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Sightings go back hundreds of years, on this very lake. Some say it's a myth... not me! I could take you to a spot where I personally laid eyes upon the beast. That is, if you've got the stomach for some real adventure!

Captain Shaw.[1]

Krakkens are a type of cryptid from the planet Earth.[DJW 1]


Krakkens are giant, bipedal creatures that were specified to live underwater. They have four webbed legs and a tail with a fin, and two tentacles coming out of their mouths which act like two extra arms. They have blue eyes, golden teeth, six gills on their necks, and the upper part of their body is dark cyan, while the lower part is olive.

Krakkens in Omniverse have a less slender body, only four gills, and their body is recolored grey, with the lower part being a lighter shade. Their eyes are golden and on the top of the head, facing forwards rather than being one at each side like in the original series. They also have no pupils. The tail has no fin, and the hind limbs have turned into short fins with spikes in the upper part. The front limbs have a large spike below the elbow with smaller spikes protruding from it, the webs are shorter, and the claws appear to be sharper. The tentacles no longer come out from the mouth, protruding from the sides of the face instead, are the same shade of grey as the upper body, and have pointy ends. Also, their teeth are now white, sharper, and more numerous than in the original series.


Ben 10[]

A Krakken was first seen in The Krakken. She first appeared when she attacked Four Arms after he scared Gwen. Four Arms tried to tell Max and Gwen that he saw a lake monster but they didn’t believe him, although in the following day, Captain Shaw revealed the history of the Krakken.

Later on, she appeared and attacked Jonah Melville and his crew after they took one of her eggs. She fought XLR8 and despite being overpowered, managed to get her egg back. However, Jonah and his crew managed to take both of her eggs at the same night which made her attack them again the next day at a cannery.

During the attack Jonah decided to poach her too because he wanted even more money. Luckily, Ben, who had arrived with Max and Gwen to rescue the eggs, transformed into Ripjaws and assisted the Krakken in fighting Jonah, who was using an underwater mech suit. After a long underwater battle, Ripjaws managed to get the Krakken's eggs to a safe spot in a clearing. After destroying his mech, the Krakken prepared to eat Jonah, but was stopped by Ripjaws, who knocked out Jonah and left him for the police. The episode ended with the Krakken cuddling her eggs in peace.


In Gone Fishin', a Krakken was being used as a guard dog by Captain Kork and attacked Ben, Max and Rook. Ben tricked her into eating him as Crashhopper, whereupon he bounced around her insides, thereby defeating her and making her spit him up.

In Vreedlemania, a Krakken tried to steal a pot of food from the Vreedles, only to be tamed by Sceles Vreedle. Sceles later has her attack Ben, but Ma Vreedle throws her back into the water when the attack threatens Sandra Tennyson.


Krakken (2078)

Krakken eggs

Krakkens reproduce by laying eggs.[1]


Krakkens are Carnivores.[1][2]

Powers and Abilities[]

Due to their large size, Krakkens possess an incredible amount of strength.

Despite being massive in size, Krakkens seem quite capable of stealth, given that Captain Shaw spent a good deal of time trying to find one of them.

Almost nothing has been shown to hurt Krakkens.

Being aquatic creatures, Krakkens are able to breathe underwater.

Krakkens also have a considerable bite force in their jaws, as displayed when one of them caught Jonah Melville's mech suit in her tentacles and used her jaws to bite it open.


Ben 10[]

Season 1[]


Season 2[]

Season 7[]



Dave Johnson[]

Derrick J. Wyatt[]

Sapient Species AcrosianAerophibianAmperiAnoditeAppoplexianAquarianArachnachimpArburian PelarotaAtrocianBiotsavartianCelestialsapienCerebrocrustaceanChimera Sui GenerisChronosapienChurlCitrakayahConductoidContumeliaCrystalsapienDetroviteDracosianEctonuriteElvesFloraunaGalileanGalvanGalvanic MechamorphGeochelone AeriosGimlinopithecusGourmandHavoc BeastHighbreedHulexHuman (Osmosian)IckthyperambuloidIncurseanKineceleranKraahoLenopanLepidopterranLewodanLimaxLoboanLucubraMaxatomerMerlinisapienMethanosianMuroidNecrofriggianNemuinaNosedeenianOpticoidOrishanOrmerowonOrthopterranOryctiniPantophagePetrosapienPiscciss PremannPiscciss VolannPlanchakülePolar ManzardillPolymorphProtostPrypiatosian-APrypiatosian-BPugnavorePyroniteRevonnahganderSegmentasapienSlime-BiotSonorosianSotoraggianSphoeroidSplixsonSylonnoidSynthroidTalpaedanTentacle TrooperTetramandThalassianThep KhufanTo'kustarTransylianUxoriteVaxasaurianVladatVreedleVulpimancerVulpinic TortuganWigzellian Orc BeastYetiZaroffian
Unnamed Sapient Species Argit'sAstrodactyl'sAtomix'sBall Weevil'sDagger AliensDecka'sDragon'sEnforcer Alien'sGutrot'sHobble'sKickin' Hawk'sMedic'sMole-Stache'sNightmarish AlienPakmar'sPickaxe AliensProbity'sRock MonstersSmoothie Vendor'sTack'sTentacle Vendor'sTiny'sToepick's
Evolved Sapient Species Evolved AppoplexianEvolved ArachnachimpEvolved Arburian PelarotaEvolved GalileanEvolved GalvanEvolved HumanEvolved MethanosianEvolved NecrofriggianEvolved Polar ManzardillEvolved SonorosianEvolved To'kustarEvolved VaxasaurianEvolved Vulpimancer
Non-Sapient Species Aldebaran BeidafangAnubian BaskurrBuglizardCassiopeian Dream EaterChupacabraCrabdozerDasypodidaeDravekGracklflintKaosseffexx UltimasauriaKrakkenMammothMicrochipMycetian Swamp HoppersNight MareNull GuardianOmnivoraciousPanuncianPsycholeopterranPterodactylPyroxovoreQuartilloptusRoot SharkSandripperScreegitScrutinSlammoidTime BeastsTyrannosaurus RexVicetopusVolaticus biopsisXenociteZombie Clown Virus
Unnamed Non-Sapient Species Alien VerminFungal ForceKhoros Reptilian MountMagical PumpkinMucilator'sGiant Sea Squid/ArachnidPallorfang'sSquid MonsterTerroranchula's
Evolved Non-Sapient Species Evolved Panuncian
Non-Canon Sapient Species BasaltCephalod-aeChronianHumpbackusLaurianSool and Gontu'sVulpitine
Non-Canon Non-Sapient Species Cyber SquidMacerootSnap DragonThornhoundVulpin Serpent
Non-Ben 10 Species EVO
Prime Timeline
Vilgax BioidCrewmanMechadroidSquid MonsterUltimate Vilgax
Dr. Animo Mutant FrogMutant HamsterMutant ParrotLiving MammothLiving TyrannosaurusHeatbatMutant SeagullMutant Sea MonsterMutant Lepidopterran/Splixson HybridMutant BatMutant Prairie DogMutant HymenopteranPterodactylPterodactyl LeaderMutant KangarooMutant SnailMutant AntMutant MosquitoMutant GiraffeTechnobugChupacabraFrankencryptidMutant Squirrel
Bounty Hunters SixSixSevenSevenEightEightSynthroidSunderKraabVulkanus
Zombozo Acid BreathFrightwigThumbskullZombie Clowns
Rojo's Gang RojoAzulAmarillo
Magic AddwaityaCharmcasterDarkstarPallorfangScrutin
Forever Knights Sir DriscollEnochPatrickUrienSir CyrusJoseph ChadwickSir ConnorSir DagonetDr. JekyllSir MelSir MortonSir ReginaldTwin KnightsSquireCoach FinnMech DragonRed KnightSquires
Great One Enforcer AlienInterpreter AlienLeader Alien
Zs'Skayr CrüjoKuphuluLord TransylMummyDr. ViktorWerewolfAnur-Mirrored BenAnur-Mirrored CharmcasterAnur-Mirrored HobbleAnur-Mirrored RookMagical Pumpkin
Vengers Billy BillionsCaptain NemesisKangaroo KommandoMazumaSimonsWill Harangue
Lenopan Mr. MannMrs. MannCamille's Ex-BoyfriendMann Family's Bodyguard
Road Crew Baron HighwayTurbineRoad Rage
Evil Bens EonAlbedoBad BenBenzarroEon's Minions (Ben 10,000 Returns)Mad BenNega Ben
Highbreed Highbreed Earth CommanderFailsafeMini-FailsafesDNAlienEdnaMoeShemMizaruXenocite
Incursean Empire MilleousEmpress AtteaCommander RaffMajor GlorffLt. RanaCommander SangfroidWay Bads
Vreedles MaPaOctagonRhomboidParallelogramIsosceles Right TriangleDodecahedronPretty Boy
Hive Elena ValadisMicrochipDecoy QueenLiving BuildingShip-It Employee
Aggregor AggrebotsUltimate Aggregor
Dagon LucubraConduit EdwardsRichEsoterica
Faction Dr. PsychobosKhyberKhyber's PanuncianMalware
Psyphon Bug-LiteBouncerBubble HelmetLiamGorvanPsyphon's MinionNightmarish Alien ThugPiscciss Volann ThugPickaxe AliensSweet-Eels SparklefunkHooded AlienThunderpigTummyhead
Fistrick CorvoHoodlumFistrick's Thug
Rooters ServantisPhil BillingsRagnarokSwiftLeander
Robots B.L.R.R.T.S.A.M.Slix VigmaSlix Vigma's BodyguardsRed RobotComputronComputron's MinionsEon's Minions (Omniverse)OttoTechadon RobotsMechaneerNaljian DestructorR.E.D.sMouse MinionsStalkerRemoteJungle Guardians
Others AntonioBenevelonBlue LeaderBuzzCharles ZenithClancyCodon Stream MonsterConvictMayor ColemanCollectimusLord DoomicusDuaneEon's Minions (Race Against Time)FrankFungal ForceGiant Sea Squid/ArachnidGyula XarionHammerHowell WainwrightHulex ColonelHulex WorkersInspector 13JackKing JarretJonah MelvilleKolarCaptain KorkKrakkenKundoLepidopterran PrisonerMaltruantMino-TogaMissyMorggMutant SeagullsMyceliumNightmarish Alien PrisonerNutcrackersNyancy ChanPinkyPiscciss Volann PrisonerPlant AlienPlant ClonesPoltroonPrisoner 775Red LeaderSeebikSimianSolid PluggSsserpentSubliminoSuemungousaurSunnySurgeonTetramand PrisonerTrash MonsterTrombipulorViolet OffendersKing XarionYetta
Alternate Dimensions/Timelines
Original Series Future Timeline Dr. AnimoExo-SkullKevin LevinMot SnikrepSplootVilgaxVulkanus
Omniverse Future Timeline Dr. AnimoExo-SkullSubdora
Dimension 23 Carrot MonsterOrange Offenders
Mad Ben's Dimension Mad Pakmar
Aborted Timelines
Time Heals Timeline CharmcasterHex
Gwen 10 (What-If?) Vilgax
Goodbye and Good Riddance (What-If?) VilgaxBird Villains
Books AnimusAztakCaptain CaeciliaChallengerDJ ZenutDr. DoomFrostbyteGontuGroombahInfinite MonkeyLouie the HairdresserMermaidParasiteScornSeñor ChaosSlezakCollector (Collectible Heroes)Collector (Powerless)Trash Monster (Down in the Dumps)Triple Trouble
Games Crystal ClawsFeralineForever NinjaFusion BenGiant Vilgax DestroyerMacerootRemoteSnakeflySnap DragonTerracotta DragonTerracotta GeneralTerracotta WarriorsThornhoundVulpin Serpent
Non-Ben 10
Generator Rex AlphaBlack KnightBiowulfI-BolSkalamander
The Secret Saturdays V.V. ArgostMunya