Big City Greens Wiki
Big City Greens Wiki

Ms. Torres is a minor character in Big City Greens. She first appears in the episode "The Delivernator", and then makes a cameo in "Long Goodbye".



Ms. Torres has light blue skin with purple hair.


She wears a dark blue long sleeved shirt with a belt and grey trousers. She also has yellow earrings.


Ms. Torres is a kind woman who knows how to have a good time with Cricket but feels neglected when Cricket says he can't play ping pong with her because she thinks he doesn't want to. She also lives on her own. Alongside the other residents Cricket delivers to in Big City, she prefers Cricket delivering over the Delivernator.


Ms Torres is first seen in the beginning of the episode when Cricket delivers her coffee to her. She invites him in for a game of ping pong which Cricket accepts after a slight hesitation.

She is seen later in the episode when Cricket tries to explain to her that he cannot stay because of the race between him and the Delivernator but she thinks he's being silly. Cricket hits the ping pong ball out of the room as an excuse to leave but then explains to Ms Torres that he cares and he doesn't want her to think that he doesn't. Ms Torres then lets Cricket go but Cricket is too late. As Gloria is about to make the Delivernator her new deliverer, Ms Torres comes in with Cricket's hat explaining with the other residents of Big City that Cricket should stay on delivery. Gloria sees this and keeps Cricket on delivery and he promises to not take as long.


ve Characters
Main characters Cricket GreenTilly GreenBill GreenAlice GreenNancy GreenRemy RemingtonGloria Sato
Secondary/Supporting characters Officer KeysBrett EzeRussell RemingtonRashida RemingtonAndromedaBennyWeezie EastmanKiki KitashimaVasquezGabriella EspinosaGregly
Other Big City residents Ms. ChoMr. GrigorianAlexanderTerryCommunity SueMaria MediaGwendolyn ZappZillon BraxMr. WhistlerWillowAshtonMayor HansockNick Mulligan
Smalton residents Good Ol' JoeHectorLupitaSundayPattiWayneTreyTracyFrankErnie
Minor characters JustinValVasquez Sr.The Pepper MerchantDon & DawnGinaRadio DJVuka VukojevichBenny's momJuan PabloMarkJudge UppinsbottomDr. EnamelLoganRoseOther Bill GreenLifeguardWyattMs TorresCarlosChaseEmmaClarkGreasy GusTinaMr. ExtrasFrankErnieFabian the Puzzle MasterMerv StampingtonBonnie SparkRick RazzleFred the FarmerJessicaJessica BurnsDweezilSerenity SpruceJoshuaAngelaColleen Voyd
Antagonists Chip WhistlerWholesome SquadSea Fusïon waiterThe Cyber KnightsUnnamed hotel workerLouisJyle DonelanItchaboiAmaryllisBash and BellaJohnCantaloupe SinclairThe LibrarianViper FangCommunity DanThe ElitesGregCorndog Vendor
Animals PhoenixDirtbagMelissaDaisyMichelle, Julie, and BarnabyBarry CudaMiss BrendaHerbertCynthiaMarjorieRagin' WoolAnoushCogburnRingoSnakeyScorpyCratigeonMiss DebbieMiss Debbie JuniorMr. BananaButterscotchBeansBathshebaMadam RougeCool ChickenAdmiral MustardArthurSlappersSylvesterTurkeyMooseThe RaccoonsGuard dogsFrilled LizardThe Skunks
Families GreenRemingtonBardekoffSatoWhistler
Groups Benny, Weezie and Kiki's group of friendsGloria's friendsThe Sue-ZersOrder of the Fang
Ancestors/Deceased Ernest GreenAlice's fatherBixby GreenJerome GreenMetrona GreenArchibald Green
Inanimate/Imaginary characters SaxonCricket's consciencesBufflegs McSwoleShmalthoDiamondbow the DazzlerRemulox the MightyBricketsFactoidsSpittyHenry the dummy
Random Rings characters Mike (Random Rings)Todd (Random Rings)Paradise Spa EmployeeBarberaStuDonnaPawn Shop EmployeeMark (Random Rings)Aquarium ReceptionistEricaTrishBrandonSarahIzzyGreg (Random Rings)Derek