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A Coup de Grâce (必殺技, Hissatsuwaza, lit. "Deathblow") is a special battle ability in the Dragon Quest series, introduced in the Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai manga before making its gaming debut in Kenshin Dragon Quest.


Main Series Appearances[]

Dragon Quest VIII[]

Known as Deathmoves, they are used by Monster Teams in the following conditions:

Name Description Monster Team Conditions
Big Banga Explosion hits all enemies for big damage. Hori, Nohi, Sugi, Tori
Bolt of Blight Damon, Othello, Sir Bodless
Dirge Reduces the defense of all team members and enemies to 0. Capers, Hoodwink, Nightwing
Elemental Storm All team members and party members resistance to fire and ice damage increases, and a barrier reflects spells back to their caster. Blizag Jr., Flameman, Jack Frost, Torchman
Fat Drack All team members fuse into Gracky, the Great Dracky. Sippy, Slurpy, Sugi
Good as Gold Attacks a single foe, and the party receives gold equal to half the damage dealt. Goldman and Jewelbag
Harrowing Arrow Hits the entire enemy group with arrows. Archer, Fletch, Sagittari
Hellfire Hurricane Barry Wight, Lumpy, Priestley
Jolly Jousters All team members attack eight enemies at random with each attack dealing 50% less damage than normal. Deadnoble, Octurion, Orcus
Love Typhoon A pink whirlwind that hits a group of foes. Faunus, Hazel, Slimehopper
Magic Burst Expends all MP to deal a lot of damage. Hev, Metabble/Metabble, Metaly
Maximaster All dead team members are brought back to life and all team members are fully healed with their defense increased and all enemies' defense are decreased. Healer, Curer, and Hev
Metal Panic All team members attack a single foe, doing 50% more damage than normal. Cybot, Mechabubo, Nohi, Roborg
Mind Breaker All team members attack one enemy, making them lose their turn. Arges, Brontes, Klub Kong, Pa Troll, Skeledoid, Squiggles, Steropes
Multiheal Restores about 100 HP to the entire team and party. Curer, Healer, Metaly
Multi Masher All team members expend all remaining MP to attack 3 to 10 times at random. Hev, Metabble, Metaly
Omniheal All team members and the party recover HP. Metaly, Curer, Healer
Riders' Carnival All team members attack a single foe, dealing double damage. Deadnoble, Jockey, Slimehopper
Sapper Slapper Attacks a single foe and reduces its defence. Orrid and Spike/Brontes and Steropes
Slime Spank All team members attack a single foe, doing 50% more damage than usual. Metaly, and 2 of the infamous Slimes
Stream Killer Attack All team members attack a single foe, dealing triple the usual damage. Cybot, Nohi, Roborg
Supersize Slimey All 3 Slimes merge into Ultrus. Slime Shady, Smiles, Tori
Tension Boost All team members and party tension increase by two levels. Big Al, Hazel, Jewelbag, Trick Bag
The Golemator All three golems fuse into the mighty Mazin. Brickman, Goldman, Stoneman
Triple Swords All team members attack a single foe, doing 50% more damage than normal. Bones, Capers, Cybot, Dumbking, Foul Fowl, Jockey, Lonely Joe, Nohi, Roborg, Skeledoid, Slimehopper
Typhoeus' Maul All team members attack a single foe, doing 50% more damage than normal. If the target is of the beast family, damage is doubled. Bush-W., Hackzilla, Hoodwink, Skeledoid
Zingslinger All dead team members are returned to life and all team members are completely healed. Metabble, Curer, Healer

Dragon Quest IX[]

Each vocation in the game has a different Coup de Grâce with different effects. The ability becomes available during battle randomly when certain conditions are met. When a character is able to use a Coup de Grâce, a notification is given stating:

[party member] is primed to perform a coup de grâce!

The effects of a Coup de Grâce last for only a short period of time. They do not carry over after the battle ends, or if the character dies. If all four party members are primed for a Coup de Grâce, they can together perform a Co-op de Grâce.


The frequency of a Coup de Grâce occurring is amplified by the following conditions:

Condition Boost
Critical fan equipped +6%
Overcritical fan equipped +7%
Hypercritical fan equipped +8%
Dire critical fan equipped +10%
Combat action medal +3%
Martial artist, Ranger, or Luminary +3%
1 other party member primed +0.8%
2 other party members primed +10%
3 other party members primed +36%
10% damage taken +0.75%
20% damage taken +1.5%
30% damage taken +3%
40% damage taken +6%
50% damage taken +12%
60% damage taken +24%
70% damage taken +48%
80% damage taken +95%
Coups de Grâce[]
Name Vocation Effects
Critical Claim Warrior Unleashes an attack that always inflicts a critical hit.
Roaring Tirade Martial Artist Similar to War Cry, except it cannot be resisted. Further, it also increases tension by one level.
Choir of Angels Priest Heals 40% of allies' HP, and removes all status effects as well.
Rough 'n' Tumble Minstrel Evasion and the ability to counterattack go up.
0 Zone Mage Reduces MP cost to zero for a short while.
Itemised Kill Thief Guaranteed item drop from the enemy it is used on. This may not always work on bosses.
Knight Watch Paladin Attacks will do nothing for a few turns on the person who used it (not even Disruptive Wave can get through). All of the opponents are enraged to the person who used it.
Brownie Boost Ranger Boosts the user's attack, defense, and breath resistance by one level.
Tension Boost Gladiator Boosts tension up to 50 or 100 (maximum).
Voice of Experience Armamentalist Increases the amount of EXP you get from the battle if you win by a variable amount (1.1 through 1.9 multiplier)
Spelly Breath Sage Recovers a portion of lost MP to the caster.
Disco Tech Luminary Causes all enemies to boogie and raises tension by one level. This is functionally identical to Roaring Tirade.
Co-ops de Grâce[]

If all four party members are primed for a Coup de Grâce, then upon using them they will perform a Co-op de Grâce, selected from a menu. The choices are based on the party's vocations.

Name Vocations Effects
Quadraslash Warrior
All four party members attack at once.
Omnipotense Martial Artist
Increases all party members' tension by 3-4 levels.
Soul Asylum Priest
Renders the entire party invincible for a few turns (similar to Knight's Watch, but for everyone). Unaffected by Disruptive Wave.
Cast Away Mage
Reduces the party's MP cost to zero for a few turns.
Haulelujah Armamentalist
Chance to earn extra experience, gold, and items.
Electro Light Minstrel

Turns all enemies into metal monsters (cannot be used on bosses).

Dragon Quest X[]




Critical Claim/Roar of Triumph Warrior
Rough 'n' Tumble/Trick Zone Minstrel /Deals massive damage to enemy while reducing their DEF dependent on the user's charm stat
Roaring Tirade/Destruction Fist Martial Artist
Saint's Song/Sanctuary Blessing Priest Recovers 40-60% HP of all party members, treats various status conditions, and revives the dead./Recovers half of the party's maximum HP and grants them a Grace of the Goddess effect.
Itemised Kill/Phantom Hack Thief
0 Zone/Frizz Cracker Mage Spells and abilities can be used for no MP at all/Fires a non-reflectable magical blast of fire and ice
Spelly Breath/Blessed Light Sage /Increases the maximum HP of all allies in range.
Knight Watch/Holy Light Armor Paladin /Greatly increases the user's maximum HP while wearing holy light energy
Brownie Boost/Anubis Attack Ranger /Summons 3 of the Egyptian God of Death to attack 1 enemy
Tension Boost/Burning Rush Gladiator /Attacks all random enemies in range 4 times while raising the user's Tension by 1 level.
Shocking Twist/Silver Screen World Luminary Enrages monsters, but paralyzes them when they attack the user./
Hocus Pocus/Surprise Roulette Gadabout Applies random effects/
/Lightning Summon Druid /Inflicts massive lightning damage to 1 enemy dependent on the user's Magical Might
Wizard's Wheel/Energy Fall Armamentalist Gives all allies and the user major MP recovery every 3 seconds for 15 seconds while randomly increasing damage dealt to enemies for 15 seconds./Unleashes a deadly magic blast from all the user's MP
Enhanced Gadget Type 0/Absolute Tray Item Master
Argami Dance/Gami Score Dancer /Sets up a circle that raises the party's Tension
Wild Side/Meteor Claw Fang Monster Master Increases the user's ATK and DEF by 2 levels each while reducing the action interval to 0 for 45 seconds/Deals massive damage to 1 enemy
Zodiac Code/Wild Card Fortune Teller
Death Power Booster/Underworld Feast Death Master
Secret Method of Renma/Release the Demon Swordsman! Demon Swordsman Gives the user a shortened CT activation, action interval and increased movement speed for 1 minute.
Ultra Cannon Holder/Panic Cannon Pirate Places an Ultra Cannon on the battlefield for the player to use./

Spinoff Appearances[]

Dragon Quest Heroes[]

Each playable character has a Coup de Grâce as their strongest move, being the equivalent of the usual "Musou" mechanics.

Dragon Quest Heroes II[]

Due to the fact that the in-game manual never adresses the names of the Coups de Grâce, some of these attacks lack an international name, as not even the characters themselves shout their names when they execute them.

Dragon Quest Heroes I·II[]

  • Ragnar: Kyūkyokubakuretsuken (究極爆裂剣, "Ultimate Explosion Sword"), the same Coup the Grâce he previously used in Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road II, but now executed with Healix instead of Healie and with a final extra slash from Ragnar.

Kenshin Dragon Quest[]

Learning Conditions Ability
Start of the game Falcon Slash
Start of the game Triple Slash
Start of the game Explosion Slash
Start of the game Sword Dance
Clear Stage 1 Searing Slash
Exchange 10 Mini medals Vacuum A7M
Clear Stage 6 Lightning Strike
Defeat Mazin Hatchet Man
Defeat Knight abhorrent Pearly Gates
Learned via the Spell of Restoration after the final battle Gigaslash
Learned via the practice field Special V Cutter
Learned via the practice field Mystery W Impact
Learned via the practice field Secret Dragon Sword
Learned via the practice field Lightning Storm
Learned via the practice field Big Banga
Learned via the practice field Magic Burst

Dragon Quest Tact[]

Hero Ability/Spell MP Cost Turns needed Description
Ragnar McRyan Phoenix Dance 48 3 Deals 70% potency physical damage to 1 enemy 4 times
Alena Great Ball of Fire 60 3 Deals 350% potency Frizz-type damage to 1 enemy.
Kiryl Über Maulstrom 74 3 Deals 300% damage to all enemies in area of effect, and knocks them back 2 spaces.
Bianca Zenithian Strike 60 3 Deals 420% physical damage to the ??? monster family, 350% potency to all other monster families.
Nera Big Banga 137 4 Deals major Bang-type spell damage to all enemies in area of effect.
Debora Livid Mode 48 2 Heals a major amount of HP, greatly raises Move and ATK, and reduces damage by 40% for 1 turn.
Prince Princeton Cannock Clash 57 2 Deals 360% Sizz damage to one enemy.
Princess Princessa Moonbrooke Prayer 56 2 Greatly recovers an ally's HP while increasing said ally's attack, defense, wisdom, and spell resistance for 3 turns.
Maribel Infernal Flames 137 4 Deals major Frizz spell damage to all enemies in area of effect.
Ruff Ruff Rider 57 2 Deals 360% Woosh type damage to one enemy.
Kiefer Searing Sunder 52 3 Deals 90% Frizz type damage to one enemy while rarely lowering their defence
Terry Secret Lightning Storm 96 3 Deals 350% Zap type physical damage to all enemies within range
Ashlynn Magic Burst All 5 Expends all MP to unleash a devastating magic explosion.
Carver Über Knuckle Sandwich 65 3 Damages all enemies in range while moving them 3 squares back.
Yangus Über Parallax 72 3 Inflicts 380% damage to all enemies in range while potentially paralyzing them
Jessica Multi Masher All 5 Expends all MP to unleash a really devastating magic explosion
Angelo Heaven's Rain 105 4 Inflicts 205% damage on all enemies in range twice and recovers 20% of Angelo's HP
Dai Avan Strash 72 2 Deals major Zap type damage to all enemies in range
Popp Donk 146 3 Causes a large amount of spell damage to all enemies in range, while potentially binding them.
Maam Magic Bullet Gun Hellburst 0 2 Deals major Sizz spell damage to 1 enemy
Hyunckel Farewell Bloody Scryde 80 3 Deals 380% physical Zam damage to all enemies in range while rarely greatly lowering their DEF for 3 turns.
Santa Alena Über Extra Large Holiday Present 105 3 Summons a large Christmas present that crushes all enemies in range while greatly lowering their AGL for 3 turns.
Erik Criminal Genius 48 2 Triples physical damage and effects for 1 turn
Veronica Awakening Magic Seal 48 2 Doubles the user's spell power for 2 turns
Jade Pink Tornado 105 3 Deals 380% Woosh damage to all enemies in range while potentially mesmerizing them.
Young Terry Great Trelixir 88 3 Greatly recovers HP and MP of all allies in range.
Anlucia Twin Lightning Edge 70 2 Inflicts 240% physical Zap damage twice on one enemy.
Mjoll Heavenly Flurry 68 2 Inflicts 70% physical damage to one enemy 6 times, while rarely lowering their DEF for 3 turns.
Hussar Battle-Hardened Slash 78 3 Inflicts 400% physical damage on all enemies in range.
Erdrick Giga Crosscut 120 3 Inflicts 300% physical Zap damage on all enemies in purple range, and inflicts 300% physical Zap damage on all enemies in orange range.
Beach Goddess Jessica Super Sexy Beam 109 3 Deals major marital damage to all enemies in range while often charming them.
Mont Leonis King Leonis 105 3 Deals physical damage to all enemies in area of effect, often confuses
Halloween Veronica Trick and Treat! 199 3 Deals major spell damage to all enemies in range while rarely inflicting sleep, paralysis, curse, stun, confusion, poison, blind, charm, spell seal, physical seal, breath seal, and/or bind
Starry Knight Ashlynn Shooting Star 70 2 Deals 120% physical damage to 1 enemy 4 times while recovering 100% of her own HP
Maya Puff! 137 2 Transforms into a dragon and recovers a large amount of HP, while granting her different abilities for 3 turns.
Meena Wheel of Fortune 116 2 Greatly recovers a major amount of her HP, while showing the true power of her cards for 3 turns.
Solo Big Banga Slash 120 3 Deals 400% physical Frizz damage to 1 enemy within the purple square while dealing 220% physical Frizz damage to all enemies on orange squares.
Dragon Knight Dai Avan-Strash X 120 3 Deals 300% physical Zap damage to one enemy within the purple range with a high probability of lowering Zap resistance and deals 300% physical Zap damage to all enemies within the orange area while moving him up to 3 squares with a high chance to lower Zap resistance.
Mage Popp Frizz Cracker 140 2 Deals major spell damage to all enemies in range. Ignores damage reduction to all enemies and various effects such as Metal Body, Kaclang, and Spell RES.
Martial Artist Maam Refractor Fist 74 3 Inflicts 500% physical damage to 1 enemy while potentially disabling HP Recovery for 3 turns.
Dark Armour Spear Hyunckel Grand Cross 0 3 Deals major physical damage to 1 enemy on the purple square and all other enemies on orange squares.
Anlucia the Lightning Luminary Sunderbolt Flash 120 3 Deals 400% physical Zap damage to all enemies on the purple squares and 200% physical Zap damage to all enemies on the orange squares.
Illusia Shining Shroud 68 3 Recovers a large amount of HP and a moderate amount of MP for 1 ally, while reducing the damage they take for 3 turns by 20%.
Hero Extreme Exhalation 107 3 Inflicts massive Woosh breath damage to one enemy on the purple square and same aforementioned Woosh breath damage to all enemies on the orange squares.
Pankraz Immutable Stance 35 2 Takes damage meant for any adjacent allies while reducing damage taken by 50% for 1 turn
Parry Zenithian Kazap 145 2 Inflicts a major amount of non-reflectable Zap spell damage dependent on ATK to all enemies in range, while removing their buffs.
Madchen Madchen Cannon 138 2 Inflicts a major amount of non-reflectable spell damage to all enemies in range.
Scion of Erdrick Light of Alefgard 120 3 Inflicts 650% non-reflective physical Zap damage to one enemy and increases the user's Tension for 1 turn
Princess Gwaelin Gwaelin's Love 85 3 Greatly restores 1 ally's HP while putting them in an Auto Revive state
Young Erik Earth Breaker 165 2 Deals heavy physical damage to all enemies within range, and creates a square that greatly reduces their move for 2 turns.
Young Mia Romance Snipe Shot 100 2 Deals major physical damage to 1 enemy twice.
Nagene Necrodea Style Sword Technique: Absolute 105 2 Deals 400% physical damage to all enemies in range while rarely bounding and stunning them. Can only be used if HP is below 50% and Blood Pact Recipient trait is activated.
Illusia, Goddess of Creation Dawn of Genesis 110 3 Deals 500% physical Bang damage to all enemies in range and creates a barrier that reflects physical attacks.
Milly Icy World 80 3 Deals heavy Crack spell damage to 1 enemy in the purple square, while occasionally lowering Crack Resistance for 3 turns and deals large Crack spell damage to all enemies in the orange squares for the same effect.
Nevan Ghent Tribe's Secret Art 120 2 Revives 1 ally with all HP while increasing said ally's ATK, DEF, WIS, and AGL for 3 turns, and reduces damage taken by 20%.
Rek Meteoric Rise 120 3 Deals massive unavoidable physical Bang damage to all enemies in range while being put into a cool state.
Auster The Greater Leveller 145 2 Deals major non-reflectable spell damage to all enemies depending on their ATK, while removing most buffs.
Sir Mervyn Legendary Hero 60 2 Makes the user a legend for 3 turns.
Aishe Shinnetsu Kagura 74 2 Randomly inflicts 52% physical Sizz damage to all enemies in range 10 times, while rarely lowering their DEF and Physical Res for 3 turns.
Maribel (Druid) Anchor of Heaven and Earth 52 2 Increases Maribel's spell power and recovery power by 1.5x for 3 turns and increases spell boost for 2 turns.
Serena Thundering Storm Melody 112 3 Deals major Woosh spell damage to 1 enemy on the purple square and major Woosh spell damage to all enemies on the orange squares, while occasionally lowering their Woosh resistance for 3 turns.
Sylvando Finger of Justice 139 3 Deals heavy physical damage to all enemies within range and greatly increases his physical and recovery power for 3 turns.
Luminary Pep Power: Frizz Cracker 145 Pep Deals a large amount of spell damage to all enemies within range and ignores some damage reductions. Can only be used during the Pep state.
Luminary Pep Power: Chop 'n' Churn 118 Pep Deals 280% physical Woosh damage to all enemies in purple squares and 280% physical Woosh damage to all enemies in the orange squares. Can only be used when Pepped Up.
Calasmos Final Flame 150 NA Deals a major amount of non-reflectable physical Frizz damage to all enemies in range.
Sea Empress Jade Pirates Scramble 109 2 Deals heavy physical Frizz damage to one enemy 3 times, ignoring some damage reduction (usable times: 3).
Corsair Erik Critical Claim 88 2 Deals a critical hit of 260% physical damage to 1 enemy.
Borya Bor Colossus 143 3 Deals large Crack spell damage twice to all enemies within range, while having a high chance of lowering their Crack resistance.
Lin Daybreaker 100 3 Deals 200% guaranteed hit non-reflectable physical Woosh damage to 1 enemy 3 times, while increasing the damage dealt from her skills for 3 turns.
The Nemesis Kazapple of Salvation All 4 Deals massive non-reflectable Zap spell damage to all enemies in range while ignoring some Light Damage Res.
Phantom Dancer Maya Ghostly Flame Dance 162 3 Deals large Sizz-type spell damage to all enemies in range twice. Occasionally lowers Sizz Res for 3 turns.
Prince of Midenhall Fight: Falcon Blade 0 Deals 300% guaranteed physical damage to 1 enemy twice while ignoring defense.
Rubiss Regenerative Light 120 Revives 1 fallen ally with 100% HP and greatly increases the revived ally's ATK, WIS, and AGL for 3 turns.
Moon Prince Parry Moonlight Blade 56 Deals large Zap spell damage to 1 enemy that ignores some damage reduction based on ATK, while increasing the user's physical resistance, spell resistance, physical skill resistance, and breath resistance for 3 turns.
Star Princess Madchen Stardust Spark 143 Deals 2X Zap spell damage to all enemies in range and has a high chance of lowering their Zap Spell RES for 3 turns.
Red Raging Flames 110 Deals major physical Frizz damage to 1 enemy 4 times, while occasionally lowering their physical, spell, and breath resistances for 3 turns.
Morrie Monster Arena 74 Deals 250% physical Frizz damage to 1 enemy on the purple square and 250% physical Frizz damage to all enemies on the orange squares while restoring 40% of the user's HP.
Eight Dragon Soul 130 Deals 450% physical non-reflectable Zap damage to all enemies in range while moving the user up 4 spaces and putting the user in a Frizzforce, Sizzforce, Crackforce, Wooshforce, Bangforce, and/or Zamforce state for 3 turns.

Dragon Quest Champions[]

Skill/Spell Description
Gyrfalcon Slash Inflicts 50% non-elemental slash damage to 1 enemy 4 times
Rush Thrust
Hardclaw Inflicts 60% non-elemental slash damage to 1 enemy 3 times
Firebird Throw Inflicts 35% physical Frizz damage to all random enemies 7 times
Multifists Deals 60% non-elemental physical damage to all random enemies 4 times
Sleep Attack Deals 60% non-elemental physical damage to all random enemies 4 times while potentially putting them to sleep

Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai[]

In Volume publications, the term is used for filler pages on special techniques, sometime with an English spelling which is indicated bellow:

  1. Avan-Strash*
  2. Avan Style Sword Techniques (Earth Slash, Wave Slash, Air Slash)
  3. Avan Style Spear Techniques (Earth Strike, Wave Strike, Air Strike)
  4. Bloody-Scraid*
  5. Grand Cruss*
  6. Refractor Fist
  7. Giga Brake*
  8. Ultra Combustion Slash
  9. Kaizer Phoenix*
  10. Calamity Wall*
  11. Beast King Anguish Blast
  12. Beast King Indomitable Blast
  13. Byut Deathstringer*
  14. Dark Puppetry Aura Hand
  15. Dark Puppetry Aura Decimation Field
  16. Rattus Fastus Fist
  17. Rattus Rocket Ram
  18. Heat Knuckle*
  19. Twin Sword Pinning*
  20. Needle Thousand*
  21. Thousand Ball*
  22. Castling*
  23. Lighting Bastar*
  24. Hell's Claw
  25. Hell's Chain
  26. Northern Granblade*
  27. Tiger Shatter Fist
  28. Avan Strash X*
  29. Giga-Strash*
  30. Crossed celestial emperor sword
  31. Haken Distall*
  32. Phantom Razor*
  33. Deastringer Blade*
  34. Demonic finishing palm
  35. Burning Cremation*
  36. Earth Dragon Rising Fist
  37. Phoenix Wing*
  38. Calamity End*

Furthermore, in the story, Five Finger Flares and the Crest Beam are also described as Coups de Grâce.

Similar Mechanics[]


Coup-de-grâce is taken directly from the French for "Blow of Grace" or "Blow of Mercy". In modern English usage, it describes an action taken toward a decisive end.

Other languages[]

Other languages
French Unknown
German Todestrick (VIII)
Todesstoß (IX)
Spezialangriff (IS)
Spanish Golpe de Gracia
Latin American Spanish Unknown
Italian Unknown
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown