Biff Fuddled is a TV personality for Spoonerville's local TV station KBOB T.V., hosting such shows as Odd Facts, Strange Stuff, and Things Too Weird to Fake and The World's Most Painful Home Videos. He also reported the news once and hosted the Mrs. Spoonerville Society's semi-biannual Househelper Contest. He appeared in the episodes "Close Encounters of the Weird Mime", "Slightly Dinghy", "Wrecks, Lies, & Videotape", and "Mrs. Spoonerville". He is voiced by Rob Paulsen.
- Biff Fuddled's character model was recycled in the episode "Buddy Building" for a different character named Harold Hatchback (voiced by Patrick Duffy), one of Pete's rival car dealers.
- His name is a play on the word "Befuddled."