Little Orphan Annie's A Very Animated Christmas is a direct-to-video Christmas special that is distributed worldwide by GoodTimes Home Video. Originally premiered in America on Halloween 1995, it's based on the characters from the nationally-syndicated daily comic strip series Little Orphan Annie, created by Harold Gray.
Daddy Warbucks has Annie at his huge estate with her dog, Sandy...Warbucks takes on the role of a Scrooge-type character. His temper and tone has caused Annie and Sandy to take off...and so the adventure begins!
Voice actor/actress | |
Gerard Plunkett | Hotchkiss |
Phil Hayes | Sandy |
Dale Wilson | Oliver (Daddy) Warbucks |
Kyle Labine | Bully 1 |
Cheralynn Bailey | Annie |
Richard Newman | Dear |
Paul Dobson | Punjab Man |
Cathy Weseluck | Boy Bully 2 |
Lynda Boyd | Business Woman |
Kelly Sheridan | Annie (Teen) |
Venus Terzo | Annie (Adult) |
External link
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