Dragon Quest Wiki

The following is a list of items that can be collected and be used by the hero's party in Dragon Quest IX.



  • The items that mark "Sell: XXX G" means that they cannot be bought, but can be sell at XXX G.
  • The items that do not mark "Sell: XXX G" means that they can be sold at half of their buy price.
  • If the item cannot be bought and sold, they will be marked "Cannot be sold".

Note: Some items in the following list might be able to be bought in WIFI store, with a high price relative to their selling price.

Means of Obtain[]

  • Shop - means that the item can be bought in shops
  • Harvest - means that the item can be harvested in harvest points of regions listed under the sublist.
  • Monster drop - means that the item may be dropped by monsters listed under the sublist.
  • Alchemy - means that the item can be combined by using various alchemy ingredients.
  • Chest - means that the item may be found in a chest.


Recovery Items[]

Recovery items recover its user's HP or MP, and remove any harmful state on him/her.

Name Price Means of Obtain Description
DQ9 AngelBell Angel Bell 90 G A cure for confusion that concentrates on a single ally.
DQ9 AntidotalHerb Antidotal Herb 10 G A helpful herb that purges the scourge of poison from a single ally.
DQ9 ElfinElixir Elfin Elixir 3000 G An enchanted elixir that totally tops up a single ally's MP.
DQ9 HolyWater Holy Water 40 G A righteous repellent that keeps weaker monsters away.
DQ9 Lunaria Lunaria 180 G An antidote to paralysis for a single ally that also adds around 90 HP.
DQ9 MagicWater Magic Water 500 G An enchanted elixir that restore around 30 MP to a single ally.
DQ9 MedicinalHerb Medicinal Herb 8 G A helpful herb that restores around 30 HP to a single ally.
DQ9 MoonwortBulb Moonwort Bulb 30 G An antidote to paralysis that unfreezes an ally.
DQ9 Panacea Panacea 175 G A remedy that removes poison and paralysis and restores around 90 HP.
DQ9 PerfectPanacea Perfect Panacea 490 G A remedy that removes all manner of ills and restores around 90 HP.
DQ9 SagesElixir Sage's Elixir 1500 G An enchanted elixir that restores around 90 MP to a single ally.
DQ9 Softwort Softwort 95 G An antidote to paralysis for a single ally that also adds around 60 HP.
DQ9 SpecialAntidote Special Antidote Sell: 33 G A herb that heals poison and restores around 90 HP to a single ally.
DQ9 SpecialMedicine Special Medicine Sell: 35 G A helpful herb that restores around 90 HP to a single ally.
DQ9 StrongAntidote Strong Antidote 38 G A herb that heals poison and restores around 40 HP to a single ally.
DQ9 StrongMedicine Strong Medicine 36 G A herb that restores around 40 HP to a single ally.
DQ9 SuperirorMedicine Superior Medicine 50 G A helpful herb that restores around 60 HP to a single ally.
DQ9 Wakerobin Wakerobin 66 G A powerful pick-me-up that can stir a single ally from sleep.
DQ9 YggdrasilLeaf Yggdrasil leaf 1000 G Rare foliage that can resurrect a single written-off ally.
DQ9 YggdrasilDew Yggdrasil dew 2500 G Divine drops that bring the whole party back to full health.

Attack Items[]

Attack items are items that can be used in battles by the hero's party to cause damages or harmful states to the target monster

Name Price Means of Obtain Description
DQ9 MystifyingMixture Mystifying Mixture 560 G A potion that sends a single enemy into a state of confusion.
DQ9 RocktombShard Rockbomb Shard Sell: 225 G An explosive bit of boulder that deals damage to all foes.
DQ9 SleepingHibiscus Sleeping Hibiscus 68 G A serious sedative that sends a single group off enemies to sleep.
DQ9 Tangelweb Tangleweb 35 G A cloying cobweb that slows the enemy to a snail's pace.


Seeds increase an attribute of of its user; however, there is a Flower in the following list that increase the charm of its user. They cannot be bought anywhere in the game except in WIFI stores with very high prices relative to their selling price.

Name Sell Price Means of Obtain Description
DQ9 SeedOfLife Seed of life 20 G A seed that slightly supplements a single ally's maximum health.
DQ9 SeedOfMagic Seed of magic 20 G A seed that slightly supplements a single ally's maximum MP.
DQ9 SeedOfStrength Seed of strength 15 G A seed that steps up a single ally's strength slightly.
DQ9 SeedOfDefence Seed of defence 15 G A seed that steps up a single ally's defence slightly.
DQ9 SeedOfAgility Seed of agility 15 G A seed that slightly supplements a single ally's agility.
DQ9 SeedOfDeftness Seed of deftness 15 G A seed that steps up a single ally's deftness a dash.
DQ9 SeedOfSorcery Seed of sorcery 15 G A seed that steps up a single ally's magical might slightly.
DQ9 SeedOfTherapeusis Seed of therapeusis 15 G A seed that steps up a single ally's magical mending slightly.
DQ9 SeedOfSkill Seed of skill 50 G A seed that slightly supplements a single ally's skill points.
DQ9 PrettyBetsy Pretty betsy 14 G A bewitching bloom that boost a single ally's charm a bit.

Skill books[]

Skill books are not usable, they give the person who carries them an extra skill. The skill will disappear when the book is transferred into the bag or to another party member. They are unique rewards from quests and cannot be bought or sold.

Name Quest Obtain Description
SwordcraftInSummary 'Swordcraft in Summary'
Quest #064 - "Turn in Your Badges"
Location Swinedimples Academy - Church
Available at Complete Quest 63, after defeating the Dreadmaster
Requested by Marco
Response to Marco
Requirement A party member with 100 sword ability
Reward Gigagash sword technique
Detail Marco, who teaches swordmanship at Swinedimples, wants to put you to the test. On his travels he buried badges by the cities he visited, retrieve them all.
Hint for solution Marco's diary is on the bookshelves in the Swinedimples teachers lounge and will tell you all of the badge locations. You must obtain them in the order Marco visited the towns. Bloomingdale, Gleeba, Angel Falls, Coffinwell, and Swinedimples. Obtain the badges by fighting the monsters outside of the towns until they drop their respective badges, the Bloomingdale badge, Gleeba badge, Coffinwell badge, Angel Falls badge, and Snowberian badge; it often helps if your warrior deals the finishing blow on these monsters
Gigagash ability
ClearSpearTheory 'Clear Spear Theory'
Quest #066 - "Operation Multithrust"
Location Swinedimples Academy - L1, west corridor
Available at Complete Quest 65 after defeating the Dreadmaster, with a party member with 100 spear ability
Requested by Lance
Response to Lance
Requirement Defeat 2 or more Gloomy gastropogS with Multithrust five times.
Reward 'Clear Spear Theory' book (Lightning Storm ability)
Detail Lance's final exam, defeat a group of gloomy gastropods (found in Gittingham palace area) at the same time with Multithrust ability five times
Hint for solution If you have completed the game, go to Stornway and buy the Demon spear. It can kill instantly, leaving more attack for the other gastropod. Additionally, if you battle 4 gastropods at once, and all are defeated with Multithrust, it counts as 2 of the required 5.
Lightning Storm ability
KnifingKnowHow 'Knifing Know-How'
Quest #068 - "Spice Up Your Knife"
Location Swinedimples Academy
Available at Complete Quest 67, after defeating the Dreadmaster
Requested by Madame Couteau
Response to Madame Couteau
Requirement A party member with 100 knife ability
Reward 'Knifing Know-How'
Detail Can you pass Madame Couteau's test and gain acces to the ultimate knife knowledge? Your task is to finish off an envenomated Bad karmour with Victimiser in ten separate battles.
Hint for solution No matter how many Bad karmours you kill this way per battle, it will only count as 1 towards your total. Make sure you don't have a weapon like Assassin's dagger equipped as it could ruin any potentional kill by Victimiser.
Persecutter ability
WandsAndBeyond 'Wands and Beyond'
Quest #070 - "Look, Back in Anger"
Location Swinedimples Academy
Available at Complete Quest 69, after defeating the Dreadmaster, with a party member with 100 wand ability
Requested by An old man
Response to An old man
Requirement Molten magma, Toad oil
Reward 'Wands and Beyond': Zing Stick ability
Detail There's an old man at Swinedimples Academy who needs some medicine, but first you'll need to find the ingredients!
Hint for solution The Molten Magma is a special item drop so the quest must be accepted in order for this item to drop. It can be found at Magmaroo upon defeating Live lavas.
Zing Stick ability
WorkingWithWhips 'Working with Whips'
Quest #072 - "Jump for Joy"
Location Swinedimples Academy
Available at Complete Quest 71, after defeating the Dreadmaster, with a party member with 100 staff ability
Requested by Joy [only at night]
Response to Joy [only at night]
Requirement Laundry pole, Staff scroll
Reward 'Staff Studies' (gains use of Counter Wait abilty when put in a character's inventory)
Detail Talk to Paulo at night and the ghost of Joy will appear and will ask you to go into a grotto and kill Nemean with a blow from the Laundry pole (the weakest staff available). Once defeated, he will drop the Staff scroll.
Hint for solution Increase tension, use sap spells to decrease Nemean's defence, and attack improvements to make the job easier.
Serpent's Bite ability
StaffStudies 'Staff Studies'
Quest #074 - "Mr Whippy's Wish"
Location Swinedimples Academy
Available at After defeating the Dreadmaster, after completing Quest #73
Requested by Mr Whippy
Response to Mr Whippy
Requirement N/A
Reward 'Working with Whips'
Detail Mr Whippy, a teacher at Swinedimples Academy wants you to pass a test so he can give you the ultimate whip ability.
Hint for solution Talk to the bunny girl at the blooming beacon to get the test. She will ask you to defeat a Dreadful drackal and a Drastic drackal with a normal attack from a Leather whip. It must be the final strike to count.
Counter Wait ability
TheCoreOfTheClaw 'The Core of the Claw'
Quest #076 - "Talonted Trio"
Location Swinedimples Academy
Available at After defeating the Dreadmaster and completing Quest #75
Requested by Klaus
Response to Klaus
Requirement A party member with 100 claw ability
Reward 'The Core of the Claw'
Detail Time to take on Klaus's challenge and defeat his three apprentices with your claws. The first has sharp talons and looks like a wolf. Hes somewhere near the Snowberian Coast, to the south of Swinedimples. The second apprentice is a man like monster with iron claws, who is currently lurking in a palace dungeon somewhere. The final apprentice lives at the end of the ocean and has huge, hardy claws and a rock solid shell.
Hint for solution Defeat Tearwolfs on the Snowberian Coast. Report to Klaus for the second clue. Go to Oubliette, it is a dungeon located in the depths of Gittingham Palace. Defeat Claws. Report to Klaus for the third clue. Sail around the edges of your map looking for King crabs, they are tan and orange.
Hand of God ability
FurtherFanmanship 'Further Fanmanship'
Quest #078 - "Oh, the Indignity"
Location Swinedimples Academy, 2nd floor
Available at After completion of quest #77, with a party member with a fan skill of 100
Requested by Fanny
Response to Fanny
Requirement Defeat a Liquid metal slime with 'Fan Dango' while wearing Bunny ears and a Bunny tail.
Reward 'Further Fanmanship'
Detail Kill a liquid metal slime using the Fan Dango ability (must also have Bunny ears and Bunny tail equipped).
Hint for solution Make sure to talk to Fanny again with the necessary items equipped! Otherwise, the kills will not count.
Hustle Dance ability
AdvancedAxecraft 'Advanced Axecraft'
Quest #080 - "'Achet Job"
Location Swinedimples Academy
Available at Full axe skill, quest #79 complete
Requested by Max the Axe Teacher
Response to Max the Axe Teacher
Requirement Kill 3 Magmalices, 3 Stone guardians and 3 Bad karmours using Hatchet Man
Reward 'Advanced Axecraft'
Detail Use the Hatchet Man ability in battle to kill the required monsters.
Hint for solution Magmalices are in the Magmaroo, Stone Guardians are found in Gittingham Palace and Bad Karmours can be found in the Oubliette.
Whopper Chop ability
HardcoreHammering 'Hardcore Hammering'
Quest #082 - "To Shell and Back"
Location Swinedimples Academy
Available at Hammer skill 100, quest #81 completed.
Requested by Mrs Mallet
Response to Mrs Mallet
Requirement Use Bagsy Last to kill a Liquid metal slime while wearing a Tortoise shell
Reward 'Hardcore Hammering'
Detail You can buy a Tortoise shell in Porth Llaffan and Slurry Quay.
Hint for solution The liquid metal slime is in The Bowhole.
Big Banga ability
TheBoomerangBible 'The Boomerang Bible'
Quest #084 - "Beauty and Beyond"
Location Swinedimples Academy Theater
Available at After Quest 83
Requested by Archie
Response to Archie
Requirement Full Bow skill
Reward 'Archery for the Adept'
Detail You need to kill 10 Boss trolls with Rain of Pain being the killing blow.
Hint for solution Boss trolls have roughly 500 HP. Monitor your damage and plan Rain of Pain accordingly.
Gigathrow ability
ArcheryForTheAdept 'Archery for the Adept'
Quest #086 - "Brave the Caves"
Location Swinedimples
Available at After defeating Dreadmaster, 100 points in boomerang, completed quest 85
Requested by Kylie
Response to Kylie
Requirement 'Bonzer Boomeranging', 'Better Boomeranging', 'Basic Boomeranging'
Reward 'The Boomerang Bible'
Detail Kylie, a student at Swinedimples, wants you to take on the boomerang teacher's challenge, but first you'll to find out what it is!
Hint for solution Go the art room on the second floor and grab the piece of paper under the desk. Travel to Tywll Cave and fight Mortoads until you receive "Bonzer Boomeranging". Next, head to The Bad Cave and defeat Hunter mechs until one drops "Better Boomeranging". Go toward The Bowhole and kill Living statues until you get "Basic Boomeranging". Then head back to Kylie to finish the quest.
Shining Shot ability
FearsomeFisticuffing 'Fearsome Fisticuffing'
Quest #088 - "Buckler's Buckler"
Location Swinedimples Academy - room adjacent to the headmaster
Available at After defeating the Dreadmaster, following quest 87
Requested by Buckler
Response to Buckler
Requirement A party member has 100 shield ability
Reward 'Secrets of the Shield' - guaranteed block of critical hits when equipped with a shield
Detail Buckler, the shield teacher at Swinedimples, wants you to finish off 10 Killing machines with the Blockenspiel ability.
Hint for solution Find them in Gittingham Palace or the surrounding areas.
Miracle Moon ability
SecretsOfTheShield 'Secrets of the Shield'
Quest #090 - "One Latht Tetht"
Location Swinedimples Academy
Available at After completing Quest 89 with a party with 100 Fisticuffs ability
Requested by Cecil
Response to Cecil
Requirement Beat 50 monsters in a grotto on floor 10 or below while wearing no equipment.
Reward 'Fearsome Fisticuffing' book (Miracle Moon ability)
Detail Cecil, the fisticuffs teacher at Swinedimples, requires that you travel to the tenth level or below of a grotto (e.g. b10, b11, etc.), wearing no equipment and defeating 50 monsters with regular attacks. Only then will he give you the book containing the final secret of fisticuffing.
Hint for solution The party member may have no weapon, armour, or accessory equipped (including the Tough guy tattoo reward from Quest 89).
100% blocking of critical attacks
WarriorsWorkbook 'Warrior's Workbook'
Quest #092 - "Warriors Three"
Location Wormwood Creek - by the fence on the south edge of town
Available at With a level 40 Warrior in your party after completing quest 091
Requested by Kevo
Response to Kevo
Requirement Enrage ten mandrake marauders at the Magmaroo and kill them.
Reward 5000G and 'Warrior's Workbook'
Detail Farmer Kevo in Wormwood Creek needs you to protect his hometown! He wants you to get the attention of ten mandrake marauders at the Magmaroo and make them really angry before polishing them off.
Hint for solution Use Whistle (or Eyes on Me if you've got Luminary experience) to enrage the required monsters.
Counterattack ability
PriestsPrimer 'Priest's Primer'
Quest #094 - "Nurtural Selection"
Location Down the well in Wormwood Creek
Available at With a level 40 Priest in your party, and finished Quest #93
Requested by Old Man
Response to Old Man
Requirement Heal party members at critical HP (when their name/hp is an orange color) with Moreheal 20 times. This must be done during a battle.
Reward Priest's Primer Scroll
Detail The old man down the well in Wormwood Creek wants you to mind his monster. When HP gets low, the gauge turns yellow, then orange. Bring party members back from the orange edge twenty times with Moreheal to prove yourself.
Hint for solution First, go to the Magmaroo and walk in the lava until your HP reaches 1. Then fight with monsters and use Moreheal 20 times.
Wave of Relief ability
MagesManual 'Mage's Manual'
Quest #096 - "Faerie Nearly There"
Location Alltrades Abbey - Inn
Available at With a level 40 Mage in your party, and finished Quest #095
Requested by Wanda and Wandine (by staying in the inn)
Response to Wanda and Wandine (by staying in the inn)
Requirement Faerie staff
Reward 'Mage's Manual', Faerie staff
Detail While staying at the inn in Alltrades Abbey, you had a dream of two faeries, Wanda and Wandine, trapped inside a wand. Equip the faerie staff they gave you and defeat ten wight priests with regular attack to release them...
Hint for solution Only the monsters that are hit by the mage party member equipped with Faerie staff counts.

Wight priests can be found in The Old School. If a wight priest resurrects another wight priest with zing he can be killed again count multiple times towards the quest.

Weakening Wave Ability
MartialArtistsManual 'Martial Artist's Manual'
Quest #098 - "Slowly, Slowly, Critty Golem"
Location Alltrades Abbey - Outside
Available at After completing Quest #097, with a level 40 Martial Artist in your party
Requested by Grandmaster Hun Tun Punch
Response to Grandmaster Hun Tun Punch
Requirement Defeat 3 Golems with regular critical hits
Reward Martial artist's scroll
Detail If you want to learn the ultimate secret of the martial arts from the Grandmaster, you'll need to complete his challenge! Defeat three golems with regular critical attacks to show your strength.
Hint for solution Kill Golems with regular attacks until you kill 3 with regular critical hit.
Transfer tension from battles
ThiefsTheory 'Thief's Theory'
Quest #100 - "Busted"
Location Dourbridge Pub
Available at After completed Quest #099, with a level 40 Thief in your party
Requested by Buster
Response to Buster
Requirement Item icon Lunar diamond
Reward Item icon 'Thief's Theory' and 10,000 G
Detail Buster, the thief you met in the pub in Dourbridge, wants you to help him get revenge. He need you to steal back a lunar diamond from a sorcerer in the basement level of Gerzuun.
Hint for solution Go to Gerzuun and head to basement, use "Half-Inch" when you meet a sorcerer.
Sometimes steal items from monsters after battle
MinstrelsManual 'Minstrel's Manual'
Quest #102 - "Prat's the Way to Do It!"
Location Alltrades Abbey
Available at With a level 40 Minstrel in your party, and finished Quest #101
Requested by Tom Foolery
Response to Tom Foolery
Requirement Use a "critical pratfall" on two monsters
Reward 'Ministrel's Manual'
Detail Tom Foolery at Alltrades Abbey wants you to get into training to make a special someone laugh by splitting the sides of two monsters with critical Pratfalls first!
Hint for solution Use the skill "Pratfall" on two monsters until you got "Critical Pratfall". Then go to Stornway Castle, take the staircase on the southwest corner, and talk with the prisoner in the east cell. Select "No" when he ask you a question. After that go back to Alltrades Abbey and report to Tom Foolery.
Gritty Ditty ability
GladiatorsManual 'Gladiator's Guide'
Quest #105 - "Challengus Maximus"
Location Hermany - island east of Snowberia
Available at After completing quest 104 with level 40+ Gladiator
Requested by Maximus Unscrupulus
Response to Maximus Unscrupulus
Requirement Get envenomated, then use Double Up and finish off three green dragons with Double-Edged Slash.
Reward 'Gladiator's Guide' which allows you to attack twice per turn sometimes
Detail Unscrupulus Maximus gave you his final challenge, to be subject to envenomation, use Double up, and finish off three green dragons with Double-Edged Slash.
Hint for solution Jade dragons can be found in Lonely Coast and Magmaroo. You must become envenomated in the same battle.
Sometimes hit twice with attacks
PaladinsPrimer 'Paladin's Primer'
Quest #108 - "Top-Flight Knight Fight"
Location Gleeba, on the roof of the palace
Available at After reaching lvl 40 as a Paladin.
Requested by Brunhild
Response to Brunhild
Requirement Use H-Pathy ability on a party member that only have 1 HP left five time.
Reward 'Paladin's Primer'
Detail Time to decide once and for all who’s the best; you or Brunhild of the Mirage Mahal! You need to bring a companion with only one health point remaining back from the brink with H-Pathy in five separate battles!
Hint for solution Go make a new character or take your lowest character to a damaging area like Doomingale Forest and low it up by moving in it till it only have 1 HP left, then go enter a battle with one of the monster roaming around there. Once in the battle simply use H-Pathy on it and kill the monsters afterward. Then simply repeat the process four more time.
Solar Flair ability
ArmamentalistsAlbum 'Armamentalist's Album'
Quest #111 - "The Fource...Forever"
Location Alltrades Abbey
Available at With a lvl 40 or higher an Armamentalist in the party
Requested by Windy
Response to Windy
Requirement Kill the requested monsters with the appropriate Fource.
Reward 'Armamentalist's Album'
Detail Windy at Alltrades Abbey wants you to defeat five monsters with the five Fources: a magmalice with Fire, a great gruffon with Frost, a cumulus rex with Gale, a king slime with Life, and a raving reaper with Funereal.
Hint for solution None of the monsters are particularly hard to find. In every case, you're being asked to use the worst possible Fource for that monster.
Force apllies to all party members
Rangers Revelations 'Ranger's Revelations'
Quest #114 - "One-Turn Wonder"
Location Heights of Loneliness - Entrance
Available at With a level 40 Ranger in your party
Requested by Odval
Response to Odval
Requirement Kill 5 Drakularges within the first turn.
Reward 'Ranger's Revelations'
Detail Odval at the Heights of Loneliness says that some monsters must be defeated quickly. She wants you to defeat 5 Drakularges within the first turn.
Hint for solution A Drakularge needs only to be defeated by the end of the first round; it does not require that it is killed by a single party member or on its first hit.
Perform critical hits in times of crisis
SagesScripture 'Sage's Scripture'
Quest #117 - "Engaging the Sage"
Location Gittingham Palace - Bookshelf in Gittingham Palace - L2 North
Available at With a level 40 Sage in the party and after quest #116
Requested by Supreme Sage
Response to Supreme Sage
Requirement Kill Atlas with Zam.
Reward 'Sage's Scripture'
Detail If you want to know the Supreme Sage's most sacred secret, you'll have to put on a real command performance. Finish Atlas off with Zam to satisfy the absent-minded, book-dwelling mystic from Gittingham Palace.
Hint for solution Atlas can potentially be found in grottos of Regret, Bane, Fear, Dread, Hurt, or Gloom. Grind for maps of quality 81-180 or 201-248 if you haven't got an Atlas map already.
Twocus Pocus ability
LuminarysLore 'Luminary's Lore'
Quest #120 - "A Star is Born"
Location Gleeba - dance hall
Available at With a level 40 Luminary in the party, after completing quest 119.
Requested by Applaudia
Response to Applaudia
Requirement Anger 10 moai minstrels with Eyes on Me while under the influence of Extreme Makeover, and kill them.
Reward 'Luminary's Lore'
Detail You have accepted Applaudia's final challenge: use Extreme Makeover to optimise your appeal, then employ Eyes on Me to attract ten moai minstrels' attention before exterminating them.
Hint for solution Moai minstrels live in higher level grottos.
Gold Rush ability

Other Items[]

Name Price Means of Obtain Description
DQ9 ChimaeraWing Chimaera Wing 25 G
  • Shop
  • Chests
  • Harvest
  • Monster Drop
A tool that can teleport people to places they've been before.
DQ9 HolyWater Holy Water 40 G
  • Shop
  • Chests
  • Harvest
  • Monster Drop
A righteous repellent that keeps weaker monsters away.
DQ9 Evacubell Evac-u-bell 28 G
  • Shop
  • Chests
  • Harvest
  • Monster Drop
Allows the ringer to instantly escape from a tower, cave or dungeon.
DQ9 MiniMedal Mini Medal Cannot be sold
  • Chests
  • Harvest
A mysterious medal that someone somewhere supposedly collects.
DQ9 SterlingsWhistle Sterling's whistle Cannot be sold See Follow That Fish! A puff on this will bring the Starflight Express steaming to your aid.
DQ9 GleebanGroat Gleeban groat Sell: 100 G
  • Chests
  • Harvest
A coin with no practical use, which will fetch a pretty penny if sold.
DQ9 GleebanGuinea Gleeban guinea Sell: 500 G
  • Chests
  • Harvest
A coin with no practical use, which will fetch a pretty penny if sold.
DQ9 GleebanGoldPiece Gleeban gold piece Sell: 1000 G
  • Chests
  • Harvest

A coin with no practical use, which will fetch a pretty penny if sold.

DQ9 WatchersWings Watcher's wings Cannot be sold Obtained when the player visits another world.

Returns a visitor to his world with a flap of the wings.
