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Egalt is a black and white dragon in the Ninjago theme.


Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow.

In "Beyond the Phantasm Cave", Egalt confronted the Ninja who had come to his temple in search of an ancient master. In "Force from the East", he continued to face the Ninja until they passed the last of the tests for students seeking to learn from the Dragon Masters. However, after he and his colleague Rontu introduced themselves to the Ninja, Egalt was soon less than impressed with their surprise at the idea that dragons could teach Spinjitzu or serve as Ninja. Egalt noted that he had long ago sworn off passing on his lessons to Ninja who weren't dragons.

When the Ninja claimed to have been sent by the Soruce Dragons, Egalt believed that they were lying, and continued to believe it when they spoke of Shatterspin. However, when the Ninja were adamant about these developments and mentioned the Forbidden Five, Egalt and Rontu took notice. As they then revealed, the two of them had been responsible for the defeat and imprisonment of the Forbidden Five millennia previously, having developed the Rising Dragon technique. However, when the Ninja explained Lord Ras' intent to free the trapped villains using the Ritual of the Blood Moon, Egalt and Rontu became concerned.

After a brief conversation in their own language, Egalt and Rontu guessed that that Ras must have accessed the Shadow Dojo despite their efforts in sealing it. They were then informed that Ras had managed to capture a Source Dragon and extract its power. Lloyd hoped that the two dragons would help them, but Egalt and Rontu were forced to admit that they had faced the Forbidden Five at the peak of their youth and power. However, Rontu as able to persuade Egalt, despite his reluctance over past students, to pass on their teachings to the Ninja.


Spoilers end here.



  • Egalt is voiced by Andrew Francis, who took over the role of Cole from the late Kirby Morrow and also provided the voices of Shade and Morro.