South Korea (Korean: ëŒ€í•œë¯¼êµ or í•œêµ), officially the Republic of Korea, is an east Asian country located in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. Formerly known as Joseon, the country was colonized by the Japanese empire, but after the second world war, Japan surrendered to the Americans and Soviets, which resulted in the Korean territory being split into North and South Korea, with the former being led by Kim Il-Sung and the latter being led by the dictator Syngman Rhee. Initially, South Korea was in a state of extreme poverty, while the communist state of North Korea flourished, being backed by China and the USSR.
On June 25, 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea, backed by their allies, causing the Korean War, but they lost as South Korea was allies with the United States. After the long line of dictators ruling and subduing voices of democracy, the last dictator, Chub Doo Hwan, was arrested, and the nation flourished and became extremely economically advanced. Ironically, now North Korea was the poorer nation, as at this time, the USSR dissolved and the country could only rely on China for support. China, only being interested in North Korea as a buffer zone between itself and a country that is a U.S. ally, barely supported the country, resulting in its destitute state.
South Korea has a population of 51 million and occupies 100,363 km of land. Its capital is Seoul. The national anthem is "Aegukga".