CONTINUED: The Sonic Oddities Wiki
CONTINUED: The Sonic Oddities Wiki

This entity is an EXE, meaning it has the specific goal to either retake, reboot or reimagine Sonic.exe.


This page is unfinished, meaning the creator is still working on it. However, if the page hasn’t gotten any edits for some time, tell an admin about it. Remember to follow the Manual of Style when working on your page!

Reason: I'm kinda busy. IT'S GONNA BE BIG!

"So MaNy WoRlDs OuT tHeRe, AnD oNlY a FeW dIsCoVeReD. I cOuLd rUlE oVeR tHeM aLl, GiViNg HoW pOwErFuL i Am. BuT eHhHh... I'm WaY tOo LaZy."
― Tails.PTD's therapy session with Soul Carl

The Entity[]

Tails.PTD's story takes place in an alternate universe known as the "Sonisega World," which is in the center of each Sonic universe, allowing different characters to pass through. This is a varient where the main villian is based of Tails instead of Sonic.


  • he can teleport
  • He loves to play with his prey, but he can sometime lose his victims. Due to the game's code, (the game has a map to show where other players are) He can easily find his prey, but finds the map to be annoying.
  • He can take over multiverses but won't take over everything because he's lazy, and would feel lonely if he ruled everything

The Tale[]


"We can't just stand around and do nothing! When the game releases out to the public, we'll be doomed!" Said a Sega employee. The employees ran around the glowing red room as the main screen spelled out "JU3T PTD"

"Segabot, delete file name Super Sonisega World!" An employee demanded.









[failed to delete file "Super Sonisega World"]

Tails Vessel[]

1 week later[]

"Dad, dad!" Said Carl, "Can you get me the new Sonic game Super Sonisega World!?" Carl asked, jumping around exitingly.

"Now now, son. what did I tell you yesterday?" Said Mark, Carl's dad.

"We have to go to a party at seven. I know I know..." Said Carl, clearly dissapointed. He looked at his watch, realizing it was 6:42.

"Please?" Carl Begged.

"Fine fine, but you have to promise not to brag to your brother." Said Mark.

"I promise!" Chanted Carl, determined.

"Well, you did clean up well like I asked, and you did be quiet and polite all day, so I don't see why not." Said Mark, with a small smile.

Carl got really happy and started jumping. He then hugged his dad. "Thanks dad. I love you."

"I love you too son." He replied.

At Home After The Party[]

Carl rushed into his room when he came home. He oppened up his bag to reveal a Nintindo Switch cartridge for "Super Sonisega World" and smiled.

He rushed to the kitchen to invite his dad to play with him, and he said "yes."

Once they turned it on, they reached a character select screen.

"I call dibs on Tails!" Shouted Carl.

"Hmm, I wanna be... Dr. Eggman." Said his dad.

"Really dad? The villain? Why?" Carl complained.

"Well, we always play as the good guys in the Sonic games, but this one, allows us to play as anyone. Why not be someone we couldn't play as before?" He guestured.

Carl nodded as they clicked continue.

Suddenly, a retextured version of Modern Tails appeared on the screen, with a text box saying "Ready to pretend?" With two buttons, "yes" and "no."

Carl clicked yes.


Everything goes black.

Stellar Star Zone[]

They suddenly load in the game.


"Huh, maybe it's just a bug..." Carl thought.

Stellar Star Zone loads in but with a few errors.

Carl walks around, looking for his dad.

"Dad?" He called.

"Dad? I'm no dad! I'm Dr. Eggman!" Shouted Mark playfully.

Carl giggled.

The lights go out

"WaNnA pLaY a GaMe?"

Suddenly theres a scream.

"Dad!?" Carl screams.

No answer.

The lights cut back on.

Tag Zone[]

"RuN aWaY"

Carl, confused yet scared, runs away into the dim lit galactic sky, unaware of his dad's location or what he's running from, didn't look back.

He abubtly stops Infront of a Flickey player with the nick name of "Runnerboii339" lying on the ground, cut open and with a broken color pallet.

"Maybe it's a Holloween event?" He thought, suddenly relived a bit.

Still shaking slightly, Carl walked at a medium pace.

Curiosity struck him, and he looked back.

Then he saw another Tails player, but it was... different.

The tails were purple, and shoes and gloves were the color of the transparent grid.

His face was hidden, as he faced opposite of Carl.

Carl, confused, walked up to the Tails player, shivering more and more as every step came.

He reached out to touch his shoulder and suddenly it turned around to reveal a devilish smile.

[Error 12 Tails{data_lost7}|f4b032a]

"TaG, yOuR sOuL iS mInE"


Name: Carl

Vessel: Tails

Username: "TacoCarl4056"

Status: BrOkEn ToY

PTD Note: "SoRrY nOt SoRrY kId."

Eggman Vessel[]

"CaRl Is GoNe, Do YoU wAnNa PlAy WiTh Me?"

Mark, holding his head, wakes up in an unknown location.

Wake Up Zone[]

"Carl!?" Mark shouted in distress.


"I tOlD yOu He Is GoNe, WhY dOn'T yOu UnDeRsTaNd?"

Mark, upon hearing such a distorted voice jumps up.

"Who's there!? Show yourself!" He yelled, trembeling in fear.

"SiNcE yOu AsKeD nIcElY..."

Tails.PTD appeared in the room in his regular form, holding out a hand to shake.

Mark, still scared, slowly brought up his arm to shake hands with.

"NiCe To MeEt YoU"

Tails.PTD shifts to his true form, then suddenly rips off Mark's left arm.

Gag Zone[]

Mark ran and he ran.

He made it to an edge with metal bars to climb, below, was a million copies of Mark's left arm, reaching up at him.

Mark felt played.

He had no choice but to climb, the fox was slowly walking behind him.

Mark threw himself at the bars and grabbed the first one with his only hand.

He looked down and puked.

Mark cried as he knew it was his end.

He swayed back and forth, and managed to swing onto the second bar, but barely.

He took a deep breath, the fox was catching up.

He swayed again, and caught the third bar.

Relived at this complex action making progess, he felt confident.

He took another.

And another.

He moved faster and faster.

On the eighth bar, he could see the end.

He swung to the ninth, but his hand slipped, leaving only his fingers on. L

The fox was flying near him.

He was scared as he started slipping.

He fell into the dark void.

As Mark fell, he prayed to God.

"WhO aRe YoU pRaYiNg To? ThErE's OnLy OnE gOd In ThIs WoRlD, aNd ThAt'S mE!"

Mark landed somewhere in the dark void, realizing there was a bottom.

He took a deep breath, realizing his God saved him.

Or did he?

Tails.PTD stabbed Mark in the heart.

"YoU'rE gOoD aT PrEtEnDiNg, I lIkE yOu"

[Error 79424 Eggman{missing_file}|494gnb5gig4]

PTD Note: "I kInDa FeEl BaD fOr YoU. HeRe, Be WiTh YoUr SoN. YoU dEsErVe It FoR pLaYiNg AlOnG lIkE i AsKeD."


Name: Mark

Vessel: Dr. Eggman

Username: "Evil-yet-playful-father"

Status: BrOkEn ToY

Sonic Vessel[]

"Why is a game as mature as this, filled with so many kids?" Complained Greg.

He booted up his game, bored.

"If only this Sonic game had more action n' stuff."

He suddenly felt somthing.

He felt... the grass? Under his feet?

He was IN the game.

Greg started to panic, realizing something was wrong as he was inside the game.

But was he really?

He could hear his father and mother arguing in the background.

But is it really them?

Greg suddenly fainted from fear.

2 Hours Lat e r . . . .[]

Greg woke up suddenly to find himself in the same spot, lying on the floor of Stellar Star Zone.

He stood up abruptly, confused of his current situation.

He looked around, and after making a full 360 turn, sees someone tackle him.

"Shh, before he finds us!" The strange Echdna said.

"Before what fi-" Greg tried to say before the stranger cut him off.

"My name is Nate, and every single player of this game will be forever trapped in this nightmare, forced to struggle until we give up, or he gets bored of playing." Said Nate.

"I'm sorry, but what exactly are we talking about?" Greg asked.

"That guy right there!" Nate exclaimed, pointing at an unusual colored Tails player, laying on the ground, staring at the stars in the sky.

"He doesn't look harmless. Besides, I want to know how he got a custom skin." Barked Greg, closing his eyes proudly.

He opened his eyes to notice Nate gone.

"Hmm.. Doesn't matter" Greg thought to himself. A

He walked up to the strange-colored Tails player.

"Can you see it?" The fox player asked.

"See what?" Asked Greg.

"The universes out there."

"They just all sit there, waiting to be explored"

"But for now..." Said the fox.

"ThErE's StIlL sO mUcH tO eXpLoRe In ThIs OnE"

PTD is in his true form, and a bunch of tentacles shoot out from his back, stabbing Nate's limbs.

He cried out in pain.

"I wish it was over, I wish it was over, I just wish it was over..."

He wakes up.

His limbs feel sore, but nothing's wrong with them.

He wanders Steallar Star Zone a little more, and runs back into Nate.

"Hey, like the new recolor?" Asked Na̸̼͖̼͉͍̜͙̐̀̿͐͋͌̅̏͂̚͜tȩ̴̢͉̪͙̭͖̦͖̉̆̿̊̕̕͜͝

Greg nodded.

"I thought that the colors green and purple would look awesome on this skin, and what do ya know, they do!" Yelled Na̸̼͖̼͉͍̜͙̐̀̿͐͋͌̅̏͂̚͜tȩ̴̢͉̪͙̭͖̦͖̉̆̿̊̕̕͜͝.

Na̸̼͖̼͉͍̜͙̐̀̿͐͋͌̅̏͂̚͜tȩ̴̢͉̪͙̭͖̦͖̉̆̿̊̕̕͜͝ Started walking forward, leading Greg somewhere...

Dark Forest Zone[]

As the two of them continued to walk and conversate, they arrived in a dark forest, where Na̸̼͖̼͉͍̜͙̐̀̿͐͋͌̅̏͂̚͜tȩ̴̢͉̪͙̭͖̦͖̉̆̿̊̕̕͜͝ suddenly stopped in his tracks.

He stared into Greg's soul.

"Hello? Is something wrong?" Asked Greg.

"No I'm just... Looking at your perfect soul... A soul one would do anything for..." said Na̸̼͖̼͉͍̜͙̐̀̿͐͋͌̅̏͂̚͜tȩ̴̢͉̪͙̭͖̦͖̉̆̿̊̕̕͜͝.

"Stop... You're scaring me." Said Greg.

"Oh am I now? I'm sorry... I'll stop messing with you, and geT tHe ReAl GaMe GoInG". He said, revealing him to be PTD.

He dissapeared.Y

"LeTs PlAy A gAmE cAlLeD oBsTiClE cOuRsE . . ."

Fire-Lit Forest Zone[]

Suddenly, the entire forest is filled with little candles with huge, flaring fires that seem to be reaching for Greg.

He panicked.

He started to run as fast as he could.

But he wasn't looking where he was going and ran right through a huge pile of fire.

His skin now burning slowly, he ran faster, tears streaming down his face as he was burned alive.

He ran through more fire.

"I mEaN lIkE sErIoUsLy BrO... wHy ArE yOu RuNnInG iNtO tHe ObStAcLeS? It'S cAlLeD oBsTaClE cOuRsE fOr A rEaSoN. YoU'rE mAkInG tHiS bOrInG."

Greg, not listening, ran even faster, beyond his limits, causing him to trip and fall into a deep pit filled with lava.

He cried out in pain as what the fire didn't take of him claimed and ate away.

[Error 33 Sonic{missing_file}|6894fj6gk6g931]


Name: Greg

Vessel: Sonic the hedgehog

Username: "Gregorgydadope"

Status: BrOkEn ToY

PTD Note: "YoU sUcK aT gAmEs..."

Knuckles Vessle[]

"Greg? Where'd you go?" Called out Nate, walking around Stellar Star Zone.

Nate looks around, still trying to find Greg, but instead, finds Flowers, a Whisper player he met earlier.

"Flowers? Is that you?" Asked Nate.

Flowers looked up, looking a bit different. "Yeah, it's me."

"Oh wow. Have you, by any chance, seen a Sonic player around here?"E


"Oh, okay. I'll keep looking." He said before walking in the other direction.


Nate turned back around.

"I think he went in there." She pointed to Volcanic Fumes Zone.

Nate nodded and slowly walked closer to Volcanic Fumes Zone.

He looked behind him for a moment, and could have sworn he saw Flowers staring into his soul, as if she was waiting for something.

He shrugged it off.

Volcanic Fumes Zone[]

Nate arrived in the volcano like area, looking around to try to find Greg, but found nothing.

"Hm. Where did he go?" Thought Nate.

He started wall climbing up to get a better view, before suddenly hearing a voice behind him.


Nate was startled and almost fell, but turned around to see Flowers standing right behind him.

"What are you doing here? It's dangerous!" Shouted Nate.

"Don't you mean... WhAt ArE yOu DoInG hErE?"

Nate screamed as Tails.PTD pushed nate down, causing him to almost fall in lava, but saved himself by grabbing on the edge of a rock, which he managed to pull himself up on.

Hell Zone[]

Nate looked around. He's in a lava river with few rocks floating there.

They look unstable.

The lava, however, is flowing to a lava-fall, which is where hes heading.

He knew, his only choice is to jump from rock to rock.

He looked up, seeing Tails.PTD chilling up high, eating popcorn watching the show.

Nate took one big deep breath, before jumping to the next platform.

He was surprised he made it with such ease. The rocks weren't moving fast, so maybe that's why?

He took another jump.

And another.

He was almost at the end! Almost free!

The lava started to flow faster.

Without noticing the speed up, he took another jump, barely making it onto the rock. He jumped too far for the speed it was traveling.

Realizing that PTD changed some things, he panicked again.

He stood in horror as he edged closer to his death, scared to take another jump.

Right before the rock fell, he jumped.

He made it just in time.

He heared hands clapping from above him, before looking up at PTD who dropped a piece of popcorn to Nate as he caught it with his mouth, then ate it.

Feeling a bit more determined, he jumped more quickly.




He might make it.

He leaped forward, making it to the end.

PTD clapped more, congratulating him.

Nate jumped up and down, shaking the volcano.

This caused the lava to rise up and he never noticed. The lava burst up onto the floor, burning the end of his shoes.

He looked forward, and realized he was one third through the game.

He instantly took another jump, but missed, falling right into the lava.

The screams that Nate left behind were music to PTD's ears

[Error 4 Knuckles{missing_file}|6jyjer54odtrlr654f]


Name: Nate

Vessel: Knuckles the echidna

Username: "Knukhead3"

Status: BrOkEn ToY

PTD Note: "WhY tHe HeLl DiD yOu JuMp????"

Amy Vessle[]

Rosy, a seven year old girl, was celebrating her birthday party.


Sally Vessle[]


Rouge Vessle[]


Shadow Vessle[]


Silver Vessle[]


Blaze Vessle[]


Big and Froggy Vessles[]


Nicole Vessle[]


Lupe and Chocola Vessles[]


Cream and Cheese Vessles[]


Sticks Vessle[]


Pearly Vessle[]


Crusher Vessle[]


Coral Vessle[]


Honey Vessle[]


Tikal Vessle[]


Razor Vessle[]


Whisper Vessle[]


Charmy Vessle[]


Vector Vessle[]


Espio Vessle[]


Tangle Vessle[]


Metal Sonic Vessle[]


Jet Vessle[]


Bark Vessle[]


Bean Vessle[]


Ray Vessle[]


Mighty Vessle[]


Tails Doll Vessle[]


Wave Vessle[]


Fang Vessle[]


Vanilla Vessle[]


Antonie Vessle[]


Rotor Vessle[]


Fiona Vessle[]


Gold Vessle[]


Mimic Vessle[]


Clair Vessle[]


Slinger Vessle[]


Smithy Vessle[]


E-123 Omega Vessle[]


Relic, Fixit, and Ben Vessles[]


Storm Vessle[]


Omochao Vessle[]


Chao Vessle[]


Dark Chao Vessle[]


Hero Chao Vessle[]


Saffron Vessle[]









  • He has a personality like a child, but also like a murderous pshyco at the same time if that makes any sense
  • He speaks like this: "ExAmPlE tExT"
  • He is lazy
  • Gets lonely
  • He sometimes feels guilty for what he has done


  • The first design was a remake of the FNF sprite
  • He has access to the enitre internet due to a stupid employee leaving a big obvious exit door
  • Also has access to the real world from that door
  • He had classic designs but were removed
  • Everything but the God Form was made using official sprites as reference
  • I forgot to color the top of the shoes green, but it remains that way
  • I forgot to make a single pixel in the Tails.PTD sprite transparent but I'm too lazy to fix it
  • I come up with stupid and complex names, most are probably too difficult to understand
  • Knuckes has pale eyes, so they're barely visible
  • Sonic has brown eyes, so they mostly look kinda black
  • Tails.PTD is kinda lazy
  • He sometimes loses his victims
  • He gets lonely
  • He likes to pretend a lot, very imaginitive
  • Over active imagination, to be more accurate
  • He tries to be polite to his food like a real gentlefox 🦊☕
  • I sometimes jokingly call his God Form "The Guy With Free Floating Pancakes"
  • He HATES the map function
  • His favorite colors are red, green, and purple, as seen in his choice of color pallete
  • Sometimes, even I, the owner of the oc, make the typo of "PRTD" while saying pretend in my head. Funny.

Other Media[]

No media yet so far


I do accept fan art! fan art will go here with your name under it. if it's by me, I will not put any username.


Miles "Tails" Prower Vessel: Carl Mcguffin

Carl was the first, being a child at the age of 9. Carl died in Tag Zone, which is a distorted version of the area known as Free-Space Forest Zone. He had his lungs pulled out as PR3T3ND tagged him. I mean, I can't complain, he won fair an square. MESSAGE FROM PTD, TO CARL: "AnYwAyS, nO hArD fEeLiNgS, rIgHt?"-PTD to Carl after winning the game of tag. "If you want to know more about our dear friend, all it takes is a little imagination. Let your imagination run wild. Pretend, yes. That's the word. Anyways, you can shift his world. He's not the the only one who can pretend, you know." -Soul Tails to PLAYER.

Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik Vessel: Mark Mcguffin

Mark was the second to fall victum to PTD, being a father at the age of 25. He died in the zone known as Gag Zone, which is a deformed version of Marble Zone He had his left arm removed, then forced to use his remaining arm to play Monkey Bars or the other side. Of course, he fell, and reached a bottomless hole where PTD stabbed his heart out. MESSAGE FROM PTD, TO MARK. "HeY bUd. LoOk, I'm sOrRy. I kNoW hOw It FeElS tO bE lOcKeD aWaY. At LeAsT yOu CaN sTiLl Be WiTh YoUr SoN. :)"-PTD to Mark after claiming his soul, clearly feeling his pain, and felt guilty. "He is our god. He keeps us together. He is the reason why I have such an amazing family. I thank him for everything. He is the best. Thanks, PR3T3ND." -Soul Eggman yapping about PTD to PLAYER.

Sonic the Hedgehog Vessel: Greg Wilkingburg

Greg was the third to fall into the lazy hands of The Guy With Free Floating Pancakes, except, we haven't seen that form if you just read Greg's section. Anyway, Greg died in Fire-Lit Forest Zone, which is a distorted version of Dark Forest Zone. PTD was just trying to play obstacle course but Greg decided to run through all the fire like a total idiot. Wow. Just Wow. Why are you even reading this entry? Anyway. MESSAGE FROM PTD, TO GREG: "NeXt TiMe, PlEaSe PlAy FoR rEaL."-PTD to greg. "Huh, you wanna know about... PTD? S-Sure... I hate the dude. He's always making us play such lame games. I could make better ones myself. Ha. Who knew my killer would be such a boring one. He's too lazy to make a decent game for us to play."-Soul Sonic to PLAYER.

Knuckles the Echidna Vessel: Nate Mcguffin

Nate was the fourth victim to fall to Tails.PTD. Nate died in a zone known as Hell Zone, even though it looks nothing like hell. Sheesh, he should at least come up with some cooler names that fit their description. Anyway, Nate had to jump from rock to rock on flowing lava before he fell off a lava-fall. He made it past the first part, and there was a total of 3, but he was an idiot and partied. He died. What an idiot. MESSAGE FROM PTD, TO NATE: "WhY dOeSn'T aNyOnE wIn!?" -PTD to Greg. "You see, all I wanted to do was find a friend. I knew about this entity and what it wanted. I can't say what it wants, not out loud. But I don't have any paper to write it down. I don't suppose you do. I hate children games, mostly because kids are annoying, but the other reason is that they're boring. He turns the boring kids games into death traps. Lemme guess, next game is Floor Is Lava, or Rock Paper Scissors, or maybe even Red Light, Green Light. He's such a baby. Well, I need to go wash my skin. I'll be back." -Soul Knuckles to PLAYER.

Amy Rose Vessel: Rosy Blwelbun


Sally Acorn Vessel: Susie Blwelbun


Rouge the Bat Vessel: Stewie Farenight


Shadow the Hedgehog Vessel: Melvin Quinklecuu


Silver the Hedgehog Vessel: Rabula Shelyu


Blaze the Cat Vessel: Blessie Stellington


Big the Cat Vessel: Barak Stellington


Froggy Vessel: Ted Stellington (Barak's pet beetle)


Nicole the Holo-Lynx Vessel: Nicole Velvington


Lupe the Wolf Vessel: Balmia Shelyu


Chocola Chao Vessel: Buns (Balmia's pet bunny)


Cream the Rabbit Vessel: Rabbo Guffin


Cheese Chao Vessel: Vel Vel The Third Mcguffington Donald Junior (Rabbo's pet parrot)


Sticks the Badger Vessel: March Mojo


Pearly the Manta Ray Vessel: January Mojo


Crusher the Chao Vessel: Cleave Guffodo


Coral the Betta Vessel: Coraline Refelis


Honey the Cat Vessel: Syrus Pumpan


Tikal the Echidna Vessel: Bandada Rizzlergam


Razor the Shark Vessel: Milask Shurring


Whisper the Wolf Vessel: Flowers Beautilop


Charmy Bee Vessel: Caruku Meshonogomi


Vector the Crocodile Vessel: Eddie Hartrud


Espio the Chameleon Vessel: Thorn Shellington


Tangle the Lemur Vessel: Braisie Juggingham


Metal Sonic Vessel: Bakot Dreki


Jet the Hawk Vessel: Jewl Chrupet


Bark the Polar Near Vessel: Sprout Crushingdom


Bean the Dynamite Vessel: Domminic Crushingdom


Ray the Flying Squirrel Vessel: Yar Lerriqs


Mighty the Armadillo Vessel: Stark Zelmuyet


Tails Doll Vessel: Rod Thornbussle


Wave the Swallow Vessel: Ryu Alpalcala


Fang the Sniper Vessel: Zet Closhden


Vanilla the Rabbit Vessel: Vanessa Popington


Antoine D' Coolette Vessle: Josh Wilkingburg


Rotor the Walrus Vessle: Peter Lawson


Fiona Fox Vessle: Chacy Vanilidii


Gold the Tenrec Vessle: Travisi Motronila


Mimic the Octopus Vessle: Tramp Flumstugeese


Clair Voyance Vessle: Mary Cleesela


Slinger the Ocelot Vessle: Vae Kneesurgeryng


Smithy the Lion Vessle: Eric Grakindon


E-123 Omega Vessle: Stone Jalqaut


Relic the Pika Vessle: Cassette Yoyoy


Fixit the Gizroid Vessle: Bird (Cassette's pet blue bird)


Ben "Mutt" Muttski Vessle: D0g (Cassette's pet dog)


Storm the Albatross Vessle: John Prickingdel


Omochao Vessle: Fredrick Mathhew


Chao Vessle: Tilly Gyster


Dark Chao Vessle: Shad Erouphranick


Hero Chao Vessle: Lelip Zelphadox


Saffron Bee Vessle: Cherry Steedaluu



WARNING: SPOILERS "AnD yOu, My DeAr FrIeNd. I hAd LoTs Of FuN. BuT, tHeReS mOrE tO eXpLoRe. WoN't YoU jOuRnY wItH mE??" Tails.PTD in his God Form to PLAYER before sucking him into the game as the last victim of the area, forcing him to be his side kick in murder. PLAYER was the last soul to be consumed from Sonisega World, making him special. He turned on the game, and it didn't suck him in. He was the only one who was like that. He talked to the souls, which is why there's quotes in each of the victim descriptions. He took the vessle of the DEFAULT.TXT skin, which is a white void in the outline of Sonic. this is the skin players wear before they've decided on a skin.

The Zones[]

The Lobby

The Lobby is the area where players who first start the game spawn in. Here, they are seen as a white outline of a speciesless character. This is where they get to choose their characters before being sucked into the game. The area is a gray box. The area inside is very bright. No more information is known about this zone. There is no telling what time of day or night it is here.

Stelar Star Zone

Stelar Star Zone is a popular zone in the game. This zone consists of a lit-up varient of Green Hill Zone. The major differences are the fact that the sky is beautiful, revealing an entire galaxy to explore. The rest of the area is completly normal, but with a shiny effect. Such a beautiful sight. It's known, in game, to be a location where many happy couples get married at. It's always night here.

Free-Space Forest Zone

Free-Space Forest Zone is a really creative ideal forest, according to the game developers after the demo release. The area is a flat ground, with short green grass. Theres a lot of tall trees surounding the area, but they aren't too much of an obstical since they are walk through, making the area free-spaced! This area isn't a popular area, but its a nice place to hang out! See? Even the birds think its a wonderful area! Well, they're programed to think that.

Tag Zone (false reality)

Tag Zone Is a false reality made by PTD. He was feeling kinda lazy, so just took the entire area and made a clear pathway for running. That's it. No special effects. Just an area to chase his victims in. Wow.

Marble Zone

Marble Zone Is a checkard-floor-covered area. It expands into a long hallway with many stairs. There's an exhibit of many armor suits, some are wearable to the player. The place is dimly lit by torches, making for an anonymous area. This is home to the evil Doctor Eggman!

Wake Up Zone (false reality)

Wake Up Zone, As PTD calls it because he couldn't think of anything else, is an area that tricks your mind with light! It's another false reality. It's just plain old Marble Zone but with light effects. The light will change from dark to light, giving the player a headache, making the brain unable to tell the time of day.

Gag Zone (false reality)

Gag Zone Is another false reality, being a remake of Wake Up Zone. He decided it needed a remake, and added monkey bars in the area. The monkey bars lead to a portal to an unknown location. Below the monkey bars, is a ton of giant hands reaching up. PTD becomes a giant mouth-like creature and slowly moves forward, threataning the player. Its a guaranteed death. The hands, however, are fake. They're a distraction to make the player keep going. What's really below, is nothing. It's ground, yes, but only black with a spot light.

Dark Forest Zone

Dark Forest Zone is a casual forest with dark oak trees. This area is just a random and pointless zone the developers decided to add. I mean, you can't have only good zones! You gotta have bad ones too! The trees there are really tall, reaching for the sky. A developer decided to sneak in a little something to make it a little less threatening: A little heart carved in on one of the trees. But the heart cannot be seen when it's night time in this zone.

Fire-Lit Forest Zone (false reality)

Fire-Lit Forest Zone is a false reality by PTD. This area is a remake of Dark Forest Zone, except for the fact that everything is on fire. There's fire pits everywhere, and the trees are burning up. There's not much space to travel, and the heart carved in on a tree is cracked. It's always night here.

Volcanic Fumes Zone

Volcanic Fumes Zone is a literal volcano area! It's got lava flowing everywhere! Theres a total of seven volcanos making up the area. Rumors have spread that theres a hidden Chaos Emerald deep down in the fourth one, But It's just a rumor.

Hell Zone (false reality)

Hell Zone is a false reality of Volcanic Fumes Zone. In this zone, there's a large stream of lava with several rocks. They are all flowing to a lava-fall. The player needs to jump from rock to rock to survive. There's an area at the top for PTD to sit and watch. What a jerk.

zones that are not in the story (yet)[]

Meteor Shower Zone (false reality)

unknown-(false reality of Stelar Star Zone)

Green Hill Zone


Gr33n H!11 Z0n3 (false reality)

unknown-(false reality of Green Hill Zone)

Emerald Hill Zone


Ruby Hill Zone (false reality)

unknown-(false reality of Emerald Hill Zone)

Golden Grass Zone


Melting Zone (false reality)

unknown-(false reality of Golden Grass Zone)

Digital Zone


Broken TV Zone (false reality)

unknown-(false reality of Digital Zone)

Studiopolis Zone


Brain Damage Zone (false reality)

unknown-(false reality of Studiopolis Zone)

Mechanical Zone


Sawblade Zone (false reality)

unknown-(false reality of Mechanical Zone)

Education Zone


Shoot-Up Zone (false reality)

This zone is a false reality of Education Zone. It's kinda obvious what happens here. The school is now dark and empty, except for the distant sounds of a gun, along with screams. Every door leads to more doors, and someone is near... listening...

Molten Core Zone


Lava Floor Zone (false reality)

unknown-(false reality of Molten Core Zone)

Waterpark Zone


Whirlpool Zone (false reality)

unknown-(false reality of Waterpark Zone)

Chemical Plant Zone


Toxic Spill Zone (false reality)

unknown-(false reality of Chemical Plant Zone)

Lava Reef Zone


Uhhh, IDK Zone (false reality)

unknown-(false reality of Lava Reef Zone)

Frostbite Zone


Overfreeze Zone (false reality)

unknown-(false reality of Frostbite Zone)

Paper Zone


Rock Paper Scissors Zone (false reality)

unknown-(false reality of Paper Zone)
