"Peace on Earth" is the Christmas-themed episode of The CBN Family Channel's animated series The Legend of Prince Valiant, based on the nationally-syndicated comic strip by Hearst's own King Features division, produced and aired as the eighth episode of its second season.
This page about a Christmas special or an episode from a television series with a Christmas theme is in need of a longer synopsis. You can help the Christmas Special Wiki by expanding this synopsis. |
While the kingdom of Camelot celebrates the Christmas season, Prince Valiant, Arn and Rowanne are dispatched to Northgalis, an ally of Camelot, whose people are continually at war with the barbarians of Lindum. The reason for their battle is written in a book "The Relic" — so old that no one even remembers its contents.
Voice actor/actress | Character |
Robby Benson | Prince Valiant |
Michael Horton | Arn |
Noelle North | Rowanne |
Alan Oppenheimer | Merlin |
Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. | King Arthur |
Samantha Eggar | |
Tim Curry | |
James Avery | |
Dorian Harewood | |
Edan Gross | |
Mark Hamill | |
Sarah Partridge | |
Stu Rosen | |
Fred Savage | Prince Thomas |