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The Calamity Box is a magical relic that can be used for teleporting to other worlds that supposedly originated from Amphibia.


The Calamity Box is a golden music box with images of a frog in the tropical woods and three mystical gems and an engraved sun design behind them. The three gems are colored pink, blue, and green, representing strength, heart, and wit, respectively.


Ten thousand years ago, the Cosmic Guardian created the three gemstones to see how mortals would be able to handle unlimited power. Valeriana created the box, hoping to unite the frogs, toads, and newts together in an era of peace, but King Andrias's ancestors decided to use it for conquest and take over other worlds. Valeriana was consumed with guilt and seek redemption for what she has done.

Andrias' family have kept the box with them. His friend Leif stole it after receiving a vision of the future of what will happen to Amphibia if the Leviathan royal family continued using the box to invade other worlds.

According to King Andrias, his ancestors used this box to travel to other worlds. After some period of time, it had been supposedly destroyed but somehow remained on Earth where three girls; Anne, Sasha and Marcy had stolen it from a thrift store and soon opened it which instantly send them all to Amphibia -- Anne was transported to Wartwood Swamp, Sasha to Toad Tower, and Marcy to Newtopia. In the process, the three gems on the chest lost their power and became uncolored, with the power likely going to each of the three girls (intelligence for Marcy, heart for Anne, strength for Sasha).



Season One[]

In "Anne or Beast?", after being given a place to stay by the Plantars, Anne pulled out of the music box from her backpack and opened it, but nothing happened. This caused Anne to sulk in despair, stating "Looks like I'm gonna be here for a while."

In "Best Fronds", a flashback is shown of how Anne, Sasha, and Marcy stole the music box from the thrift store before going into a park where they were transported to Amphibia once they opened the box.

In "Anne Vs. Wild", she reveals to the Plantars how she got transported to Amphibia.

According to one of Hop Pop Plantar's books on the Calamity Box itself which described as extremely dangerous; because of this, Hop Pop feared the Box so in "Bizarre Bazaar" he buried it near a tree next to the Plantar Farm despite promising Anne he will find answers about it, and lied that he sent it to some "contacts". Upon transportation to Amphibia, the three gems on the box cover lost their power and likely got transferred to the girls, giving them superhuman powers according to each gem, evidenced by having their eyes flash the color of the gem they're associated with.

Season Two[]

In order for Anne, Sasha, and Marcy to get back home they need to power up the three gems on the box by taking them to three different temples. Unfortunately, the box is still buried which Anne is unaware of, and Hop Pop lied and said it's with his "contacts". The box resurfaced in "After the Rain". The green gem was charged in "The First Temple", and during that moment, Marcy likely lost the power the gem gave her (evidenced by the glow draining from her eyes when the gem charged). Anne did the same in "The Second Temple", but she left before the blue gem was completely charged thinking her friends were in danger, leaving her with a half charged gem. In "The Third Temple", Sasha likely lost her power as well. In "True Colors", Anne, saddened over Sprig's apparent death, received powers from the blue gem which she used to fight King Andrias before she was reunited with Sprig. After Andrias is surprised Anne that is still connected to the blue gem, he tells that he cannot let her live. However, before Andrias is able to do further harm to Anne, Marcy manages to open a portal to Earth which Anne and Plantars to get through. Anne asks Marcy to come with them, but before Marcy is able to join them she is stabbed in the back King Andrias and drops the Calamity Box which closes the portal.

Season Three[]

In "The New Normal", after Anne and the Plantars managed to escape to Earth it is revealed that Andrias managed re-acquire the box for himself, and placed it back on the charging station. He then order Silver Frog-Bot to eliminate Anne in order to make sure that Earth does not learn about the incoming invasion. Once the Frog Bot acquires the blue gem's energy signature, Andiras uses the portal for the Frog Bot to enter the human world, and it closes once the Frog Bot has stepped through. At the supermarket, while the box is not present, Anne's connection to the blue gem still allows her to uses her newly gained powers to fend the Frog Bot when threatens the life of her surrogate frog family, as it flees from the market with a destroyed arm.

In "Turning Point", which takes place when Marcy had been stabbed by King Andiras in order to prevent her escaping with the box, once the flash occurred that sent Anne and the Planters to Earth, the box is seen next to an unconscious Marcy with black smoke coming out of it. Andrias then closes the box and takes it for himself, while General Yunan and Lady Olivia attempt to leave Andrias spots them, and Sasha and Grime manage to escape by jumping out the window with the help of Joe Sparrow.

In "If You Give a Frog a Cookie", it is revealed that on the day Anne, Sasha, and Marcy were teleported to Amphibia, the Calamity Box caused a massive energetic blast which spread throughout the whole city. The lab of Dr. Frakes was caught in the blast radius, creating another portal that sucked Frakes' Skip Man through. Since then, Frakes managed to create her own portal machines that briefly shows glimpses of other dimensions.

During the Christmas holidays in "Froggy Little Christmas", Andrias uses the box to send a drone to kill Anne but fails.

In "Escape to Amphibia", Anne and the Plantars have told Terri about the Calamity Box and she is able to figure out the music played within the box act as coordinates to multiple worlds due to the creators of the box having discovered to location worlds with music thousands of years ago. It is also revealed a song can be played within a portal when someone uses the Calamity Box. With this knowledge, Anne remembers a tune playing which Terri uses to open a portal to Amphibia, allowing Anne and the Plantars return to Amphibia after they evade Mr. X and the FBI.

In "Mother of Olms", Mother Olm explained to Anne, Sasha and the Plantars that Sasha and Marcy were meant to receive powers from the gems until Andrias stole the Calamity Box. However, since Anne still possessed a fraction of its power, she would be able to empower her friends if they retrieved the box.

In "The Beginning of the End", Anne, Sasha, the Plantars and Grime attempt to infiltrate Newtopia Castle to steal back the music box only to fall into a trap set by Darcy. Before Darcy could execute her, Anne, realizing the Core and Andrias know very little about the gems, suggested that killing her would cost the box its power, stalling her execution until Darcy could find a way to safely extract her power. Darcy then used the box to open a portal to begin invading Los Angeles.

In "All In", after thwarting the invasion and defeating Andrias and Darcy, Anne and her friends use the music box to move Newtopia Castle back to Amphibia.

In "The Hardest Thing", as the Core launched the moon in a desperate attempt to destroy Amphibia, Mother Olm tells Anne, Sasha and Marcy to use the music box where Sasha and Marcy could regain their powers while Anne's powers would grow even stronger from the gems but warned that doing so would exhaust their power, preventing them from returning home. In addition, Mother Olm reminds Anne that even though their powers would be stronger, they would not be enough to destroy the Core completely and may have to use a "secret spell" from all three gems, granting the user the power to destroy any foe, but with the cost of their life. With Valeriana's aid, the three girls were bonded with their respective gem and took off to face the Core, battle against the monsters and robots it sent against them. However, even with the aid of Andrias' robots, they were unable to push back the moon and Sasha and Marcy's powers began to wane due to their inexperience. Reluctantly, Anne took all three gems and used the "secret spell" Mother Olm taught her to unite the gems and obliterate the Core at the cost of her life. Subsequently, after she was resurrected by the Cosmic Guardian creating a copy of her before her original body expired, Anne found three gem shards in her pocket, which Marcy guessed were only good for one use. After bidding their friends a final farewell, the gem shards were placed on the Calamity Box to open one last portal back to Earth, allowing Anne, Sasha, and Marcy to return home after which the box disintegrated so its power could never be used again.

Other appearances[]

In The Owl House episode, "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door", the Calamity Box can be seen on a shelf in the basement of the Owl House when Luz and Amity fall down a trapdoor.


  • Calamity is defined as "an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster", which further implies the box to be dangerous.
  • The color of the gemstones (green, blue and pink) are the same colors as the Powerpuff Girls.
  • A real-life version of the box appears at the 2019 D23 Expo. It is presented by Matt Braly, who then lets Kermit the Frog have a look at it, but advises him not to open it. However, Kermit gives in to his temptation and gets teleported to Amphibia. He comments on the journey being "faster than taking the 5 freeway" due to less traffic.
  • The colors of the gems in the box can be seen in The Owl House episodes "Escaping Expulsion" (as potions in the basement of the Blight Manor) and "Echoes of the Past" (as graffitis painted on Hooty). In both episodes, the object with blue color is only half full and partially seen, respectively, reflecting how Anne's blue gem is only partially charged.
  • To charge each of the gems, the girls associated with each of them had to face a test according to their personality which also aligns with the gem being charged:
    • Marcy (Wit): She had to give up the Flipwart challenge for the sake of sparing Anne and the Plantars when she realizes it is unwinnable.
    • Anne (Heart): She was challenged by Valeriana over and over until admitting the mistakes she made in the past and owned up to them.
    • Sasha (Strength): She had to use the mental strength within her to persevere herself to save Anne and Marcy.


External links[]

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Anphibia logo
Shows: Amphibia • Chibi Tiny Tales

Video Games: Disney All-Star Racers • Disney Heroes: Battle Mode
Books: Marcy's Journal: A Guide to Amphibia • The Art of Amphibia

Anne Boonchuy • Sprig Plantar • Polly Plantar • Hop Pop Plantar • Bessie • One-Eyed Wally • Leopold Loggle • Ivy Sundew • Felicia Sundew • Sylvia Sundew • Maddie Flour • Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger • Mr. Flour • Sadie Croaker • Stumpy • Albus Duckweed • Tritonio Espada • Apothecary Gary • Mayor Toadstool • Toadie • Sasha Waybright • Marcy Wu • Zappapede • Barry • Captain Grime • Percy • Braddock • Giant Herons • Frobo • Lysil and Angwin • General Yunan • Bog, Fens, and Mire • Lady Olivia • King Andrias • Jacinda • Wigbert Ribbiton • Priscilla Paddock • Pearl Paddock • Captain Beatrix • Mr. Boonchuy • Mrs. Boonchuy • The Core • Domino • Domino II • Cloak-Bot • Terri • Dr. Jan • Ally and Jess • Molly Jo • Humphrey Westwood • Mr. X • Dr. Frakes • Leif • Barrel • King Aldrich • Mother Olm
Season One: "Anne or Beast?/Best Fronds" • "Cane Crazy/Flood, Sweat & Tears" • "Hop Luck/Stakeout" • "The Domino Effect/Taking Charge" • "Anne Theft Auto/Breakout Star" • "Sprig Vs. Hop Pop/Girl Time" • "Dating Season/Anne Vs. Wild" • "Contagi-Anne/Family Shrub" • "Lily Pad Thai/Plantar's Last Stand" • "Toad Tax/Prison Break" • "Grubhog Day/Hop Pop and Lock" • "Civil Wart/Hop-Popular" • "Croak & Punishment/Trip to the Archives" • "Snow Day/Cracking Mrs. Croaker" • "A Night at the Inn/Wally and Anne" • "Family Fishing Trip/Bizarre Bazaar" • "Cursed!/Fiddle Me This" • "The Big Bugball Game/Combat Camp" • "Children of the Spore/Anne of the Year" • "Reunion"

Season Two: "Handy Anne/Fort in the Road" • "The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar/Anne Hunter" • "Truck Stop Polly/A Caravan Named Desire" • "Quarreler's Pass/Toadcatcher" • "Swamp and Sensibility/Wax Museum" • "Marcy at the Gates" • "Scavenger Hunt/The Plantars Check In" • "Lost in Newtopia/Sprig Gets Schooled" • "Little Frogtown/Hopping Mall" • "The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers/A Day at the Aquarium" • "The Shut-In!" • "Night Drivers/Return to Wartwood" • "Ivy on the Run/After the Rain" • "The First Temple" • "New Wartwood/Friend or Frobo?" • "Toad to Redemption/Maddie & Marcy" • "The Second Temple/Barrel's Warhammer" • "Bessie & MicroAngelo/The Third Temple" • "The Dinner/Battle of the Bands" • "True Colors"
Season Three: "The New Normal" • "Hop 'Til You Drop/Turning Point" • "Thai Feud/Adventures in Catsitting" • "Fight at the Museum/Temple Frogs" • "Fixing Frobo/Anne-sterminator" • "Mr. X/Sprig's Birthday" • "Spider-Sprig/Olivia & Yunan" • "Hollywood Hop Pop/If You Give a Frog a Cookie" • "Froggy Little Christmas" • "Escape to Amphibia" • "Commander Anne/Sprivy" • "Sasha's Angels/Olm Town Road" • "Mother of Olms/Grime's Pupil" • "The Root of Evil/The Core & The King" • "Newts in Tights/Fight or Flight" • "The Three Armies/The Beginning of the End" • "All In" • "The Hardest Thing"

Amphibia • Wartwood Swamp • Toad Tower • Newtopia (Newtopia Castle) • Los Angeles
See also
Welcome to Amphibia • No Big Deal • Calamity Box • Suspicious Island • Fwagon