Trenchant is a EXE created by TOMFORCEDASMILE. He was conceptualized January 1, 2025 with his design being created January 4. They're a being native to Vercassivellaunos' realm, acting as a Mini Boss within Illegal Instruction Zone.This character is a retake of Tripwire.
The NPC[]
Game NPC, but because 4rma9edd0n modified the game program, it became unstable, After the cosmic invasion, he temporarily unites with Atramentous and becomes a Mini Boss.
Trenchant is a Needle-Bird with whitish-blue fur. His hair, fingers and tail have black idents on them. He has a sharp yellow beak with yellow legs. For attire, he wears two grey rings on his neck and one on each of his cuffs. His shoes are black with grey stripes on the top and backbuffs on the sides. He also has grey soles.
- Pallate Change: Because of its instability, it can change itself, even the color scheme of scenes and parts of characters.
- This character was originally known as Sashtangura. The character would later be renamed Trenchant and later, Acrimonious. It altered between these two for a while but the character will now be known as Trenchant.
- Trenchant is based on Thorny, a one-off character from Archie Sonic #9.
- His head shape is similar to Arne Anka's.
- The rings on his neck and cuffs are Dark Rings from Knuckles' Chaotix.
- Trenchant and Team Miracle are friends.
- His Glitched From will based on a non-avi dinosaur (Archaeopteryx).