Magneton is a robot-like Pokémon, the result of three Magnemite becoming linked together by a strong magnetic force, although a single Magnemite can evolve by itself when there are no other Magnemite in the vicinity. Each individual Magnemite has a gray spherical body with a single eye, and a gray and red-and-blue tipped horseshoe magnet on each side. The topmost Magnemite has three Phillips head screws on its body, while the others appear to have only two. The three Magnemite that Magneton consists of can be linked in several ways. Magneton is most commonly seen as one Magnemite on top, and two Magnemite linked by the screws on the bottom, forming a triangle. In some cases, commonly seen in 3D games such as Pokémon Snap, the Magnemite will not be connected at all, remain in a triangular formation at rest, and are able to freely move within each other's vicinity to form other patterns. In this case, all three Magnemite have three screws. The magnetic forces that hold the three Magnemite together are powerful enough to dry up all moisture and raise the temperature by 3.6 °F (2 °C) within a radius of 3,300 feet (one kilometer). It can also be disruptive to electronic devices and induce earaches. It uses powerful radio waves to help it study the surrounding area.
Magneton's anti-gravitational powers enable it to fly through the air. Being composed of three Magnemite, it is about three times as powerful electrically, though not three times as intelligent. Even though Magneton is a mechanical creature, it still needs to eat. As seen in the Pokémon the Series episode The Poké Spokesman, food for Magneton consists of electrical currents. It is usually found in rough terrain, often near power plants.
When sunspots flare up, Magneton tends to appear more often, presumably due to the changes in the sun's magnetic field. When rain clouds form, it also gathers in high areas prone to lightning strikes. As seen in the eleventh chapter of Pokémon Adventures, it possesses the ability to form its electricity into both platforms and barriers. As seen in the Pokémon Horizons: The Series episode The Future I Choose, it can cause interference with phone and internet signals. In An Unexpected Picnic!, a herd of Magneton produced an EMP that could destroy computer software. Despite its modern, artificial appearance, carvings depicting Magneton have been discovered at the Ruins of Alph. One was shown in the Pokémon Generations episode The Redemption in a flashback to the great war of Kalos, indicating it has existed for at least 3,000 years. Additionally, Sandy Shocks bears a strong resemblance to Magneton. It is believed to be an ancient Magneton that was alive 10,000 years ago. As mentioned in Pokémon Sleep, Magneton is known to sleep with its three linked Magnemite either stuck together or drifting apart by a strong magnetic force.[1] It is theoried that its magnetism is unstable while Magneton sleeps.
Three Magnemite are linked by a strong magnetic force. Earaches will occur if you get too close. (Pokémon Red, Silver, or Crystal inserted) The Magnemite are united by a magnetism so powerful, it dries all moisture in their vicinity. (Pokémon Blue, Gold, or Yellow inserted)
Magneton emits a powerful magnetic force that is fatal to mechanical devices. As a result, large cities sound sirens to warn citizens of large-scale outbreaks of this Pokémon.
Magneton emits a powerful magnetic force that is fatal to electronics and precision instruments. Because of this, it is said that some towns warn people to keep this Pokémon inside a Poké Ball.
It is actually three Magnemite linked by magnetism. It generates powerful radio waves that raise temperatures by 3.6 degrees F within a 3,300-foot radius.
Magneton emits a powerful magnetic force that is fatal to mechanical devices. As a result, large cities sound sirens to warn citizens of large-scale outbreaks of this Pokémon.
Magneton emits a powerful magnetic force that is fatal to electronics and precision instruments. Because of this, it is said that some towns warn people to keep this Pokémon inside a Poké Ball.
Three Magnemite gathered to evolve into this Pokémon. The source of much vexation on my part, as its powerful magnetism destroys my research equipment.
The three Magnemite are usually linked by a strong magnetic force. They have been spotted sleeping stuck together and drifting apart. Perhaps their magnetism is unstable during sleep.
Clemont owns a Magneton, which he keeps at the Lumiose Gym so Clembot can use it for Gym Battles while Clemont is away. It first appeared in Clemont's Got a Secret!, where it was revealed to be able to separate itself into three Magnemite in order to dodge attacks.
In Current Events, a Magneton served as a security guard for an electric company's power station. Ash was attacked by the Magnemite assisting Magneton, but when he retaliated with Chikorita, Magneton attacked as well.
In Watt's with Wattson?, Wattson used a Magneton during his brief Gymbattle with Ash. It was easily defeated by Pikachu, who had become super-charged during an incident at the Mauville Gym. Three wild Magneton also appeared later in the same episode.
In Giratina and the Sky Warrior, an army of Magneton and Magnemite, led by a Magnezone, was owned by Zero. He mainly used them as a swarm to trap or capture targets by linking together around them.
In Confronting the Darkness!, Belmondo has a Magneton. It was first used by the Dark Clembot to destroy electric appliances in a storehouse using Discharge. It then battled Clemont's Heliolisk, which was being used by Clembot. After a hard-fought battle, it was recalled by Belmondo after the battle had been interrupted by Team Rocket.
Magneton, the Magnet Pokémon. The evolved form of Magnemite. Its anti-gravitational powers allow it to float, and it can emit powerful magnetic and electric fields.
A soldier's Magneton appeared in The Redemption, during a fantasy of a story from the past. It was one of the many Pokémon fighting in the great war of Kalos 3,000 years previously.
A Magneton briefly appeared in GOTCHA!, under the ownership of Wattson.
Pokémon Evolutions
In The Show, three Magneton were used to provide special effects for the Kimono Girls' performance.
A Magneton appeared in PT15, as one of the many Pokémon angered by Akira's Capsakid's spicy bite.
A Magneton appeared in PRV3 as one of the Pokémon Heath controlled.
Pokémon Adventures
Magneton debuted in Danger: High Voltorb, under the ownership of Lt. Surge, who used it, along with his other Pokémon, to attack Red. However, later in Buzz Off, Electabuzz!, some of them tortured Red with Thunderbolt. Lt. Surge uses two on his shoulder pads in Go for the Golbat where they produced sonic booms that act as a defensive barrier. Lt. Surge has a squad of Magneton, capable of using electromagnetism to create a tetrahedral aura. This aura is able to ferry people as well as attack and trap anything within, as seen in Volumes 3, 7, 10, and 12.
A wild Magneton appeared in a flashback in Electro Magneton, where it and three Magnemite attacked Blue and Evan. Blue used his Machamp to defeat it.
Jasmine's two Magneton first appeared in Quilava Quandary. They were seen accompanying Jasmine through Ecruteak City. They, along with their Trainer, were caught in the earthquake the ravaged the entire area.
Magneton and its pre-evolved form were the first Pokémon to ever change types with the progress of generations.
Although it is said that Magneton is made up of three Magnemite, there is contradictory evidence seen in various forms of media.
In the only animated episode to date showing a Magnemite Evolution, Get Along, Little Pokémon, when Ethan's Magnemite #6 evolves into Magneton, it "creates" two Magnemite during Evolution, instead of combining with two real Magnemite. Similarly, in the main series games, when Magnemite reaches level 30, it evolves without the aid of two additional Magnemite. This is unlike Mantyke, which requires a Remoraid to evolve.
After Evolution, Magneton becomes exactly ten times heavier than Magnemite. Logically, it should be three times heavier due to it being three Magnemite (39.6 lbs). Magnemite weighs 13.2 lbs. (6.0 kg), whereas Magneton weighs 132.3 lbs. (60.0 kg).
Magneton is usually depicted with only seven screws, with two of the Magnemite losing one screw each upon Evolution. However, it is occasionally depicted with 9 screws such as in its Generation II and Generation III sprites.
The 3 Magnemite composing Magneton are usually depicted as attached to each other and only occasionally separating. However, in certain games such as Pokémon Stadium and Pokémon Colosseum, the Magnemite are depicted as floating separately from each other and only occasionally combining to attack.
Magneton and Magnemite are two of few Pokémon that had their cry changed slightly in Generation III. This was due to Generation III utilizing a better sound effects game engine and newer game system.
Despite most depictions of Magneton showing they are able to float through the air, Magneton does not have the Ability Levitate, so it is still affected by Ground-type moves. However, starting in Generation IV, Magneton can learn Magnet Rise, which simulates Levitate for five turns.
Magneton is the only Pokémon to share its weight with any of its Paradox relative species, weighing the same as Sandy Shocks.
It is also the only Pokémon with an ancient relative that is not heavier than its present-day relative.
Magneton is a cluster of three Magnemite, which in turn seems to be based on the objectification of electromagnetism, one of the four fundamental interactions of nature. They are likely linked through strong electromagnetic force.
Name origin
Magneton may be derived from magneton (various units of magnetic moment) or possibly magnetron (high-power vacuum tube).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.