 0.875 1 Steel Ingot Steel 000302CA
Angi's Bow 7 7 50 0.937 1 Steel Ingot Steel 000CC392
Auriel's Bow DG 13 11 1000 1.0 2 Refined Moonstone Elven xx000800
Bow of Shadows  Creation Club   19 18.00 2,500 0.9375 3 Ebony Ingot N/A xxxxx­807
Bow of the Hunt 10 7 434 0.937 1 Steel Ingot Steel 000AB705
Daedric Bow 19 18 2500 0.50 1 Ebony Ingot Daedric 000139B5
Dragonbone Bow DG 20 20 2725 0.75 1 Dragon Bone Dragon xx0176f1
Drainspell Bow 14 6 458 0.875 2 N/A None 000F82FC
Dravin's Bow 7 7 50 0.937 1 Leather Strips Steel 0006B9AD
Dwarven Bow 12 10 270 0.750 1 Dwarven Metal Ingot Dwarven 00013995
Dwarven Black Bow of Fate DR 13 10 1446 0.750 1 Ebony Ingot Dwarven xx02c01a
Ebony Bow 17 16 1440 0.562 1 Ebony Ingot Ebony 000139AD
Elven Bow 13 12 470 0.687 1 Refined Moonstone Elven 0001399D
Falmer Bow 12 15 135 0.75 1 Chaurus Chitin None 00038340
Falmer Supple Bow 15 20 410 0.75 2 N/A None 00083167
Firiniel's End 13 12 785 0.687 1 Refined Moonstone Elven 00017059
Forsworn Bow 12 11 145 0.875 2 Steel Ingot Steel 000CEE9B
Froki's Bow 6 5 307 1.0 1 Iron Ingot None 000C0186
Gauldur Blackbow 8 12 253 0.875 1 Steel Ingot Dwarven Level 1–11: 000A5DEF
8 12 407 0.875 Level 12–18: 000F5D1F
14 18 530 0.875 2 Level 19–26: 000F5D20
14 18 750 0.875 Level 27–35: 000F5D21
14 18 972 0.875 Level 36+: 000F5D22
Glass Bow 15 14 820 0.625 1 Refined Malachite Glass 000139A5
Glass Bow of the Stag Prince DR 16 14 375 0.625 2 Refined Malachite Glass xx018ed5
Hunting Bow 7 7 50 0.937 1 Leather Strips Steel 0010E2DD
Imperial Bow 9 8 90 0.75 1 Steel Ingot None 00013841
Karliah's Bow 25 9 5 0.625 3 N/A None 000DEED8
Long Bow 6 5 30 1.0 1 Firewood None 0003B562
Nord Hero Bow 11 7 200 0.875 1 Steel Ingot None 00068C57
Nordic Bow DR 13 11 580 0.6875 1 Quicksilver Ingot Advanced xx026232
Orcish Bow 10 9 150 0.812 1 Orichalcum Ingot Orcish 0001398D
Stalhrim Bow DR 17 15 1800 0.5625 1 Stalhrim Ebony xx026231
Supple Ancient Nord Bow 14 18 235 0.875 2 N/A None 0005D179
Nightingale Bow 12 9 493 0.50 1 Ebony Ingot None Level 1–18: 0007E5C3
13 11 838 0.50 Level 19–26: 000F6529
15 13 1409 0.50 Level 27–35: 000F652A
17 15 2240 0.50 Level 36–45: 000F652B
19 18 3405 0.50 Level 46+: 000F652C
Zephyr DG 12 10 670 1.0 2 Dwarven Metal Ingot Dwarven xx00cfb6


Name DamageIcon Gold
Ancient Nord Arrow 10 1
Bloodcursed Elven Arrow DG 16 6
Daedric Arrow 24 8
Dragonbone Arrow DG 25 9
Dwarven Arrow 14 4
Dwarven Sphere Centurion Arrow 20 0
Ebony Arrow 20 7
Elven Arrow 16 5
Falmer Arrow 7 1
Forsworn Arrow 7 1
Glass Arrow 18 6
Iron Arrow 8 1
Nordic Arrow DR 14 4
Orcish Arrow 12 3
Practice Arrow 0 0
Riekling Spear DR 10 2
Rusty Arrow 4 0
Stalhrim Arrow DR 20 7
Steel Arrow 10 2
Sunhallowed Elven Arrow DG 16 16


Crossbows are a part of The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard only. They are stronger than most bows, but fire slower.

Name DamageIcon WeightIcon Gold Upgrade Material Additional Effects Item ID
Crossbow 19 14 120 Steel Ingot - xx000801
Dwarven Crossbow 22 20 350 Dwarven metal ingot - xx00b647
Enhanced Crossbow 19 15 200 Steel Ingot Attacks ignore 50% of armor. xx00f19e
Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow 22 21 550 Dwarven metal ingot Attacks ignore 50% of armor. xx00f19f


Crossbows bolts are a part of The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard only.

Name DamageIcon WeightIcon Gold Description Item ID
Steel Bolt 10 0 1 - xx000bb3
Dwarven Bolt 14 0 3 - xx00d099
Exploding Steel Bolt of Fire 10 0 5 Explodes for 10 points of fire damage. xx00f1a0
Exploding Steel Bolt of Ice 10 0 5 Explodes for 10 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina. xx00f1bb
Exploding Steel Bolt of Shock 10 0 5 Explodes for 10 points of shock damage to Health and half that to Magicka. xx00f1bc
Exploding Dwarven Bolt of Fire 14 0 15 Explodes for 15 points of fire damage. xx00f1b1
Exploding Dwarven Bolt of Ice 14 0 15 Explodes for 15 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina. xx00f1b7
Exploding Dwarven Bolt of Shock 14 0 15 Explodes for 15 points of shock damage to Health and half that to Magicka xx00f1b9
