Evolving Skies (TCG)

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Evolving Skies
Cards in set English: 237
Japanese: 180
Set number English: 89
Japanese: 82
Release date English: August 27, 2021
Japanese: July 9, 2021
Silver Lance • Jet-Black Spirit
Skyscraping Perfection • Blue Sky Stream
Fusion Arts

Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield—Evolving Skies (Japanese: 摩天(まてん)パーフェクト Skyscraping Perfection and 蒼空(そうこう)ストリーム Blue Sky Stream) is the name given to the seventh main expansion of cards from the Sword & Shield Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game (the Sword & Shield Era in Japan). The expansion marks the return of Dragon-type Pokémon to the TCG and continues support of the Single Strike style and Rapid Strike style mechanics introduced in Battle Styles.


Dynamic Power on the Horizon!

Feel the power of the shifting winds, and brace for an epic storm as mighty Dragon-type Pokémon make their triumphant return! Rayquaza VMAX leads the surge from on high, and Duraludon VMAX towers above the land in its Gigantamax form, joined by Dragonite V, Noivern V, and more. As the clouds part, Eevee's Evolutions appear in a full rainbow of Pokémon V and Pokémon VMAX to signal a bright new day in Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield—Evolving Skies!


Evolving Skies is the seventh main Sword & Shield Series expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game and was released on August 27, 2021. In Japan, it was released as the dual Skyscraping Perfection and Blue Sky Stream on July 9, 2021, which together form the seventh expansion of the Pokémon Card Game Sword & Shield Era. Evolving Skies consists of cards sourced from the Japanese Skyscraping Perfection and Blue Sky Stream expansions, plus some cards from the Eevee Heroes subset, and remaining cards from Peerless Fighters, Silver Lance, and Jet-Black Spirit that were not localized in Chilling Reign.

The expansion focuses on the Alloy Pokémon Duraludon and the Sky High Pokémon Rayquaza, both of which are included as Pokémon V and Pokémon VMAX, the former featuring its Gigantamax form. The two are among numerous Pokémon represented by the Dragon type, which had not been featured in the TCG since the Cosmic Eclipse expansion of the Sun & Moon Series. Dragon-type Pokémon continue to feature attacks that can require two different types of Energy, although with the removal of the Fairy type, now have no Weakness. Dragon-type Pokémon also have additional aesthetics on cards, including claw marks in the top right corner, a gold-tinged graphic to the left of the Weakness box, and the Dragon-type symbol behind body text on non-variant cards.

There are no Grass-type, Fire-type, or Lightning-type Pokémon in Skyscraping Perfection. Likewise, there are no Psychic-type, Darkness-type, or Metal-type Pokémon in Blue Sky Stream.

The expansion also focuses on the Eeveelutions, all of which are included as Pokémon V and several of which are also featured on Special Full Art and Pokémon VMAX cards. Some Eeveelutions were not brought over from their source sets and were put into separate items of merchandise, appearing as SWSH Black Star Promos. Each Evolving Skies booster pack contains ten cards from the expansion, a basic Energy card, and a code card for use in the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online. Each Skyscraping Perfection and Blue Sky Stream pack contains five cards from their respective expansion.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
016/203 Eldegoss Grass Non Holo Evolving Skies Build & Battle Box exclusive and Deluxe Battle Decks—Meowscarada ex & Quaquaval ex Meowscarada deck
040/203 GlaceonV Water Silver snowflake stamp Holiday Calendar 2023 exclusive
041/203 GlaceonVMAX Water Silver snowflake stamp Holiday Calendar 2023 exclusive
043/203 Cryogonal Water Cosmos Holo silver snowflake stamp Holiday Calendar 2023 exclusive
049/203 Pikachu Lightning Non Holo Pikachu jack-o’-lantern stamp Trick or Trade BOOster Bundle exclusive
049/203 Pikachu Lightning Reverse Holo Pokémon League stamp exclusive
060/203 Regieleki Lightning Non Holo Evolving Skies Build & Battle Box exclusive
060/203 Regieleki Lightning Cosmos Holo Crown Zenith Collection—Regidrago V exclusive
063/203 Galarian Articuno Psychic Non Holo Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX League Battle Deck exclusive
076/203 Pumpkaboo Psychic Non Holo Pikachu jack-o’-lantern stamp Trick or Trade BOOster Bundle exclusive
077/203 Gourgeist Psychic Line Holo Pikachu jack-o’-lantern stamp Trick or Trade BOOster Bundle exclusive
080/203 Marshadow Psychic Cosmos Holo Sword & Shield Knock Out Collection exclusive
080/203 Marshadow Psychic Mirage Holo Pikachu jack-o'-lantern stamp Trick or Trade BOOster Bundle 2023 exclusive
094/203 UmbreonV Darkness Non Holo Tutorial Deck exclusive at stores & events
103/203 Zoroark Darkness Non Holo Evolving Skies Build & Battle Box exclusive
112/203 Dialga Dragon Cosmos Holo Galar Power Mini Tin 5-Pack, Galar Pals Mini Tin 5-Pack & Sinnoh Stars Mini Tin 5-Pack exclusive
124/203 Regidrago Dragon Cosmos Holo Crown Zenith Collection—Regieleki V exclusive
202/203 Raihan Su "Professor Program" stamp exclusive

Set lists

Evolving Skies
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/203 E Pinsir Grass Rare Promotion
002/203 E Hoppip Grass Common Promotion
003/203 E Skiploom Grass Uncommon Promotion
004/203 E Jumpluff Grass Rare Holo Promotion
005/203 E Seedot Grass Common Promotion
006/203 E Tropius Grass Rare Promotion
007/203 E LeafeonV Grass Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
008/203 E LeafeonVMAX Grass Rare VMAX Promotion
009/203 E Petilil Grass Common Promotion
010/203 E Lilligant Grass Rare Promotion
011/203 E Dwebble Grass Common Promotion
012/203 E Crustle Grass Uncommon Promotion
013/203 E TrevenantV Grass Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
014/203 E TrevenantVMAX Grass Rare VMAX Promotion
015/203 E Gossifleur Grass Common Promotion
016/203 E Eldegoss Grass Rare Holo Promotion
017/203 E Applin Grass Common Promotion
018/203 E FlareonVMAX Fire Rare VMAX Promotion
019/203 E Entei Fire Rare Holo Promotion
020/203 E Victini Fire Rare Holo Promotion
021/203 E VolcaronaV Fire Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
022/203 E Litleo Fire Common Promotion
023/203 E Pyroar Fire Uncommon Promotion
024/203 E Psyduck Water Common Promotion
025/203 E Golduck Water Uncommon Promotion
026/203 E Tentacool Water Common Promotion
027/203 E Tentacruel Water Uncommon Promotion
028/203 E GyaradosV Water Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
029/203 E GyaradosVMAX Water Rare VMAX Promotion
030/203 E VaporeonVMAX Water Rare VMAX Promotion
031/203 E SuicuneV Water Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
032/203 E Lotad Water Common Promotion
033/203 E Lombre Water Uncommon Promotion
034/203 E Ludicolo Water Rare Holo Promotion
035/203 E Carvanha Water Common Promotion
036/203 E Sharpedo Water Rare Promotion
037/203 E Feebas Water Common Promotion
038/203 E Milotic Water Rare Promotion
039/203 E Luvdisc Water Common Promotion
040/203 E GlaceonV Water Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
041/203 E GlaceonVMAX Water Rare VMAX Promotion
042/203 E Tympole Water Common Promotion
043/203 E Cryogonal Water Common Promotion
044/203 E Bergmite Water Common Promotion
045/203 E Avalugg Water Uncommon Promotion
046/203 E Wishiwashi Water Rare Promotion
047/203 E Eiscue Water Uncommon Promotion
048/203 E ArctovishV Water Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
049/203 E Pikachu Lightning Common Promotion
050/203 E Raichu Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
051/203 E JolteonVMAX Lightning Rare VMAX Promotion
052/203 E Chinchou Lightning Common Promotion
053/203 E Lanturn Lightning Uncommon Promotion
054/203 E Mareep Lightning Common Promotion
055/203 E Flaaffy Lightning Uncommon Promotion
056/203 E Ampharos Lightning Rare Promotion
057/203 E Emolga Lightning Common Promotion
058/203 E DracozoltV Lightning Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
059/203 E DracozoltVMAX Lightning Rare VMAX Promotion
060/203 E Regieleki Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
061/203 E Drowzee Psychic Common Promotion
062/203 E Hypno Psychic Uncommon Promotion
063/203 E Galarian Articuno Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
064/203 E EspeonV Psychic Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
065/203 E EspeonVMAX Psychic Rare VMAX Promotion
066/203 E Wobbuffet Psychic Common Promotion
067/203 E Sableye Psychic Common Promotion
068/203 E Woobat Psychic Common Promotion
069/203 E Swoobat Psychic Uncommon Promotion
070/203 E GolurkV Psychic Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
071/203 E Flabébé Psychic Common Promotion
072/203 E Floette Psychic Uncommon Promotion
073/203 E Florges Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
074/203 E SylveonV Psychic Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
075/203 E SylveonVMAX Psychic Rare VMAX Promotion
076/203 E Pumpkaboo Psychic Common Promotion
077/203 E Gourgeist Psychic Rare Promotion
078/203 E Cutiefly Psychic Common Promotion
079/203 E Ribombee Psychic Uncommon Promotion
080/203 E Marshadow Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
081/203 E Hitmonchan Fighting Common Promotion
082/203 E Galarian Zapdos Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
083/203 E MedichamV Fighting Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
084/203 E Hippopotas Fighting Common Promotion
085/203 E Hippowdon Fighting Uncommon Promotion
086/203 E Roggenrola Fighting Common Promotion
087/203 E Boldore Fighting Uncommon Promotion
088/203 E Gigalith Fighting Rare Promotion
089/203 E Palpitoad Fighting Uncommon Promotion
090/203 E Seismitoad Fighting Rare Promotion
091/203 E LycanrocV Fighting Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
092/203 E LycanrocVMAX Fighting Rare VMAX Promotion
093/203 E Galarian Moltres Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
094/203 E UmbreonV Darkness Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
095/203 E UmbreonVMAX Darkness Rare VMAX Promotion
096/203 E Nuzleaf Darkness Uncommon Promotion
097/203 E Shiftry Darkness Rare Promotion
098/203 E Scraggy Darkness Common Promotion
099/203 E Scrafty Darkness Uncommon Promotion
100/203 E GarbodorV Darkness Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
101/203 E GarbodorVMAX Darkness Rare VMAX Promotion
102/203 E Zorua Darkness Common Promotion
103/203 E Zoroark Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
104/203 E Nickit Darkness Common Promotion
105/203 E Thievul Darkness Rare Promotion
106/203 E Altaria Dragon Rare Promotion
107/203 E Bagon Dragon Common Promotion
108/203 E Shelgon Dragon Uncommon Promotion
109/203 E Salamence Dragon Rare Holo Promotion
110/203 E RayquazaV Dragon Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
111/203 E RayquazaVMAX Dragon Rare VMAX Promotion
112/203 E Dialga Dragon Rare Holo Promotion
113/203 E Deino Dragon Common Promotion
114/203 E Zweilous Dragon Uncommon Promotion
115/203 E Hydreigon Dragon Rare Holo Promotion
116/203 E Kyurem Dragon Rare Holo Promotion
117/203 E NoivernV Dragon Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
118/203 E Zygarde Dragon Rare Holo Promotion
119/203 E Drampa Dragon Rare Promotion
120/203 E Flapple Dragon Rare Promotion
121/203 E Appletun Dragon Rare Promotion
122/203 E DuraludonV Dragon Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
123/203 E DuraludonVMAX Dragon Rare VMAX Promotion
124/203 E Regidrago Dragon Rare Holo Promotion
125/203 E Eevee Colorless Common Promotion
126/203 E Teddiursa Colorless Common Promotion
127/203 E Ursaring Colorless Uncommon Promotion
128/203 E Smeargle Colorless Rare Promotion
129/203 E Slakoth Colorless Common Promotion
130/203 E Vigoroth Colorless Uncommon Promotion
131/203 E Slaking Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
132/203 E Swablu Colorless Common Promotion
133/203 E Lillipup Colorless Common Promotion
134/203 E Herdier Colorless Uncommon Promotion
135/203 E Stoutland Colorless Rare Promotion
136/203 E Rufflet Colorless Common Promotion
137/203 E Braviary Colorless Uncommon Promotion
138/203 E Fletchling Colorless Common Promotion
139/203 E Fletchinder Colorless Uncommon Promotion
140/203 E Talonflame Colorless Rare Promotion
141/203 E Aroma Lady Su Uncommon Promotion
142/203 E Boost Shake I Uncommon Promotion
143/203 E Copycat Su Uncommon Promotion
144/203 E Crystal Cave St Uncommon Promotion
145/203 E Digging Gloves I Uncommon Promotion
146/203 E Dream Ball I Uncommon Promotion
147/203 E Elemental Badge I Uncommon Promotion
148/203 E Full Face Guard I Uncommon Promotion
149/203 E Gordie Su Uncommon Promotion
150/203 E Lucky Ice Pop I Uncommon Promotion
151/203 E Moon & Sun Badge I Uncommon Promotion
152/203 E Raihan Su Uncommon Promotion
153/203 E Rapid Strike Scroll of the Flying Dragon I Uncommon Promotion
154/203 E Rescue Carrier I Uncommon Promotion
155/203 E Ribbon Badge I Uncommon Promotion
156/203 E Rubber Gloves I Uncommon Promotion
157/203 E Shopping Center St Uncommon Promotion
158/203 E Single Strike Scroll of the Fanged Dragon I Uncommon Promotion
159/203 E Snow Leaf Badge I Uncommon Promotion
160/203 E Spirit Mask I Uncommon Promotion
161/203 E Stormy Mountains St Uncommon Promotion
162/203 E Switching Cups I Uncommon Promotion
163/203 E Toy Catcher I Uncommon Promotion
164/203 E Zinnia's Resolve Su Uncommon Promotion
165/203 E Treasure Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
166/203 E LeafeonV Grass Rare Ultra Promotion
167/203 E LeafeonV Grass Rare Ultra Promotion
168/203 E TrevenantV Grass Rare Ultra Promotion
169/203 E FlareonV Fire Rare Ultra Promotion
170/203 E VolcaronaV Fire Rare Ultra Promotion
171/203 E GyaradosV Water Rare Ultra Promotion
172/203 E VaporeonV Water Rare Ultra Promotion
173/203 E SuicuneV Water Rare Ultra Promotion
174/203 E GlaceonV Water Rare Ultra Promotion
175/203 E GlaceonV Water Rare Ultra Promotion
176/203 E ArctovishV Water Rare Ultra Promotion
177/203 E JolteonV Lightning Rare Ultra Promotion
178/203 E DracozoltV Lightning Rare Ultra Promotion
179/203 E EspeonV Psychic Rare Ultra Promotion
180/203 E EspeonV Psychic Rare Ultra Promotion
181/203 E GolurkV Psychic Rare Ultra Promotion
182/203 E GolurkV Psychic Rare Ultra Promotion
183/203 E SylveonV Psychic Rare Ultra Promotion
184/203 E SylveonV Psychic Rare Ultra Promotion
185/203 E MedichamV Fighting Rare Ultra Promotion
186/203 E MedichamV Fighting Rare Ultra Promotion
187/203 E LycanrocV Fighting Rare Ultra Promotion
188/203 E UmbreonV Darkness Rare Ultra Promotion
189/203 E UmbreonV Darkness Rare Ultra Promotion
190/203 E GarbodorV Darkness Rare Ultra Promotion
191/203 E DragoniteV Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
192/203 E DragoniteV Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
193/203 E RayquazaV Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
194/203 E RayquazaV Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
195/203 E NoivernV Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
196/203 E NoivernV Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
197/203 E DuraludonV Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
198/203 E DuraludonV Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
199/203 E Aroma Lady Su Rare Ultra Promotion
200/203 E Copycat Su Rare Ultra Promotion
201/203 E Gordie Su Rare Ultra Promotion
202/203 E Raihan Su Rare Ultra Promotion
203/203 E Zinnia's Resolve Su Rare Ultra Promotion
204/203 E LeafeonVMAX Grass Rare Rainbow Promotion
205/203 E LeafeonVMAX Grass Rare Secret Promotion
206/203 E TrevenantVMAX Grass Rare Rainbow Promotion
207/203 E GyaradosVMAX Water Rare Rainbow Promotion
208/203 E GlaceonVMAX Water Rare Rainbow Promotion
209/203 E GlaceonVMAX Water Rare Secret Promotion
210/203 E DracozoltVMAX Lightning Rare Rainbow Promotion
211/203 E SylveonVMAX Psychic Rare Rainbow Promotion
212/203 E SylveonVMAX Psychic Rare Secret Promotion
213/203 E LycanrocVMAX Fighting Rare Rainbow Promotion
214/203 E UmbreonVMAX Darkness Rare Rainbow Promotion
215/203 E UmbreonVMAX Darkness Rare Secret Promotion
216/203 E GarbodorVMAX Darkness Rare Rainbow Promotion
217/203 E RayquazaVMAX Dragon Rare Rainbow Promotion
218/203 E RayquazaVMAX Dragon Rare Secret Promotion
219/203 E DuraludonVMAX Dragon Rare Rainbow Promotion
220/203 E DuraludonVMAX Dragon Rare Secret Promotion
221/203 E Aroma Lady Su Rare Rainbow Promotion
222/203 E Copycat Su Rare Rainbow Promotion
223/203 E Gordie Su Rare Rainbow Promotion
224/203 E Raihan Su Rare Rainbow Promotion
225/203 E Zinnia's Resolve Su Rare Rainbow Promotion
226/203 E Froslass Water Rare Secret Promotion
227/203 E Inteleon Water Rare Secret Promotion
228/203 E Cresselia Psychic Rare Secret Promotion
229/203 E Boost Shake I Rare Secret Promotion
230/203 E Crystal Cave St Rare Secret Promotion
231/203 E Full Face Guard I Rare Secret Promotion
232/203 E Stormy Mountains St Rare Secret Promotion
233/203 E Toy Catcher I Rare Secret Promotion
234/203 D Turffield Stadium St Rare Secret Promotion
235/203 Lightning Energy Lightning E Rare Secret Promotion
236/203 Darkness Energy Darkness E Rare Secret Promotion
237/203 Metal Energy Metal E Rare Secret Promotion

Skyscraping Perfection
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/067 E SuicuneV Water RR Promotion
002/067 E Lotad Water C Promotion
003/067 E Lombre Water C Promotion
004/067 E Ludicolo Water R Promotion
005/067 E Panpour Water C Promotion
006/067 E Simipour Water C Promotion
007/067 E Clauncher Water C Promotion
008/067 E Clawitzer Water C Promotion
009/067 E Eiscue Water U Promotion
010/067 E Jigglypuff Psychic C Promotion
011/067 E Wigglytuff Psychic C Promotion
012/067 E Galarian Articuno Psychic R Promotion
013/067 E Wobbuffet Psychic U Promotion
014/067 E Sigilyph Psychic C Promotion
015/067 E GolurkV Psychic RR Promotion
016/067 E Pumpkaboo Psychic C Promotion
017/067 E Gourgeist Psychic U Promotion
018/067 E Hitmonchan Fighting C Promotion
019/067 E Galarian Zapdos Fighting R Promotion
020/067 E Gligar Fighting C Promotion
021/067 E Gliscor Fighting C Promotion
022/067 E Makuhita Fighting C Promotion
023/067 E Hariyama Fighting U Promotion
024/067 E LycanrocV Fighting RR Promotion
025/067 E LycanrocVMAX Fighting RRR Promotion
026/067 E Galarian Moltres Darkness R Promotion
027/067 E Absol Darkness U Promotion
028/067 E Croagunk Darkness C Promotion
029/067 E Toxicroak Darkness U Promotion
030/067 E GarbodorV Darkness RR Promotion
031/067 E GarbodorVMAX Darkness RRR Promotion
032/067 E Nickit Darkness C Promotion
033/067 E Thievul Darkness U Promotion
034/067 E Galarian Meowth Metal C Promotion
035/067 E Galarian Perrserker Metal U Promotion
036/067 E Skarmory Metal C Promotion
037/067 E Klefki Metal C Promotion
038/067 E Cufant Metal C Promotion
039/067 E Copperajah Metal U Promotion
040/067 E Altaria Dragon U Promotion
041/067 E Dialga Dragon R Promotion
042/067 E Deino Dragon C Promotion
043/067 E Zweilous Dragon C Promotion
044/067 E Hydreigon Dragon R Promotion
045/067 E Kyurem Dragon R Promotion
046/067 E NoivernV Dragon RR Promotion
047/067 E Drampa Dragon U Promotion
048/067 E DuraludonV Dragon RR Promotion
049/067 E DuraludonVMAX Dragon RRR Promotion
050/067 E Slakoth Colorless C Promotion
051/067 E Vigoroth Colorless C Promotion
052/067 E Slaking Colorless R Promotion
053/067 E Swablu Colorless C Promotion
054/067 E Wooloo Colorless C Promotion
055/067 E Dubwool Colorless C Promotion
056/067 E Escape Rope I U Promotion
057/067 D Evolution Incense I U Promotion
058/067 E Switching Cups I U Promotion
059/067 E Rescue Carrier I U Promotion
060/067 E Digging Gloves I U Promotion
061/067 E Single Strike Scroll of the Fanged Dragon I U Promotion
062/067 E Full Face Guard I U Promotion
063/067 E Raihan Su U Promotion
064/067 E Schoolgirl Su C Promotion
065/067 E Copycat Su C Promotion
066/067 E Crystal Cave St U Promotion
067/067 D Twin Energy Colorless E U Promotion
068/067 E SuicuneV Water SR Promotion
069/067 E GolurkV Psychic SR Promotion
070/067 E GolurkV Psychic SR Promotion
071/067 E LycanrocV Fighting SR Promotion
072/067 E GarbodorV Darkness SR Promotion
073/067 E NoivernV Dragon SR Promotion
074/067 E NoivernV Dragon SR Promotion
075/067 E DuraludonV Dragon SR Promotion
076/067 E DuraludonV Dragon SR Promotion
077/067 E Raihan Su SR Promotion
078/067 E Schoolgirl Su SR Promotion
079/067 E Copycat Su SR Promotion
080/067 E LycanrocVMAX Fighting HR Promotion
081/067 E GarbodorVMAX Darkness HR Promotion
082/067 E DuraludonVMAX Dragon HR Promotion
083/067 E DuraludonVMAX Dragon HR Promotion
084/067 E Raihan Su HR Promotion
085/067 E Schoolgirl Su HR Promotion
086/067 E Copycat Su HR Promotion
087/067 E Cresselia Psychic UR Promotion
088/067 E Full Face Guard I UR Promotion
089/067 E Crystal Cave St UR Promotion
090/067 Metal Energy Metal E UR Promotion

Blue Sky Stream
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/067 E Hoppip Grass C Promotion
002/067 E Skiploom Grass C Promotion
003/067 E Jumpluff Grass R Promotion
004/067 E Tropius Grass C Promotion
005/067 E Pansage Grass C Promotion
006/067 E Simisage Grass C Promotion
007/067 E TrevenantV Grass RR Promotion
008/067 E TrevenantVMAX Grass RRR Promotion
009/067 E Applin Grass C Promotion
010/067 E Vulpix Fire C Promotion
011/067 E Ninetales Fire C Promotion
012/067 E Victini Fire R Promotion
013/067 E Pansear Fire C Promotion
014/067 E Simisear Fire C Promotion
015/067 E VolcaronaV Fire RR Promotion
016/067 E Sizzlipede Fire C Promotion
017/067 E Centiskorch Fire U Promotion
018/067 E Shellder Water C Promotion
019/067 E Cloyster Water U Promotion
020/067 E GyaradosV Water RR Promotion
021/067 E GyaradosVMAX Water RRR Promotion
022/067 E Galarian Darumaka Water C Promotion
023/067 E Galarian Darmanitan Water C Promotion
024/067 E Cryogonal Water C Promotion
025/067 E Wishiwashi Water U Promotion
026/067 E Mareep Lightning C Promotion
027/067 E Flaaffy Lightning U Promotion
028/067 E Ampharos Lightning U Promotion
029/067 E Plusle Lightning C Promotion
030/067 E Minun Lightning C Promotion
031/067 E Toxel Lightning C Promotion
032/067 E Toxtricity Lightning R Promotion
033/067 E Regieleki Lightning R Promotion
034/067 E Sandshrew Fighting C Promotion
035/067 E Sandslash Fighting C Promotion
036/067 E MedichamV Fighting RR Promotion
037/067 E Baltoy Fighting C Promotion
038/067 E Claydol Fighting U Promotion
039/067 E Landorus Fighting R Promotion
040/067 E Stufful Fighting C Promotion
041/067 E Bewear Fighting C Promotion
042/067 E DragoniteV Dragon RR Promotion
043/067 E Bagon Dragon C Promotion
044/067 E Shelgon Dragon C Promotion
045/067 E Salamence Dragon R Promotion
046/067 E RayquazaV Dragon RR Promotion
047/067 E RayquazaVMAX Dragon RRR Promotion
048/067 E Zygarde Dragon R Promotion
049/067 E Turtonator Dragon U Promotion
050/067 E Flapple Dragon U Promotion
051/067 E Appletun Dragon U Promotion
052/067 E Regidrago Dragon R Promotion
053/067 E Chansey Colorless C Promotion
054/067 E Blissey Colorless U Promotion
055/067 E Stantler Colorless C Promotion
056/067 E Lucky Ice Pop I U Promotion
057/067 D Great Ball I U Promotion
058/067 E Toy Catcher I U Promotion
059/067 D Switch I U Promotion
060/067 E Rubber Gloves I U Promotion
061/067 E Spirit Mask I U Promotion
062/067 E Rapid Strike Scroll of the Flying Dragon I U Promotion
063/067 E Shauna Su C Promotion
064/067 E Schoolboy Su C Promotion
065/067 E Zinnia's Resolve Su U Promotion
066/067 E Stormy Mountains St U Promotion
067/067 D Aurora Energy Rainbow E U Promotion
068/067 E TrevenantV Grass SR Promotion
069/067 E VolcaronaV Fire SR Promotion
070/067 E GyaradosV Water SR Promotion
071/067 E MedichamV Fighting SR Promotion
072/067 E MedichamV Fighting SR Promotion
073/067 E DragoniteV Dragon SR Promotion
074/067 E DragoniteV Dragon SR Promotion
075/067 E RayquazaV Dragon SR Promotion
076/067 E RayquazaV Dragon SR Promotion
077/067 E Shauna Su SR Promotion
078/067 E Schoolboy Su SR Promotion
079/067 E Zinnia's Resolve Su SR Promotion
080/067 E TrevenantVMAX Grass HR Promotion
081/067 E GyaradosVMAX Water HR Promotion
082/067 E RayquazaVMAX Dragon HR Promotion
083/067 E RayquazaVMAX Dragon HR Promotion
084/067 E Shauna Su HR Promotion
085/067 E Schoolboy Su HR Promotion
086/067 E Zinnia's Resolve Su HR Promotion
087/067 E Froslass Water UR Promotion
088/067 E Toy Catcher I UR Promotion
089/067 E Stormy Mountains St UR Promotion
090/067 Lightning Energy Lightning E UR Promotion


The illustrations on booster packs for Evolving Skies were made by AKIRA EGAWA.[1]

English Umbreon pack
English Rayquaza pack
English Sylveon pack
English Gigantamax
Duraludon pack
Japanese Skyscraping Perfection pack
Japanese Blue Sky Stream pack
Korean Skyscraping Perfection pack
Korean Blue Sky Stream pack
Chinese Skyscraping Perfection pack
Chinese Blue Sky Stream pack
Thai Skyscraping Perfection pack
Thai Blue Sky Stream pack
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Indonesian Skyscraping Perfection pack
Indonesian Blue Sky Stream pack
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Skyscraping Perfection and Blue Sky Stream sets are released in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai, and Indonesian only available in unlimited edition. Since the Sun & Moon era, Japanese 1st edition cards are no longer printed. The Evolving Skies set is released in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese, with cards also available as Reverse Holos.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 摩天巔峰 Mōtīn Dīnfūng
蒼空烈流 Chōnghūng Lihtlàuh
Mandarin 摩天巔峰 Mótiān Diānfēng
蒼空烈流 Cāngkōng Lièliú
French Évolution Céleste
German Drachenwandel
Indonesian Pencakar Langit Sempurna
Arus Langit Biru
Italian Evoluzioni Eteree
Korean 마천퍼펙트 Macheon Peopekteu
창공의스트림 Chang-gong-ui Seuteurim
Brazilian Portuguese Céus em Evolução
Spanish Cielos Evolutivos
Thai เพอร์เฟคระฟ้า Phoefek Rafa
สายน้ำแห่งนภา Sainam haeng Onpha

External links

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Sword & Shield Series
SWSH Black Star Promos
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield Build & Battle BoxRillaboom Theme DeckCinderace Theme DeckInteleon Theme Deck
Rebel Clash: Rebel Clash Build & Battle BoxZacian Theme DeckZamazenta Theme Deck
Pikachu & Zekrom-GX League Battle DeckReshiram & Charizard-GX League Battle DeckTrainer's Toolkit
Darkness Ablaze: Darkness Ablaze Build & Battle BoxGalarian Darmanitan Theme DeckGalarian Sirfetch'd Theme Deck
Pokémon FutsalChampion's Path
Vivid Voltage: Vivid Voltage Build & Battle BoxCharizard Theme DeckDrednaw Theme Deck
Zacian V League Battle DeckV Battle Deck—Venusaur vs. BlastoiseMcDonald's Collection 2021
Shining Fates
Battle Styles: Battle Styles Build & Battle Box
V Battle Deck—Victini vs. GardevoirInteleon VMAX League Battle Deck
Chilling Reign: Chilling Reign Build & Battle Box
Trainer's Toolkit 2021
Evolving Skies: Evolving Skies Build & Battle Box
CelebrationsV Battle Deck—Rayquaza vs. Noivern
Fusion Strike: Fusion Strike Build & Battle Box
Single Strike Urshifu VMAX League Battle DeckRapid Strike Urshifu VMAX League Battle Deck
Brilliant Stars: Brilliant Stars Build & Battle BoxV Battle Deck—Lycanroc vs. Corviknight
Battle Academy 2022
Astral Radiance: Astral Radiance Build & Battle Box
Pokémon GO: Pokémon GO V Battle Deck—Mewtwo vs. Melmetal
Trainer's Toolkit 2022Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX League Battle DeckShadow Rider Calyrex VMAX League Battle Deck
McDonald's Collection 2022Trick or Trade 2022
Lost Origin: Lost Origin Build & Battle Box
V Battle Deck—Zeraora vs. DeoxysPlay! Pokémon Prize Pack Series One
Silver Tempest: Silver Tempest Build & Battle BoxMew VMAX League Battle Deck
Crown ZenithPlay! Pokémon Prize Pack Series TwoOrigin Forme Palkia VSTAR League Battle Deck
Sword & Shield Era
S-P Promotional cards
V Starter Sets
SwordShield: Sword & Shield Premium Trainer Box
Zacian + Zamazenta BoxVMAX Rising
Rebellion Crash
Charizard & Grimmsnarl VMAX Starter SetsExplosive Walker
Infinity Zone
Legendary HeartbeatV Starter Decks
Amazing Volt Tackle
VMAX Special SetShiny Star V
Venusaur & Blastoise VMAX Starter Sets
Single Strike MasterRapid Strike Master: Single Strike & Rapid Strike Premium Trainer Boxes
Peerless Fighters
Silver LanceJet-Black Spirit: Silver Lance & Jet-Black Spirit Jumbo Pack Set
Eevee HeroesEevee Heroes VMAX Special SetHigh-Class Decks
Skyscraping PerfectionBlue Sky Stream: Sword & Shield Family Pokémon Card Game
V-UNION Special Card Sets
Fusion Arts
25th Anniversary CollectionPromo Card Pack 25th Anniversary Edition
Zacian & Zamazenta vs Eternatus Special Deck Set
VMAX ClimaxStart Deck 10025th Anniversary Golden Box
Star BirthVSTAR Premium Trainer Box
Battle RegionVSTAR Starter SetsStart Deck 100 CoroCoro Comic Version
Time GazerSpace Juggler
Dark PhantasmaPokémon GO
Lost Abyss: VSTAR & VMAX High-Class Decks
VSTAR Special SetIncandescent Arcana
Paradigm Trigger
Charizard VSTAR vs Rayquaza VMAX Special Deck Set
VSTAR Universe