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Brave Slash (ブレイブスラッシュ Bureibu Surasshu) is a technique used by Tapion in video games.


The user slashes the opponent with multiple sharp ki attacks created by their sword.


Video Game Appearances[]

Brave slash

Tapion charging Brave Slash in the Budokai Tenkaichi series

In the Budokai Tenkaichi series, it is named Brave Slash where it is Tapion's Blast 2.

In Xenoverse 2, it is named Brave Sword Slash where it is a Super Skill used by Tapion. As part of the Extra Pack 1 DLC, it can be obtained by the Future Warrior as a reward in Parallel Quest 116: "A Hero's Duty" which is dropped randomly by Dabura when he is defeated during an Ultimate Finish. As part of the 1.15.00 Update DLC, Time Patrol Future Trunks can acquire this Super Skill by purchasing it through Partner Customization.

