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Christmas Specials Wiki

A Glacial Christmas is the third Christmas episode of Monica’s Gang.


Christmas is coming and Monica wrote to Santa Claus asking for a super big teddy bear while Magali looked at her. The letter said, "Dear Santa Claus, I was a good girl this year, so I'd like to get a really big teddy bear!" Cebolinha and Cascão overheard Mônica talking and of course they will do everything to ensure that the letter does not reach its destination.

At the same time, Uncle Glacial conspires to replace Santa Claus and get rich. On the roof of Cebolinha's house, at dusk, he is mistaken for Santa Claus by the boys, which makes him angry. Later, when he sees the old man frozen, Cebolinha discovers that he is an evil guy, goes down using a pipe with Cascão. They think they escaped, but the penguins start their attack. To save themselves, Cebolinha raises Cascão's armpit so they faint in disgust. The boys high-fived and shouted, "Victory!" after defeating the penguins.

This made Uncle Glacial get angry and freeze them both, waking Monica and she was talking because of the noise outside. When she sees Cebolinha, Cascão and Santa Claus frozen, Mônica discovers that he is not the old man, he is mean and sends him loose with her friends, but he denies it. She was furious, throwing Samson at him, but missed her aim, hitting Santa Claus and breaking the ice. Glacial is furious, using his magic. Santa Claus interrupts the icy magic by saying, "Not this time, Glacial! Now you've caught me off guard, but I can fight you with my human warmth!" He is frightened by the human heat and defeated in child form, crying because it is too hot for him.

Monica, Cebolinha, Cascão and Santa Claus hugged each other for joy, and Glacial fled into the sky with the penguins. As everything returned to peace for a long time, gifts were given: Cascão got a bicycle, Cebolinha got a toy plane, and Monica didn't get a stuffed bear, but a stuffed elephant. Meanwhile, Santa Claus gave presents to the kids and the boys rode their bikes chatting about Santa Claus, running away from Monica who was using the elephant as Samson all over the neighborhood. At the end, the gang says: "Merry Christmas!".
