- Mewtwo Strikes Back redirects here. For other uses, see Mewtwo Strikes Back (disambiguation).
- Pokémon: The First Movie redirects here. For other uses, see Pokémon: The First Movie (disambiguation).
- M1 redirects here. For the prop in Pokéstar Studios, see Pokéstar Studios opponents → MT.
Mewtwo Strikes Back ミュウツーの逆襲 Mewtwo's Counterattack
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Home video
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English themes
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Japanese themes
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Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back (Japanese: 劇場版ポケットモンスター ミュウツーの逆襲 Pocket Monsters the Movie: Mewtwo's Counterattack, officially known as Pocket Monsters the Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back! in Japan), also known simply as Pokémon: The First Movie, is the first Pokémon movie. It debuted in Japanese theaters on July 18, 1998 , and then made its way to North American theaters on November 12, 1999.
Mewtwo Strikes Back was shown with the Pikachu short Pikachu's Vacation, and the first animated series special, Mewtwo Returns, is a sequel to this movie. A 3D-animated remake, Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution, was released in 2019.
Other posters and logos
Pikachu the Movie poster
Final Mewtwo's Counterattack movie poster
English theatrical poster
Japanese poster featuring Mewtwo and Mew
Australian Beyond DVD cover
Digital release poster and VIZ DVD cover
Mewtwo's Counterattack logo
Pokémon the First Movie logo
Title screen
Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket, had ambitious plans to take over the world, involving his latest experiment, a powerful clone of Mew—Mewtwo. Mewtwo is very powerful, and also very smart—smart enough to not want to be controlled by Giovanni. It escaped from the lab, and now Mewtwo begins to concoct its own scheme, clandestinely inviting a number of Pokémon Trainers to the ultimate test. Of course, if it's an event for talented Trainers, Ash Ketchum will be right in the front row!
Ash's excitement turns to fear and anger when Mewtwo reveals its plan for domination, creating powerful clones of all of the kids' Pokémon so it can even the "imbalance" between Pokémon and their Trainers. Despite Ash's protests, Mewtwo refuses to believe that Pokémon and people can be friends. But faced with the determination of a young Trainer and the love of his Pokémon, Mewtwo just might have to reconsider, especially when pitted against the power of the mysterious Mew!
Dr. Fuji, wanting to find a way to restore life by cloning, leads an expedition to Guyana after finding evidence of a shrine dedicated to Mew, the world's most powerful—but now said to be extinct—Pokémon. Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket, funds Fuji's research in return for an enhanced, living replica of Mew. Finding a fossil of Mew, Fuji and his team create Mewtwo. Upon gaining consciousness, a confused Mewtwo asks itself who it is, what it is, and where it came from. Just then, Mewtwo fully wakes up in a stasis tube in one of Fuji's laboratories, where the scientists study it. Mewtwo breaks out of its test tube; Dr. Fuji tells Mewtwo that it was made by humans and is a clone of, but much more powerful than Mew. Mewtwo is angry that the scientists see it more as a result of their project and less of a sentient being, so it destroys the lab and kills all of the scientists. Dr. Fuji says to himself that he succeeded in creating the world's most powerful Pokémon before dying at the hands of Mewtwo. Then, Giovanni arrives in his private helicopter and offers to help Mewtwo focus its powers. Mewtwo takes up the offer and is put in a suit of armor.
Over the next few weeks, Mewtwo does most of Team Rocket's dirty work, capturing wild Pokémon and beating any Trainer that challenges the Viridian Gym, including Gary Oak. When Giovanni tells Mewtwo his own twisted way of controlling Pokémon, Mewtwo angrily blasts away, destroying its armor and the Team Rocket HQ, and vows from atop the island it was created to begin its reign on Earth.

Meanwhile, Ash and his friends are preparing for lunch when a Trainer named Raymond shows up and challenges Ash. With his Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Pikachu, Ash easily beats Raymond. What Ash doesn't realize is that he's being watched, not only by Team Rocket, but by a mysterious third party. Team Rocket watch hungrily as the twerps eat Brock's cooking. Suddenly, a Dragonite flies in with a letter for Ash and his friends. It projects a hologram of a mysterious woman who tells the Trainers to head to Old Shore Wharf to get to an island fortress called New Island.
Later, as a storm brews, Ash and his friends arrives at the Pokémon Center, whose Nurse Joy has been missing for a while now. Officer Jenny informs the gathered Trainers that the ferry to New Island has been canceled. Miranda, the piermaster, tells them that she has lived on the pier all her life and that the current storm is the fiercest she's ever seen. She tells a story to everyone present about how some people died in a storm many years ago; however, legend has it that the tears of a Pokémon restored the people to life.
Soon, most of the other Pokémon Trainers—ignoring Jenny and Miranda's warnings—take off for New Island. Ash and his friends are eager to follow, but none of their Pokémon are strong enough to handle the giant waves. Team Rocket, under disguise, gives Ash and friends a boat ride. Later, Team Rocket's disguise was uncovered. However, the storm proves too much for them, and as the strong wind and waves hit against the boat, it capsizes and everyone is sent into the ocean. Ash and his friends save themselves by using Ash's Squirtle and Misty's Staryu to get to New Island.
As the heroes barely arrive at New Island, the mystery woman from the hologram letter greets them and takes them to the dining room to meet the other Trainers who arrived safely. Brock says that she looked familiar, however, the woman denies it and shows them to the castle.
Meanwhile, as Team Rocket tries to get inside the fortress, the Mythical Pokémon Mew senses something troubling and arrives at New Island, and follows closely behind Team Rocket.

As they arrive in the dining room, Ash and his friends meet three Pokémon Trainers named Neesha, Fergus, and Corey. Just then, the mystery woman introduces everybody in the room to her master, who is revealed to be Mewtwo. Fergus insults Mewtwo, who sends him flying. Fergus has his Gyarados attack with Hyper Beam, but Mewtwo easily reflects it. Mewtwo releases the woman from its control. When Brock quickly catches her, it is revealed that the mystery woman is the missing Nurse Joy, whom Mewtwo had taken under its control due to her knowledge of Pokémon physiology. Mewtwo tells the Trainers that humans are weak and cruel, and have made all Pokémon their slaves. It also says that Pokémon are no better off since they choose to associate with humans.
As Team Rocket gets into the fortress and make their way into a laboratory, they come across a weird-looking machine, a computer, and several Pokémon sleeping in giant pods. Jessie accidentally sits on the computer controls, which plays back a recorded message from Dr. Fuji about the fossilized eyelash of Mew that was used to create Mewtwo. Suddenly, the machine takes a piece of hair from Meowth to create a clone of him. Summoned by Mewtwo, the cloned Pokémon awaken and exit to their master.
Mewtwo leads Ash and the other Trainers into the stadium part of the fortress and suggests that they should battle Pokémon to see who is the strongest, the clones versus the originals. Ash's Charizard, Corey's Venusaur, and Neesha's Blastoise are no match for Mewtwo's clones. With the Pokémon defeated, Mewtwo summons its own specialized Poké Balls, the Mewtwo Balls, and uses them to capture Charizard, Venusaur, and Blastoise, claiming them as its prize. Mewtwo announces that the other Pokémon will be taken to be cloned. The clones will remain safe on the island while Mewtwo's storms destroy the planet. Mewtwo sends its Balls after the Pokémon.

Immediately, all the Trainers are on the run. Some Pokémon are captured before they realize what's happening, some attempt to outrun the Mewtwo Balls, and some attempt to use their attacks to defend themselves. However, it proves to be useless as nearly all the Pokémon end up being captured one by one. Ash deduces that Pokémon inside their Poké Balls should be safe from capture and recalls Bulbasaur and Squirtle. However, it turns out to be no use, as the Mewtwo Balls instead capture the Poké Balls whole with Bulbasaur and Squirtle still inside. Brock suggests carrying the Pokémon away, but while Misty successfully hides Togepi inside her backpack, Psyduck and Vulpix aren't so lucky and are also caught.
Pikachu is the only Pokémon still uncaptured, and as a result, he's now the only target of the Mewtwo Balls. Ash uses his body to block them, giving Pikachu a chance to run. Pikachu heads towards a nearby suspended staircase and uses Thunder Shock to take out a few of the Mewtwo Balls. Ash follows him up the staircase. Pikachu is forced to use his Thunder Shock every few seconds, which in combination with constantly being on the run, leaves him exhausted. As a result, Pikachu is forced off the staircase while dodging the Balls, falling a long way. Ash jumps off after Pikachu to protect him, but before he can grab his friend, a Mewtwo Ball finally manages to capture Pikachu. Ash grabs the Ball before he falls into the pool of water at the base of the staircase, and loses his grip on it underwater. Ash follows it, out of the pool, and towards the entrance to the laboratory where Team Rocket is.
The same machine that cloned Meowth earlier is now processing all of the Mewtwo Balls, and Ash grabs the one Pikachu is in just as the machine does as well. Fighting against the machine's many arms, Ash eventually manages to pull the Mewtwo Ball away, destroying the machine in the process. Pikachu is released from the Mewtwo Ball and shakes himself off. Happily, he reunites with Ash, but the clones are now freed from their stasis tubes, prepared to join Mewtwo. The remaining Mewtwo Balls are released from the machine in an explosion, and all open to free the Pokémon inside, including Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and their Poké Balls.
Mewtwo releases the other humans and is soon joined by its clone army. Ash emerges from the smoke with his and every Trainer's Pokémon and proclaims that they won't let Mewtwo's plan succeed. He tries to punch Mewtwo, but Mewtwo's force field knocks him down. Ash goes in for another punch, but this time, Mewtwo sends him flying at a high point of the castle. Ash is saved from the blow by a large, pink bubble. Then Mew comes onto the scene, having created the bubble that protected Ash. Mew is soon targeted by a Shadow Ball from Mewtwo, who says that clones are far more powerful than the originals. Mew communicates with Mewtwo that a Pokémon's real strength comes from the heart, which is translated by Meowth. Disgusted, Mewtwo throws another Shadow Ball at Mew, who dodges it, but the blast hits Ash. With Mewtwo blocking all the Pokémon's special moves, a widespread melee begins between the Pokémon and their clones.

Ash survives the blast but is horrified to see all the Pokémon fighting their clones, especially Pikachu getting slapped endlessly by his clone. He eventually falls back down to the stadium floor, prompting Misty, Brock, and Nurse Joy to come to his aid. They see now how horrible this kind of fighting is, and that the originals and clones will never give up, resulting in their deaths. Ash realizes someone has to take a stand and refuse to fight like Pikachu is.
As Team Rocket also look on in horror, Meowth is approached by his clone. Although the two briefly get ready to fight, they realize the pointlessness of it and instead talk about how, no matter how different people are, they all share a lot in common on this planet.
Just as Mew and Mewtwo are emanating large auras of psychic energy in preparation for their most powerful energy blasts, Ash, frightened and angered by the continuous fighting, runs between them, demanding them to stop their futile battle. The two blasts of energy strike with Ash in the crossfire, and due to the magnitude of concentrated power, Ash is turned to stone. Mewtwo, shocked by Ash's recklessness, calls him a fool.
The stadium becomes silent, save for Pikachu, who runs to Ash's side. After trying to wake him up, Pikachu uses his Thunderbolt in vain, as Ash stays unmoving and has no sign of life. Pikachu begins to cry at losing his best friend, as do the rest of the Pokémon in the stadium due to Ash's noble and brave sacrifice in the name of their salvation. The tears of all the Pokémon come together and magically revive Ash, bringing him back to life just like in the story Miranda told earlier.
After witnessing all of this, Mewtwo states that it does not matter who is more powerful, that the clones and originals both have value, and that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant: it is what one does with life that determines one's destiny. Mewtwo also says that it would be best if no one knew about what happened. When Mewtwo flies off, it tells Ash that it will find a place where it and the clones can live in peace. As a result, all of the memories of this event are erased from the Trainers' minds.
Ash, Misty, Brock, and everyone else instantly find themselves back at the Pokémon Center with no memory of their adventure on New Island. Nurse Joy is also back, offering shelter from the storm. Going out to the pier, Ash sees Mew in the clouds as the storm ends and tells Misty and Brock that when his journey began, he saw a mysterious Pokémon, and now he believes he just saw another. Misty thinks that Ash was just imagining it, but Brock points out that maybe he wasn't. With that, the three friends prepare to continue their journey.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket, on the now-empty and green New Island and with no clue how they got here, decide to take a vacation as the credits begin to roll.
Major events
- Ash's Squirtle is revealed to know Bubble Beam.
- Ash, Misty, and Brock meet Mewtwo and Mew, but Mewtwo later makes them forget about the encounter.
- Ash sees Mew again, but does not recognize it since his memory has been erased.
- For a list of all major events in Pokémon the Series: The Beginning, please see the timeline page.

- Ash
- Misty
- Brock
- Jessie
- James
- Gary Oak (cameo)
- Giovanni
- Nurse Joy
- Officer Jenny
- Dr. Fuji
- Neesha
- Fergus
- Corey
- Miranda
- Raymond
- Amber (Kanzenban version only)
- Team Rocket Grunts
- Announcer
- Trainers
- Scientists

- Pikachu (Ash's)
- Meowth (Team Rocket)
- Togepi (Misty's)
- Bulbasaur (Ash's)
- Charizard (Ash's)
- Squirtle (Ash's)
- Staryu (Misty's)
- Psyduck (Misty's)
- Vulpix (Brock's)
- Weezing (James's)
- Nidoking (Gary's)
- Arcanine (Gary's)
- Persian (Giovanni's)
- Donphan (Raymond's)
- Machamp (Raymond's)
- Golem (Raymond's)
- Venomoth (Raymond's)
- Pinsir (Raymond's)
- Gyarados (Fergus's)
- Seadra (Fergus's)
- Nidoqueen (Fergus's)
- Golduck (Fergus's)
- Tentacruel (Fergus's)
- Vaporeon (Fergus's)
- Pidgeot (Corey's)
- Scyther (Corey's)
- Hitmonlee (Corey's)
- Venusaur (Corey's; Bruteroot)
- Sandslash (Corey's)
- Rhyhorn (Corey's)
- Dewgong (Neesha's)
- Wigglytuff (Neesha's)
- Blastoise (Neesha's; Shellshocker)
- Vileplume (Neesha's)
- Ninetales (Neesha's)
- Rapidash (Neesha's)
- Bulbasaur (Dr. Fuji's; Bulbasaurtwo; Kanzenban version only)
- Charmander (Dr. Fuji's; Charmandertwo; Kanzenban version only)
- Squirtle (Dr. Fuji's; Squirtletwo; Kanzenban version only)
- Tauros (Team Rocket Grunts'; new; multiple)
- Mewtwo (M01)
- Fearow (Mewtwo's)
- Dragonite (Mewtwo's)
- Mew (M01)
- Gengar (Trainer's; Kanzenban version only)
- Onix (Trainers'; ×2; one exclusive to the Kanzenban version)
- Alakazam (Trainer's)
- Magneton (Trainer's)
- Caterpie (Trainer's)
- Weedle (Trainer's)
- Raticate (Trainer's)
- Spearow (Trainer's)
- Ekans (Trainer's)
- Raichu (Trainer's)
- Sandshrew (Trainer's)
- Nidorino (Trainer's)
- Oddish (Trainer's)
- Vileplume (Trainer's)
- Venonat (Trainer's)
- Growlithe (Trainer's)
- Poliwhirl (Trainer's)
- Bellsprout (Trainer's)
- Slowpoke (Trainer's)
- Drowzee (Trainer's)
- Kingler (Trainer's)
- Electabuzz (Trainer's)
- Fearow (Trainer's)
- Pikachu (cloned; Pikachutwo)
- Venusaur (cloned)
- Charizard (cloned)
- Blastoise (cloned)
- Bulbasaur (cloned)
- Squirtle (cloned)
- Psyduck (cloned)
- Vulpix (cloned)
- Meowth (cloned)
- Gyarados (cloned)
- Seadra (cloned)
- Nidoqueen (cloned)
- Golduck (cloned)
- Tentacruel (cloned)
- Vaporeon (cloned)
- Pidgeot (cloned)
- Scyther (cloned)
- Hitmonlee (cloned)
- Sandslash (cloned)
- Rhyhorn (cloned)
- Dewgong (cloned)
- Wigglytuff (cloned)
- Vileplume (cloned)
- Ninetales (cloned)
- Rapidash (cloned)
- Main article: Pokémon the First Movie (soundtrack)
Manga adaptation
- Main article: Mewtwo Strikes Back! (manga)
Scenes in episodes

The episodes The Battle of the Badge, It's Mr. Mime Time, and Showdown at the Po-ké Corral feature Mewtwo in scenes that prelude this movie. These episodes were supposed to air before the movie premiere, but due to the animated series's four-month hiatus after the seizures caused by the banned episode EP038, the episodes ended up airing on September 17, 24, and October 8, 1998, respectively, whereas the movie premiered on July 18.
The scene in which Nidoking and Arcanine battle Mewtwo is adapted from Gary's battle against Giovanni in The Battle of the Badge, but there are several differences between the two versions. The movie has a different perspective and animation, mostly evident in Mewtwo's appearance, which is more cartoony in the episode as opposed to the elaborate design of its armor in the movie. Mewtwo's whole body glows when it uses Psychic against Nidoking and Arcanine in the episode, but only its eyes glow in the movie. Mewtwo's chin is covered by its armor in the movie, but it is exposed in the episode. It is unknown whether this is an error or design change, since what looks like the chin could have been part of the armor if colored differently. Giovanni's position also differs: he stands up and walks forward before sending out Mewtwo in the episode, but stays seated in the movie.
In It's Mr. Mime Time, Mewtwo makes a cameo when the Rocket Trio go to Team Rocket HQ, apologize to Giovanni, and have a brief video chat with him. The upward-panning shot of Mewtwo uses the same animation of when Mewtwo is first shown in its armor, though this scene chronologically took place after the scene in the movie.
The scene of Mewtwo blasting out of Team Rocket HQ in Showdown at the Po-ké Corral is also shown in the movie's prologue. The explosion in the episode has a different perspective and animation, but both shots of Mewtwo flying away use the same animation. The shot of Giovanni's helicopter taking off in this episode uses the same animation (played in reverse) of the same helicopter landing on New Island in the movie.
Alternate versions
Kanzenban version
In Japan, the theatrical version had only two home video releases (VHS, February 12, 1999; LaserDisc, July 17, 1999) and was never shown on TV. A new version of the movie, known as the kanzenban (Japanese: 完全版 full version), has been shown in all television airings in Japan (the first one being on July 8, 1999) and in the Japanese home video releases from the third one (VHS, November 12, 1999) onward: this version contains additional scenes and CGI edits.
Additional scenes
- Main article: The Uncut Story of Mewtwo's Origin
A ten-minute short known as (Japanese: ミュウツーの誕生 The Birth of Mewtwo) was added at the beginning of the movie in the "kanzenban" version: this short details the history of Mewtwo's creation (based on the radio drama The Birth of Mewtwo), increasing the movie's length from 75 to 85 minutes and the prologue's length from 10 to 20 minutes. Although the kanzenban was created to be later used in the United States, the North American theatrical version (November 12, 1999) removed the short while still using the footage from the kanzenban for the rest of the movie instead of the footage from the Japanese theatrical version. On March 21, 2000, Mewtwo Strikes Back was released in home video in the United States, and both the VHS and the DVD included the first two minutes of the short dubbed in English as The Story of Mewtwo's Origin: in the VHS these scenes were added to the beginning of the movie while in the DVD they were included as an extra. On June 23, 2000, a Japanese DVD of the movie was released with both a Japanese and an English audio track, and this marked the first time the full English dubbed version of the short was available; it was later included under the title The Uncut Story of Mewtwo's Origin in the Special Features of the international DVD of Mewtwo Returns, released on August 17, 2001, in Australia and on December 4, 2001, in the United States.
- The first scene (the only one that was included on the American VHS/DVD release of the movie) centered around a group of explorers who found an ancient engraving of Mew and a fossil of its eyelash.
- The second detailed Dr. Fuji's attempts to clone his daughter, who had died as a child, Mew, and the Kanto starters.
- The final scene detailed a young Mewtwo's telepathic interaction with clones of the Kanto starters and Amber Fuji.
CGI edits
All the following edits were made for the "kanzenban" and then used in international releases of the movie:
- In the wide shot of Mewtwo facing Dr. Fuji, who is explaining to it how it was created, two large test tubes were shown positioned on either side of the screen in front of the characters and magnifying them. These were pushed off to the edge of the screen in the newer version of the film.
- When Mewtwo is being suited up with armor, Giovanni is covered in shadow (much like his first appearances in the animated series). In the newer version the scene was changed so he could be seen better, probably because his identity in the animated series had already been revealed in The Battle of the Badge.
- A CGI panning effect was added to the Gym floor when Mewtwo battles a Trainer's Onix.
- When Mewtwo first summons the storm, the shadow color on its hand is changed from purple to pinkish-red.
- Mew floating up to the surface of the water in a bubble was completely re-animated.
- Throughout the film, the original hand-drawn clouds of Mewtwo's storm are replaced with more realistic-looking CGI clouds. The water in the storm is also altered to have different shades of blue.
- Mewtwo's castle is changed from hand-drawn to CGI.
- The shot of the big doors opening was replaced with CGI doors. When the door closes in front of Ash, the scene now pans all the way back to Team Rocket facing the door when it was originally a dissolve.
- Another CGI panning effect was added for the shot of Rhyhorn charging toward Mewtwo.
- The big reveal of Mewtwo's stadium was rendered with CGI.
- The scene of Ash walking forward with all the rescued Pokémon was altered to have them fade into sight. In the original, they were drawn as black silhouettes slowly walking outward through the smoke and their bodies interacted with it more. This was also seen in the US trailer of Pokémon the First Movie.
- When Ash is looking down at the Pokémon fighting their clones, they were all originally drawn as silhouettes.
- The tears of life from the Pokémon were changed to CGI.
- Animation of water rippling is added to what was mostly a still shot in the original version.
- The sky during the fire sequence was recolored.
- More bubbles were added to the opening sequence.
- There are three different versions of Mew flying across the sky and in front of the moon; a trailer where the moon is yellow, the original version has it gray, and the final version has a GCI moon.
Large test tubes moved
Reanimation Mew in the bubble
Big doors replaced with CGI doors
Hand-drawn clouds replaced with CGI clouds
Digitally remastered version
Similar to Pokémon - I Choose You! and Holiday Hi-Jynx, the Kanzenban version of this movie was digitally remastered to HD, complete with slight color correction. An error is also corrected where Raymond's Machamp now comes out of its Poké Ball only once. It was released on Blu-Ray in Japan on November 28, 2012 with a boxset containing all the movies up to M13, and aired on May 3, 2013 on TV Tokyo. The dub (which retains the 4Kids audio) aired on Cartoon Network January 4, 2014, and was re-released on Pokémon TV June 6, 2015. In addition to all of the changes in the Japanese version, The Uncut Story of Mewtwo's Origin is once again cut out, along with the Alakazam error in the Cartoon Network version. The opening* and ending* credits are retyped in the Arial font instead of Comic Sans, and the copyright year 2014 (2015 for the re-release) was added to the end of the credits. The Warner Bros. distribution screen at the end was removed.
- Main article: Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution
The movie was remade as a 3D-animated film titled Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution. It debuted in Japanese in July 2019 and in English in February 2020.

- This movie was released between EP054 and EP055 in Japan. However, it chronologically takes place sometime after EP065, where Mewtwo is seen escaping from Team Rocket HQ. This mismatch was caused by the Pokémon Shock incident causing the animated series to be put on hiatus for several months.
- At ten minutes, this movie has the longest prologue. The prologue was further extended to 20 minutes in the Japanese extended version and twelve minutes in the international extended version.
- According to Takeshi Shudō, the prologue was only added after it was clear that the hiatus would make it impossible to have Mewtwo appear in the TV series before the movie's premiere.[1] Originally, Mewtwo would first appear onscreen when it revealed itself to the Trainers on New Island, explaining why Mewtwo is only partially shown in-between the opening credits and its entrance on New Island.
- According to Takeshi Shudo's notes on the movie, Ash was petrified but not killed when Mewtwo and Mew's Psychic blasts collided with him, and the tears simply restored him.
- Some of the Pokémon on the poster did not appear in the movie.
- Several moves were used by Pokémon in this movie that were not yet available in the games. Mewtwo used Shadow Ball, Blastoisetwo used Rapid Spin, and Raymond's Donphan (itself a Pokémon not yet available) used Rollout.
- Other than Corey, Fergus, and Neesha, a female fourth Trainer takes off from the pier on the back of a Fearow. She is seen flying Fearow while Fergus and Neesha ride their Gyarados and Dewgong. She likely never made it to New Island, unlike the others.
- She is the only character who leaves for New Island but never appears again. Mewtwo wipes the memories of everyone on New Island and transports them back to the mainland (except for Team Rocket), but this Trainer completely disappears.
- Of the Pokémon seen at the gathering, only Misty's Togepi was not captured and cloned by Mewtwo due to Misty hiding it in her bag.
- Though Mewtwo owned a cloned Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise, they were not cloned from the Trainers' Pokémon. They were supposedly cloned from Pokémon Mewtwo had previously acquired itself. Despite this, all three of the Trainers' Pokémon were captured by Mewtwo anyway.
- These three Pokémon happen to be the fully evolved forms of Mewtwo's childhood friends, who died when Mewtwo was young.
- In the English dub, Jessie makes a reference to Frankenstein.
- In Japan, this movie (paired with the Pikachu's Vacation short) was released on LaserDisc, being the only Pokémon media to be released on this medium.
- The North American VHS release features an introduction to the tape's contents by Professor Oak, utilizing footage from his lecture on Alakazam from EP066.
- Despite the English dub using the kanzenban footage, the opening of the original North American DVD release uses a hand-drawn shot of the big doors opening.
- The title of this movie is also used in Mewtwo's trailer for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U.
- The movie's first trailer showed several prominent scenes that never appear in the movie. They were promotional scenes made before the movie script was finished.[2] Most notable were scenes of Ash fleeing an explosion, a woman who looks like Misty accompanying Miranda and a younger character, and Team Rocket standing on a warship.
- On the 23rd anniversary of the movie's release, Masahiro Sakurai posted an image to Twitter homaging the scene of Pikachutwo slapping Pikachu and mentioning the scene always made him cry.[3]
- Some of Mew's lines from this movie can be heard in the first four Super Smash Bros. games and Pokémon Snap.
- The movie's title in Japanese is most likely based on either the Japanese title of The Empire Strikes Back (帝国の逆襲 Teikoku no Gyakushū) or the 1988 mecha film Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack (機動戦士ガンダム 逆襲のシャア Kidō Senshi Gandamu: Gyakushū no Char)
- When New Island is reflected in Giovanni's helicopter, the reflection is not reversed.
- When Giovanni tells Mewtwo to use its powers, Mewtwo's arm is missing.
- In Ash and his friends' first appearance, the stripes on Ash's bag are colored green instead of cream and orange.
- Machamp being sent out by Raymond is shown twice.
- Early in the movie, Pikachu defeats Raymond's Golem with Thunderbolt, which should have had no effect because Golem is a Ground-type.
- Mewtwo is colored pink as it begins creating the storm. In a later shot of Mewtwo intensifying the storm, its color is corrected.
- When Ash and his friends enter the terminal, the inside of a Raichu's ear is colored brown like the rest of the ear instead of yellow.
- When Misty takes the white card, the marks on Ash's cheeks are missing. This also happens when Ash asks Mewtwo where it is going.
- In two very similar shots at the beginning and end of the movie, as Officer Jenny warns the Trainers about the storm, the backpacks of Corey and Fergus drastically shrink in size.
- When Fergus releases his Gyarados into the water to ride on its back, its lips are blue instead of yellow.
- When Jenny's hat flies off, the loops of Miranda's earrings are colored in.
- In the scene right before explaining how he got to New Island, Corey's jacket stamp disappears.
- In the shot after Corey shows his Pokémon to Ash and his friends, Ash's pupils are entirely brown instead of mostly black with some brown.
- When Fergus runs over to his injured Gyarados, his Nidoqueen has the color scheme of a Nidoking.
- Right before Ash charges at Mewtwo, one frame shows Rapidash without its flames. This was fixed in later releases.
- When the clones enter with an explosion and emerge from the smoke, Pikachutwo's black-tipped ears are the same as a normal Pikachu's and Golduck is greenish teal instead of blue.
- After Ash's Bulbasaur is released from Mewtwo's Poké Ball, Ash's mouth moves but no audio comes out, whereas he addresses Pikachu and Squirtle by name once released.
- On the DVD scene selection, Togepi is listed as Pokémon #152. However, prior to the release of Pokémon Gold and Silver, Togepi had been given #152 in other media as well.
- In the English dub:
- Three Pokémon are referred to by the wrong name. Pidgeot is called Pidgeotto, Scyther is called Alakazam, and Sandslash is called Sandshrew. In the audio commentary, 4Kids stated that they decided to leave the Alakazam error as something for the children watching to notice and because they felt it was plausible that Team Rocket could make a mistake[citation needed]. This was cut out for the dub of the remastered version when it was aired on Cartoon Network, but restored when it was re-released on Pokémon TV.
- In addition, the closed captioning for the re-release and on Pokémon TV have Corey correctly referring to his Pokémon as a Pidgeot.
- Fergus states that all of his Pokémon are Water types, but he also has a Nidoqueen, a Poison/Ground-type Pokémon.
- However, in the Japanese version, he says all his Pokémon can swim to the location; this statement is true, as Nidoqueen can learn Surf in Generation I.
- While Ash is looking at Fergus's Pokémon, his Japanese voice can be faintly heard over the voice of the Pokémon.
- Pikachutwo's cheek pouches surge with electricity even though Mewtwo blocked the Pokémon's special abilities. The original version says nothing about the Pokémon's abilities being blocked, and they simply clash physically out of pure hatred.
- The retyped ending credits of the remastered version misspell Don't Say You Love Me as Don't Say Your Love Me and accidentally list Bolly Crawford instead of Billy Crawford as the singer of the opening song.
- Three Pokémon are referred to by the wrong name. Pidgeot is called Pidgeotto, Scyther is called Alakazam, and Sandslash is called Sandshrew. In the audio commentary, 4Kids stated that they decided to leave the Alakazam error as something for the children watching to notice and because they felt it was plausible that Team Rocket could make a mistake[citation needed]. This was cut out for the dub of the remastered version when it was aired on Cartoon Network, but restored when it was re-released on Pokémon TV.
- In India, Hungama TV used the original Japanese version of this movie as a source for the Hindi dub, instead of using the English dub as is done for the episodes of the animated series, resulting in several dubbing errors:
- In The Uncut Story of Mewtwo's Origin, Charmander's Japanese voice can be heard.
- In one scene, a Trainer calls his Kingler with an unknown name.
- In another scene, Neesha calls her Blastoise by its Japanese name, Kamex.
- In the cloning scene, Meowth says "Chikorita" when speaking about Vaporeon.
- When Meowth talks with the clone Meowth, one line in human language was said by the clone Meowth despite the fact that the clone Meowth can't speak the human language.
- In the Swedish dub, when Jessie comments on Meowth's hair being cloned, her voice is computerized like the machine that speaks afterwards.
Fergus and Corey's backpacks shrink
Flameless Rapidash
Typo listing Billy Crawford as "Bolly Crawford" in the HD remastered version
Dub edits
- The message and themes of the movie were changed in the English dub. The Japanese version explores ethical themes of existensialism, whereas the English dub replaces it with an anti-violence message. This was explained by Takeshi Shudo in his blog.[4]
- Mewtwo's personality and goal are different between the original version and the English dub. In the English dub, Mewtwo is more boastful about its powers and certain about superiority to Mew and wants to destroy the world with a hurricane it created to get revenge on humanity. In the original version, Mewtwo is instead portrayed as a confused being who questions its worth as a clone and wished to have a more direct confrontation with humanity.
- Giovanni was never mentioned by the scientists in the laboratory in the original version, and all the references to him were added in the English dub.
- There was no alarm sounding during Mewtwo's awakening in the Japanese version.
- The dialogue in the scene where Dr. Fuji tells Mewtwo about its origins was altered in the English dub. In the original version, Mewtwo asks if Mew is its mother or father, and when Dr. Fuji tells that neither "yes" or "no" would be a wrong answer, it asks if it was created by God. To this, Dr. Fuji replies that in this world, the only ones capable of creating life are God and humans, and Mewtwo was created through human science.
- In addition, the Japanese version had the scientists shortly before Mewtwo's rampage merely congratulating themselves on a job well done with Mewtwo's creation. The English dub had added references to creating a new tank and implying that they'll stuff Mewtwo in a cage until the tank's ready, presumably to make the scientists less sympathetic before they were killed by their creation.
- While Giovanni tells Mewtwo about seeing it as a valuable partner in the English dub, in the Japanese version, he tells it that there is something even stronger than it in this world, to which Mewtwo replies, "Humans?" receiving a nod of approval from Giovanni.
- Giovanni denies that Mewtwo's armor is meant to suppress its powers in the English dub, stating that it is rather meant to "focus" them. In the original Japanese, Giovanni says that Mewtwo's job is to fight for Team Rocket.
- In the scene of Mewtwo alone in Giovanni's headquarters, no dialogue was originally heard. In the English dub, Mewtwo thinks about its purpose.
- In the original release for the movie, Raymond's Machamp is shown coming out of its Poké Ball twice. It is unknown whether this was mistakenly repeated or intentionally done for dynamic effect, but it would seem to be a mistake as this was corrected when the digitally remastered version came out.
- When Meowth complains about his hunger, Jessie takes out a frying pan and states that she could cook something, to which Meowth replies "Thanks, but the last time you cooked, you took out eight of my nine lives." In the Japanese version, Jessie simply points out that she has a frying pan, to which Meowth replies that without meat and vegetables, it is nothing more than an iron pan.
- Miranda's story about the power of Pokémon tears to revive people only exists in the English version. Originally, she only says that the storm is the greatest she has ever seen.
- During the opening song after Bulbasaur defeats Raymond's Donphan, Ash's mouth moves. He says nothing in the Japanese version, while in the English dub, there is a dialogue.
- In the original Japanese version, Ash and Brock comment that they are fortunate that a boat appeared. In various dubs, this was changed to a reference to vikings:
- In the English dub, when Team Rocket are disguised as Vikings, Brock says he was not aware that they existed anymore. Ash replies that they mostly live in Minnesota, a reference to the Minnesota Vikings NFL team.
- In the Danish version, Brock says "Jeg vidste ikke at vikingerne stadig fandtes." ("I didn't know that the Vikings still existed."), and Ash replies "Jo, men de turnerer mest i Sverige." ("Yes, but they are mostly touring in Sweden.") This is probably a reference to the fact that at the time Vikings existed, the Danes were also Vikings.
- In the Danish subtitles, Ash says "Vikingerne er et band." ("The Vikings is a band.") This is likely a reference to The Vikings, an old Swedish band.
- In the Swedish dub, Brock says "Inte visste jag att vikingarna fanns kvar." ("I didn't know that the Vikings still existed.") and Ash replies "Det är för att de flesta bor i Norge." ("That's because most of them live in Norway"). Real Vikings existed in both Sweden and Norway.
- Additionally, when Jessie poses as a Viking, she speaks with a fake Norwegian accent, adding the stereotypical word akkurat, meaning "correct" in Norwegian, at the end of her sentence.
- In the Finnish dub, Brock says "Onko viikenkejä vielä olemassa?" ("Are vikings still around") and Ash replies "On niitä Sipoon saaristossa." ("There are some in the Sipoo archipelago"). Sipoo is a municipality by the coastline of southern Finland.
- In the Polish dub, Ash replies that the Vikings mostly live in Scandinavia.
- In the French dub, Misty's Staryu makes no sound when it is released from its Poké Ball. In all other versions of the movie, Staryu's voice can be heard twice.
- In the Latin American dub, Corey is referred to as Gary Oak.
- When Mewtwo first speaks to the gathered Trainers via its caretaker, the Japanese version has Misty remarking on its voice in shock, with Brock directly stating that its using telepathy to communicate. The English dub merely has Misty directly asking how Mewtwo is able to speak, with Brock merely stating that it is "psychic" without directly confirming its use of telepathy.
- In the English dub, the Pokémon Replication System switches between a female computer voice and the recorded voice of Dr. Fuji. In the original version, Dr. Fuji's is the only voice.
- In the English dub, Dr. Fuji's message was made to sound like it was being recorded while Mewtwo was destroying the laboratory, with the sounds of explosions and screaming occasionally heard at the background. This is not the case in the Japanese version.
- During the match between Ash's Charizard and the clone Charizard, in the Japanese version, Mewtwo tells the clone to use Seismic Toss, while in the English dub, it just tells the clone to "finish it" without specifying a move.
- Shortly before the clones appear in the arena, Mewtwo originally offers to let the Trainers go, on the condition that they can get through its storm. In the English dub, Mewtwo only tells them it'll spare their lives for the moment, leaving the reason why it then opens the doors out of the arena more unclear.
- When the clones emerge into the arena, Mewtwo was originally confused by their sudden appearance. In the English dub, Mewtwo proudly presents its clones, appearing to have somewhat expected their arrival.
- In the English dub, specifically during the speech Mew gives to Mewtwo, Mew says that shows of force prove nothing, and real strength comes from the heart; in the original Japanese version, Mew is much more bellicose, saying that only the original Pokémon are real, and no matter how much they fight, the real ones will never lose to copies.
- During the battle between the original and clone Pokémon, in the Japanese version the background music is a variation of Colossal Battle (listed as 1997-1998_M14) followed by soft instrumental music. In the English version, Brother My Brother plays, a song promoting peace.
- The English script contains an anti-racism moral. Meowth, agreeing with his clone, says, "Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of always looking at what's different, well, who knows?" In the original version, Meowthtwo refuses to fight because it is pointless and harmful, opting instead to marvel at the full moon, which Meowth calls poetic.
- When Pikachu is repeatedly shocking Ash to try to bring him back to life, Misty says "Pikachu..." in the Japanese version, and "Please, no..." in the English version. A commentary revealed that the dubbers had many alternatives for this piece of dialogue, one example being the facetious "My bike..."
- Mewtwo says much less at the end of the original version, telling Mew that these events are best forgotten, and only saying to Ash that the clones will live somewhere in the world.
- In the English dub, after being returned back to the port, Brock admires how beautiful Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny are. In the original Japanese version of the movie, Brock is admiring Miranda as well.
- James and Meowth originally said nothing just before the credits rolled.
- Hungama TV's Hindi dub used the original Japanese version of the movie. As such, characters that had not appeared in the main series, such as Amber, kept their Japanese names.
- In the Russian dub, the English ending themes are replaced with instrumental music from the American soundtrack.
In other languages
Language | Title | |
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Pokemon: Kthimi i Mjutuse Pokemoni, Filmi - Mjudi Godet Përsëri* | |
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Покемон: Първият филм | |
Chinese | Cantonese | 超夢夢反擊戰 |
Mandarin | 超夢の逆襲 * 超梦的逆袭 * 超梦的反击 * | |
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Pokémon Prvi film Pokemon: Povratak Mevtvoa* | |
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Pokémon: První film - Mewtwo vrací úder | |
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Pokémon Filmen - Mewtwo mod Mew | |
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Pokémon de Film: Mewtwo tegen Mew | |
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Pokémon elokuva: Mewtwon vastaisku | |
French | ![]() |
Pokémon: Le premier Film |
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Pokémon, le Film: Mewtwo contre-attaque | |
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Pokémon - Der Film Pokémon – Der Film: Mewtu gegen Mew* | |
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Πόκεμον: Η Πρώτη Ταινία | |
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פוקימון: הסרט הראשון - מיוטו מכה שנית Pokémon: Ha'Seret Ha'Rishon - Mewtwo Ma'ke Shenit | |
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पोकेमोन थ मूवी - मिउटूं का बदला Pokémon The Movie - Mewtwo Ka Badla * | |
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Pokémon: Az első Film - Mewtwo visszavág | |
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Pokémon: Fyrsta myndin - Mewtwo á móti Mew | |
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Pokémon il Film Mewtwo colpisce ancora* Pokémon il Film - Mewtwo contro Mew* | |
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포켓몬스터1탄 : 뮤츠의 역습 | |
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Pokémon: Filem Pertama | |
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Pokémon Filmen - Mewtwo slår tilbake | |
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Pokémon: Film pierwszy - Zemsta Mewtwo | |
Portuguese | ![]() |
Pokémon, o filme: Mewtwo contra-ataca * Pokémon O Filme: Mewtwo Contra-Ataca |
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Pokémon: O Filme - Mewtwo Contra Mew | |
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Покемон (фильм первый): Мьюту наносит ответный удар | |
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Pokémon: Prvý film - Najmocnejší Pokémon | |
Spanish | ![]() |
Pokémon, la película: Mewtwo contraataca |
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Pokémon: La película - Mewtwo vs. Mew | |
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Pokémon - filmen: Mewtwo mot Mew | |
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போகிமொன் தி மொவயே - மியூட்வ்வ் க பாடலை Pokémon The Movie - Mewtwo Ka Badla * | |
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పోకెమోన్ ది మూవీ - మెవత్వో క బండ్ల Pokémon The Movie - Mewtwo Ka Badla * | |
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Pokémon İlk Film - Mewtwo'nun İntikamı | |
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Покемон: Перший Фiльм - М'юту завдає удару у вiдповiдь | |
External links
- Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back on Prime Video (English)
- Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back on Google Play (English)
- Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back on iTunes (English)
- Pokémon: The First Movie at IMDb
- Pokémon: The First Movie at Wikipedia
- Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back on Pokémon.com (English)
- Pokémon: The First Movie at Warner Bros.
- Archive of splash page for official website for Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back (English)
- Official website for Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back (Japanese)
- An article about the Japanese edits to Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back
- Pokémon: The First Movie LaserDisc Release
- 2014 archive of Daily News article that mentions the originally-planned release date
Related articles
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This movie article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation. |