Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
See also: Ruby's sisters

This is a list of recommended characters that are different versions of Ruby.

Alien Ruby[]

Alien Ruby is a recommended character from "Spore Day". They were recommended by JamesFaleEV.

Awesome Ruby[]

Awesome Ruby is a recommended character from "Taste the Sweetness". They are a Ruby wearing sunglasses. They were recommended by sams.


Crystal is a recommended character from "The Reveal", "Return of the Hang Glider" and "The Four is Lava". They were recommended by vicentetdh, crystalzoura1 and reneeDandelion.

Demagnetized Ruby[]

Demagnetized Ruby is a recommended character from "The Game Has Changed". She is a normal Ruby being demagnetized. She was recommended by jaden hyman.


Main article: Diamond

Diamond is one of Ruby's sisters whom competed in ABCDEFG and appeared as a recommended character in"The Reveal", "Reveal Novum", "Gardening Hero", "This Episode Is About Basketball", and "Enter the Exit". She was recommended by kiki3150, Spongebobvideopants, and Trevor.

She also competed in BFDI Mini Again, finishing 9th place overall.


Main article: Ruby's sisters#Emerald

Emerald is one of Ruby's sisters whom competed in ABCDEFG and appeared as a recommended character in "Get Digging" and "The Four is Lava". They were recommended by Whateves2349 and Ahmed A.

Green Diamond[]

Green Diamond is a recommended character from "Hurtful!". They were recommended by choochoohead1.


Morganite is a recommended character from "The Four is Lava". They were recommended by Perzottale.


She is only gemstone who isn’t part of ruby’s sisters.

Orange Diamond[]

Orange Diamond is a recommended character from "SOS (Save Our Show)" and "Chapter Complete". They were recommended by zakary_is_short.


Main article: Quartz

Quartz is one of Ruby's sisters whom competed in ABCDEFG and appeared as a recommended character in "Lick Your Way to Freedom". They were recommended by SuitQuartzDice

She is also currently competing in BFDI Mini Replicas, Making them the 2nd person on this list to compete in a season of BFDI Mini.

Ruby Jr.[]

Ruby Jr. is a miniature version of Ruby that appeared in "Uprooting Everything". She was recommended by Dxvid.

Ruby kissing[]

Ruby kissing is a version of Ruby which appears to be kissing someone or something, they usually are next to another recommended character, making it look like they're kissing them. They were recommended by xkolyu and gothoxsde.

Ruby plushe[]

Ruby plushe is a recommended character that appeared in "Uprooting Everything". They were recommended by Mel Golding. They are a plush version of Ruby.


Main article: Ruby's sisters#Sapphire

Sapphire is one of Ruby's sisters whom competed in ABCDEFG and appeared as a recommended character in "Lick Your Way to Freedom". They were recommended by Sapphirexe.

Stinky Ruby[]

Stinky Ruby is a recommended character from "Insectophobe's Nightmare 4". As her name implies, she is a variant of Ruby with a notable odor emitting from her. She was recommended by Kazuichisoda.

Yellow Diamond[]

Yellow Diamond is a recommended character from "Chapter Complete". They were recommended by Austin B..

Interactions with Everyone, Book, Book and Pin, Bubble, Flower, her sisters, Match, Pencil
Other content Ruby's sisters, Ruby's Sugar Stash, Ruby News, Variations of Ruby