Galarian form

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A Kantonian and Galarian Farfetch'd in Pokémon Journeys: The Series

A Galarian form (Japanese: ガラルのすがた Galarian form) is a regional form found in Galar.

List of Galarian forms

Ndex Pokémon Original form Galarian form Availability
Image Type Ability Image Type Ability New Evolution
Pokémon Sword and Shield (Version 1.0.0+)
#0052 Meowth  Normal  Pickup
Unnerve (Hidden)
 Steel  Pickup
Tough Claws
Unnerve (Hidden)

#0077 Ponyta  Fire  Run Away
Flash Fire
Flame Body (Hidden)
 Psychic  Run Away
Pastel Veil
Anticipation (Hidden)
#0078 Rapidash  Fire  Run Away
Flash Fire
Flame Body (Hidden)
 Psychic  Fairy  Run Away
Pastel Veil
Anticipation (Hidden)
#0083 Farfetch'd  Normal  Flying  Keen Eye
Inner Focus
Defiant (Hidden)
 Fighting  Steadfast
Scrappy (Hidden)

#0110 Weezing  Poison  Levitate
Neutralizing Gas
Stench (Hidden)
 Poison  Fairy  Levitate
Neutralizing Gas
Misty Surge (Hidden)
#0122 Mr. Mime  Psychic  Fairy  Soundproof
Technician (Hidden)
 Ice  Psychic  Vital Spirit
Screen Cleaner
Ice Body (Hidden)

Mr. Rime
#0222 Corsola  Water  Rock  Hustle
Natural Cure
Regenerator (Hidden)
 Ghost  Weak Armor
Cursed Body (Hidden)

#0263 Zigzagoon  Normal  Pickup
Quick Feet (Hidden)
 Dark  Normal  Pickup
Quick Feet (Hidden)
#0264 Linoone  Normal  Pickup
Quick Feet (Hidden)
 Dark  Normal  Pickup
Quick Feet (Hidden)

#0554 Darumaka  Fire  Hustle
Inner Focus (Hidden)
 Ice  Hustle
Inner Focus (Hidden)
#0555 Darmanitan
Standard Mode
 Fire  Sheer Force
Zen Mode (Hidden)

Standard Mode
 Ice  Gorilla Tactics
Zen Mode (Hidden)

Zen Mode
 Fire  Psychic  Zen Mode
Zen Mode
 Ice  Fire  Zen Mode
#0562 Yamask  Ghost  Mummy  Ground  Ghost  Wandering Spirit
#0618 Stunfisk  Ground  Electric  Static
Sand Veil (Hidden)
 Ground  Steel  Mimicry SwSh
Pokémon Sword and Shield (Version 1.1.0+)
#0079 Slowpoke  Water  Psychic  Oblivious
Own Tempo
Regenerator (Hidden)
 Psychic  Gluttony
Own Tempo
Regenerator (Hidden)
Pokémon Sword and Shield The Isle of Armor (Version 1.2.0+)
#0080 Slowbro  Water  Psychic  Oblivious
Own Tempo
Regenerator (Hidden)
 Poison  Psychic  Quick Draw
Own Tempo
Regenerator (Hidden)
Pokémon Sword and Shield The Crown Tundra (Version 1.3.0+)
#0144 Articuno  Ice  Flying  Pressure
Snow Cloak (Hidden)
 Psychic  Flying  Competitive SwSh
#0145 Zapdos  Electric  Flying  Pressure
Static (Hidden)
 Fighting  Flying  Defiant SwSh
#0146 Moltres  Fire  Flying  Pressure
Flame Body (Hidden)
 Dark  Flying  Berserk SwSh
#0199 Slowking  Water  Psychic  Oblivious
Own Tempo
Regenerator (Hidden)
 Poison  Psychic  Curious Medicine
Own Tempo
Regenerator (Hidden)

In the core series games

Generation VIII

A total of nineteen Galarian forms were introduced in Generation VIII. Thirteen of these forms were introduced in the launch versions of Pokémon Sword and Shield, with the remaining six introduced through updates and downloadable content additions to the games. Pokémon Sword and Shield introduces regional Pokémon that can evolve into entirely new Pokémon, such as Perrserker and Sirfetch'd. The Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass would later introduce more Galarian form Pokémon, including Galarian forms of the legendary birds.

Galarian Pokémon are not present in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, or Legends: Arceus.

Generation IX

In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Galarian forms of Pokémon present in the game can be obtained by transferring them from other games. In addition, the player can receive a Galarian Meowth from Salvatore as a gift for completing his side story at Naranja AcademyS/Uva AcademyV.

In The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero's first expansion, The Teal Mask, while wild Koffing can be natively caught in Kitakami, it cannot be evolved into Galarian Weezing unless it is transferred to Pokémon Sword and Shield and evolved there (making this the only way to obtain a Galarian Weezing with the Scarlet and Violet origin mark).

In The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero's second expansion, The Indigo Disk, Galarian Slowpoke are available in the wild in the Terarium. Breeding Galarian Slowpoke or their evolved forms without the use of an Everstone will result in the offspring being Kantonian Slowpoke due to the Terarium not being located in Galar.

In the spin-off games

Pokémon GO

On November 16, 2019, in celebration of the release of Pokémon Sword and Shield, Galarian Weezing appeared in Pokémon GO as a level 4 Raid Boss as soon as Chimchar's Community Day ended, with Weezing being present as a Raid Boss in every Gym, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in every time zone. Since then, Galarian Weezing has been a potential level 3 Raid Boss.

On June 3, 2020, as part of Pokémon GO's Throwback Challenge 2020, Galarian Stunfisk had the potential to be found in the wild, as a level 1 Raid Boss, or through the Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 Special Research, while the Galarian forms of Zigzagoon, Darumaka, and Meowth could be found in 7 km Eggs. The event ran from June 3, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. to June 8, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. local time. After the event, the Galarian forms of Meowth, Zigzagoon, Darumaka, and Stunfisk could still be found in 7 km Eggs alongside the Alolan forms of Sandshrew, Vulpix, DIglett, Meowth, Geodude, and Grimer.

On June 17, 2020, in celebration of the release of the Isle of Armor expansion for Pokémon Sword and Shield, Galarian Farfetch'd made its debut in Pokémon GO and could also be found in the wild, but unlike Zigzagoon and Meowth, it could not be evolved into Sirfetch'd (though this has since been changed with the addition of Sirfetch'd). The event lasted from June 17, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. to June 18, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. PDT. After the event, Galarian Farfetch'd could still be found in 7 km Eggs.

Starting from July 23, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. PDT, when Season 3 of the GO Battle League began, Galarian Zigzagoon became a potential reward encounter for Trainers that have at least reached rank 4, while Galarian Farfetch'd became a potential reward for Trainers that at least reached rank 7.

On October 22, 2020, in celebration of the release of the Crown Tundra expansion for Pokémon Sword and Shield, Galarian Ponyta debuted in Pokémon GO as a level 1 Raid Boss and could be evolved into Galarian Rapidash, while Galarian Farfetch'd spawned more commonly in the wild, with the ability to evolve into Sirfetch'd, by being fed Farfetch'd Candy50 after the player made 10 Excellent Throws with Farfetch'd as their Buddy Pokémon. The event lasted from October 22, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. to October 23, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. PDT. After the event, Galarian Ponyta could still be found in 7 km Eggs.

On October 23, 2020, as part of Pokémon GO's Halloween 2020 event, Galarian Yamask made its debut in Pokémon GO and could only be found through completing the Special Research mission, A Spooky Message Unmasked.[1] Galarian Yamask can evolve into Runerigus by being fed Yamask Candy50 after the player has won 10 Raid Battles with Yamask as their Buddy Pokémon. The event lasted from October 23, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. PDT to November 3, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. PST. Galarian Yamask returns for the Halloween 2021 event held from October 15 to 31, 2021, as a Field Research reward, in 7 km Eggs, and as a level 1 Raid Boss.[2]

On December 19, 2020, as part of the game's holiday celebrations, Galarian Mr. Mime made its debut in Pokémon GO, only being obtainable through a Ticketed Special Research titled Tap... Tap... Tappity-Tap... Only two Galarian Mr. Mime could be obtainable, and by being fed Mr. Mime Candy50, it would evolve into Mr. Rime. A year later, Galarian Mr. Mime were made available for free during Part 2 of the 2021 Holidays event, running from December 23–31, 2021. A total of three Galarian Mr. Mime were rewarded for completing two Timed Researches and one Collection Challenge.

On June 8, 2021, Galarian Slowpoke was released, as part of the A Very Slow Discovery event. It could be caught by completing level 1 Raid Bosses, and by being fed Slowpoke Candy50, and the Trainer having caught 30 Poison-type Pokémon with it as their Buddy, it would evolve into Galarian Slowbro. Galarian Slowking was released over three months later, on October 15, 2021, with the start of Pokémon GO's annual Halloween event. It evolves from Galarian Slowpoke after the Trainer has caught 30 Psychic-type Pokémon with it as their Buddy, in addition to feeding it Slowpoke Candy50.

As part of the "Legendary Heroes" event running from September 26 to October 4, 2024, Koffing could evolve into an Galarian Weezing, instead of Kantonian Weezing.

Galarian Pokémon in Pokémon GO
Ndex Name Pokémon Evolution Release date Notes
#0110 Galarian Weezing Weezing November 16, 2019 (after Chimchar's Community Day)
  • Debut celebrated the release of Pokémon Sword and Shield.
  • Afterwards, sometimes available as a level 3 Raid Boss.
  • Koffing can evolve into Galarian Weezing during certain events.
#0618 Galarian Stunfisk Stunfisk June 3, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. - June 8, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. (local time)
  • Available in the wild, or as a level 1 Raid Boss.
  • Also available through the Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 Special Research.
#0052 Galarian Meowth Meowth Perrserker June 3, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. (local time)
  • Available in 7 km eggs
  • Debut was part of Pokémon GO's Throwback Challenge 2020.
#0263 Galarian Zigzagoon Zigzagoon LinooneObstagoon June 3, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. (local time)
  • Available in 7 km eggs
#0554 Galarian Darumaka Darumaka Darmanitan June 3, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. (local time)
  • Available in 7 km eggs
  • Debut was part of Pokémon GO's Throwback Challenge 2020.
#0083 Galarian Farfetch'd Farfetch'd Sirfetch'd June 17, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. - June 18, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. (PDT)
  • Available in the wild.
#0077 Galarian Ponyta Ponyta Rapidash October 22, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. - October 23, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. (PDT)
  • Available as a level 1 Raid Boss.
  • Available in the wild.
#0562 Galarian Yamask Yamask Runerigus October 23, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. (PDT) - November 3, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. (PST)
  • Debut was part of Pokémon GO's Halloween 2020 event.
  • Both the Unovan and Galarian forms of Yamask are only available during the Halloween event each year.[4]
#0122 Galarian Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Mr. Rime December 19, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. - December 20, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. (local time)
  • Debut was part of Pokémon GO's 2020 holiday celebrations.
  • Galarian Mr. Mime is only available during the holiday celebrations each year.
  • The 2021 holiday event introduced obtain methods that did not require a purchase.
  • No Mime Jr. can evolve into Galarian Mr. Mime.
#0079 Galarian Slowpoke Slowpoke SlowbroSlowking June 8, 2021 at 10:00 a.m - June 13, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. (local time)
  • Found by completing the Special Research mission, A Very Slow Discovery.
  • Available in the wild.
  • Afterwards, available in 7 km Eggs.
  • Initially could not be evolved into Galarian Slowking, but was later able to when Galarian Slowking made its own debut on October 15th, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. (local time).
#0144 Galarian Articuno Articuno July 25, 2022
#0145 Galarian Zapdos Zapdos July 25, 2022
  • Available in the wild while using Daily Adventure Incense.
#0146 Galarian Moltres Moltres July 25, 2022
  • Available in the wild while using Daily Adventure Incense.
#0222 Galarian Corsola Corsola Cursola November 27, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (local time)
  • Available in 7 km eggs

Please note that the availability of Pokémon in GO, such as from wild encounters, eggs, and Raid Bosses, is frequently changed. Due to this, the data listed above may not always be up-to-date.

Pokémon Café ReMix

The following is a list of available Galarian forms in Pokémon Café ReMix.

Image Icon Pokémon Outfit Specialty Café Skill Requirement to join staff / obtain outfit
Galarian Ponyta
Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks to the upper left, then replaces surrounding Pokémon icons with icons of the most common Pokémon. Reward #10 of Premium Course in November 2024 Goals
Galarian Slowpoke
Small plates
Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally. Pelipper Delivery
Galarian Slowpoke
Small plates
Clears Pokémon icons and gimmicks diagonally. Random chance

Pokémon Masters EX

The following sync pairs use Galarian form Pokémon:

Dex Trainer NDex Pokémon Type Weakness Role EX role Base potential Availability
#107 New Year's 2023
#0078 RapidashShiny
Galarian Form
★★★★★☆EX Seasonal Sync Pair Scout
#119 Champion
#0146 Moltres
Galarian Form
★★★★★☆EX Master Fair Sync Pair Scout
#141 Champion
#0145 Zapdos
Galarian Form
★★★★★☆EX Master Fair Sync Pair Scout
#149 Champion
#0144 Articuno
Galarian Form
★★★★★☆EX Master Fair Sync Pair Scout
#034 Palentine's 2024
#0555 Darmanitan
Galarian Form (Standard Mode) ↔ Galarian Form (Zen Mode)
★★★★★☆EX Seasonal Sync Pair Scout
#207 Klara #0080 Slowbro
Galarian Form
★★★★★☆EX Poké Fair Sync Pair Scout
#208 Avery #0199 Slowking
Galarian Form
★★★★★☆EX Poké Fair Sync Pair Scout

Pokémon UNITE

Galarian Rapidash is a playable Pokémon in Pokémon UNITE.

In animation

Pokémon the Series

Pokémon Journeys: The Series

Representation of the evolutionary chain of Mime Jr. in JN119

A Galarian Farfetch'd appeared in Toughing It Out!, where it was caught by Ash. It evolved into Sirfetch'd in Beyond Chivalry… Aiming to be a Leek Master!.

A Galarian Ponyta and a Galarian Rapidash appeared in The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle!. While within Glimwood Tangle, Chloe followed a Galarian Ponyta where it led her to an injured Galarian Rapidash. After finding the dew of a flower that could heal it, the Rapidash let Chloe ride it to Ballonlea.

A Galarian Stunfisk and a Galarian Slowpoke appeared in Grabbing the Brass Ring!, with the former being caught by Goh.

A Galarian Corsola appeared in The Winding Path to Greatness!, where it was caught by Goh.

A Galarian Slowking, a Galarian Slowbro, and a group of Galarian Slowpoke appeared in An Evolution in Taste! as visitors to Slowpoke Island.

A Galarian Darmanitan appeared in Chasing to the Finish!, under the ownership of Sterling.

An image of Galarian Mr. Mime appeared in JN119.

Pokémon Horizons: The Series

A Galarian Moltres belonging to Lucius appeared in Charge! Galar Mine!.

A Galarian Slowbro appeared in Song Within the Mist as one of Lucius's Lapras's cohorts.

Pokémon: Twilight Wings

Two Galarian Zigzagoon appeared in Training, where they were seen in the Wild Area.

A Galarian Ponyta from Glimwood Tangle was featured in Oleana's presentation in Assistant. An Office Worker's Galarian Mr. Mime, along with a wild Galarian Meowth, also appeared in the same episode.

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

A Galarian Zigzagoon in Pokémon Adventures

Sword & Shield arc

Galarian Zigzagoon debuted in Wow!! That's One Big Pokémon.

Galarian Linoone debuted in Zap!! A Rising Beam of Light, under the ownership of a Team Yell Grunt.

Henry's Lancelot was caught as a Galarian Farfetch'd, as seen during a flashback in Ooh Shiny!! Legendary Equipment. Casey's Galarian Stunfisk, nicknamed Mega, was also seen during the flashback.

Bede's Galarian Ponyta debuted in Blazing!! Bede's Feelings. It evolved into a Galarian Rapidash sometime prior to Rumble!! The Horrific Darkest Day.

Allister's Galarian Yamask debuted in Glittering!! The Tapestry in the Vault.

Opal's Galarian Weezing debuted in Rising!! Opal of Ballonlea.

A Galarian Mr. Mime debuted in a fantasy in Crunch!! Snowy Battle.

Multiple Galarian Mr. Mime appeared in Cracking!! Brilliant Tap-Dancing.

Melony's Galarian Darmanitan appeared in Rumble!! The Horrific Darkest Day.

Galarian Slowpoke appeared in Flutter!! Tickets to a New Land. Three of them ran off with Klara and Avery's uniforms. Klara was also revealed to own one in the same chapter.

A Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres appeared in PASS36.

In the TCG

The following is a list of Pokémon with "Galarian" in their names. These cards interact with the Pokémon Tool card Galarian Chestplate.

Galarian Pokémon
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type Mark English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Galarian Meowth Metal D Sword & Shield 127/202 Sword 040/060
Galarian Meowth Metal D Rebel Clash 126/192 Zacian + Zamazenta Box   001/007
        Shiny Star V   126/190
Shining Fates SV086/SV122 Shiny Star V 285/190
Galarian Meowth Metal D Vivid Voltage 112/185 Amazing Volt Tackle 075/100
Galarian Meowth Metal E Fusion Strike 180/264 Skyscraping Perfection 034/067
        Start Deck 100   291/414
Galarian Meowth Metal F Crown Zenith 084/159 Paradigm Trigger 063/098
        S-P Promotional cards   314/S-P
Galarian Perrserker Metal D Sword & Shield 128/202 Sword 041/060
SWSH Black Star Promos   SWSH008 Shiny Star V   127/190
Rebel Clash 205/192 Rebellion Crash 113/096
Shining Fates SV087/SV122 Shiny Star V 286/190
Galarian Perrserker Metal D Rebel Clash 127/192 Zacian + Zamazenta Box   002/007
Galarian Perrserker Metal D Vivid Voltage 113/185 Amazing Volt Tackle 076/100
Galarian Perrserker Metal E Fusion Strike 181/264 Skyscraping Perfection 035/067
        Start Deck 100   292/414
Galarian Perrserker Metal F Crown Zenith 085/159 Paradigm Trigger 064/098
Galarian PerrserkerV Metal F Lost Origin 129/196 Lost Abyss 079/100
Lost Origin 183/196 Lost Abyss 108/100
Lost Origin 184/196 Lost Abyss 109/100
Galarian Ponyta Psychic D Sword & Shield 081/202 Shield 021/060
        Shiny Star V   067/190
Shining Fates SV047/SV122 Shiny Star V 246/190
Galarian Ponyta Psychic D SWSH Black Star Promos   SWSH013 S-P Promotional cards   025/S-P
Galarian Rapidash Psychic D Sword & Shield 082/202 Shield 022/060
        Shiny Star V   068/190
Shining Fates SV048/SV122 Shiny Star V 247/190
Galarian RapidashV Psychic E SWSH Black Star Promos   SWSH111 Silver Lance 029/070
Chilling Reign 167/198 Silver Lance 074/070
Chilling Reign 168/198 Silver Lance 075/070
        Start Deck 100   163/414
Galarian Slowpoke Psychic E Battle Styles 054/163 Single Strike Master 021/070
Galarian Slowpoke Psychic E Chilling Reign 054/198 Silver Lance 030/070
        Start Deck 100   164/414
Galarian Slowpoke Psychic E SWSH Black Star Promos   SWSH126 S-P Promotional cards   172/S-P
Galarian Slowbro Darkness E Battle Styles 092/163 Single Strike Master 041/070
        Start Deck 100   252/414
Galarian SlowbroV Darkness D Darkness Ablaze 099/189 Darkness Galarian Slowbro V Deck   059/127
Galarian Slowking Darkness E Chilling Reign 098/198 Silver Lance 045/070
        Start Deck 100   257/414
Galarian SlowkingV Darkness E Chilling Reign 099/198 Peerless Fighters 046/070
Chilling Reign 178/198 Peerless Fighters 079/070
Chilling Reign 179/198 Peerless Fighters 080/070
        Start Deck 100   258/414
Galarian SlowkingVMAX Darkness E Chilling Reign 100/198 Peerless Fighters 047/070
Chilling Reign 207/198 Peerless Fighters 088/070
        Start Deck 100   259/414
Galarian Farfetch'd Fighting D Rebel Clash 094/192 VMAX Rising 042/070
        Shiny Star V   090/190
Shining Fates SV063/SV122 Shiny Star V 262/190
Galarian Farfetch'd Fighting E Chilling Reign 078/198 Peerless Fighters 035/070
        Start Deck 100   210/414
Galarian Sirfetch'd Fighting D Rebel Clash 095/192 VMAX Rising 043/070
Darkness Ablaze 098/189 Shiny Star V   091/190
Shining Fates SV064/SV122 Shiny Star V 263/190
Galarian Sirfetch'd Fighting E Chilling Reign 079/198 Peerless Fighters 036/070
        Start Deck 100   211/414
Galarian Sirfetch'dV Fighting D SWSH Black Star Promos   SWSH043 Amazing Volt Tackle 065/100
Vivid Voltage 174/185 Amazing Volt Tackle 106/100
Galarian Weezing Darkness D Rebel Clash 113/192 Rebellion Crash 064/096
Shining Fates 042/072 Shiny Star V   105/190
Shining Fates SV077/SV122 Shiny Star V 276/190
Galarian Weezing Darkness E Chilling Reign 096/198 Jet-Black Spirit 046/070
Galarian Mr. Mime Water D Rebel Clash 037/192 VMAX Rising 018/070
Galarian Mr. Mime Water D Darkness Ablaze 035/189 Explosive Walker 018/070
        Shiny Star V   029/190
Shining Fates SV020/SV122 Shiny Star V 219/190
Galarian Mr. Mime Water E Battle Styles 034/163 Rapid Strike Master 020/070
        VMAX Climax   027/184
Crown Zenith 030/159 S-P Promotional cards   160/S-P
Galarian Mr. Rime Water D Rebel Clash 038/192 VMAX Rising 019/070
Galarian Mr. Rime Water D Darkness Ablaze 036/189 Explosive Walker 019/070
        Shiny Star V   030/190
Shining Fates SV021/SV122 Shiny Star V 220/190
SWSH Black Star Promos   SWSH079 S-P Promotional cards   191/S-P
Galarian Mr. Rime Water E Battle Styles 035/163 Rapid Strike Master 021/070
        VMAX Climax   028/184
Galarian Mr. RimeV Water E Astral Radiance 049/189 S-P Promotional cards   235/S-P
Galarian Articuno Psychic E Evolving Skies 063/203 Skyscraping Perfection 012/067
SWSH Black Star Promos   SWSH123 VSTAR Universe   049/172
SWSH Black Star Promos   SWSH282 VSTAR Universe 182/172
Galarian ArticunoV Psychic E Chilling Reign 058/198 Peerless Fighters 025/070
Chilling Reign 169/198 Peerless Fighters 073/070
Chilling Reign 170/198 Peerless Fighters 074/070
        VMAX Climax 060/184
        Start Deck 100   169/414
Brilliant Stars 181/172 Start Deck 100   420/414
Astral Radiance TG16/TG30 VMAX Climax 225/184
Galarian Zapdos Fighting E Evolving Skies 082/203 Skyscraping Perfection 019/067
SWSH Black Star Promos   SWSH124 VSTAR Universe   073/172
SWSH Black Star Promos   SWSH283 VSTAR Universe 188/172
Galarian ZapdosV Fighting E Chilling Reign 080/198 Peerless Fighters 037/070
Chilling Reign 173/198 Peerless Fighters 075/070
Chilling Reign 174/198 Peerless Fighters 076/070
        VMAX Climax 084/184
        Start Deck 100   217/414
Brilliant Stars 182/172 Start Deck 100   421/414
Astral Radiance TG19/TG30 VMAX Climax 237/184
Galarian Moltres Darkness E Evolving Skies 093/203 Skyscraping Perfection 026/067
SWSH Black Star Promos   SWSH125 VSTAR Universe   079/172
        S-P Promotional cards   S-P
SWSH Black Star Promos   SWSH284 VSTAR Universe 190/172
Galarian MoltresV Darkness E Chilling Reign 097/198 Peerless Fighters 045/070
Chilling Reign 176/198 Peerless Fighters 077/070
Chilling Reign 177/198 Peerless Fighters 078/070
        VMAX Climax 096/184
        Start Deck 100   254/414
Brilliant Stars 183/172 Start Deck 100   422/414
Astral Radiance TG20/TG30 VMAX Climax 242/184
Galarian Corsola Psychic D Rebel Clash 078/192 VMAX Rising 036/070
        Psychic Mew V Deck   043/127
        Shiny Star V   072/190
Shining Fates SV049/SV122 Shiny Star V 248/190
Galarian Corsola Psychic E Fusion Strike 117/264 Fusion Arts 043/100
Galarian Cursola Psychic D Rebel Clash 079/192 VMAX Rising 037/070
        Shiny Star V   073/190
Shining Fates SV050/SV122 Shiny Star V 249/190
Galarian Cursola Psychic E Fusion Strike 118/264 Fusion Arts 044/100
Galarian CursolaV Psychic D Champion's Path 021/073 Infinity Zone 043/100
Champion's Path 071/073 Infinity Zone 103/100
Galarian Zigzagoon Darkness D Sword & Shield 117/202 Shield 033/060
        S-P Promotional cards   135/S-P
        Shiny Star V   110/190
Shining Fates SV078/SV122 Shiny Star V 277/190
        VMAX Climax   104/184
Galarian Zigzagoon Darkness D Champion's Path 035/073 Infinity Zone 054/100
Galarian Zigzagoon Darkness E Fusion Strike 159/264 Fusion Arts 059/100
        Start Deck 100   264/414
Galarian Linoone Darkness D Sword & Shield 118/202 Shield 034/060
        Shiny Star V   111/190
Shining Fates SV079/SV122 Shiny Star V 278/190
        VMAX Climax   105/184
Galarian Linoone Darkness D Champion's Path 036/073 Infinity Zone 055/100
Galarian Linoone Darkness E Fusion Strike 160/264 Fusion Arts 060/100
        Start Deck 100   265/414
Galarian Obstagoon Darkness D Sword & Shield 119/202 Shield 035/060
Vivid Voltage 198/185 Amazing Volt Tackle 119/100
SWSH Black Star Promos   SWSH059 Shiny Star V   112/190
Shining Fates SV080/SV122 Shiny Star V 279/190
        VMAX Climax   106/184
Astral Radiance TG10/TG30 VMAX Climax 207/184
Galarian Obstagoon Darkness D Champion's Path 037/073 Infinity Zone 056/100
        S-P Promotional cards   082/S-P
Galarian Obstagoon Darkness E Fusion Strike 161/264 Fusion Arts 061/100
        Start Deck 100   266/414
Galarian Obstagoon Darkness E SWSH Black Star Promos   SWSH193        
Galarian Darumaka Water D Rebel Clash 047/192 Rebellion Crash 026/096
        Shiny Star V   037/190
Shining Fates SV023/SV122 Shiny Star V 222/190
Galarian Darumaka Water D Darkness Ablaze 043/189 Infinity Zone 020/100
Galarian Darumaka Water E Fusion Strike 071/264 Blue Sky Stream 022/067
Galarian Darmanitan Water D Rebel Clash 048/192 Rebellion Crash 027/096
Darkness Ablaze 044/189 Shiny Star V   038/190
Shining Fates SV024/SV122 Shiny Star V 223/190
Galarian Darmanitan Fire D Darkness Ablaze 028/189 Infinity Zone 015/100
Galarian Darmanitan Water E Fusion Strike 072/264 Blue Sky Stream 023/067
Galarian DarmanitanV Water D Vivid Voltage 036/185 Amazing Volt Tackle 023/100
Vivid Voltage 169/185 Amazing Volt Tackle 103/100
Galarian DarmanitanVMAX Water D Vivid Voltage 037/185 Amazing Volt Tackle 024/100
Vivid Voltage 187/185 Amazing Volt Tackle 113/100
Galarian Yamask Fighting D Rebel Clash 101/192 Rebellion Crash 056/096
        Shiny Star V   092/190
Shining Fates SV065/SV122 Shiny Star V 264/190
Galarian Yamask Fighting E Chilling Reign 082/198 Peerless Fighters 041/070
        Start Deck 100   230/414
Galarian Runerigus Fighting D Rebel Clash 102/192 Rebellion Crash 057/096
        Shiny Star V   093/190
Shining Fates SV066/SV122 Shiny Star V 265/190
Galarian Runerigus Fighting E Chilling Reign 083/198 Peerless Fighters 042/070
        Start Deck 100   231/414
Galarian Stunfisk Metal D Sword & Shield 132/202 Sword 044/060
        Shiny Star V   128/190
Shining Fates SV088/SV122 Shiny Star V 287/190
Galarian Stunfisk Metal D Vivid Voltage 125/185 Legendary Heartbeat 053/076
Galarian Stunfisk Metal F Lost Origin 127/196 Lost Abyss 078/100
Galarian Stunfisk Metal H         Generations Start Deck Zacian ex & Alcremie ex   085/175
Galarian StunfiskV Metal D Darkness Ablaze 128/189 Explosive Walker 055/070
Darkness Ablaze 184/189 Explosive Walker 076/070


  • More Galarian forms are found in a region than any other regional form, with a total of 19.
  • In contrast to other regional forms, Galarian Zigzagoon is referred to as the original form of its respective species.[5]
  • All fully evolved Galarian forms and/or their evolutions have a signature move or a signature Ability.
  • Some Pokémon with Galarian forms have unique distinctions:
  • The smoke tower on the rooftop of the Galaxy Hall resembles Galarian Weezing, despite it not appearing in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

In other languages

Galarian form

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 伽勒爾的樣子 Gālahkyíh-dīk Yeuhngjí
Mandarin 伽勒爾的樣子 / 伽勒尔的样子 Jiālè'ěr-de Yàngzi
Czech Galarská forma
Dutch Galarian-vorm
Finnish Galar-muoto
French Forme de Galar
German Galar-Form
Indonesian Wujud Galar
Italian Forma di Galar
Korean 가라르의 모습 Galar-yi Moseup
Malaysian Bentuk Galarian
Norwegian Galar Form
Polish Forma Galarska
Portuguese Brazil Forma de Galar
Portugal Forma Galarian*
Forma de Galar*
Russian Галарская форма Galarskaya forma
Spanish Forma de Galar
Thai ร่างกาลาร์ Rang Galar
Turkish Galar Formu
Vietnamese D���ng Galar

Galarian <Pokémon>

Language Title
Czech Galarský <Pokémon>
Dutch Galarian <Pokémon>
Finnish Galarian <Pokémon>
French <Pokémon> de Galar
German Galar-<Pokémon>
Indonesian Galarian <Pokémon>
Italian <Pokémon> di Galar
Korean 가라르 <Pokémon> Galar <Pokémon>
Norwegian Galarian <Pokémon>
Polish <Pokémon> Galarski
Portuguese Brazil <Pokémon> de Galar
Portugal <Pokémon> Galarian*
Galarian <Pokémon>*
Russian Галарский <Pokémon> Galarskiy <Pokémon>
Spanish <Pokémon> de Galar
Turkish Galarlı <Pokémon>


Related articles

Pokémon forms and variants
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Ultra BurstDynamax (GO) • Gigantamax (GO) • EternamaxTerastal phenomenon
Groups Totem PokémonNoble PokémonTitan Pokémon
Regional forms AlolanGalarianHisuianPaldean
Analogous species Paradox PokémonEcologically similar Pokémon
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Miscellaneous Giant PokémonSpiky-eared PichuPartner Pokémon (LGPE)
Fusions (GO) • Human–Pokémon transformationTalking Pokémon
Side series original Colo/XD: Shadow Pokémon (ListShadow Lugia)
Spin-off original GO: Shadow Pokémon (List) • Battle-Only FormMighty Pokémon
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Pokkén: Shadow MewtwoQuest: PokéxelNew Snap: Illumina phenomenon
TCG Pocket: Pokémon ex
Animation original Pokémon the Series: Pink ButterfreeClone PokémonCrystal Onix
Mirage PokémonMeta GroudonGreen-crystal Deoxys
Manga original Adventures: Thu-Fi-ZerElectric Tale: Black FogGolden Boys: Black Tyranitar
TCG original Gen I+: Owner's Pokémon
Gen II+: CrystalDarkLightShining
Gen III+: exδ Delta SpeciesStar
Gen IV+: LEGENDLV.XPrimeSP (Pokémon GPokémon GLPokémon 4Pokémon CPokémon FBPokémon M)
Gen V+: EXRestored
Gen VI+: Ancient Trait (α Recoveryα GrowthΩ BarrageΩ Barrier
Δ PlusΔ EvolutionΔ Wildθ Stopθ Doubleθ Max) • BREAK
Gen VII+: GXTAG TEAMPrism Star
Gen VIII+: AmazingRadiantFusion StrikeRapid StrikeSingle Strike
Gen IX+: AncientFutureex (exex)
This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.