


The Deva (デーヴァ Dēva?)[1] are a group of twelve Ultimate-level Holy Beast Digimon that are derived from the Buddhist myth of the Twelve Heavenly Generals, deities who protected the Bhaiṣajyaguru. The Twelve Heavenly Generals were eventually conflated with the animals of the Chinese zodiac in Japanese Buddhism, and so the Deva are also representative of those figures. The Deva are followers of the Digimon Sovereigns, and each Sovereign has three Deva subordinates.[2]

The Deva share many similarities beyond their basis. Nearly all of the Deva have three horns and red eyes, and each wears Chinese-styled armor with a red or purple scarf. Each of the Deva wields a signature weapon which is named in Chinese, with the form "Bǎo X" (宝X? lit. "Treasure X"), where "X" is a generic type of weapon. Although the Twelve Heavenly Generals of Buddhist mythology were each armed with a specific weapon, some of these are switched around for the Deva Digimon. For example, the generals Śaṇḍilya and Indra wield a shell and a lance, respectively, while Sandiramon and Indramon wield a lance and a shell, respectively. Finally, each Deva's Special Move is named after one of the Naraka mentioned in the Vishnu Purana, which usually has some relation either to the Deva's zodiac animal or weapon.


Digimon Deva Animal Weapon Special Move Sovereign

Mihira Tiger Stick Vimohana[3]
Aṇḍīra Rabbit Axe Asipatravana[4]

Anila Dragon Arrow Vedhaka[5]

Śaṇḍilya Snake Lance Krishńa[6]

Indra Horse Shell Adhomukha[7]

Pajra Sheep Bow Vahnijwála[8]

Mahoraga Monkey Ball Raurava[9]

Kinnara Rooster Pestle Púyaváha[10]

Catura Dog Hammer Śwabhojana[11]

Vikarāla Pig Wheel Súkara[12]

Kumbhīra Rat Pestle Krimíśa[13]

Vajra Ox Sword Rodha[14]


Digimon Tamers[]

Using the data of deleted Digimon, the Sovereign created the Deva to be their servants. Lionheart Some time after the "Catalyst" was disguised as Calumon and hidden in the Real World by Azulongmon, Zhuqiaomon sent the Deva to search for the lost entity, as well as to conquer the world of humans he so loathed. They were at first unable to enter the human world, but when Yamaki activated the Juggernaut against the various Digimon invading the town, it unintentionally damaged the boundary between the worlds, creating a warp which allowed nine of the Devas, Mihiramon, Sandiramon, Sinduramon, Pajiramon, Vajramon, Indramon, Makuramon, Kumbhiramon and Vikaralamon, to make their way into the region surrounding Tokyo, causing untold devastation to the city. Eight of the nine Deva were destroyed, but Makuramon manages to discover and abduct Calumon after going undercover disguised as a human child and, with the intervention of his master, he survives and successfully escapes the Real World, returning to the Digital World as the worlds once again stabilize.

To rescue their friend, the Tamers are forced to pursue him to the Digital World, which also brings them into contact with the four surviving Deva. While three of these four, Makuramon, Majiramon and Caturamon, maneuver to bring Calumon to Zhuqiaomon while also eliminating the human threat, Antylamon befriends the human child Suzie Wong and is stripped of her powers as punishment, leading her to become Suzie's partner. Ironically, the conflict between the Tamers and Beelzemon, who had been elevated from Impmon to destroy the humans, claims the lives of the other remaining Deva, leaving the disgraced Lopmon as their only survivor.

The Tamers bring Lopmon with them as a go-between when they enter Zhuqiaomon's palace to retrieve Calumon, but the Sovereign has no intention of releasing their friend. He offers to forgive Lopmon if she comes back to his side, but when she refuses, he attempts to slay her and the battle begins in earnest. No Mon is an Island


Main article: Antylamon (Tamers)


After Impmon is defeated by Indramon, Caturamon contacts him from the Digital World and continues to sow the seeds of Impmon's resentment at his weakness. A World Apart In the Digital World, Caturamon promises him the power he did not have in exchange for destroying the Tamers. Though at first reluctant, Impmon finally agrees, and Caturamon brings him to the Digital World. Zhuqiaomon gives him the power to digivolve to Beelzemon. Motorcycle Madness After Beelzemon defeats Infermon, Caturamon requests him to fulfill his end of the bargain. When Beelzemon is forced to leave the battlefield, he then makes himself known to the Tamers, destroying Taomon's barrier and kidnapping Calumon. The Imperfect Storm

After returning Calumon, Caturamon is then ordered by Zhuqiaomon to deal with the traitorous Antylamon. Lionheart While Gallantmon and Beelzemon clash, he attempts to take out Lopmon, but Terriermon takes the blow and sustains a lasting injury. Before Caturamon can do anymore harm, Gallantmon appears and effortlessly destroys him as the Deva gives its last acclamations to the Sovereign, but lacking any sentiment for his benefactor, Beelzemon loads Caturamon's data while gloating over his execution. The Battle Within


  • Howl of the Heavens: Releases a supersonic howl that can shatter barriers.


Indramon bio-emerges in the Real World. He first speaks to Impmon after laughing at the smaller Digimon, and he points out Impmon has "the stench of humans", a "Digimon that has been kept by humans has no self-respect" and tells Impmon he should abandon his dreams of Digivolving. Renamon arrives, causing Indramon to tell Impmon once more he is pathetic. He then disappears but later returns and battles Impmon, despite telling Renamon he would gladly fight her as well. Indramon plays around with Impmon for a while before dealing crushing blows. He then fights Growlmon, Gargomon and Kyubimon, easily beating them all with one attack. Impmon's Last Stand Indramon leaves thanks to Mitsuo Yamaki and the Juggernaut program. He returns later with a much larger size. Again, Growlmon, Gargomon and Kyubimon fight and lose to him. However, Takato is able to digivolve Growlmon into WarGrowlmon using Kazu Shioda's Blue Card, and Indramon proves no match for him. He destroys Indramon's horned shell and destroys him by blasting him with his "Atomic Blaster". Out of the Blue


  • Horn of Desolation (Adhomukha): Uses his tremendous lung capacity to blow the Bǎo Bèi, generating ultrasonic waves.


Kumbhiramon bio-emerges in a sewage system. Jeri Katou and Calumon encounter him and, after asking if he is her partner, are chased by him until Leomon bio-emerges in the Real World and fights him. Kumbhiramon later returns and uses his Deva Clone to fight, but Gargomon helps Leomon destroy his clones and Leomon easily destroys the original with a single slash of his sword. In battle, Kumbhiramon proves to be the weakest among the Devas. Jeri's Quest


  • Deva Clone (六分身 Rokubunshin?, lit. "Six Clones"): Splits himself into six bodies which he positions in a hexagram barrier, sealing the opponent inside, then smashes them with the Bǎo Chǔ, deleting them completely.


Makuramon enlists Majiramon's help in searching for Calumon. Brave New Digital World Majiramon and Makuramon search the Digital World until they are drawn by the light of digivolution when Calumon causes Woodmon to digivolve into Cherrymon. Cyberdramon attacks them, and Majiramon attempts to deal with the Tamers. He is close to winning when Ryo Akiyama uses the Goliath card to enlarge Cyberdramon, giving him enough strength to crush Majiramon's head, killing him. Majiramon is likely the most powerful Deva, taking no damage from the Tamers' Champion Digimon whatsoever and besting the experienced also Ultimate-leveled Cyberdramon, brushing off his best attacks until the Goliath card is used to match his opponent's size. Goliath


  • Flaming Arrowheads (Vedhaka): Disappears into the center of a swirl of light summoned in the sky, then fires 108 shining Bǎo Shǐ, burying a horde of opponents in just an instant. This technique possesses ¥540,000 worth of destructive power.


Makuramon is a Deva who can take on a human form named Makura (マクラ?).[16]

After bio-emerging at the same time as Indramon, Makuramon first appears in the guise of a human and spies on the Tamers, being noticeably interested in Calumon. Impmon's Last Stand When he watches the battle between Leomon and Kumbhiramon, he finally realizes that Calumon is the Shining Digivolution. Jeri's Quest When Vikaralamon bio-emerges, he reveals his true form and tells the Tamers about their goals: to get more power so that they can defeat their enemies. He attacks the portal created by Juggernaut and destroys it. When Vikaralamon is defeated, he kidnaps Calumon. Though Leomon attempts to stop him, his master, the Sovereign Zhuqiaomon, guards him and guarantees his escape. A World Apart

Makuramon flees to the Digital World, but during his reentry he loses Calumon and has to search for him, enlisting Majiramon's help. Brave New Digital World He is drawn by the light of digivolution when Calumon causes Woodmon to digivolve into Cherrymon. Cyberdramon attacks them, and Makuramon lets Majiramon deal with the Tamers. When it becomes clear that Majiramon would lose, Makuramon bids a hasty retreat. Goliath He stumbles across Suzie Wong who is being guarded by Antylamon and tries to bring her back to Zhuqiaomon as tribute to avoid punishment. Antylamon fends him off, however. Rabbit Transit

Makuramon meets his end when he attempts to scold Beelzemon about the damage he is inflicting on the Digital World. Beelzemon attacks him and loads his data. Beelzemon uses Makuramon's Primal Orb attack in battle afterward. Give a Little Bit

Joe Ochman voices Makuramon in the style of Roddy McDowall.[17]


  • Primal Orb (宝玉 Bǎo Yù?, lit. "Treasure Jewel"): Throws the "Primal Orb" as a controllable projectile.
  • Primal Orb (Raurava) Entraps his opponent in the "Primal Orb".


When Mitsuo Yamaki activates the Juggernaut Program to eliminate all Digimon on Earth, an anomaly infiltrates the vortex and Bio-Emerges on top of the Hypnos Tower, in the form of Mihiramon. Mihiramon torments Yamaki's foolery to the brink of insanity. Renamon and Terriermon both attempt to battle him in their Champion levels but fail miserably. Guilmon digivolves into Growlmon but is gravely wounded by the tiger, and Takato, also feeling his Digimon's pain, falls unconscious. After Takato and Growlmon have a heart-to-heart moment in a dream world, Takato uses a Blue Card to matrix digivolve Growlmon to WarGrowlmon who battles Mihiramon. Mihiramon is unable to comprehend how WarGrowlmon digivolved to his level and strikes him with a spiked blade. WarGrowlmon seizes Mihiramon by his tail and destroys him at point-blank range with his "Atomic Blaster". Grow Mon Grow


  • Samurai Tiger Tail (宝棒 Bǎo Bàng?, lit. "Treasure Stick"): Strikes the opponent with the Tiger Rod.
  • Armored Tiger Tail: Adds spikes to the Tiger Rod.


Pajiramon and Vajramon appear downtown in the real world and rampage about, eating digital goods in order to stabilize themselves. Gargomon has a hard time fighting her, and she takes offense at his attempts at resistance. Henry Wong then uses the Blue Card to matrix digivolve Gargomon to Rapidmon, who destroys Pajiramon and temporarily disassembles Vajramon's data. Duel with the Deva

Mary Elizabeth McGlynn voices Pajiramon in the style of Kate Mulgrew.[17]


  • Thunder Stomp: Stomps hard enough to generate a localized quake.


Sandiramon bio-emerges into the subway tunnels of Shinjuku. He is briefly encountered by an ill man but a guard believes him to be hallucinating. Later, Sandiramon returns to attack the trains. Coincidentally, Rika and her grandmother are in the tunnels. Rika and Renamon battle the snake and then pursue him down a tunnel. Henry and Terriermon are on a train that Sandiramon disintegrates easily, though Henry protects what passengers are left. Henry and Terriermon then rush off to find Takato but fail to locate him. Sandiramon battles Kyubimon and Gargomon until Takato and Guilmon appears from above and Guilmon digivolves to Growlmon. Kyubimon and Gargomon manage to distract Sandiramon with their attacks, allowing Growlmon, using a Power Modify Card given to Takato by Kazu to hit him with an extra-powerful Pyro Blaster. Sandiramon dies due to the accumulated damage of the battle but mentions he is one of the Deva and that the rest will avenge him. Snakes, Trains, and Digimon


  • Venom Axe (Krishńa): Impales the opponent by thrashing his body and then powerfully vomiting up a Bǎo Kuí.


Takato Matsuki, Guilmon, Henry Wong, Terriermon, and Calumon encounter Sinduramon while on a camping field trip. Initially, he is very small, but he absorbs the nearby city's electricity, causing him to grow to Growlmon's size. He also possesses an owl, who speaks for him. Takato and Henry notice the blackout caused by Sinduramon, and chase him to the dam, where Guilmon and Terriermon digivolve to Growlmon and Gargomon in order to fight him. Sinduramon meets his demise when Growlmon's Pyro Blaster attack knocks him into the water, destroying him with the very electricity he had absorbed. After Sinduramon is destroyed, the possessed owl turns back to normal and flies away. Back to Nature, Back to Battle


  • Positron Pulse (Púyaváha): Unleashes an intense lightning blast from the Bǎo Chǔ.


Vajramon and Pajiramon appear downtown in the Real World and rampage about, eating digital goods in order to stabilize themselves. Renamon takes him on, and he takes enjoyment in their fight. Henry Wong uses the Blue Card to digivolve Gargomon to Rapidmon, who destroys Pajiramon and appears to destroy Vajramon. Duel with the Deva

Unfortunately, Vajramon survives. He attempts to convince Renamon to come to his side, but she reveals that she was only using him for information and digivolves to Taomon with her partner's help. Feeling betrayed, Vajramon was bent on killing Taomon, only to die by her power. Digital Beauty


  • Terra Blade (Rodha): Uses his forefeet and upper body to strike the ground with his twin Deva Blades, generating fissures that extend up to 50 meters ahead of him and hurl out rocks as the shock waves erupt from underground, which inflicts damage on those nearby.
  • Deva Blade (宝劍 Bǎo Jiàn?, lit. "Treasure Sword"):[18] Crosses the Deva Blades and fires an energy beam at the opponent.


Vikaralamon is the last Deva to bio-emerge into the Real World. Thanks to his massive size, extreme durability and great strength, Vikaralamon causes great destruction in Shinjuku. Because the attacks of the Tamers' Digimon at their Champion level have no effect on Vikaralamon, they digivolve to their Ultimate level and thus Rapidmon, Taomon and WarGrowlmon engage again in battle against him. However, being one of the strongest Devas, Vikaralamon's attacks bring great problems upon the three Digimon, especially WarGrowlmon, who is trapped under an energy ball for most of the fight. In the meantime, Mitsuo Yamaki prepares to activate the Juggernaut program, but Vikaralamon opens a rip in the sky as Juggernaut is activated. The Boar Wars When Makuramon uses an attack on the Hypnos building, everyone evacuates it and Vikaralamon returns to attacking, having recovered his strength. This time, the army attacks him as well but to no avail. Takato, meanwhile, sends his strength to WarGrowlmon, who then frees himself and destroys Vikaralamon with his "Atomic Blaster". A World Apart


  • Fusion Ball (Súkara): Bores through the opponent with a red Bao Ran.
  • Boar Bog: Regurgitates black sticky goo from his mouth.

Digimon ReArise[]

The Deva, also known as the Twelfth Apostle (十二神 Jūnishin?, lit. "Twelve Gods"), are the subordinates of the Four Holy Beasts.

They are friends with Mon and Hackmon. Keito's Decisive Fighting Spirit!

In the past, when a large amount of Digital Points opened up in the Digital World, bringing a large amount of Spiral, the Deva and Four Holy Beasts used the power of the Four Holy Beasts' DigiCores to open a distortion to attract all the Spiral into the same place so that they could deal with them all at the same time. Once all the Spiral arrived in the same place, they used the distortion to send them all to the Dark Area which was enough to get rid of all the Sprial for a long period of time. Chasing the Shadow of an Angel! Joining Forces with Sara! However after the Spiral suddenly arrive again they struggled to keep the Digital World safe. The Spiral's arrival had affected the balance of the Digital World and so the Four Holy Beasts go into slumber to restore it and give their Deva subordinates some of their DigiCores to help deal with the problem. Keito's Decisive Fighting Spirit!

When the Tamers were suddenly summoned to the Digital World the Deva were surprised at their power and asked them for help, though weren't very happy about needing the assistance of such "pitiful creatures". They decided they would use the Tamers for their own goals and would put up with it as long as they were useful, although Kumbhiramon had decided to believe in them after its encounter with Keito Tamada and Elecmon. Keito's Decisive Fighting Spirit! Vajramon and Pajiramon also end up trusting the humans enough to use one of the DigiCores to help Chirinmon digivolve to Mitamamon though Vajramon insists it was just "returning the favor" for saving them from Machinedramon. A God Beast Digimon?! A Path for Mayu to Follow

The group are later able to gain the trust of Vikaralamon, Mihiramon, Majiramon, Sinduramon, Deva Training! A Battle to Remember!, and Caturamon. Chasing the Shadow of an Angel! Joining Forces with Sara!

With the Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and Four Holy Beasts all now in agreement, the Three Archangels team up with the Deva to deal with threats inside the Digital world whilst the Royal Knights deal with threats outside the Digital World. To Wield a Blade for Justice


Vikaralamon is one of Xuanwumon's subordinates. It is only able to talk through grunts and roars, which Herissmon is able to understand. Deva Training! A Battle to Remeber!

Vikaralamon went to the Human World to ascertain the threat after a large quantity of devices affected the Digital World. Considering it to just be a "passing noise", Xuanwumon travelled to the Human World to retrieve its subordinate. Clash Battle! Sunrise Showdown

Vikaralamon is one of the Deva that do not trust the Humans, which leads Kumbhiramon, Vajramon, and Pajiramon to ask the group to fight the other Deva to try and gain their trust. The Protagonist, Herissmon, Michi Shinjo, and Salamon find it fighting a group of Spiral in a Digital Point as according to Kumbhiramon, Vikaralamon thought that if it defeated as many Spiral as it could, the World would be saved - despite this obviously not being the case. After it clears out all the Spiral in the Digital Point Vikaralamon suddenly attacks the group without warning though is defeated by Rasenmon and Angewomon. Having been defeated, it agrees to trust the Humans and leaves to join the other Human supporting Deva. As the Humans try and catch up with Vikaralamon they suddenly find it being attacked by Machinedramon. Rasenmon and Angewomon fight it to protect their new friend, with Machinedramon setting the forest on fire in the process. As the fight continues Machinedramon suddenly retreats after receiving a message that the retrieval had been complete. Rasenmon, Angewomon, and Vikaralamon manage to put our the forest fire and then join the rest of the Human supporting Deva. Deva Training! A Battle to Remember!

Vikaralamon and the other Deva are left in charge of finding an appropriate location for the summit between the Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and Four Holy Beasts — the Four Holy Beasts having awoken due to the fight between the Royal Knights and Three Archangels. Before the meeting, the group are attacked by Spiral though the Deva and Tamers are able to take them all out. A Digimon Summit Begins?

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Fusion Ball (Súkara):[12] Bores through the opponent with a red Bao Ran.


Kumbhiramon is one of Xuanwumon's subordinates. It is the smartest member of the group.

Having saved the Digital World from the Spiral in the past alongside the Four Holy Beasts, Vajramon is confused as to why they had started spawning again. It argues with Vajramon over why it had happened, though Xuanwumon stops their argument and informs them that the Four Holy Beasts had decided to slumber to restore stability to the Digital World as the Spiral's arrival had tampered with it. Kumbhiramon is against this idea though is forced to go along with it and is given some of Xuanwumon's DigiCores to help deal with the situation. Keito's Decisive Fighting Spirit!

After Keito Tamada and Elecmon are sucked into the Digital World through a Digital Gate they decide to wander around in the hopes they would Digimon that could help them find the Protagonist, Herissmon, Michi Shinjo, and Salamon. After a long search in which they struggle to find any Digimon, they eventually encounter Kumbhiramon, who was in the middle of fighting a group of Spiral-4004Y, and Elecmon warp digivolves to GrapLeomon and helps Kumbhiramon defeat the Spiral. After learning that Keito and Elecmon had been defeating Spiral in the Real World it decided to test them and see if they had been "guided" to the Digital World, splits itself into three, and fights the duo to see what they could bring to the Digital World. Stranded in the Digital World?!

Kumbhiramon then secretly watches as Keito and GrapLeomon fight a group of Spiral that attacked a Gotsumon village. Kumbhiramon is surprised by their power though eventually notices that they will not be able to defeat them all on their own. Out of the sight of Keito and GrapLeomon - Kumbhiramon defeats some of the Spiral, the duo unaware as Kumbhiramon and the Spiral were blocked from sight by the village's buildings. Although he didn't notice Kumbhiramon - Keito finds the situation unusual as he was certain he had seen a group of Spiral about to attack them from behind the building. As Keito's friends arrive Kumbhiramon is surprised to see them with Mon and Hackmon, confused as to why they would get the help of humans.

After the group leave the village it is suddenly attacked again by another group of Spiral. Kumbhiramon fights them on its own, but its Krimisa attack has no effect on a Spiral-4036Y due to it being too powerful. The Spiral destroys all the Kumbhiramon clones but just as it is about to destroy Kumbhiramon's real body Keito and GrapLeomon arrive. Stefilmon had sensed that more Spiral had spawned there, causing the group to split up, and the duo had decided to return to the village. GrapLeomon teams up with Kumbhiramon and helps it fight the Spiral, though they aren't able to damage it. As they fight the Spiral, Kumbhiramon struggles to understand why they would help it, and Keito states that they will fight to protect Digimon even if they are scared. Kumbhiramon is touched by Keito and GrapLeomon's resolve and decides to believe in them. It gives them one of the DigiCores it had been entrusted with, which causes GrapLeomon to digivolve to HeavyLeomon. HeavyLeomon defeats the Spiral and reverts back to Elecmon, however there were still more Spiral remaining. Angewomon and Michi suddenly arrive and defeat the remaining Spiral, as she had chased after them not wanting them to fight on their own. Kumbhiramon thanks them for their help and asks them to help them defend the Digital World when the time comes and then leaves, no longer distrustful of humans. Keito's Decisive Fighting Spirit!

Kumbhiramon later helps HeavyLeomon, Rasenmon, SaviorHuckmon, PrinceMamemon, ShogunGekomon, and TigerVespamon fight the Spiral that had attacked Primary Village, though lets the group know it does not trust Rasenmon's powers as they involve the Spiral. A One-Track Mind! Kazuma Joins the Party

Kumbhiramon sends a letter to Keito in DigiCode, telling him to meet it in the Digital World. When the entire group arrive, Kumbhiramon is with Vajramon and Pajiramon - as the fellow Deva knew that the others would be with Keito. Kumbhiramon officially asks the group to help deal with the Spiral and the Digital Points, which the group accept, though Vajramon refuses to accept help from the humans and instead demands a rematch with Chirinmon. Kudamon accepts the battle, digivolves to Chirinmon, defeats Vajramon, and finally gains its trust. Pajijramon then states that they gained its trust as well as it trusts Vajramon's judgement. The three Deva then ask the Tamers to fight the other members of the group to gain their trust as well. After the group manage to gain the trust of Vikaralamon, Mihiramon, Majiramon, and Sinduramon – Kumbhiramon is delighted the group were able to expand their group of human supporting allies, though is worried at the fact that Takumi Hiiragi and Gaiomon had beaten up Sinduramon and stolen its DigiCore by force. With some of them once again distrusting humans due to this, the group promise they would find Takumi and Gaiomon and deal with them. Deva Training! A Battle to Remeber!

When a large amount of Digital Points open in the Real World, Keito finds it weird and tries to find out why it was happening though has no luck. He travels to the Digital World and asks Kumbhiramon if the same thing had been happening in the Digital World, which Kumbhiramon confirms to be the case. Chasing the Shadow of an Angel! Joining Forces with Sara!

When Keito and HeavyLeomon are fighting a VenomMyotismon summoned by GranDracmon, its goal to side-track them so they couldn't look for Michi Shinjo and Angewomon, they are attacked by even more of its minions. As all hope looks lost, Kumbhiramon, Sinduramon, Majiramon arrive and help fend off the minions, having heard what happened from Mon and Hackmon. Illuminating Light: A Guide to the Rainbow

When the Four Holy Beasts prepare to awaken, Kumbhiramon sets up a meeting with the Tamers to tell them about the awakening though upon arrival they inform it that Sandiramon had already told them as they had met Sandiramon whilst out fighting Spiral. The Time of Awakening Approaches! The Mighty Heartbeat of the Four Holy Beasts

Kumbhiramon and the other Deva are left in charge of finding an appropriate location for the summit between the Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and Four Holy Beasts — the Four Holy Beasts having awoken due to the fight between the Royal Knights and Three Archangels. Before the meeting, the group are attacked by Spiral though the Deva and Tamers are able to take them all out. A Digimon Summit Begins? The summit doesn't go well however, as the Archangels refuse to get involved in the Spiral problem and Examon pisses off the Holy Beasts by pointing out how badly their previous attempt at dealing with the Spiral had gone — as they and sent them to the Dark Area, which had cause them to learn how to transverse between the Dark Area, Digital World, and Human World. Before a fight escalates the Tamers are able to defuse the situation by calling for a break. They then decide to talk to each group individually, with Kumbhiramon escorting Keito, HeavyLeomon, Kazuma, and Grizzlymon to the Four Holy Beasts. Keito is able to convince the Four Holy Beasts to end the meeting amicably by telling them how much he loves Digimon and the Digital World, though Zhuqiaomon points out there's not much they can do when the problems are between the Archangels and Royal Knights in the first place. Due to the hard work of the others convincing the other groups to trust them as well the three groups agree to work together. A Digimon Summit Begins?

When the Digital World falls into disarray after Eiji Futami breaks into the Kernel, a large group of evil Digimon and Spiral cause havoc in the Digital World and so Kumbhiramon, alongside HeavyLeomon, travels the Digital World to defeat them and protect the weaker Digimon. On one such trip some of the Tamers teleport in front of them and inform them about how Sara had returned to their side and Eiji had been betrayed by Spiral Origin, with them using gates made by Herissmon/Eiji to get back into the Kernel. Kumbhiramon tells Takumi and HeavyLeomon to go with them and help defeat Spiral Origin and though reluctant he agrees to do so after Kumbhiramon sends its clones out to gather some the Deva so they could work in their place. Newfound Power! Rasenmon and the Ties That Bind

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Krimisa (Krimíśa):[13] Splits itself into six bodies which it positions in a hexagram barrier, sealing the opponent inside, then smashes them with the Bǎo Chǔ, deleting them completely.


Vajramon is one of Xuanwumon's subordinates.

Having saved the Digital World from the Spiral in the past alongside the Four Holy Beasts, Vajramon is confused as to why they had started spawning again. It argues with Kumbhiramon over why it had happened, though Xuanwumon stops their argument and informs them that the Four Holy Beasts had decided to slumber to restore stability to the Digital World as the Sprial's arrival had tampered with it. Vajramon is against this idea though is forced to go along with it and is given some of Xuanwumon's DigiCores to help deal with the situation. Keito's Decisive Fighting Spirit!

When a Digital Point opens up in the shopping Mall, Vajramon and Pajiramon arrive and fight the Spiral, after which they run into Mayu Kohinata, Chirinmon, Kazuma Natsuyagi, Wanyamon, Mon, and BaoHuckmon and assume that the Humans were behind all the Spiral attacks and attack them. The group try to talk them down, stating they were not behind the Spirals, however the two Deva refuse to believe it as they do no trust Humans and also express shock at Mon and BaoHuckmon helping Humans. As the two Deva continue to fight Chirinmon they tell it to prove that it is strong and to gain their trust by fighting them. As the fight continues they acknowledge that Chirinmon is strong however as the fight halts the two Deva are suddenly attacked and defeated by Machinedramon. As Machinedramon is about to kill the two Deva with its "Infinity Cannon" attack, Chirinmon attacks Machinedramon's Psycho Blasters in an attempt to redirect the attack somewhere else though is unable to do so and is instead blasted directly by the full force of the attack. Vajramon, shocked by the fact that Mayu and Chirinmon would save the two Deva, gives one of the DigiCores it was given by Xuanwumon to Chirinmon which causes it to digivolve to Mitamamon. Machinedramon tries in vain to defeat Mitamamon - however none of its attacks harm it as Mitamamon has no solid form. Mitamamon gives Machinedramon the option to surrender, which Machinedramon refuses - though it ends up surrendering anyway after suddenly receiving a message to surrender and retreat. Vajramon claims that it only returned the favor for Chirinmon having saved it and states that it is still stronger than it, challenging it to a rematch the next time they travel to the Digital World with Hackmon. A God Beast Digimon?! A Path for Mayu to Follow

When Kumbhiramon sends a letter to Keito Tamada, telling him to meet it in the Digital World, Vajramon attends the meeting assuming that the others would go with him – and was proven right when the entire group showed up. Kumbhiramon asks the group to help them deal with the Spiral and Digital Points, though Vajramon still states it doesn't trust humans and had simply shown up so it could have its rematch with Chirinmon. Kudamon accepts the battle, digivolves to Chirinmon, defeats Vajramon, and finally gains its trust. The three Deva then ask the Tamers to fight the other members of the group to gain their trust as well. After the group manage to gain the trust of Vikaralamon, Mihiramon, Majiramon, and Sinduramon – Vajramon is delighted the group were able to expand their group of human supporting allies, though is worried at the fact that Takumi Hiiragi and Gaiomon had beaten up Sinduramon and stolen its DigiCore by force. With some of them once again distrusting humans due to this, the group promise they would find Takumi and Gaiomon and deal with them. Deva Training! A Battle to Remeber!

Vajramon and the other Deva are left in charge of finding an appropriate location for the summit between the Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and Four Holy Beasts — the Four Holy Beasts having awoken due to the fight between the Royal Knights and Three Archangels. Before the meeting, the group are attacked by Spiral though the Deva and Tamers are able to take them all out. A Digimon Summit Begins?

When the Digital World becomes unruly after Eiji Futami had forced his way into the Kernel, Vajramon and Majiramon defeat some Spiral who had tried to take advantage of the situation and had launched an attack against weak Digimon. After defeating them, Leviamon of Seven Deadly Digimon suddenly appears before them having been reawakened by the Vademon. Before it could attack them Examon of the Royal Knights arrives and attacks it, which allows the Deva – and the Digimon they had saved from the Spiral – to flee. BCE Leviamon

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Bao Jian (宝劍 Bǎo Jiàn?, lit. "Treasure Sword"):[18] Crosses the Deva Blades and fires an energy beam at the opponent.
  • Rodha:[19] Uses its forefeet and upper body to strike the ground with its twin Deva Blades, generating fissures that extend up to 50 meters ahead of it and hurl out rocks as the shock waves erupt from underground, which inflicts damage on those nearby.


Pajiramon is one of the Deva.

When a Digital Point opens up in the shopping Mall, Pajiramon and Vajramon arrive and fight the Spiral, after which they run into Mayu Kohinata, Chirinmon, Kazuma Natsuyagi, Wanyamon, Mon, and BaoHuckmon and assume that the Humans were behind all the Spiral attacks and attack them. The group try to talk them down, stating they were not behind the Spirals, however the two Deva refuse to believe it as they do no trust Humans and also express shock at Mon and BaoHuckmon helping Humans. As the two Deva continue to fight Chirinmon they tell it to prove that it is strong and to gain their trust by fighting them. As the fight continues they acknowledge that Chirinmon is strong however as the fight halts the two Deva are suddenly attacked and defeated by Machinedramon. As Machinedramon is about to kill the two Deva with its "Infinity Cannon" attack, Chirinmon attacks Machinedramon's Psycho Blasters in an attempt to redirect the attack somewhere else though is unable to do so and is instead blasted directly by the full force of the attack. Vajramon, shocked by the fact that Mayu and Chirinmon would save the two Deva, gives one of the DigiCores it was given by Xuanwumon to Chirinmon which causes it to digivolve to Mitamamon. Machinedramon tries in vain to defeat Mitamamon - however none of its attacks harm it as Mitamamon has no solid form. Mitamamon gives Machinedramon the option to surrender, which Machinedramon refuses - though it ends up surrendering anyway after suddenly receiving a message to surrender and retreat. A God Beast Digimon?! A Path for Mayu to Follow

When Kumbhiramon sends a letter to Keito Tamada, telling him to meet it in the Digital World, Pajiramon and Vajramon attend the meeting assuming that the others would go with him – and were proven right when the entire group showed up. Kumbhiramon asks the group to help them deal with the Spiral and Digital Points, though Vajramon still states it doesn't trust humans and had simply shown up so it could have its rematch with Chirinmon. Kudamon accepts the battle, digivolves to Chirinmon, defeats Vajramon, and finally gains its trust. Pajijramon then states that they gained its trust as well as it trusts Vajramon's judgement. The three Deva then ask the Tamers to fight the other members of the group to gain their trust as well. After the group manage to gain the trust of Vikaralamon, Mihiramon, Majiramon, and Sinduramon – Pajiramon is delighted the group were able to expand their group of human supporting allies, though is worried at the fact that Takumi Hiiragi and Gaiomon had beaten up Sinduramon and stolen its DigiCore by force. With some of them once again distrusting humans due to this, the group promise they would find Takumi and Gaiomon and deal with them. Deva Training! A Battle to Remeber!

Pajiramon and the other Deva are left in charge of finding an appropriate location for the summit between the Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and Four Holy Beasts — the Four Holy Beasts having awoken due to the fight between the Royal Knights and Three Archangels. Before the meeting, the group are attacked by Spiral though the Deva and Tamers are able to take them all out. A Digimon Summit Begins?

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Vahnijwala (Vahnijvala)[20]: Confines the opponent within a nightmare world from which they cannot awaken, by means of its special arrows. Kumbhiramon is the only Deva able to counter it, through the power of its thoughts.


Majiramon is one of the Deva that do not trust the Humans, which leads Kumbhiramon, Vajramon, and Pajiramon to ask the group to fight the other Deva to try and gain their trust. Keito Tamada and Elecmon eventually manage to track it down Majiramon, and having learned from Pajiramon that Majiramon doesn't like to lose they try to gain Majiramon's trust another way and use Keito's device to find a Digital Point. HeavyLeomon teams up with Majiramon to defeat all the Spiral and Majiramon agrees to trust the humans, impressed that their power lies in more than just their strength but in their intelligence as well. Deva Training! A Battle to Remember!

When Keito and HeavyLeomon are fighting a VenomMyotismon summoned by GranDracmon, its goal to side-track them so they couldn't look for Michi Shinjo and Angewomon, they are attacked by even more of its minions. As all hope looks lost, Majiramon, Sinduramon, and Kumbhiramon arrive and help fend off the minions, having heard what happened from Mon and Hackmon. Illuminating Light: A Guide to the Rainbow

Majiramon and the other Deva are left in charge of finding an appropriate location for the summit between the Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and Four Holy Beasts — the Four Holy Beasts having awoken due to the fight between the Royal Knights and Three Archangels. Before the meeting, the group are attacked by Spiral though the Deva and Tamers are able to take them all out. A Digimon Summit Begins?

When the Digital World becomes unruly after Eiji Futami had forced his way into the Kernel, Majiramon and Vajramon defeat some Spiral who had tried to take advantage of the situation and had launched an attack against weak Digimon. After defeating them, Leviamon of Seven Deadly Digimon suddenly appears before them having been reawakened by the Vademon. Before it could attack them Examon of the Royal Knights arrives and attacks it, which allows the Deva – and the Digimon they had saved from the Spiral – to flee. BCE Leviamon

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Vedhaka:[5] Disappears into the center of a swirl of light summoned in the sky, then fires 108 shining Bǎo Shǐ, burying a horde of opponents in just an instant. This technique possesses ¥540,000 worth of destructive power.


Mihiramon is one of the Deva that do not trust the Humans, which leads Kumbhiramon, Vajramon, and Pajiramon to ask the group to fight the other Deva to try and gain their trust. They send Mayu Kohinata and Kudamon to fight Mihiramon as Mihiramon was specifically interested in them having learned that Vajramon gave them a DigiCore and so had wanted to see if they had put said DigiCore to good use. When Mayu and Chirinmon arrive to where Mihiramon was it suddenly attacks them without warning and is impressed they were able to withstand the attack. Chirinmon digivolves to Mitamamon and with Mihiramon finding that is unable to defeat the Mega level Digimon it instead changes it plan and tries to kill Mayu – though Mitamamon defeats it before it can harm her. Mitamamon heals Mihiramon, who is surprised that they would heal with after what it tried to do, and decides to trust in the Humans – deciding that Mitamamon and Mayu's strength were enough to protect the Digital World. Deva Training! A Battle to Remember!

Mihiramon and the other Deva are left in charge of finding an appropriate location for the summit between the Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and Four Holy Beasts — the Four Holy Beasts having awoken due to the fight between the Royal Knights and Three Archangels. Before the meeting, the group are attacked by Spiral though the Deva and Tamers are able to take them all out. A Digimon Summit Begins?

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Tiger Wing Blades (Vimohana):[21] Strikes the ground with the Samurai Tiger Tail, generating a shock wave over the surrounding area.


Sinduramon is one of the Deva that do not trust the Humans, which leads Kumbhiramon, Vajramon, and Pajiramon to ask the group to fight the other Deva to try and gain their trust. When Kazuma Natsuyagi and Bearmon are helping Mon and Hackmon fight a group of Spiral whilst the rest of the group are busy convincing the other Deva Bearmon and Kazuma suddenly spot Takumi Hiiragi, who had been missing for a while, and chase after him. Once they catch up they find Gaiomon attacking Sinduramon and Kazuma assumes that Sinduramon must've been evil since Kazuma and Gaiomon were beating it up, but Bearmon points out that that is not the case and that Takumi and Gaiomon were acting scary. Takumi demands that Sinduramon give it the DigiCore it had been entrusted by its master from the Four Holy Beasts, which Sinduramon refuses to do. Just as Gaiomon was about to murder Sinduramoon and take the DigiCore by force Bearmon runs into the fight and attacks Gaiomon, its attacks doing nothing due to the fact that Gaiomon was a Mega. As Kazuma and Bearmon refuse to give up and allow Gaiomon to kill Sinduramon, Bearmon digivolves to Grizzlymon though it still isn't able to do anything to the Mega level Digimon. SaviorHuckmon arrives and saves Grizzlymon from Gaiomon though it tells the entire group to retreat when Gaiomon charges up an attack intended to blow up the area as Takumi no longer cared what happened to anyone as he had managed to retrieve the DigiCore from the defeated Sinduramon, with the group escaping death just in time. Sinudramon then joins the other Human supporting Deva. Deva Training! A Battle to Remember!

Later, when a Digital Point opens up in the Digital World, Caturamon use one of the DigiCores to open a distortion and have all the Spiral go into it to get them out of the Digital World, as it had done so in the past, but the other Deva disagreed with this as they did not have the Four Holy Beasts any more to supress the power of the distortion, making the plan too dangerous. Caturamon still goes ahead with the plan however, with the help of Ophanimon of the Three Archangels, and unable to reach the center of the Digital Point, Sinudramon asks the Tamers to go inside it and stop Caturamon. After they do so, Sinduramon thanks them and Caturamon and Ophanimon apologise for trying to do the plan, realising that the other Deva were right and that it was too dangerous.The duo apologise for what had happened, realising the other Deva were right all along and that the plan was too dangerous to use. Chasing the Shadow of an Angel! Joining Forces with Sara!

When Keito and HeavyLeomon are fighting a VenomMyotismon summoned by GranDracmon, its goal to side-track them so they couldn't look for Michi Shinjo and Angewomon, they are attacked by even more of its minions. As all hope looks lost, Sinduramon, Majiramon, and Kumbhiramon arrive and help fend off the minions, having heard what happened from Mon and Hackmon. Illuminating Light: A Guide to the Rainbow

Sinduramon and the other Deva are left in charge of finding an appropriate location for the summit between the Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and Four Holy Beasts — the Four Holy Beasts having awoken due to the fight between the Royal Knights and Three Archangels. Before the meeting, the group are attacked by Spiral though the Deva and Tamers are able to take them all out. A Digimon Summit Begins?

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Puyavaha (Púyaváha)[10]): Unleashes an intense lightning strike from the Bǎo Chǔ.


Caturamon is one of the Deva.

In the past, when a large amount of Digital Points opened up in the Digital World, bringing a large amount of Spiral, the Deva and Four Holy Beasts used the power of the Four Holy Beasts DigiCores to open a distortion to attract all the Spiral into the same place so that they could deal with them all at the same time. Once all the Spiral arrived in the same place, they used the distortion to send them all to the Dark Area which was enough to get rid of all the Sprial for a long period of time.

When Spirals once again flood the Digital World Caturamon tries this plan again, though Sinduramon was against the idea as the distortion causes harm to the Digital World and Real World, and the only reason it had worked last time was due to the Holy Beasts lessening the damage it caused, but this was not an option this time as the Holy Beasts were no longer around to mitigate the effect the distortion would have on the World. Caturamon still went along with the plan however, leading Sinduramon to ask the Tamers to deal with Caturamon due to how dangerous the plan was. Caturamon, realising it still needed help to put its plan into motion enlists the help of Ophanimon of the Three Archangels. With Ophanimon having agreed to Caturamon's plan, it gives another DigiCore to Ophanimon to gain more power, and it travels around clearing out the Digital Points, with Humans noticing its shadow as it clears them out. This causes an urban legend that if you see "the Angel's shadow", you will get good luck, causing many people to try and find the shadow – including Michi Shinjo and Sara Shinkai. The duo are eventually able to find the source of the shadow, learning that it belonged to Ophanimon, though as they see it clearing out the Digital Points Salamon points out that Ophanimon's power was causing the Digital Points to become unstable as they were not used to so much power being used to quell them. As Ophanimon clears them out it gets more and more angry, not understanding why so many kept popping up, whilst losing sense of itself in its aim to protect everyone. As Michi and Sara try to find Ophanimon to stop its angry rampage they come across Caturamon, unaware that Caturamon was currently acting against the other Deva. Having learned that Michi and Sara wanted to stop Ophanimon it attacks them to stop them though eventually realises it is not strong enough to defeat Angewomon and Megadramon so decides instead to stall them long enough until Ophanimon had finished the plan.

Ophanimon suddenly arrives in the Digital Point however, with its rage now at maximum. Having decided that defeating the Spirals wasn't enough, Ophanimon decides that destroying the Human World would solve all their problems, as that is where the source of the Digital Points supposedly came from and Mode Changes to Fallen Mode. It proves too powerful for Angewomon and Megadramon to deal with though they are aided by the sudden arrival of Mon and SaviorHuckmon who had managed to track them due to Keito Tamada's tracking device picking up Michi's signal. The three Ultimate Digimon fight Fallen Mode but still find themselves no match for it and Caturamon reveals in the middle of the fight that Ophanimon had been supressing the distortion using the power of the DigiCore but that it was too much for it to handle, which is why it had suddenly become Fallen Mode, as usually fighting a few enemies wouldn't be enough for it to become Fallen. Realising the error of its ways, Caturamon teams up with the Tamers and is able to take back the DigiCore after using the others as a distraction which is enough to restore Ophanimon to its senses. The duo apologise for what had happened, realising the other Deva were right all along and that the plan was too dangerous to use and agrees to accept help from the Humans. Chasing the Shadow of an Angel! Joining Forces with Sara!

Caturamon and the other Deva are left in charge of finding an appropriate location for the summit between the Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and Four Holy Beasts — the Four Holy Beasts having awoken due to the fight between the Royal Knights and Three Archangels. Before the meeting, the group are attacked by Spiral though the Deva and Tamers are able to take them all out. A Digimon Summit Begins? The summit doesn't go well however, as the Archangels refuse to get involved in the Spiral problem and Examon pisses off the Holy Beasts by pointing out how badly their previous attempt at dealing with the Spiral had gone — as they and sent them to the Dark Area, which had cause them to learn how to transverse between the Dark Area, Digital World, and Human World. Before a fight escalates the Tamers are able to defuse the situation by calling for a break. They then decide to talk to each group individually, with Caturamon escorting the Protagonist, Rasenmon, Michi, and LovelyAngemon to the Archangels. The group are ambushed by a group of Spiral on the way, though not having the time to deal with them they instead run passed them. Upon arrival they find the Archangels fighting Machinedramon and Gaiomon and join the fight to stop them, though Sara summons a group of Spiral which are able to stall the group long enough for Sara and Takumi to complete their goal, after which they flee through a portal. The Tamers are then able to convince the archangels to end the meeting amicably rather than have it devolve into fighting, and, due to the hard work of the others convincing the other groups to trust them as well the three groups agree to work together. A Digimon Summit Begins?

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Swabhojana (Śwabhojana)[22]: Generates a massive earthquake accompanied by a shock wave by striking the ground with the Bǎo Chuí.


Sandiramon is one of the Deva. It enjoys hearing the screams of those it kills, so does not enjoy killing Spiral as they are silent when dying. The Time of The Awakening Approaches! The Mighty 4 Holy Beasts

When a group of Spiral attack a group of Lalamon in the Digital World Sandiramon arrives and attacks the Spiral, however its attacks also cause harm to the Lalamon with Sandiramon not caring since its attacks killed the Spiral. These events are witnessed by the Protagonist, Rasenmon, Keito Tamada, HeavyLeomon, Mon, SaviorHuckmon, Kazuma Natsuyagi, and Grizzlymon who dislike the way Sandiramon went about it, though it doesn't care and orders them to finish off the rest of the Spiral. After the battle the group confront Sandiramon about its actions, stating that Deva are supposed to protect Digimon, not harm them, with Sandiramon saying it "forgot" it wasn't meant to harm Digimon and "meant no harm" then leaves after telling the group that its masters, the Four Holy Beasts, were about to awaken and that it didn't have time to fight the group, even though it really wanted to. The Time of The Awakening Approaches! The Mighty 4 Holy Beasts

Sandiramon and the other Deva are left in charge of finding an appropriate location for the summit between the Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and Four Holy Beasts — the Four Holy Beasts having awoken due to the fight between the Royal Knights and Three Archangels. Before the meeting, the group are attacked by Spiral though the Deva and Tamers are able to take them all out. A Digimon Summit Begins? The summit doesn't go well however, as the Archangels refuse to get involved in the Spiral problem and Examon pisses off the Holy Beasts by pointing out how badly their previous attempt at dealing with the Spiral had gone — as they and sent them to the Dark Area, which had cause them to learn how to transverse between the Dark Area, Digital World, and Human World. Before a fight escalates the Tamers are able to defuse the situation by calling for a break. Sandiramon stands guard at the Four Holy Beasts resting place to prevent intruders from wasting the Holy Beast's time, though it allows the Tamers in to talk to them after being convinced by Kumbhiramon. A Digimon Summit Begins?

After all the groups come to an agreement, the Archangels team up with the Deva to deal with issues in the Digital World. One day, Sandiramon and Seraphimon team up to defeat a large amount of evil Digimon terrorising the Digital World. Surprised at the high amount of them running around, Seraphimon theorises that a portal to the Dark Area must've been opened and sets off to seal it with the help of Sandiramon, who knew where the portal was having seen many evil Digimon arriving together in the same place. After transporting through the portal they come across Takumi Hiiragi and Dorumon, with Sandiramon attacking Takumi on sight – aiming to kill. Dorumon intercepts the blow, protecting Takumi, and then warp digivolves to Gaiomon. As Seraphimon fights Gaiomon, Sandiramon hides, and during the battle, Takumi realises they can't win and has Gaiomon flee with Seraphimon pursuing them. As they run away, they try to trick Seraphimon into falling into their nearby trap, Seraphimon charges up an attack that would kill everyone. As Takumi refuses to give up, still wanting to defeat the Archangel, Gaiomon surrenders – finally standing up to Takumi, refusing to be evil and blaming itself as it realised that Takumi would never do something evil unless it was to protect his partner. Gaiomon then ends its partnership with Takumi and dedigivolves to Dorumon. Seraphimon accepts the surrender, however Sandiramon does not and attacks the duo – once again with the intent to kill them. After attacking Takumi and knocking him unconscious it attempts to kill Dorumon though the other Tamers arrive and protect their former allies. As it fights against them, a group of Spiral show up and using the power hacked into them by Eiji Futami, paralyse everyone. As the Spiral attack them, they take more and more damage and as they're all close to death Takumi and Dorumon return – with the duo having decided to turn against Eiji, returning to the side of good. Dorumon, having digivolved to Gaiomon Fierce Blade Mode, defeats the Spirals and saves everyone then uses its new powers to cure everyone of the paralysis. To Wield a Blade for Justice Though the others believe Takumi when he tells them that Eiji was behind everything and that he had now betrayed him, Sandiramon doesn't and warns them that it will be their own fault when he betrays them again. God's Territory

When Seraphimon tries to return to the Kernel, it is unable to do so due to Eiji preventing anyone from accessing it from within. When Searphimon informs Sandiramon of this, it realizes how big a problem that was. They are then approached by Michi and Kudamon, who ask if they have seen the other Tamers. Withstand the Endless Barrage! Settle Up With Sara Mayu then leaves to join the other Tamers in going to the Kernel, whilst Seraphimon leaves to fight Leviamon which causes Sandiramon to get bored as it had nothing to do. Newfound Power! Rasenmon and the Ties That Bind Vs. Guardians

As it complains about not being able to do something, a gate, that had been opened up by Cerberusmon, opens up in front of it and it hears someone asking for help from inside of it. It runs into the gate and is taken to the Dark Area and finds the Tamers fighting the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099). It hears Spiral Origin boasting that it had used the Kernel's power to delete the Digital World, and assumes it had worked. It taunts the Tamers about the fact they had failed and that everyone was dead and laughed that they had tried to open a gate to summon their allies, only for it to fail. Sandiramon tells it to shut up, which caused the group to realize they had indeed summoned at least one ally to help them. Spiral Origin freaks out, as it should've been dead alongside the Digital World and it tells them that the Digital World still existed as the Four Holy Beasts had managed to stop the deletion at the last second. Sandiramon then allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Krishna[6] (Krishńa): Impales the opponent by thrashing its body and then powerfully vomiting up a Bǎo Kuí.


Makuramon is one of the Deva.

Makuramon and the other Deva are left in charge of finding an appropriate location for the summit between the Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and Four Holy Beasts — the Four Holy Beasts having awoken due to the lesser amount of Spiral existing. Before the meeting, the group are attacked by Spiral though the Deva and Tamers are able to take them all out. A Digimon Summit Begins?

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


Indramon is one of the Deva.

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Adhomukha:[23] Uses its tremendous lung capacity to blow the Bǎo Bèi, generating ultrasonic waves.


Antylamon is one of the Deva. The Tamers originally thought this Antylamon was the Antylamon belonging to Chihiro Tsukimori with this Antylamon being suprised other Antylamon existed. Vs. Guardians

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Bunny Blades (Asipatravana)[24]: Spins on its own axis like a tornado, cutting anything surrounding it with the Bunny Blades.

Digimon Knuckles[]

Although the Deva aren't as strong as the Royal Knights, they are still some of the strongest Digimon in the Digital World. Digimon Knuckles EP2


Vajramon is one of the Deva.

Vajramon sometimes sparred with Gankoomon of the Royal Knights. Digimon Knuckles EP2

An unknown Digimon causes it to go on a mindless rampage in the Human World. When Gankoomon and Haruka Kawashima patrol to find rampaging Digimon, the nearby kids and jungle gym disappear. Vajramon shows up, with Gankoomon summoning Hinukamuy in response. Gankoomon yells at Haruka to run away, as Vajramon's attack creates fissures and that Haruka would die if he were to end up falling into one of them. Haruka thinks back to his nightmare though, and remembers the message from the mystery Digimon of how he needs to get stronger refuses to leave. He uses his watch to summon various things, though they all wind up being useless. As Gankoomon watches Haruka's failed attempts, it dodges an attack from Pajiramon at the last second — who had shot an arrow at it from atop a building. As Gankoomon tries to dodge the rest of its attacks, it realizes it's not mobile enough in the Human World to avoid them all and tells Hinukamuy to shield it from the arrows. Having seen Gankoomon distracted by Pajiramon, Vajiramon had launched an attack at Haruka — but Hinukamuy's intervention had allowed Gankoomon to save Haruka. Upset at the fact Hinukamuy had been hurt, and Haruka had nearly died, Gankoomon punches Vajramon so hard it gets launched far away into the sky. Seeing this, Pajiramon runs away.

As Gankoomon and Haruka argue over him not listening, Vajramon returns. Gankoomon wonders how it can defeat Vajramon and keep Haruka safe at the same time without the help of the defeated Hinukamuy, it notices Haruka was holding Etemon's mic that he had summoned from his watch earlier. He tells him to yell really loudly into the mic, then launches attacks against Vajramon. During the fight, as it notices Vajramon was about to use its Rohda attack, Gankoomon covers its ears and tells Haruka to do as it had said. Haruka does so, with the noise being enough to distract Vajramon and prevent it from launching its attack. This gives Gankoomon the opening it needed, with it proceeding to defeat and knock out Vajramon. With Vajramon dealt with, Gankoomon brings up Pajiramon and asks Haruka to help it track it down.

The duo eventually find Pajiramon, with Gankoomon defeating it with ease. Gankoomon drags the knocked out Pajiramon back to where Vajramon was, with the duo eventually waking up and the duo realizing they had lost control of their actions at some point (and as such were now back to normal). Gankoomon tells AeroVeedramon to take them to the forest, with Vajramon saying it will get stronger so that it can fight Gankoomon again one day. Haruka mentions to Pajiramon that he had actually seen its arrows before in his dreams, with Pajiramon saying it had actually noticed it was missing a few and might've shot them whilst it was enraged...or had had them stolen, and someone else had been using them. It explains that anyone struck with its arrows have a nightmare, though further discussion has Pajiramon say it is unable to talk to those it gives nightmares to. This concerns everyone, as whoever was causing Digimon rampages and had stolen its arrows must've been really strong as they were able to manipulate two members of the Deva. They then leave with AeroVedramon. Digimon Knuckles EP2


  • Rodha:[25] Uses its forefeet and upper body to strike the ground with its twin Deva Blades, generating fissures that extend up to 50 meters ahead of it and hurl out rocks as the shock waves erupt from underground, which inflicts damage on those nearby.


Pajiramon is one of the Deva.

An unknown Digimon causes it to go on a mindless rampage in the Human World. It also steals some of Pajiramon's arrows. Digimon Knuckles EP2

Pajiramon watches from the top of a nearby building when Gankoomon fights Vajramon whilst trying to protect Haruka Kawashima. It shoots arrows at Gankoomon during the fight and as Gankoomon tries to dodge the rest of its attacks, it realizes it's not mobile enough in the Human World to avoid them all and tells Hinukamuy to shield it from the arrows. Having seen Gankoomon distracted by Pajiramon, Vajiramon had launched an attack at Haruka — but Hinukamuy's intervention had allowed Gankoomon to save Haruka. Upset at the fact Hinukamuy had been hurt, and Haruka had nearly died, Gankoomon punches Vajramon so hard it gets launched far away into the sky. Seeing this, Pajiramon runs away.

After Gankoomon defeats Vajramon, it decides it needed to track down and defeat Pajiramon as well. The duo eventually find Pajiramon, with Gankoomon defeating it with ease. Gankoomon drags the knocked out Pajiramon back to where Vajramon was, with the duo eventually waking up and the duo realizing they had lost control of their actions at some point (and as such were now back to normal). Gankoomon tells AeroVeedramon to take them to the forest, with Vajramon saying it will get stronger so that it can fight Gankoomon again one day. Haruka mentions to Pajiramon that he had actually seen its arrows before in his dreams, with Pajiramon saying it had actually noticed it was missing a few and might've shot them whilst it was enraged...or had had them stolen, and someone else had been using them. It explains that anyone struck with its arrows have a nightmare, though further discussion has Pajiramon say it is unable to talk to those it gives nightmares to. This concerns everyone, as whoever was causing Digimon rampages and had stolen its arrows must've been really strong as they were able to manipulate two members of the Deva. They then leave with AeroVedramon. Digimon Knuckles EP2

Notes and references[]

  1. The Deva are also sometimes described as the "Twelfth Apostle" (十二神 Jūnishin?, lit. "Twelve Gods") or the "Twelve Heavenly Generals" (十二神将 Jūni Shinshou?), the latter of which is generally read as "Dēva".
  2. Digimon Accel: Nature Genome: Andiramon
  3. Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "A thief and a contemner of prescribed observances falls into Vimohana (the place of bewildering)."
  4. Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "He who wantonly cuts down trees goes to the Asipatravana hell (the leaves of whose trees are swords)."
  5. 5.0 5.1 Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "The maker of arrows is sentenced to the Vedhaka (piercing) hell."
  6. 6.0 6.1 Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "He who causes impotence, trespasses on others' lands, is impure, or who lives by fraud, is punished in the hell called (black, or) Krishńa."
  7. Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "He who takes unlawful gifts goes to the Adhomukha (or head-inverted) hell; as does one who offers sacrifices to improper objects, and an observer of the stars (for the prediction of events)."
  8. Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "He who is a tender on sheep, and hunter of deer, goes to the hell termed Vahnijwála (or fiery flame); as do those who apply fire to unbaked vessels (potters)."
  9. Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "The man who bears false witness through partiality, or who utters any falsehood, is condemned to the Raurava (dreadful) hell."
  10. 10.0 10.1 Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "He who eats by himself sweetmeats mixed with his rice, and a Brahman who vends Lac, flesh, liquors, sesamum, or salt, or one who commits violence, fall into the hell (where matter flows, or) Púyaváha; as do they who rear cats, cocks, goats, dogs, hogs, or birds."
  11. Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "The religious student who sleeps in the day, and is, though unconsciously, defiled; and they who, though mature, are instructed in sacred literature by their children, receive punishment in the hell called Śwabhojana (where they feed upon dogs)."
  12. 12.0 12.1 Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "The murderer of a Brahman, stealer of gold, or drinker of wine, goes to the Súkara (swine) hell; as does any one who associates with them."
  13. 13.0 13.1 Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "He who practices magic rites for the harm of others, is punished in the hell called Krimíśa (that of insects)."
  14. Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "He who causes abortion, plunders a town, kills a cow, or strangles a man, goes to the Rodha hell (or that of obstruction)."
  15. 15.00 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.04 15.05 15.06 15.07 15.08 15.09 15.10 Digimon Encyclopedia: Digimon Tamers Cast List
  16. Chiaki J. Konaka's Digimon Tamers Resources: Scenario for episode 23
  17. 17.0 17.1 Digimon English voices: STAR TALK
  18. 18.0 18.1 The symbol used in Digimon materials is 剣 ( Tsurugi?, lit. "Sword"), but it is pronounced Jiàn, indicating that it is used as an approximation of the Chinese word 劍 ( Jiàn?, lit. "Sword") which does not exist in Japanese.
  19. Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "He who causes abortion, plunders a town, kills a cow, or strangles a man, goes to the Rodha hell (or that of obstruction)."
  20. Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "He who is a tender on sheep, and hunter of deer, goes to the hell termed Vahnijwála (or fiery flame); as do those who apply fire to unbaked vessels (potters)."
  21. Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "A thief and a contemner of prescribed observances falls into Vimohana (the place of bewildering)."
  22. Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "The religious student who sleeps in the day, and is, though unconsciously, defiled; and they who, though mature, are instructed in sacred literature by their children, receive punishment in the hell called Śwabhojana (where they feed upon dogs)."
  23. Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "He who takes unlawful gifts goes to the Adhomukha (or head-inverted) hell; as does one who offers sacrifices to improper objects, and an observer of the stars (for the prediction of events)."
  24. Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "He who wantonly cuts down trees goes to the Asipatravana hell (the leaves of whose trees are swords)."
  25. Internet Sacred Text Archive, retrieved 08/31/07; Vishnu Purana, Ch. VI: "He who causes abortion, plunders a town, kills a cow, or strangles a man, goes to the Rodha hell (or that of obstruction)."
