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"Flood, Sweat & Tears" is the second segment of the second episode of Amphibia. It premiered on June 18, 2019.


When Anne's bedroom floods, she and Sprig must bunk together.


Anne and Sprig have developed a great friendship with one another and have become compatible when it comes to working together. Hop Pop learns that the basement, where Anne has been sleeping, has flooded due to burrow bugs. While Sprig wants to help, Hop Pop prevents him as the water is from the river and therefore could contain dangerous creatures. He offers for Anne to sleep on the couch, but Sprig suggests that Anne sleep in his room since they are good friends. While Hop Pop allows it, he fears that no good will come of it stating that soon they will realize that they do not know each other as well as they think they do.

Anne and Sprig start off the night okay at first by having a pillow fight and playing "would you rather", however, the two begin having trouble sleeping as Anne needs the room cold while Sprig needs the room warm. Hop Pop suggests Anne sleep on the couch, but the two friends will not budge. Over the next nine days, the two begin displaying habits the annoy the other, but despite the obvious growing disdain, neither refuse to acknowledge the troubles happening. Anne finally tries to lift Sprig's spirits with another pillow fight, but accidentally causes him to break one of his homemade action figures. Sprig calmly steps out the room leaving Anne to feel miserable.

Both of them rush down to the basement to find the leak and confront each other about their living arrangement. They are attacked by river lampreys that try to drag them under. Using their work technique from earlier, they defeat the lampreys who burrow a hole and drain the basement. Hop Pop comes down to tell the two that despite it not working out, they are better friends now for being honest with one another. Anne moves to the couch to sleep, but finds it lonely. Sprig then creates a can link phone for the two to communicate and play "would you rather", but the moment is ruined when the entire first floor is flooded prompting Anne to realize that the leak has still not been fixed.


Additional Voices[]


  • Morals:
    • There's no such thing as a perfect roommate, but part of being a good roommate is talking and being honest with your feelings, as well as the standards you hold.
    • Being friends and being roommates are two different things. Just because you make great friends with someone doesn't mean you'd make great roommates (different habits, different sleep schedules, different temperature requirements, etc), but just because you don't make good roommates with someone doesn't mean you aren't good friends.
    • Being friends doesn't mean you always have to be together or get along about every little thing. It's okay to need some space, or disagree, or even get on each other's nerves occasionally. What's important is that you communicate honestly about it, and you may find your friendship stronger for the experience.
  • The episode's title is a reference to the saying "blood, sweat, and tears".
  • Hop Pop has apparently had trouble with roommates before hence his hesitation with Anne and Sprig sharing a room.
  • One-Eyed Wally is shown to be repulsed by Anne and Sprig's friendship, though in later episodes, he does not seem to mind.
  • According to Matt Braly, the episode was originally titled "Flooding the Basement", but it was changed when the production team were informed that the phrase "flooding the basement" is used as an expression for when a man sexually arouses a woman.[1]

International Premieres[]

International Edits[]

  • The Hop Pop's line "What the heck's going on down here?" was shortened to "What’s going on down here?", also the words "dang" and "darn" were cut in the Southeast Asian broadcast.



External links[]

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Anphibia logo
Shows: Amphibia • Chibi Tiny Tales

Video Games: Disney All-Star Racers • Disney Heroes: Battle Mode
Books: Marcy's Journal: A Guide to Amphibia • The Art of Amphibia

Anne Boonchuy • Sprig Plantar • Polly Plantar • Hop Pop Plantar • Bessie • One-Eyed Wally • Leopold Loggle • Ivy Sundew • Felicia Sundew • Sylvia Sundew • Maddie Flour • Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger • Mr. Flour • Sadie Croaker • Stumpy • Albus Duckweed • Tritonio Espada • Apothecary Gary • Mayor Toadstool • Toadie • Sasha Waybright • Marcy Wu • Zappapede • Barry • Captain Grime • Percy • Braddock • Giant Herons • Frobo • Lysil and Angwin • General Yunan • Bog, Fens, and Mire • Lady Olivia • King Andrias • Jacinda • Wigbert Ribbiton • Priscilla Paddock • Pearl Paddock • Captain Beatrix • Mr. Boonchuy • Mrs. Boonchuy • The Core • Domino • Domino II • Cloak-Bot • Terri • Dr. Jan • Ally and Jess • Molly Jo • Humphrey Westwood • Mr. X • Dr. Frakes • Leif • Barrel • King Aldrich • Mother Olm
Season One: "Anne or Beast?/Best Fronds" • "Cane Crazy/Flood, Sweat & Tears" • "Hop Luck/Stakeout" • "The Domino Effect/Taking Charge" • "Anne Theft Auto/Breakout Star" • "Sprig Vs. Hop Pop/Girl Time" • "Dating Season/Anne Vs. Wild" • "Contagi-Anne/Family Shrub" • "Lily Pad Thai/Plantar's Last Stand" • "Toad Tax/Prison Break" • "Grubhog Day/Hop Pop and Lock" • "Civil Wart/Hop-Popular" • "Croak & Punishment/Trip to the Archives" • "Snow Day/Cracking Mrs. Croaker" • "A Night at the Inn/Wally and Anne" • "Family Fishing Trip/Bizarre Bazaar" • "Cursed!/Fiddle Me This" • "The Big Bugball Game/Combat Camp" • "Children of the Spore/Anne of the Year" • "Reunion"

Season Two: "Handy Anne/Fort in the Road" • "The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar/Anne Hunter" • "Truck Stop Polly/A Caravan Named Desire" • "Quarreler's Pass/Toadcatcher" • "Swamp and Sensibility/Wax Museum" • "Marcy at the Gates" • "Scavenger Hunt/The Plantars Check In" • "Lost in Newtopia/Sprig Gets Schooled" • "Little Frogtown/Hopping Mall" • "The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers/A Day at the Aquarium" • "The Shut-In!" • "Night Drivers/Return to Wartwood" • "Ivy on the Run/After the Rain" • "The First Temple" • "New Wartwood/Friend or Frobo?" • "Toad to Redemption/Maddie & Marcy" • "The Second Temple/Barrel's Warhammer" • "Bessie & MicroAngelo/The Third Temple" • "The Dinner/Battle of the Bands" • "True Colors"
Season Three: "The New Normal" • "Hop 'Til You Drop/Turning Point" • "Thai Feud/Adventures in Catsitting" • "Fight at the Museum/Temple Frogs" • "Fixing Frobo/Anne-sterminator" • "Mr. X/Sprig's Birthday" • "Spider-Sprig/Olivia & Yunan" • "Hollywood Hop Pop/If You Give a Frog a Cookie" • "Froggy Little Christmas" • "Escape to Amphibia" • "Commander Anne/Sprivy" • "Sasha's Angels/Olm Town Road" • "Mother of Olms/Grime's Pupil" • "The Root of Evil/The Core & The King" • "Newts in Tights/Fight or Flight" • "The Three Armies/The Beginning of the End" • "All In" • "The Hardest Thing"

Amphibia • Wartwood Swamp • Toad Tower • Newtopia (Newtopia Castle) • Los Angeles
See also
Welcome to Amphibia • No Big Deal • Calamity Box • Suspicious Island • Fwagon