Titan Pokémon

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Artwork of a Titan Pokémon

Titan Pokémon (Japanese: ヌシポケモン Leader Pokémon) are a type of variant Pokémon encountered in the "Path of Legends" storyline of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. They appear much larger than other Pokémon of their kind, and are guardians of the Herba Mystica, rare ingredients said to be able to restore health instantly when eaten.[1]


An illustration of a Titan Gible in the Scarlet BookS/Violet BookV
Aura of a Titan Pokémon

200 years prior to the events of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, the Area Zero exploration team, led by Heath, discovered the Herba Mystica hidden deep within Area Zero, in the Great Crater of Paldea, located in the center of the region. They recorded information on the herbs in the Scarlet BookS/Violet BookV and gave the Herba Mystica their proper name. They subsequently discovered that the Herba Mystica comes in five different flavor varieties with separate healing effects, and may also cause Pokémon to grow huge. Due to the first discovery, the team attempted to grow the herbs outside of Area Zero, in different sites around Paldea, but before they were able to harvest them, the herbs were eaten by Pokémon, leading to the first appearances of Titan Pokémon on the surface. As a result, the project was abandoned.

At some point, a Paradox Pokémon called Great TuskS/Iron TreadsV somehow escaped Area Zero and consumed the Herba Mystica, and therefore became the Quaking Earth Titan.

In Naranja AcademyS/Uva AcademyV's library, copies of the Scarlet BookS/Violet BookV can be found with a page detailing the effects of Herba Mystica on Pokémon, such as healing (as seen with an Eevee) and growing (as seen with a Gible).


Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Titan Pokémon are ordinary Pokémon empowered and grown to gigantic proportions by the Herba Mystica they eat. There are a total of five Titan Pokémon fights to accomplish. Each Titan Pokémon is fought twice; the first fight is done alone, while the second fight is done together with Arven. After defeating a Titan Pokémon as part of the story, it can be encountered again in the same area it was fought as a normal-sized Pokémon (albeit one that is the largest possible size for their species), where it can be caught. These Pokémon will have the Titan Mark, which allows them to be given the title "the Former Titan"; they are also guaranteed to have an IV of 30 for all stats.

The Teal Mask

In The Teal Mask DLC, a similar battle state known as Titanic is achieved by the Loyal Three after being resurrected, implied to be caused by the villagers of Mossui Town feeding them Kitakami Mochi made with special herbs.

List of Titan Pokémon

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Location Titan Pokémon Herba Mystica Badge Unlocked Upgrade
South Province
(Area Three)
Stony Cliff Titan


Sweet Herba Mystica
West Province
(Area One)
Open Sky Titan

 Flying  Dark 

Bitter Herba Mystica
East Province
(Area Three)
Lurking Steel Titan


Salty Herba Mystica
High Jumping
Asado Desert Quaking Earth TitanS

Great Tusk
 Ground  Fighting 
Quaking Earth TitanV

Iron Treads
 Ground  Steel 

Sour Herba Mystica
Casseroya Lake "False Dragon Titan"

False Dragon Titan

 Dragon  Water 

Spicy Herba Mystica

The Teal Mask

Location Titanic Pokémon Mask
Paradise Barrens
 Poison  Fighting 

Cornerstone Mask
Wistful Fields
 Poison  Psychic 

Wellspring Mask
Oni Mountain
 Poison  Fairy 

Hearthflame Mask


Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

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Reason: Does the Tera Orb recharge between phases in every Titan battle?

Every Titan Pokémon is battled in multiple phases. First, the player will encounter one as larger-than-usual static encounters in the overworld and battle it. Once its HP is below 10%, it will retreat to its Herba Mystica location to recover and power up. Arven will then join the player to defeat the powered-up Titan Pokémon, which will be fully healed and have twice as much HP as normal in this phase, the Tera Orb will be recharged in between phases. The Titan Pokémon are battled at the same level and using the same move set each time, including as Former Titans.

Once they are defeated, they can be re-battled and caught as Former Titans at the location they were originally encountered. Former Titans always have fixed Natures, 30 IVs in every stat, and the Titan Mark. If the Titan has two types, its Tera Type will be randomized between its two base types.

The Stony Cliff Titan

Klawf, the Stony Cliff Titan

The Stony Cliff Titan is located in South Province (Area Three).

The Titan Klawf is initially found attached to a cliff wall, but will move up when the player first attempts to get closer. Once its HP is low, it will jump down the cliff to its Herba Mystica location, where the player must fight it again, teaming up with Arven.

Former Titan Klawf always has a Gentle Nature.

Klawf Lv.16
Vise Grip
Normal Physical
Rock Smash
Fighting Physical
Normal Status
Rock Tomb
Rock Physical

The Open Sky Titan

Bombirdier, the Open Sky Titan

The Open Sky Titan is located in West Province (Area One).

The Titan Bombidier is initially found flying over a mountain, dropping large boulders on the path that leads to it. If the player is hit by a boulder on the way up, they will be momentarily stunned. The battle against Bombirdier will start the moment the player reaches the top. Unlike other Titan Pokémon, both phases occur immediately one after the other.

Former Titan Bombirdier always has a Jolly Nature.

Bombirdier Lv.20
Rock Throw
Rock Physical
Wing Attack
Flying Physical
Flying Physical
Dark Status

The Lurking Steel Titan

Orthworm, the Lurking Steel Titan

The Lurking Steel Titan is located in East Province (Area Three).

The Titan Orthworm is initially in a large excavated site near the watchtower. When the player gets close to it, it will dig underground and travel to a different spot nearby; it will only engage in battle after chasing it twice. Once its HP is low, it will burrow and retreat to its Herba Mystica location, where the player must fight it again, teaming up with Arven. Much like before, the player has to chase it twice before finally engaging in battle.

Former Titan Orthworm always has a Quirky Nature.

Orthworm Lv.29
Iron Tail
Steel Physical
Normal Physical
Normal Physical
Rock Status

The Quaking Earth Titan

Great Tusk, the Quaking Earth Titan
Iron Treads, the Quaking Earth Titan

The Quaking Earth Titan is located on Asado Desert. In Pokémon Scarlet, it is a Great Tusk; in Pokémon Violet, it is an Iron Treads.

The Titan Great TuskS/Iron TreadsV is initially found roaming around in the area surrounded by rocks. When the player gets closer to it, it will engage in battle. Once its HP is low, it will retreat to its Herba Mystica location, where the player must fight it again, teaming up with Arven.

Former Titan Great TuskS/Iron TreadsV always has a Naughty Nature.

Great TuskS
Great Tusk Lv.45
Rapid Spin
Normal Physical
Brick Break
Fighting Physical
Knock Off
Dark Physical
Stomping Tantrum
Ground Physical
Iron TreadsV
Iron Treads Lv.45
Rapid Spin
Normal Physical
Iron Head
Steel Physical
Knock Off
Dark Physical
Stomping Tantrum
Ground Physical

The False Dragon Titan

Dondozo, the "False Dragon Titan"
Tatsugiri, the False Dragon Titan

The False Dragon Titan is located on Casseroya Lake. Unlike other Titan Pokémon, it includes three battles: two against Dondozo, and one against Tatsugiri.

The Titan Tatsugiri is initially found on the northern island with multiple overworld Tatsugiri and can be identified by its cry: "Taitaaan!". When the player interacts with the correct Tatsugiri, the Dondozo will suddenly appear and swallow it, and a battle against the Dondozo will immediately follow. Once Dondozo's HP is low, it will retreat to its Herba Mystica location, where the player must battle it again, teaming up with Arven. Dondozo does not have stat boosts from Tatsugiri's Commander Ability in either of these battles. Once Dondozo is defeated, Titan Tatsugiri will reappear and battle; the player's party will be healed and their Tera Orb restored before this battle.

Because Dondozo is not the true Titan Pokémon, only Former Titan Tatsugiri can be re-battled and caught. Former Titan Tatsugiri always has a Quiet Nature.

First Dondozo battle
Dondozo Lv.56
Aqua Tail
Water Physical
Body Slam
Normal Physical
Water Pulse
Water Special
Second Dondozo battle
Dondozo Lv.56
Aqua Tail
Water Physical
Body Slam
Normal Physical
Water Pulse
Water Special
Order Up
Dragon Physical
Tatsugiri battle
Tatsugiri Lv.57
Muddy Water
Water Special
Icy Wind
Ice Special
Dark Status
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Special

The Teal Mask


Carmine will join the player to help fight the Titanic Loyal Three, which grew in size after being fed Kitakami Mochi by the villagers at Kitakami Hall. Her team stays the same between all three battles, only changing based on whether or not the player has completed The Way Home. These Titanic Pokémon have four times their standard amount of health.

Before finishing The Way Home

After finishing The Way Home

The Titanic Okidogi

The Titanic Okidogi

Okidogi guards the Cornerstone Mask, and can be found at Paradise Barrens. At the beginning of battle, it will receive a two-stage boost to its Defense. The first time the player's Pokémon ends a turn below half health, Ogerpon will cheer and provide both teammates with a one-stage boost to Attack.

Before finishing The Way Home
Okidogi Lv.35
Dark Physical
Poison Fang
Poison Physical
Low Kick
Fighting Physical
Brutal Swing
Dark Physical
After finishing The Way Home
Okidogi Lv.85
Dark Physical
Close Combat
Fighting Physical
Brutal Swing
Dark Physical
Poison Jab
Poison Physical

The Titanic Munkidori

The Titanic Munkidori

Munkidori guards the Wellspring Mask, and can be found next to Wisteria Pond. At the beginning of battle, it will receive a two-stage boost to its Special Defense. The first time the player's Pokémon ends a turn below half health, Ogerpon will cheer and provide both teammates with a one-stage boost to Special Attack.

Before finishing The Way Home
Munkidori Lv.35
Psychic Special
Clear Smog
Poison Special
Psychic Special
Ghost Status
After finishing The Way Home
Munkidori Lv.85
Psychic Special
Sludge Wave
Poison Special
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special
Nasty Plot
Dark Status

The Titanic Fezandipiti

The Titanic Fezandipiti

Fezandipiti guards the Hearthflame Mask, and can be found on the east side of Oni Mountain. Upon being spotted, it will retreat into a nearby cave, and the player must follow it down through the cave to its other exit, overlooking Fellhorn Gorge where the battle will take place. At the beginning of battle, it will receive a two-stage boost to its Speed. The first time the player's Pokémon ends a turn below half health, Ogerpon will cheer and provide both teammates with a one-stage boost to Speed.

Before finishing The Way Home
Fezandipiti Lv.35
Quick Attack
Normal Physical
Wing Attack
Flying Physical
Poison Jab
Poison Physical
Dazzling Gleam
Fairy Special
After finishing The Way Home
Fezandipiti Lv.85
Cross Poison
Poison Physical
Play Rough
Fairy Physical
Dual Wingbeat
Flying Physical
Dazzling Gleam
Fairy Special

In animation

Titan Bombirdier in Pokémon: Paldean Winds


All of the Titan Pokémon found in Pokémon Scarlet briefly appeared as silhouettes in the music video for Biri-Biri.

Pokémon: Paldean Winds

In Breathe Together, the Open Sky Titan, Bombirdier is briefly seen flying over West Province (Area One) in Ohara, Aliquis, and Hohma's video.

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

Scarlet & Violet arc

In Speeding! Paldea's Prince of Speed!!, Violet and Arven agreed to work together to obtain the Herba Mystica, which are each guarded by a Titan Pokémon. Violet aimed to use the Herba Mystica to help Miraidon regain its full strength and become the fastest in all of Paldea. Arven wanted the Herba Mystica in order to heal his beloved Mabosstiff from an injury it suffered.

Titan Iron Treads
Titan Iron Treads

This Iron Treads is the Quaking Earth Titan of Asado Desert. It was the first Titan Violet and Arven faced as part of their quest to obtain the Herba Mystica. Despite using his Fuecoco's flames to unearth Iron Treads after it dug underground, the Titan was too powerful and quickly defeated all of Violet's Pokémon, forcing the duo to retreat.

Iron Treads's only known move is Earthquake.

Titan Klawf
Titan Klawf
Debut PASV07

This Klawf is the Stony Cliff Titan of South Province (Area Three). It was the second Titan that Violet and Arven faced. Despite their best efforts, the duo were unable to properly battle Klawf, as it kept using the area's terrain to jump around and dodge their Pokémon's attacks. With assistance from Nemona, Arven kept Klawf busy long enough for Violet to land the finishing blow, driving the Titan away and obtaining the Sweet Herba Mystica.

None of Klawf's moves are known.

Titan Bombirdier
Titan Bombirdier
Debut PASV10

This Bombirdier is the Open Sky Titan of West Province (Area One). It was the third Titan that Violet and Arven faced. At first, the two had trouble even getting close to it due to the rocks it was dropping, but Violet was able to use his Nymble to make Bombirdier lose its grip on its apron, causing it to drop all the rocks it was holding at once and thus leaving it unable to drop more. With the assistance of a Musician named Mireia, Violet and Arven were then able to defeat Bombirdier and obtain the Bitter Herba Mystica that it had been guarding.

None of Bombirdier's moves are known.

Titan Orthworm
Titan Orthworm

This Orthworm is the Lurking Steel Titan of East Province (Area Three). It was the fourth Titan that Arven faced, with help from Scarlet. At first, the two had trouble battling it due to it digging underground, but Scarlet was able to use her Tarountula to make a web to cover its face and prevent it from eating the dirt. However, it escaped again and then tried to bury them alive.

None of Orthworm's moves are known.


  • In all languages of the games except English and Chinese, the same terms are used to refer to both Titan Pokémon and Totem Pokémon.
    • The Japanese term for Titan Pokémon (Japanese: ヌシポケモン Leader Pokémon) is fully written in katakana, distinguishing it from Totem Pokémon (Japanese: ぬしポケモン Leader Pokémon), but the two terms are otherwise identical, being pronounced the same and having the same meaning.
    • In addition, in their second phase, the Titan Pokemon give off a very similar aura to that of Totem Pokémon.
  • Every Titan Pokémon is a Pokémon introduced in Generation IX with a single-stage evolutionary line.
  • The Quaking Earth Titans are the only version-exclusive Titan Pokémon, and the only Titan Pokémon that are Paradox Pokémon.
  • The Open Sky Titan is the only Titan Pokémon to have its Hidden Ability.
  • The Stony Cliff Titan is the only Titan Pokémon whose type is not also the type specialty of a Paldea Elite Four member. However, Geeta uses a Glimmora with a Rock Tera Type as her final Pokémon.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 寶主寶可夢 Bóujyú Pokémon
Mandarin 寶主寶可夢 / 宝主宝可梦 Baǒzhǔ Pokémon
French Pokémon Dominant
German Herrscher-Pokémon
Italian Pokémon dominante
Korean 주인 포켓몬 Ju-in Pokémon
Spanish Pokémon dominante
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Reason: Chinese transliterations
Titan Pokémon
English English Japanese Kana Japanese Rōmaji French French German German Italian Italian Spanish Spanish Korean Hangul Korean Romanized Chinese Hànzì Chinese Romanized
Stony Cliff Titan 岩壁のヌシ Ganpeki no Nushi Dominant Roche-Falaise Herrscher der Steinklippe Dominante delle scogliere La Roca en el Muro 암벽의 주인 Ambyeog-ui Ju-in 岩壁寶主 / 岩壁宝主
Open Sky Titan 大空のヌシ Taikū no Nushi Dominant Vaste-Ciel Herrscher des weiten Himmels Dominante dei cieli Terror Volador 대공의 주인 Daegong-ui Ju-in 長空寶主 / 长空宝主
Lurking Steel Titan 潜鋼のヌシ Senkō no Nushi Dominant Acier-Tranchée Herrscher des verborgenen Stahls Dominante del sottosuolo Excavador de Acero 잠강의 주인 Jamgang-ui Ju-in 潛鋼寶主 / 潜钢宝主
Quaking Earth Titan 土震のヌシ Doshin no Nushi Dominant Tremble-Terre Herrscher der bebenden Erde Dominante dei sismi Temblor de Tierra 토진의 주인 Tojin-ui Ju-in 土震寶主 / 土震宝主
False Dragon Titan 偽竜のヌシ Giryū no Nushi Dominant Fourbe-Dragon Herrscher der Drachentäuschung Dominante dell’inganno Dragón Engañoso 위룡의 주인 Wiryong-ui Ju-in 偽龍寶主 / 伪龙宝主
Titanic Loyal Three
English English Japanese Kana Japanese Rōmaji French French German German Italian Italian Spanish Spanish Korean Hangul Korean Romanized Chinese Hànzì Chinese Romanized
The Titanic Okidogi 大きくなった イイネイヌ Ōkiku Natta Iineinu Félicanis géant Riesiges Boninu Okidogi gigante Okidogi enorme 거대해진 조타구 Geodaehaejin Jotagu 變大的夠讚狗 / 变大的 够赞狗
The Titanic Munkidori 大きくなった マシマシラ Ōkiku Natta Mashimashira Fortusimia géant Riesiges Benesaru Munkidori gigante Munkidori enorme 거대해진 이야후 Geodaehaejin Iyahu 變大的願增猿 / 变大的 愿增猿
The Titanic Fezandipiti 大きくなった キチキギス Ōkiku Natta Kichikigisu Favianos géant Riesiges Beatori Fezandipiti gigante Fezandipiti enorme 거대해진 기로치 Geodaehaejin Girochi 變大的吉雉雞 / 变大的 吉雉鸡


  1. (September 7, 2022). "Your Own Story, Woven Through Your Treasure Hunt." Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet Official Website

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