Dragon Ball Wiki

Directory: TechniquesOffensive TechniquesEnergy Wave

Directory: TechniquesOffensive TechniquesEnergy Sphere

Ki Blasts (気砲 Kihō, lit. "Energy Gun") are formed and discharged portions of ki, which are frequently used in the Dragon Ball franchise for fighting. The most frequently referenced and iconic Ki Blast in the series is the Kamehameha, as it is Goku's favorite finishing move.


Cooler's Revenge - Krillin fires energy wave at rubble to protect Oolong

Krillin fires a Ki Blast

A Ki Blast is the most basic form of ranged attack available to any fighter who is able to channel their ki in battle. The range of techniques in this category is vast, and their effects can vary. They can be released in various forms such as spherical bullets, focused lasers, or huge, continuous beams, and can cause concussive, explosive, slicing, burning or even vaporising damage. Some attacks can be controlled by the user after release, and can even home in on targets. Depending on their usage and power of the user, these discharges can be destructive and can even cause cataclysmic damage depending on the ability and power of the person using them, to the extent of destroying entire planets without a trace. A basic Ki Blast technique has made appearances in almost every video game spun off by the series, particularly in the Butōden series, Dragon Ball Z: Legendary Super Warriors, Legacy of Goku series, Supersonic Warriors series, Budokai series, and Budokai Tenkaichi series, where it is the most basic and common form of energy wave.

List of Energy Attacks[]



Frieza fires an energy beam

Beam Blades[]

Ki Slash[]

Beam Waves[]


Goku and Vegeta firing Energy Waves

Tien fires a Ki Blast at Goku

Tien fires a ki blast while flying

Explosive Waves (Ground Zero Explosion)[]

Self-destruction (Kamikaze/suicide)[]


Ki Blasts[]

Shine Shot

Vegeta fires his fiery Shine Shot at Goku

Blaster Bursts[]

Explosive Impact[]

162 10

Vegeta fires energy blasts at Perfect Cell

Ki Explosion[]

Ki Breath[]

Continuous/Rapid Fire Blasts[]

Saiyan Rapid Fire

Future Trunks fires Ki Blasts



Tien fires an energy blast in Bojack Unbound


Turtle Orb 2

Roshi's small ki blast to save Vegeta from Evil Containment Wave used by Frost

Death Balls (Planet Destroyers)[]

DBZ - 224 -(by dbzf.ten

Yamcha fires a Ki Blast

Spirit Bombs[]

Other Ki Forms (Beings/Objects)[]


