Fiery Furnace

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The starting area of the level

Fiery Furnace (Japanese: ほのおのようこうろ Fiery Furnace) is the fourth level in Pokémon Rumble. Its bosses are mostly Fire-type. The Pokémon found here are often Fire, Steel, Fighting, and Electric-type.

Normal Mode

Pokémon Types Move Boss Move Rank
Charmander Charmander Fire Ember C A
Charmeleon Charmeleon Fire Fire Fang Ember C (Boss) A


Fire Flying Flamethrower A (Boss) S
Vulpix Vulpix Fire Ember C
Ninetales Ninetales Fire Flamethrower C A
Mankey Mankey Fighting Scratch C
Primeape Primeape Fighting Karate Chop C A
Growlithe Growlithe


Ember B
Arcanine Arcanine


Fire Fang B S
Ponyta Ponyta Fire Ember B
Rapidash Rapidash Fire Take Down B S
Magnemite Magnemite Electric Steel Thunder Shock C
Magneton Magneton Electric Steel Discharge C A
Voltorb Voltorb Electric Spark B
Electrode Electrode Electric Charge Beam B S
Hitmonlee Hitmonlee Fighting Jump Kick B A


Fighting Sky Uppercut B A
Magmar Magmar Fire Lava Plume Flamethrower B (Boss) A
Ditto Ditto Normal Struggle S
Eevee Eevee Normal Quick Attack C S
Flareon Flareon Fire Fire Fang S
Moltres Moltres Fire Flying Heat Wave S (Boss)

Advanced Mode

Most of the Pokémon in Advanced Mode are Fire and Electric-type in this level.

Pokémon Types Move Boss Move Rank
Ponyta Ponyta Fire Ember C
Rapidash Rapidash Fire Take Down C A
Magnemite Magnemite Electric Steel Thunder Shock B
Magneton Magneton Electric Steel Discharge B A
Magmar Magmar Fire Lava Plume C S
Eevee Eevee Normal Quick Attack C S
Flareon Flareon Fire Fire Fang S
Chimchar Chimchar Fire Ember C A
Monferno Monferno Fire Fighting Flame Wheel Mach Punch C (Boss) A
Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Close Combat A (Boss) S
Shinx Shinx Electric Tackle B
Luxio Luxio Electric Spark B A
Luxray Luxray Electric Discharge Thunder Fang B (Boss) S
Cranidos Cranidos Rock Headbutt C B
Rampardos Rampardos Rock Head Smash S
Shieldon Shieldon Rock Steel Take Down C B
Bastiodon Bastiodon Rock Steel Iron Head S
Magnezone Magnezone Electric Steel Discharge A S
Magmortar Magmortar Fire Flamethrower S
Rotom Rotom Electric Ghost Discharge A S
Azelf Azelf Psychic Extrasensory EX Mode Only
Heatran Heatran Fire Steel Magma Storm S (Boss)


In other languages

Language Title
French Fourneaux Enflammés
German Die Flammenschmelze
Italian Forgia Rogo
Spanish Fundición Llameante

Pokémon Rumble locations
Silent Forest | Windy Prairie | Rocky Cave | Fiery Furnace | Bright Beach | Eternal Tower | Battle Royale

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