"A Pizza the Action" is the sixty-third episode of the first season of Goof Troop.
When Pete gets stuck with a failing pizza franchise, Goofy is the only person that Pete thinks can get it off his hands. With the help of Max, Goofy tries to bring the franchise back.
The episode begins as Max, P.J. and Waffles are chasing Pistol and Chainsaw while throwing snowballs at them; however, it turns out to be a trick as she lures the boys to the backyard and uses a bucket of water to createn a ice bridge, causing them to crash into a pile of snow, but then they start chasing them again.
Meanwhile, as Goofy constructs a snowman version of himself (which moves for a second, much to Goofy's confusion), he is pelted by a snowball meant for Pistol. Afterwards, the snowman starts to slide into Pete's driveway, and taking this as a golden opportunity, Pete crashes into the snowman and destroys both their mailboxes. Pete blames Goofy for this, but Goofy agrees to fix both mailboxes. Pete looks through the mail and finds a letter from a pizza franchise he invested in. Unfortunately, the letter is a notice stating that if he doesn't pay by the end of the week, they will take his whole house. Pete worries that if Peg finds out, she'll kill him for it. That night, Pete is unable to sleep due to the situation and continues monologuing his last words in his mind until he comes up with a plan.
The next day after Goofy rebuilds the mailboxes (except that Goofy now has Pete's mailbox, and vice versa), Pete drives Goofy to Pizza Wiz and, using his used car salesman tactics, tricks Goofy into taking Pizza Wiz off his hands so that his house will be safe from being towed and Peg won't kill him for losing the house. Goofy tells Max that while he makes the pizzas, he will start delivering them early in the morning. However, on the first day, Max is being chased by a poodle, which results in him crashing into a tree. As some bystanders approach him, Max pretends to hurt his leg and is taken to Pizza Wiz, where Goofy tells him that he'll be delivering the pizzas while Max makes them.
Later that day, Peg is yelling at Pete upon learning how he tricked Goofy into buying the restaurant, and has an idea: to have a promotional act where a customer will get a free pizza when they test drive one of Pete's used cars. Seeing this as a great money making idea, Pete agrees to the idea. Later, Max convinces P.J. to work there, saying that if he does, he can eat the ones that they don't sell.
On the day of the test driving/free pizza event, customers start ordering pizza while preparing to test drive the cars, while at Pizza Wiz, Max and P.J. create the orders while Goofy starts delivering them. Unfortunately, due to mixing up the receipts, Goofy delivers the wrong pizzas to the customers, resulting in a large pizza fight. Later, Pete arrives (covered in cheese) and prepares to attack Goofy, but P.J. stops him as Goofy shows Pete the bill for the pizzas he ordered, only for Pete to reveal his own bill, in the form of a cleaning bill for the incident.
Later that night, Goofy tells Max that if Pizza Wiz doesn't show any profit by tomorrow night, their house will be towed, so Max and Goofy decide to step up their game and start taking this job seriously. In a short montage, Max and Goofy start doing their jobs, with Max delivering the pizzas (and getting back at the poodle who attacked him earlier) while Goofy makes the pizzas. After making over $230 from their pizza sale, Pete arrives, revealing that he came to take the money to pay the cleaning bill from the other day and informs them this isn't enough, as they are going to be homeless by tomorrow.
The next morning, Pete and his family wake up to discover that their house has been placed on a giant truck platform. It turns out that since Goofy switched their mailboxes, Pete's house will be towed. Wanting to help them, Goofy, Max and Waffles get on a snowmobile and chase Pete's home, and manage to stop the driver, who unknowingly forgets to park the truck and begins to drive backwards. Goofy, Max and Waffles chase it as Pete tries to save the family by taking control of the truck.
After crashing into Pizza Wiz, Goofy, Max and Waffles use the pizzas as snowboards and start chasing the truck. Goofy grabs the blanket that Pete used for the rope and unknowingly wraps it around a tree, saving Pete's house. Even though they saved Pete and his family, Goofy and Max are still upset that they will lose their home. Just then, a bunch of kids show up, wanting to buy the pizzas as snowboards, allowing Goofy and Max to make the money needed for the payment. Upon seeing this, Pete tries to get in on the action, only to step on a pizza and slide away.
- The poodle that attacks Max on his first day of pizza delivery bears a striking resemblance to Georgette from Oliver & Company, albeit with the colors of its fur and bow inverted (pink fur with a blue bow instead of Georgette's blue fur with a pink bow).
- The title is a play on the phrase "a piece of the action".